The Sound of War: The Song of the Eagle

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The Sound of War: The Song of the Eagle Page 5

by Ginkel-Weigel, Patrick

  With every moment that passes, Lord Maris DoRina is approaching the Imperial Palace. It is a race against time. Soon Varlon II will have his answers by Lord DoRina. King Ravon had, however, also send messengers in all provinces of the Union. There can be only one next step for him. The Kings of the free realms must gather and make a decision together. War or peace, in between, there's nothing.

  But not only the Ravons messengers are on the road on a diplomatic mission. Beron, called the peaceful, is on the way after Maros did. The last free Kingdom on the island Tauros. He wants to convince the Queen of Maros of them to join the Empire. He wants to get on his way in the Empire of Maros. Not by force of arms, but with diplomatic skill. Berons trip is a gamble that he and his father have entered deliberately. Atollo of Maros enjoys a reputation as a weak ruler, but what does that mean. Beron nor Varlon II. have ever seen them. Everything they of you know is that they have stolen two-thirds of the Empire.

  Beron has taken the way across the Bay of the Titans. Pass between the islands of EMBA and reen. Always to the North-East. Over at the wild peoples of the claw Islands, direction Tauros. The son of the Emperor sails with a stately fleet. Because the barbarian peoples of the islands of the claw to earn the ships, like as pirates plunder of the Empire as well as the Union. But no one will attack this fleet. She is well staffed and to heavily armed.

  Beron is confident Maros to non-violently in the Empire can get. Because he can offer a far-reaching concessions to the Queen. And Kings Atolla Janda has not much to lose, only to gain. But this circumstance makes it too dangerous for Beron.

  The days in the country DART and the nights away. & Spends the next few weeks in white mountain. There, he enjoys the amenities of the courtyard. He is part of the local life. But he must earn that also at the Court. Therefore, he assumes different tasks which carries on him by rule Lord Barbon.

  Berons is long, very long. The wind is against the fleet of the heir to the throne, and makes it difficult advancing. The water is deep red as ever and ever. All weather conditions are calm days up to stormy nights. However, Beron eventually reaching Tauros, lies the free Kingdom of Maros. And also the messengers of Ravons have achieved their objectives. The ruler of Sparos has invited the Kings of the Union to a meeting. All leaders of the free kingdoms will gather in white mountain to decide whether going to the Union during the war. And most importantly how.

  But the Kings reach also the Messenger of the emperor. Who will turn against the Union and beat up on the side of the Empire? Jahro is a Kingdom with many problems. It would certainly benefit from the prosperity of the Empire. Ryo requirements are quite similar.

  King Ravon stands on its magnificent balcony. From here, far above the ground, he can see hundreds of miles away. On a clear day even up the lands of the Empire. Thoughtfully, he looks in the direction of the Empire while he waits for his counterpart. His message was that you should advise on war and peace. His spokesman Lord Barbon behind him stands at a respectable distance.

  "Tells me Lord Barbon, who am I? I'm the fool who is chosen to lead the free kingdoms in a futile war? I am a parochial bully the time has overtaken"? "You are the King. The Sparos protector. And the leader of the Union. You are the sword that stands between the Emperor and the free world. You are giving hope to the peoples". "The war is Lord Barbon inevitably. There can be no peace if the Emperor attacks after our lands". "Victory or death my King, nothing in between". King Ravon to Lord Barbon turns around. The wind blows through his Brown mane. His gaze is clear and bursting serious.

  "I can hear him bar Bon." The sound of the war. Trees that break down walls that fall, towers the falls and bone which burst. The Thunder Hall of Catapult strikes. The rattle and Clank of blades, axes and shields in the battle. The trampling of horses. The spitting and screaming of dragons and Phantossen. And the death cries of the people. The death cries Lord Barbon. I hear it, I hear him coming".

  & VOC is quite rudely awakened. A female voice sing up. "Yikes! Nandor, what are you doing"? "Well, guess what". "Don't stop Maher,". & Is situated in the stables next to Sun arrow. Whenever he has time, he visits his JayDee Stallion. And sometimes they hold together a NAP.

  Quiet & sneaks through the stable. He followed the voices and the moaning until he finally reaches one of the horse stables. And as he risked a furtive glance, he recognizes Princess Sewen and their instructors. You have made up in the Hay comfortable and secretly indulge in her love. It is a dangerous game that these two do.

  "You must stop to meet Sewen. "This will not end well for us". "My father takes me to lost... aaahhh, don't listen to Nándor". "Has he found a husband for you"? "Stop by my father to talk while you are in me". "When will your future husband come". "Mhhhmhhh, I don't know! And I don't care! Give me a fixed Nándor! "Or will I be you riding instructor Mr"? "Ahhh, now." Much like her popular Princess. My Dick is yours". "'Re a so vulgar redneck"!

  & Don't know what to do. Should he be noticeable? That would be the pair at least one lesson. But they are likely to reject him. Who knows what the two would otherwise make in panic with him. But this love affair seems to tend to an end anyway. & Does what he can do best. He pulls back quietly and retains what he saw for himself.

  Who are Chapter 5 - you?

  The point of view of the men is murky. Scarf is the taste in their mouths and their ears even any fun. Almost three weeks were they sailed against the wind over the great northern. Not a soul far and wide. Only the red waves of the sea and the whistle of the wind that whipped against them. The lust passed even the Sun and so let them show up only rarely. Tauros is hidden in the mist before them. And only the cries of the seagulls can be the men suspect that their seafaring an end to end will be.

  "Land in sight! Land in sight" - yells the man is lookout. The country really see he can not. But what he sees is a fire. It is the lighthouse of Jagos. Berons fleet is located just outside the province of bent. "Give the sign to the create" -he orders his captain who must guide the other ships. And he performs Berons command without hesitation. Actually, they wanted to put only in Jupita ashore. But their journey has lasted too long. Disease and hunger has made more difficult the ride them. It took much strength. Power that is needed by the men in the next few days. Because the food was quickly corrupted and the wine sour.

  Many of the people were seasick or spoiled the stomach. After two weeks, the good stocks of food were scarce. Especially the fruit. Berons men are no sea rats. You are not accustomed to the sea. There are soldiers of the emperor. They March, they do not sail. You were trimmed it to trample on solid ground and to crush their enemies in the country. His men are glad the Beron in Jagos create can be. The Proviante must be populated. And his soldiers should feel solid ground under your feet for a few hours. Also Beron eagerly desires. Three weeks are enough on a rocking boat.

  The son of the Emperor seizes the opportunity and seeks the Governor of Jagos in his home. His name is SER q. He fought many years ago for Varlon II. when he conquered the provinces of bent and Falus. His governorship and his knighthood are a reward for his deeds and some kind of pension post if you like.

  "Greetings, SER q" . The old Knight of the Emperor doesn't know Beron. But of course, he knows the coat of arms that he wears. "You have to be Prince Beron. What we deserve your visit my Prince". "I'm on diplomatic mission on Tauros. My men needed some shore leave". "On a diplomatic mission? "I can't here to services be my Prince"? "We continue sailing to Akosia. But I would like to strain neither you nor your men. However, could you do me a service". "And what my Lord"? "Tell me everything you know about Queen Atolla". "A diplomatic mission? So, I hope sincerely that this mission the conquest of Maros to the target has. It's been long overdue if you ask me". "You are not a friend of the Queen as it seems to me".

  SER q leans back in the old, squeaky Chair in his work room. With a warped expression, he looks beyond the window. "Of course not. Over 25 years ago, because your father ordered his troops of Tauros to conquer. I was at that time still
a soldier. We ended up in the present-day Falus. To conquer the coastal strip was easy for us. The people support us, so great was her distress under the old King Gangor, ruler of bent". "But it was not so easy." "Oh no, not my Lord did it".

  "A four-year war of attrition began. And most of my comrades that I ended up on Tauros, died around me. But in the end, Falus became a part of the Empire. After two years of delicate peace Varlon II gave the command to take the remaining areas of Bents. We followed his command. And after another two years, also bent became a province of the Empire. King Gangor and his family were burned alive. Even today I can't forget his foul odor". "And Maros"? "Atollas father held out first from the fighting. But bitter rivals on Tauros were he and Gangor. "But when Gangor and his family were led to the slaughter, he tried to take advantage of the moment." The great island war "began, isn't it SER q". Atollas father "had started him because he thought the Empire was now mature, tired of the war".

  "This constant carnage, between us and Maros, lasted from 526-532 you know? When Atollas died, she ended the war. On both sides, it was celebrated at the time as a peacemaker. And eight years later, we stole a large portion of their lands". "Father she described me as a weak ruler". "Maybe it is. But I've seen how about 103,000 man of the Empire lost their lives in the past 25 years here. If you ask me, is still a dangerous beast"the Red Bull of Maros.

  "You said you wish we conquer Maros". "Yes, I did. "And you said Atolla is a weak ruler". "I want a peaceful port of Maros SER q". "You will find no peace at this woman." And also no kindness". "And what would advise her to me"? "Sharpen your blade and sharpens your senses. The way you choose is more dangerous than an open attack without arms".

  Beron has quite understood the warning of the Governor. But he is convinced that very probably a peaceful solution there. If not with the Queen, then without them. His mother has taught him always to show goodness and his mercy. "Nothing is as disarming as a kind heart" - that was her motto. But Berons mother died when he was a young boy. And the motto of his father was always also the his house "Strong in life, proud in the death". Belonged not to Varlons II. strengthen quality. Even though SER q light BB´s stories raised doubts about Beron, he does not change his mind and his plan. On the contrary, he is more determined than ever and believes people in Maros were long since tired of the bloodshed.

  Berons men in the local barracks of Jagos spend the night. He gave his soldiers a night ashore like. A blessing after a so long a bed that is not moving maritime. Even if the beds hard and hay in the cushion is old, does the men well this night. But the next day it continues again. Beron stands out with his fleet to sea. He has gathered 100 men to himself, distributed on four ships. It takes another day and another night reach Beron and his fleet Akosia. Akosia is a small coastal town in the province of Jupita. It is located near the border to Maros. It's cold and windy. "Here of fish crap and pee stinks" - one of the soldiers noticed. "And yet it is a part of our empire" - the Prince of Artos tells him. The Prince asks the captain of his escort "how want to proceed you now continue my Mr"? And the Prince answers him "we travel on horses. Up to Vegusta".

  But that is easier said than done. Jupita is a small province and impoverished by the war. Although the general situation has improved much since the revolution three years ago. But luxury goods like horses are rare. So there are only a few in the province of Jupita, also the troops on the ground have only a very limited. It takes a while to get enough horses and it needs much help by the local troops. Beron rides with his men on the jupitanischen horses who have herded from all nooks and crannies of the city towards the Maros.

  The Kingdom of Maros has lost most of its territory through the jupitanische revolution three years ago. About two-thirds of the Empire's lost Queen Atolla. The Union of the free kingdoms firmly believes that it was the work of the Empire. Finally Jupita have attached themselves to the Empire.

  Long Beron is considered under the military weak. For it is this mission to prove themselves a chance against all critics. If he were to succeed, most of his doubters with one fell swoop would be muzzled made. And the men join him he already impresses with its kind. You travel not in secret. Not secret or veiled. Beron and his men ride under the Imperial flag. Visible for everyone, proudly and without fear. They ride directly to the new seat of Government of the Queen in Vegusta. Queen Atolla governed by the old Castle star Valley. It is a small castle and not in particularly good condition. One might even say she would come down. Of the former glory of the powerful House of Janda, described in dozens of songs, much has no longer remained. The Red Bull seems to be this dying beast.

  Beron and his 100 men are after not even two day rides at the gates of the Castle and wait for admission by the Kings. The captain asks his Prince "you will what Atolla yours say grace". "What they want to hear" replied Beron. 'That they can rule in the future quite Tauros if she want". "The choice then yes probably not hard" the captain thinks. 'No. At least not as long as one is not pride in the way. Because of course she must bow to the Empire".

  His men announce Beron at the gate. No one has let look on the walls or before. There is an eerie silence as the soldiers insist on the goals. But so tight they also knock, nothing happens. After the Queen calls to Beron. "My name is Beron Laarus. Prince of Artos, son of the emperor. Heritage of the Empire and protector of the people. I ask an audience of Queen Atolla"you. But no matter what says Beron and how loud it gets, the doors do not open for him. Beron tried everything to get the Queen to receive him. But nothing happens and so slowly its men doubt the castle is inhabited at all.

  Finally Beron and his men beat up their camp near the Castle. And on the following three days, Beron returns again and again to the gates. For hours he talks up to the Castle. Can be spotted only a soul without even. It's a crazy situation. And like Bernon gave up long ago. But his perseverance brings him great respect among his soldiers. So he continues through. Berons captain, however, has a different plan. "My master, perhaps this castle no longer is the seat of Government of the Kings." Let us break the gates". "We are the home captain far away. Guest in a foreign Kingdom. We will enter here no doors".

  And although he has abandoned even hope, he continues. On the third day it happens still. After hours in the rain the door opens and a man comes out. "Selects a Messenger" - he says to the drenched son of the emperor. And a young man after a short discussion is getting volunteers. He is a young man from Vecca, a small town West of Artos. Beron sends the unarmed soldiers along with the old man in the Castle. He should ask the Queen for an audience.

  While Beron tried in vain to talk to Atolla Luniver has very different concerns. "Do you find fat me" - the young Abigail asks him. "No, you're right. For a horse". "Oh, na wait Prince of Artos, I'll spank you!." "Nothing like you'll do" -replied Varlon II. as he enters the bedroom of his son. World polka games packed up their stuff. You bow to the Emperor, "Your Majesty" and leaves the bedroom of the Prince then full of shame. However, Luniver feels no shame.

  "The girl is well nourished. "It seems to me the Kingdom's fine". "Here in the Palace certainly father." What do you want from me"? "Why waste you time with women? You should spend more time on the side of the throne". "I'm quite unnecessary in the vicinity of the father's throne as Prince of Artos". "This is not true Luniver. Walk with me a piece".

  The Emperor wears a magnificent robe. A noble material in white and purple. This gold embroidery, especially the family coat of arms. The Golden Eagle. Luniver looks almost usually next to his father. Only the boots and his vest made of deerskin betrayed his stand. Varlon II. leads his son in the gardens. He has something to tell him. Together, they stroll through the lush, flowery plants. Again and again the old emperor stops and turns to his son speaking.

  "Your brother is on a secret mission on Tauros. He will try to disperse the Union. To consider"individual kingdoms on our page. "I didn't notice that you have sent out a force". "Get me Luniver no jokes. You know damn well that he is ridden with just 100 men. An
d you know his plan". "Yes, I was with on the wall if you remember. And this plan will ensure that he comes home in a box. If anything". The Emperor twisted eyes as he Luniver looks at. He already knows the opinion of his youngest son to the projects.

  "Pen case. I need your help my son". "And how, should I write a new anthem for Maros"? "So much your musical talent also guess, but no. The war is coming. And no matter what is it for a war. We will win it in this or that way. "But when the time comes you have to marry". "What do I have? Get married"? 'Yes. Weddings bring peace. The King of Sparos and the King of Jahro have daughters. Very pretty even if one may believe the tales". "I will marry certainly not a whore from this small juggernaut Jahro". "Then the Princess of Sparos. Or if the families during the war, the daughter of a new Rhans".


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