The Sound of War: The Song of the Eagle

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The Sound of War: The Song of the Eagle Page 4

by Ginkel-Weigel, Patrick

  Black pants, black boots and a turquoise waistcoat with the mark of his men. The white Trident. & Visited the pubs and dive bars in the city. And even though he was skeptical, so he followed the tip of the old man. He attended the Wolf Street. A famous, notorious quarter, riddled with game taverns and brothels. & Met a young woman. In the House of 'Blue Moon' is to entertain travelers.

  & Enter the House which light fell on the street and whose Gäste were heard out. Whores, drunk, players and Scallywags, where the eye is looking. A young woman speaks the young Messenger. She is very pretty to look at and so it was no surprise that the young Messenger quickly fell into her. "You my master comes not from here" - she said to him. "No. I come from far away. Far from the North". "I've seen these colors. You guys are from the island of Conreba, am I right?" "Yes that's true. I'm the Pearl of Thunder Lake from Conreba,". "What are you looking here my pretty". "Well, Yes, that is a brothel. What should I check here my dear? What is your name"? "My name is SEKA. "And what's your name dear Mr"? "I don't know whether I'm a worthy gentleman, but call me &".

  & And SEKA talk awhile. SEKA is exactly to Adamirs taste. It is slightly smaller. Its silhouette is well rounded and filled her cleavage bulging. Her dunkelblondes hair and her green eyes did on particularly him. "You are don't tired when you're so far ridden Mister"? "Yes, I am indeed. "But the sense is not me just after sleep beautiful girl." "For a gold coin I ride you my master. Or you make me your slut. Whatever pleases you". & Can not reject SEKA offer. The temptation is too great. He is not in firm hands. And he desperately needs a distraction after days and nights of riding.

  & And SEKA retire. SEKA has a private room in the brothel, as it has each of the girls there. Since their 14 years of age, gives them relief strangers for little coins and keep them company. Whether it's just for an hour or over night. SEKA get it without the suitors around the finger to wrap big words. So also &. And she is pleased about every young man who looks reasonably good. & Is it a welcome change to the beer-bellied players and swigging pigs which mainly serves. Hardly he paid his star SEKA begins with their special services. They Kiss passionately and uninhibited. They undress each other. Quickly her touches the light blue dress from the hips of young Conrebe. & Is a man who likes to quickly come to the thing. He hugged SEKA and throws them on the bed.

  Their bodies absorb of lust and passion. & Costs of their incentives and SEKA of Adamirs lips. You writhe in ecstasy on the bed. SEKA & da has where she wants him. It lies beneath her and she rides him. SEKA is a great whore. & Has really feel that it makes her fun to sleep with him. He enjoys the rhythmic movements of her pelvis. He holds their hands and delights in telling of their youth and beauty.

  As long as until a blade pierced through her chest. SEKA screams out loud. Frightened as well as & which almost to death. A head appears behind SEKA body. An ugly, slimy grinning face, half covered. & Press the dying SEKA contrary to the stranger. She screams in pain and agony. Her blood sprays in the air and sullied the entire room. It drips on & down and stained it.

  & Jumps off the bed. But he can't reach his sword. The stranger draws his dagger from the just dying whore and drops it to the ground. There & it hurls against a stool made of wood. He meets the man on the head and manages to take the dagger from him. However, repelled he doesn't have the assassin still long. The dagger slips across the floor across from Adamirs range. He seems out of reach while he pushes the man on the ground.

  And as trying to keep the guy on the floor while he wants to access & after the dagger, it happens. The cowardly killer bites him in the hand. He bites so tightly to the he & separates the left pinkie. Adamirs anguished cries can be heard in all white mountain. The blood gaping from his wound.

  & Leave the dagger. He takes on his attacker with bare hands. Again and again his fists and his elbows on the man's head pop. The blood of the cowardly assassin injects so high that it covered Adamirs face. The Messenger from Conreba on the man strikes again and again. Until he is finally dead.

  The noise called the owner of the brothel on the plan. She rushes to SEKA room and screams in panic when she sees her body and bloodied kneels the dead man on the ground about the &. It calls for the town watch. Again and again she screams in panic "killer! Killer"! The guards on the streets can clearly hear their cries. The guard is very present in Wolf Lane, whether official or private. And they are only a few moments later to the site and the herbeigeeilten cause guards dissipate & VOC. He is thrown into the cells of the City Guard and must answer to already on the next day before a judge.

  A weeping in the North Tower of Artoshall is when the stars shine brightest at night. Elvon, the young Prince and future King wakes up. He lies in his bed and hear the bitter sobbing. Elvon stands up to see. He grabs his sword and is looking for the origin of the eerie wow.

  His feet walk through the cold, bare stone of the old palace. Elvon is a smart guy and brave. And quickly it will come clear the noises from his sister's room him. Elvon sneak up on the door of his sister and listens. Then Elvon opens the door and enters into the North Tower.

  "Have not learned to knock"! "I'm sorry. I thought you're sister in trouble". "I am also Elvon". "What are you doing Sewen problem"? Princess Sewen her brother incredulous looks on. "Have you not noticed earlier? Father wants to marry me! In other words, I must admit I don't love a man. "And I have to go from here"! 'Yes. That would make me sad when you go. "But maybe it is not so bad." "Oh, you know what about it? You're still half a child"! "Well, if you're so grown, is it time that you fly from SIS"!

  The Princess will dry the tears. "About to make joking" - she says to Elvon. "I'm sure Dad will arrange a good game friends". "I want to but no good match. I want to love and romance! Just as it is in the books"! Elvon put away his sword again. "I wish you all the luck in the world of Sewen, but father's Word is law. "But trust he will choose the right one for you".

  Elvon is back on the road in his Bedchamber. But can console his Sewen words not in the slightest. She has no interest in a political marriage. But is it not to decide it. The King has sovereignty over who she will marry and who does not. That she has already lost her heart he does not know, however.

  In the early morning, the captain of the unions guard sits in his Office. As anyone early, it does the paperwork which accrues day by day. While in the Armory, there is a comforting silence, he hears next door loud noise from the stable. Again and again it bangs loudly on the walls and the wooden gates of the stable. Poch Poch! Loud and nasty the crash like thunder echoes through his room. And loud, aggressive turmoil steals the patience. Especially since the equerry nonstop around roars.

  The captain goes to the stables to check on the right. "Herald, what is it? What is this noise". "There are the horses of Captain! "This fuckin' bastards don't want to hear". "Perhaps Ay to your lovely voice or your damn whip"! "Without crop, the NAGs tracks not Captain". "Pass to you the Akshata stallion not hit. The Messenger gives us"good money for it.

  Herald, the master of the unions guard adheres to the word of his superiors. He cringed Sun arrow no hair. But it used to refuse the food always unruly horses the male master. Then he put the troughs as far as away they they no longer could reach it and amused over the faces of hungry NAGs. Sad Sun arrow looked when he didn't turn up at his food. But he remained silent and allowed no pleading whimper Herald.

  While summer arrow hungry in his stable box, & VOC sits in his cell. He can think of nothing else than the assassin and the dead SEKA. It rapidly becomes clear that the killer must have been a man of the Empire it. But to prove he can hardly. He must wait until he is presented to the judge at the crack of dawn.

  Chapter 4 - freedom

  Very slowly clears the fog on the coast. The white sails of the small vessel cut through the thick, humid air of Donner Lake. After a three-day trip, the ship by Maris DoRina finally sets in Ramare, a coastal town in the province of Toranga. The water ride was long and tough because of the wind with all to inspire the men of the emperor himse

  Maris DoRinas first trail leads him to the garrison of the Emperor in Ramare. The laurel wreath at the posh Cape of DoRinas can know each one. This man is a Lord and is in the service of the emperor. And the family coat of arms of the House DoRina, a silver rooster, is known throughout the Empire. The garrison in Ramare is led by a Knight of the Empire, SER Merrick. "Lord DoRina, welcome to Ramare. How can we be to services". "And you have to be SER Merrick. Well, first a few horses worried us. We ride"morning towards the Artos. "Of course Lord Manjunatha." Can I do anything for you"? "Yes, indeed. Get a guest house for me and my men. "We need a camp for the night. "We you wish Lord Manjunatha".

  Along with a handful of men of the garrison, SER Merrick sends out his Deputy, Captain of Barus to find an appropriate accommodation for the Lord and his men. Barus will lead the guests to the "Waterfront". The choice of the captain falls on the Guest House "White Tower". It is big and spacious. The operator of Agnus Walder a faithful follower of the emperor. However, it comes to inconvenience between Barus and Agnus Walder.

  "Sorry captain. "But we don't have any more room." "What are you saying? The men of the Emperor request your services. A no is not available to you". "I'm a faithful follower of Emperor. But all of our beds are occupied. I can not help you, so I also would like Captain of Barus". 'Your guests tossing out, or I make orphans from your daughters and take her virginity Walda 's'. Two young girl working behind the counter. They are not older than 12 anxious huddle up in the corner of the bar. The shrewd diplomat of the Emperor turns affiliated in the dispute.

  "But, but, Captain of Barus." You can talk to a follower of the Emperor"the? "I'm sure Mr Walda Lord DoRina acknowledges his beds for you love". "So convincing your threat also is Barus, one not threatened allies. I am sure Mr Walda will do all what is in its power to help us. Isn't it".

  "That's my Mr. right. But all beds are occupied. I can just put my guests out the door". "You have required law, that would be too much. We need 10 beds. In the name of the Emperor, here you have 40 gold coins. Give each of your guests to two of them and get them the hell, that's more than fair. Your daughters keep your father and keep the rest. "But your daughters are back there or". "They are Yes. We don't want my master"any trouble. "Mr Walda meets that well, we want a few beds". "Well, you can give my master". "You see Barus, with kindness to get much further in life".

  "Well Lord DoRina has a fine stock exchange" — the captain adds. "I have one more task for you. You three whores for my followers. One with blonden-, one with schwarzen-and one with red hair". "Yes Lord Manjunatha". "And yet some Barus. Should you threaten ever again a girl to rape, I cut you off your hands and your tail".

  The night is short, DoRinas men celebrate their arrival on the mainland left out and they divide the whores the Barus has them worried. Only the Lord himself is not present. He goes to bed early and avoid such revelry. The whores his men ask why the Lord do not live in their society. You puzzle over whether the fine men would probably impotent, shy, or morally. And one of his men notice in "Lord Maris DoRina is the finest man I ever met. And I've met many people in his circles. He does not live with us because our lower needs are foreign to him. He has far better things to do than feast with you whores or us drunkards".

  And in fact, Lord DoRina sees himself as a servant of the Empire and servant of the people. That's why he wants to move on as quickly as possible. Carefully he refrains from the capital of the province of Toranga to visit, although it is on the way. Artos is his goal and he must achieve this as quickly as possible. Together with his entourage, he breaks up at the crack of dawn. By land, he rides to his men in the capital. SER Merrick has discretion specifically ten of his best horses for this. An at least ten days long journey ahead of them. Hard and full privations. The horses of the Imperial Army, they work their way to the Palace of the emperor. Where Maris DoRina is already waiting. To report to Emperor Varlon II..

  Not only the Emperor, his advisers also are eager to learn how Fürst-Emor Badoz will decide. DoRinas report will play an important role in the planning of the emperor.

  While the diplomat of the Emperor on the way, & VOC spends the night in a dark, damp, filthy cell at the headquarters of the city guard. Only through a small window at pavement level falls some light in the cells. Thick iron bars blocking the way to out him. Here must spend the time until he performed the competent judge in the morning. And this is not a friend of foreign visitors. No matter what corner of the world they come.

  Completely suddenly opens the door of his cell. Zei guard men enter and grab the arms & VOC. "Get up you piece of crap, or we make you legs" - the men threaten him. With strong and rough hand them the prisoners continue a few houses. In one of six courthouses in White Castle. His hands are tied up with ropes his clothes dirty by the dirty cell. It brings him into the courtroom, knocking it against the judge to the ground.

  There are four associate members in the region in addition to the presiding judge. You must approve the decision. Vote three associate members against the judgment, so it is considered failed. It is law in Sparos. The judge opened the quick procedure. "& VOC. Accused you have murdered a whore in a brothel of blue moon. And an unknown man. What have to tell her". "I did not kill the whore SEKA your honor. The man I killed was". "Then admit you're killing the man"? "He stabbed a dagger into the heart of SEKA from behind as she sat on me. Of course I killed him". 'You have evidence for this operation, a witness'?

  "No, of course not your honor". "Well, then, I should just believe your words '? & Knows that he is in trouble. The judge is not willing to believe him. He would prefer locking up the stranger or condemned to death. But that would be contrary to the statutes of the Union. At least two judges from other provinces would have to decide for a such punishment. However, & running out of time.

  "Dear judge. I am an Ambassador in the service of Emor Badoz, Prince of Conreba. I find myself on a secret mission and talked to your King yesterday. And I again just his instruction to meet him". "Well if that's so, then him greetings from me is". "Your honor, I'm not kidding". "And I just." "& VOC, I am sure the King knew yesterday still nothing that you would kill a man". "Now Mr. Richter, then asks him simply. My role is political, diplomatic importance. What would the King to say that I his instructions cannot perform because you believe no my appearance".

  The judge advises briefly with his assessors. Many accused tells them like a fairy tale to avoid their punishment. However, should tell the truth & the wrath of the King would take certainly. The judge is a provisional decision.

  & Did it. A ten-person escort of the city guard leads & to the Palace. There he presented the spokesman of the King and checked his story. "Mr. Barbon, voice of the King greetings. We have arrested yesterday in a brothel this man". "And it takes ten experienced men to guide him here"? "It is to load a whore and killing a man. But he says he's on a diplomatic mission in Sparos". "Yes, this is he in fact. Have you committed the Act & VOC"? "I killed the man. He wanted to kill me, not the whore. In some ways I'm quite guilty of her death". "Speak freely of all charges of him". "But Mr Barbon...". "The man enjoys diplomatic immunity. In case of doubt, you can consult the King himself".

  Releases & the City Guard and Barbon, the narrator and the voice of the King, bring him before Ravons magnificent throne. Barbon informed his King of the nighttime incident. "They wanted to kill you so. Know your what that means & VOC"? -asked the King the Messenger from Conreba. "Yes, that I've been followed." The Emperor wanted me dead and that he know already has corresponds to the Fürst-Emor Badoz before its official decision with the Union". "Well, you're obviously a son of a bitch. But you're smarter than you look & VOC. I'm going to send one of my messengers after Conreba. You are at risk. The maids to your take and tidy a room when the servants". "Did thank you my King. "May I ask a favor King Ravon"? "What kind of a favor"? "I have made a horse in the Union guards. One Akshata Stallion. I'm afraid the animals are not well treated".

  The Queen has angered the King
. "This is so? Mr Barbon, you know it"? "No Kings Talwen. Of which nothing is known, me". "Clarifies this with the competent Governor and give the man his horse". The voice of the King looks questioningly to RaVoN. Such errands he is not accustomed. "Barbon, you have your Queen heard. Is rapidly".

  & VOC marches with the men of the Emperor and Lord Barbon for the accommodation of the unions guard. He enters the stables of the guard to request his steed of equerry Herald as Barbon searches on the premises of the captain. "I told you get beggars". "I'm here to get my horse". Sun arrow turns on its hind legs when he heard Adamirs voice. His fur is still quite blue in fear. "You get a damn before the captain tells me nothing else". He steering Sun arrow loudly on shattered with a strong kick the wooden gate in its box. He buries Herald among them and tramples over the animal torturer away.

  Herald cries are bitter and go through leg. You can hear how to break his bones under the thick wood and the heavy Lysander and burst. The blood gushes through the whole stable. Excited, running Sun arrow through & VOC and presses it against his head. His fur turns the color of joy gradually from blue to yellow. Lord Barbon and Captain rush when they hear cries of heralds. "What is happening here" - Lord Barbon calls. And one of the men says "The horse has the gate broken and buried the man among them". "This is terrible" - the captain mutters. "He care should have better at his work" - Lord Barbon, the voice of the King replies. "He would have to do not abuse the horse your Lordship". "Now, an accident at work is an accident at work. Find a new equerry. This was probably not much good". Beaming with joy, & leads his JayDee stallion in the stable of the Palace. "There's you will love Sun arrow. The horses are treated well there. And I've seen truly graceful mares there". Sun arrow neighs pleased on.


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