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The Sound of War: The Song of the Eagle

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by Ginkel-Weigel, Patrick

  Equip his boat in Bylynn, a small tranquil town on the coast of Ryo. & Often choose this route when he wears his messages in the country of the Union. The lively harbour city is the ideal landing for him. A post of the unions guard is here. They are available in every major city of the free kingdoms. They are often used by the messengers of the Princes and Kings to ensure a rapid delivery of their messages. From here he will travel. With a horse, but not any kind of horse.

  & Search the accommodation of the Union guards. He does so for a reason. He needs a horse. But he needs not a normal horse. He needs a JayDee Stallion. Since time immemorial, Lysander are the fastest and most precious in the horse races. Graceful, full of pride and elegance. You are the smartest animals in the world and very sensitive. You are so full of feeling and truth that even the color of their fur is capable of change when their mood fluctuates.

  Token EV is the captain of the Union post. He welcomed the messengers kindly and conscientious. Both know each other for years, but regularly is as Messenger for Lord Emor Badoz & on the go. "Welcome to Bylynn & VOC. You let you no longer look. What brings you". "Greetings, Captain EV. I bring my men, Fürst-Emor Badoz"customer. "And where will you lead this customer &". "After Sparos. White Hall to be exact. I have a message for King Ravon". "Probably at Mr Voc. I assume you want to ask us for a Lysander. You know the fee and the formalities. Ten gold coins and a signature. The stable boy will attend to your request" -the captain said.

  & Accompanied the young stable boys to the stables. And the young man asks him without caution - "which the horses would you like my man"? "A good horse can be choose by the rider. It is his rider young lad is picking off. Animals are not only smarter than most of their riders. You have a better knowledge of the human nature". The stable boy replied "true enough. And that applies to any breed more than for Lysander. But in a battle I would put on a Phantos". "A Phantos? We spoke of horses or by monsters" -& opposed him.

  While he stroked one of the stallions smiling mouth. And slowly the fur of the majestic beast of a shy turned gray in a joyous golden yellow. Also the stable boy recognizes the situation. "We call him Sun arrow my Mr." I think he has just chosen you". "Well, I think that even fellow. And I think we get along splendidly" -& answered him.

  While the Messenger of the Lord further makes his way to Sparos Emor Badoz Maris DoRina hosts still his guest. The talks between Lord DoRina and Prince of Conreba are very tough and seem to be difficult to entertainment by entertainment. Both men are therefore strives to protect the interests of their party and to enforce. But the differences seem irreconcilable. Emor Badoz increasingly loses patience and lust. Has he recognized but what DoRinas's true intentions are. However, he must keep up appearances and exude ignorance.

  But whatever the case. Emor Badoz didn't want his island alien is determined. Although he also know that better is the most provinces within the Empire as many of the free realms. Lord DoRinas offer very boggles the Prince. It is to disempower a kind of tradition Varlons II. the old mansions and outright slaughter. The suggestion of the Emperor the Badoz family continue to rule over the island it amazed the masses.

  And the Prince have to think of the words that said his wife earlier in the night to him. "If the emperor has made you an offer, then it is made also the other free realms and their kings. Perhaps he intends to keep its war costs as low as possible. But you know the blood imperial. Such details not be interested in him". "And what do you think Rena"? "I think a Union which can be split, is not a Union". "You're smarter than all of my advisors together". "That's why I'm your Princess and not your adviser Emor". "Probably was".

  "Conreba is a very beautiful island. And certainly damned hard to engage. Something like this has never prevented the emperor. Why do I get this generous offer"? "The emperor has 63. Maybe it's the onset age mildness"easy - lets know the Prince Lord DoRina. But it does not trust the roast. Rather, he believes the thoughts of his wife. It was not the first time the Emperor an opponent outsmarts and lures into a deadly trap. But no matter whether Emor Badoz or not would actually get the Rhanschaft. The emperor would meet the Union with such secession deep in the marrow.

  But whatever the case. Today, the decision will not be. 21 days Emor Badoz, Prince of Conreba has time to communicate its decision to the Empire. To the next blood moon. The cosmic constellation of recurring star Moon light night break occurred three times in the year. Always reflected the Ruby-Red Sea water in the face of the celestial body.

  The Prince needs a day to make his decision. But he uses this period like himself and the Union time to gain. And also, they will need it. Because as quickly & VOC also rides on the Akshata Stallion Sun arrow, the way to the Palace of the King of Sparos stretches.

  Day and night & VOC Sun arrow rides through the realms. First, he crossed the border from Ryo to Sparos. His path leads him over wide green fields, lush meadows and hills. Then, & and Sun arrow ride deeper in the South. Past mighty green hills and through deep gorges. Through dense forests and dizzying heights. Sparos is a beautiful piece of land. With clear waters and a beautiful flora. But too much doesn't get with & it. He's not here. Fast as the wind, he rides the Palace of the King, contrary to. But only after seven days and seven nights, the Messenger reached the gates of the magnificent Palace on his Lysander.

  Ravons Castle is located on a mighty mountain. At the foot of the mountain, the city extends from Sparos, white mountain. The walls that surround the Palace and the vibrant city are enormous. High-how thick, hard white stone in the sunlight lights up and brightens up the adjacent forests. The gate is black as pitch. And everywhere the banner of the House Olixander shame. A White Knight on a bronze background. & VOC has finally reached its destination. Now, he is called upon to inform the King of Sparos talks on Conreba.

  "Thanks you did me so loyal service. And that you went the hard way Sun arrow with me'. & VOC caressing sun arrow and performs his companion in the big city.

  Chapter 2 - the legacy

  "Where is my brother SER Sandree" - Beron, the Prince of Artos asked the captain of the Imperial Palace Guard. 'He's my Prince since sunrise in the gardens' - Ser Sandree replied the son of the emperor. "Brings it to us. Father would have him at our meeting in". "I'll see what I can do my men". The captain came immediately in the huge, sprawling gardens of Artoshall.

  He was the second-born son of Varlon II, Luniver, Prince of Artos. Beron, one day will be crowned Emperor. The Emperor is 63 years old. And even if he is an impressive Regent, he will live forever. And when the time comes, Luniver will be the sole Prince of Artos. A lifetime he will need to settle with this title. But that seems not to worry about him. Luniver rarely participates in the meetings of the Imperial Council. He is a man of the arts. Rather, he sells himself time with combat training, music, painting, and beautiful women. Luniver is also an excellent cook. At least, they say that in the Empire.

  Many in the Court consider him a nerd. He also has so many excellent talents, policy seems not to belong. Even though his free spirited, artistic vein goes against his father's blood cold, barren, so Emperor Varlon II. Luniver sees an image of himself. His father loves him idolatrous and holds large pieces on his recent shoot. In contrast to Beron. The peaceful and diplomatic way of his first-born son displeases the blood imperial.

  SER Sandree enters the magnificent gardens of Artoshall. She's perfect in every way. This garden is second to none in vain on the world. The Court employs three dozen gardeners. Around the clock, they are in use around the plants, shrubs, trees and grasses in form and beauty to keep. The ways to clean and straighten everything. In perfect perfection. In the midst of the Imperial garden, there is a round square. The floor is covered with fine white gravel. The place is surrounded by mighty grey oak. There are some large boulders in the large round. Stereotypical, this morning on these artifacts, the sun sets its warming rays.

  This place is called the "Garden of the vanquished". There are fewer rocks than more fragments. Large stones from the rubbl
e of defeated and use castles and palaces. Torn monuments of past power, rulers and kingdoms. There are souvenir of foreign fortifications, palaces, and fortifications.

  As the huge lion's head. Once he peaked over the Palace in Qest. The capital of Salabanias, the Valley of the Lion King Clodomes. Until Orannis Laarus, King of Artos the Löwenthal took a. Or the powerful grip of Darcos. But world favorite "Souvenir" is the "Hand of the Titans". His grandfather brought this monument more than 40 years ago when he captured the proud Island Roscaya and smashed the landmark of the King, the Titan of Iantis.

  As he was nearing the "Garden of the vanquished" SER Sandree could hear the lovely game of a violin. The young Prince plays the lament "The stolen Prince". A musical reminder of his uncle of Vucos, who would become emperor and once from behind was murdered in Roscaya. The big brother of the Emperor led the conquest of the island in the North West. He has been assassinated after his army had conquered heroically.

  The captain remains under the grey Oaks on the edge and listens carefully World game. Luniver is usually always play such pieces in the garden after his sword fight training. As valve and balance to the force of arms as he says. SER Sandree wait until the Prince is ready with his game. "My master, Prince Luniver. Your father and your brother demand you in the Imperial Council". "Tells you I have better things to do than to make war plans and to bed me with snakes of death. The war and the Emperor come out without me. "I would anyway only be SER Sandree".

  The Council of the Emperor meets in the Council room behind the throne room. Economy, finance, science, health, nation, culture, security and warfare includes the large panel of advisers. The table of the Council is not only large and round. He is cold, hard, gray stone. It's still from the time of Orannis Laarus. They say this table would be carved from a single piece. From the rock of the mountain. All take the attention of the emperor to complete eight areas. But today's meeting are only a part of the consultant needed and useful.

  Only the Finance Minister Lord Brecht, the Security Minister Lord Grahm, the war Minister, Lord Cruxas and the eldest son of the emperor at the table sitting next to the emperor. The Emperor wants to know what it would cost to break the Union and to take over the free kingdoms. But the opinions and beliefs go very far apart. And the mood deteriorated comes back as SER Sandree without Luniver.

  "My master, Prince Beron. Unfortunately did not agree Prince Luniver to attend the meeting of the Imperial Council". "Father, you should talk with him. It is time the Luniver himself more in the fortunes of the Empire brings. Or he overhears that at least the current developments". "Your brother has done has always been what he wanted. He had never draw and manipulate. These are important characteristics that needs an emperor to govern". Varlon II. is a very direct person. And it is not uncommon that he reprimands Beron before his advisers.

  The debate that occurs is extremely heated. The Emperor sees the Empire at the height of his power. Moreover even Beron is ultimately also all agreed. But how should be the next years remains controversial. There are two sides in the debate. The emperor himself, as well as Lord Grahm and Lord Cruxas prefer an offensive war. Lord Brecht and Prince Beron are for a peaceful future.

  "Tell me Heeral Cruxas, how many men need we to conquer the Union" - the emperor asks his Secretary of war. Heeral Cruxas clarifies the question again "My Kaiser thinks it a war of conquest and a war of extermination"? The Emperor makes it clear to all that he would like to incorporate the free realms. He would not destroy them, but record. "I want to liberate people from the Kings. Not their fields destroyed and their houses set on fire. How people should cheer for me if I burn down everything"?

  "My master, I go assuming that we would have to sacrifice 500,000 men for" - the Minister of war replied. Cruxas, known as the butcher of Golan slide. Now 11 years he serves the emperor as Heeral - Supreme Leader of the imperial troops. He hit quite a few battles in the name of the emperor. He is considered one of the greatest war heroes of the Empire. At the latest since the conquest of Rhon BB´s in the year 531. During the war, he earned the dubious nickname "Butcher of Golan dia".

  "500,000 men"? - the Security Minister said. The Heeral explained - "Ryo and Jahro would fall quickly. There, we would lose maybe only 60,000 men together. Sparos and Laronia cost us each about 100,000 soldiers. Conreba is to take 20,000-25,000 men. Maros perhaps would no doubt with 40,000 most men, I think 150,000 200,000 would die in battle to Aeris'. "You mean in the fight against the beasts of your old home Heeral" - 'it's my master'.

  Beron, the son of the Emperor, is not convinced by these plans. His father is known as "blood Emperor". However, Beron represents a completely different policy. Since his birth, he has a difficult relationship with his father. Beron is a handsome young man. Intelligent and truthful. Ambitious and determined. But he has not inherited his father's blood thirst. Beron is a friend of peace and diplomacy. He is considered moderate.

  The lenient, diplomatic way of his son is Varlon II. a thorn in the side. Last but not least because many military, from foot soldier to the Rhans of the Empire think him weak. The emperor to power his family fears if Beron takes the lead. However, Beron is his firstborn. Everyone in the Kingdom who not feeds on the bloodshed, puts all his hopes in him. The people called him "the kind" or "the peaceful". The military call it "the tame".

  The second son of the Emperor is known as "the Golden". This may be due to his effeminate hair. Or his many outstanding talents. He is straight once tender 18 years old and is his life must settle for long with the title "Prince of Artos" . Luniver is a bon vivant, as a friend of Arts and delights in the people. But it is just as ripped as blessed with talent.

  The Court was never clever from him. Not even his mother. He has a really intimate and good relationship only to his father. Already since childhood Varlon II took his younger son in protection. And he always preferred him to his elders. But one thing is certain, both Beron "the peaceful" as also Luniver "the Golden" enjoy more popularity than her father. Varlon II is considered as the father of the Empire and has improved the lives of many people. But he sacrificed also thousands men in its wars.

  Beron "the peaceful" was that his father eventually persuaded to send Lord Maris DoRina Conreba. He wants to extend the Empire as well as his father. But he chooses ways with minimal bloodshed. A peaceful port would be a great victory. Maybe even a greater victory than on the battlefield. At least this thought liked Varlon II.. If Conreba without a fight would stretch the arms, so this would be a powerful sign to the other free kingdoms. But it is unlikely that large and proud Empires such as Sparos or Laronia would arise. And the Kingdom of Aeris nowhere near enough.

  The round table of the Emperor discussed long. The Finance Minister must explain the other advisors what is financially feasible and what is not. Wars are expensive. They cost lives, as well as gold, precious stones, prestige and sympathy.

  "To conquer lands is not the biggest challenge. The difficulty is to keep you occupied. Organizationally, logistically and ultimately financially. Rhon BB´s was a feat of strength on which the Empire still nibbling" - allows the Finance Minister know his Emperor. "They call me the blood imperial. But I'm not a conqueror. I'm a liberator. My father freed the Roscaya, I freed Tauros, Toranga and Rhon. It has given him the nickname given the merciful. They gave me the name of a tyrant. What do you think about it, son"?

  The son of the Emperor's deep breathing. He considered the choice of his words very carefully. "You have ended the tyranny of backward noble houses and small States. For me, you're a creator. But it is the fate of all creator first destroy old to before something new can emerge". "And what will historians remember keep me my son? The blood Emperor, the creator, the destroyer? Beron is me running time. I am 63 years old. There's so much and so little time that remains for me to create. And the heirs of the I'm leaving a liar, deceitful words is obvious'.

  "My methods you may not like father." "But if it works in the end cares neither you nor me." "And what will you do
if Conreba says no"? "We should limit ourselves not only to Conreba. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Let us make all weak links to the test. Jahro, Ryo, Maros. If only one of them falls down, that would split the Union". "Your way like not Beron. But now you think it at least like an emperor. I like it with the possible split. Buttons above Atolla. Baldus Wenda and PaKa Canardis are too old, too stubborn and too proud. The woman can be to perhaps lure". "Is father good". "Beron, no Ambassador for Maros. You go yourself, to underpin our seriousness". "Like you want father".

  At the end of the session, the emperor adopted a significant and ground-breaking decision. Because the emperor has made his decision. Heeral Cruxas will make all the necessary preparations for a possible war. The Finance Minister will set up two plans to finance the war. Expects the first plan out the Maros peacefully the Empire will join. The second plan is a total war against the Union. The Security Minister will push for all plans for an invasion and occupation. He is responsible for the "Integration" of the freed kingdoms and has already gained experience on Tauros. Propaganda is the A and O know Lord Grahm.


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