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A Forbidden Love Novella Series Box Set One: Four Novellas in One Book

Page 9

by Bree Wolf

  “I don’t really know where to begin,” Robert finally said. “There is so much to tell you.” He took a deep breath. “First, you should know that he is not angry with us.”

  Isabella closed her eyes as a heavy burden fell from her shoulders. “Thank God,” she breathed.

  Taking her by the elbow, Robert escorted her to the settee. “Are you all right? Should I call for refreshments?”

  Isabella shook her head. “I’m fine.” She took a deep breath, and a smile tucked on her lips. “I am just so relieved. He is not angry? Truly? Was he hurt, though?”

  Robert shook his head, and Isabella had trouble believing her eyes. “No, he wasn’t hurt.” He snorted. “He suspected as much.”

  As the breath caught in her throat, Isabella’s eyes went wide. “What? How could he?”

  Robert shrugged. “I suppose he is very observant, that brother of mine.” Never letting go of her hands, Robert related their talk, and with each word he spoke, Isabella felt like she was experiencing a dream. Could Charles truly be this benevolent? Could he truly wish for them to be together?

  Isabella had always known that he didn’t love her, at least not the way Robert did. However, he cared for her. To find out that she harboured the feelings she should have had for him for his brother did not cause stirrings of rivalry? Or betrayal?

  Smiling, she knew it to be true. Charles was all kindness. She had never seen him angry, always known him to care more for others than for himself. Deep down, she wondered what it would take for him to abandon the calm demeanour he always portrayed and hand over the reins to his own desires.

  “I am relieved,” she whispered, feeling the sting of tears. “I was so scared that I had destroyed that bond between the two of you. I could never have forgiven m−”

  Placing a finger on her lips, Robert stopped her. “Even if…, it wouldn’t have been your fault. I did what I did out of my own free will because I could not help myself.” He smiled at her. “Because I love you.”

  As her heart jumped with joy at hearing those very words, Isabella flung herself into Robert’s arms. “I love you, too,” she whispered, feeling his strong arms close around her, holding her tight. For a moment, she closed her eyes, allowing herself the illusion of what could never be.

  If only.

  Too soon, Robert sat up, gently removing her arms from around his neck. When he saw her questioning gaze, he smiled. “Do not for a second believe that I do not want you.” His eyes twinkled, and as her cheeks grew hot, Isabella averted her eyes. “Listen, there is more that I need to tell you.”

  Looking up, she wondered what else there was to say. A lump settled in her throat then, and she could barely force out the words. “Are you leaving?”

  He squeezed her hands and shook his head. “No. At least, not without you.”

  “What?” Isabella’s eyes went wide as desire fought duty. “We can’t. I can’t.” She shook her head vehemently, trying to convince him as much as herself. “I cannot run away with you.”

  Again, he smiled at her. “I’m not asking you to.”

  “Then what are you saying?”

  He took a deep breath and swallowed. “As happy as I am that our feelings for each other do not cause Charles the pain I’d feared they would, I know I will never be happy without you by my side.”

  A sad smile on her face, Isabella squeezed his hand. “Neither will I. But there is nothing we can do. Even if we have Charles’ blessing, the law is against us.”

  “That is true,” Robert said, and she wondered at the hope ringing in his voice. What was she missing? “And yet, Charles thought of a way for us to be together.”

  Isabella’s eyes opened wide, and the breath caught in her throat.

  Robert held up a hand. “I need to warn you that it is not without sacrifices.” He took a deep breath. “However, it is the only way there is.”

  Isabella nodded, feeling hope swell in her chest, afraid that it would prove to be false. “Tell me,” she whispered, nonetheless.

  “You are my brother’s wife,” he said, and her hope fell. “There is no way that you could marry me even if you divorced him.”

  “Then how…?”

  Robert smiled, pulling her closer. “We could be together if Charles and I were to,” he took a deep breath, and she could feel a slight tremble run through the hands that held hers, “trade places.”

  Her eyes opened wide. “What?”

  “You are married to Charles Dashwood, and there is nothing we can do about that. But, my brother and I are twins. Who is to say that I am not him? Or that he is not me?”

  Staring at him, Isabella couldn’t believe her ears. “You cannot be serious?”

  Worry began to cloud his eyes. “There is no other way. If you truly love me, then this is all we have. If we don’t do this, we will never be together.” Seeing the desperate longing in his eyes, Isabella felt her heart soften. “Look, I know that it will not be easy, but would you prefer living the rest of your life without my charming self by your side?” he asked, a twinkle in his eyes as he winked at her. “If you ask me, names matter little. Call me Robert or call me Charles, I do not care. All I care is to have you with me.”

  Touched by his words, Isabella reached out her hand and placed it on his cheek. He leaned into it then and closed his eyes. “I cannot live without your touch,” he whispered and opened his eyes. “Please don’t make me. If you truly love me, nothing can stop us.”

  “Of course, I love you.” Taking a deep breath, Isabella looked at him. A million thoughts raced through her head, and yet, all she saw was the future he promised. Was he right? Could they simply trade places and live the life of the other? Would anyone notice? Would she even be married to the man she shared her life with? She had married Charles, and yet, she would be his brother’s wife.

  Isabella shook her head, feeling overwhelmed. However, when she looked into Robert’s eyes, everything suddenly fell away. The only thing left was his love for her and the future within their grasp. “Yes,” she whispered as indescribable joy tucked up the corners of her mouth. “Yes.”

  Robert’s face lit up, and before she knew it, she was in his arms. Then he pulled her to her feet, and they danced around the room, laughing and hugging.

  “Do you truly believe we can do this?” Isabella asked breathless.

  Robert shrugged. “If you ask me, this plan is daring enough for it to work. No one will ever expect it.”

  “And it was truly Charles’ idea?”

  Robert laughed. “Believe me; I was as shocked as you are.”

  “He is a good man.”

  “The best there ever was,” Robert whispered before he drew her into his arms. When her own came up, and her hands caressed his face, he lowered his head and kissed her, enjoying the sweet taste of her and looking forward to many more to come.

  Chapter Thirteen − Duty & Desire

  Isabella’s heart felt like it would burst into a million pieces if she had to wait a minute longer.

  Staring at the door to the drawing room, willing it to open, she barely heard what her mother and sister were talking about. Fortunately, they were content even without her contribution. Her father stood somewhere behind her, gazing out the window.

  Wringing her hands, Isabella tried to calm her nerves. Would everything go as planned?

  “Are you all right, Sister?” Adriana asked, frown lines clouding her face. “You seem tense?”

  Her mother’s eyes, too, shifted to her clenched hands before a warm hand settled on them, trying to ease the strain. “You have not been yourself lately, mi corazon. Tell us what is wrong?”

  Isabella tried to smile. “Nothing is wrong. I’m just−”

  Fortunately, in that moment, the door finally opened, saving her from having to think of yet another lie to explain her rather strange behaviour these last few days.

  “Oh, my goodness!” her mother exclaimed, clasping a hand over her mouth as her eyes widened, taking in the two gentl
emen walking into the room.

  While Isabella felt herself relax upon seeing them, the rest of her family stared in open-mouthed astonishment at the two young men, who resembled each other in every regard.

  In the hopes of their plan succeeding, Robert had regretfully agreed to have his hair cut in exactly the same fashion as his brother. Now, he stood beside Charles, donning the same breeches, the same shirt, the same jacket as his twin. For all intents and purposes, they looked the same.

  Watching her family glance from one to the other and seeing the questioning look in their eyes, Isabella smiled, realising that they could not tell them apart.

  Relieved, she sighed and then met Robert’s eyes.

  The second the two men had entered the room, she had known which of them was the man she loved. There was something in his eyes as he looked at her that spoke of his love for her. It was something he could never conceal.

  Fortunately, no one else noticed.

  “Now, this is an unusual sight,” her father laughed. “Are you planning on playing us for fools?” An intrigued smile on his face, he stepped forward, squinting his eyes as they shifted from one to the other. “I cannot tell who is who.” He shook his head. “Charles?”

  Isabella took a deep breath as Robert stepped forward. “Yes, my lord, it is I.” He smiled and then held out his hand to her. Rising from the settee, she hastened to his side, welcoming the warmth of his touch as it chased away the slight chill that had seized her. “I apologise for the confusion,” he said, looking at his brother with a somewhat indulgent smile on his face. “However, Robert thought it would be an amusing introduction to his new role here at Bridgemoore.”

  “New role?” her father echoed, still looking from one twin to the other.

  “Yes,” Charles said, stepping forward. With a smile on his face, he slightly bowed his head at Robert. “For the past years, Charles has been a most diligent soul, taking care of Bridgemoore and everything connected to the estate and title.”

  Isabella felt a slight quiver in Robert’s hand as he did his utmost to suppress a grin at his brother’s words. Glancing at Charles, she thought that he, too, had a tinge of red decorating his cheeks as though embarrassed to sing a hymn of praise about himself.

  “Always mindful of his duties−duties that, if truth be told, were never his to begin with−he rarely thought about himself, about what he wanted, about his own dreams.” He nodded to Robert and Isabella. “However, now, he finds himself in love with a truly wonderful woman, and I could not be happier for him.”

  Isabella felt tears gathering in the corners of her eyes. Glancing up at the man she loved, she realised how very lucky she was to be given this chance. If things had been different−if they hadn’t been twins, if Charles was not the man he was−she would find herself trapped in a marriage she didn’t want, longing for a man she could not have, instead of on the verge of one of the most exciting adventures of her life.

  “Therefore, I have decided,” Charles continued, “that it is time for me to return to Bridgemoore permanently and finally assume the responsibilities that were mine since the day I was born.” With love shining in his eyes, he looked at his brother. “Now, it is your turn, Charles. After all those years of experiencing the world only through the pages of a book, here is your chance to conquer it for real. You have a wonderful woman by your side, and together, you shall see the wonders the world holds for those who dare to look for them.”

  Holding out his hand, he smiled at Robert, who took it and with an equally touched smile on his face, said, “Thank you, Brother. You have no idea what this means to me.”

  Charles nodded. “Always have you had my back…since the day we were born. Are you truly surprised that I would do the same for you?”

  Robert shook his head. “No, not surprised, just…I cannot find the right words to express my gratitude.”

  “There is no need,” Charles assured him. “I am your brother. Even if you don’t tell me, I’ll always know.”

  Shaking his head as though in disbelief, Robert embraced his twin. As they held each other, he closed his eyes, and Isabella knew that he was savouring the moment, knowing it would not repeat itself in the near future.

  Stepping back, Charles clasped a hand on Robert’s shoulder. “I do not want to see you two back here before the year is out,” he said. “Enjoy yourselves. See the world. I will take care of everything; that is my gift to you.”

  “Thank you, Brother.”

  Taking a step forward, Isabella placed a hand on Charles’ arm. As he turned to look at her, his eyes held the same devotion and love she had seen in them before. Holding her hands in his, he looked deep into her eyes. “Never have I seen Charles as happy as I do now, and the light in your eyes tells me that you, too, have finally found your place in this world.”

  Touched beyond expression, Isabella nodded, then buried her face in his shoulder and hugged him, unable to find the words to express how grateful she felt.

  “You are sending them on a journey?” Adriana asked, and the delighted smile slid from her face. “Where will you go? And for how long?”

  Robert shrugged. “I do not know yet.”

  When Isabella returned to his side, he put his arm around her, holding her close. She looked up at him then and saw in his eyes the memory of the moment that had linked them both forever. Smiling, she turned back to her family, feeling her heart hammer in her chest, and said, “Egypt.”

  “What?” Adriana gasped.


  While the others remained in the drawing room discussing their upcoming journey, Isabella drew her sister aside. They slipped out the terrace doors and headed for the gardens. “Is something wrong?” she asked, feeling the tension in her sister’s hand. “You seem not like yourself.”

  Adrianna shrugged, her eyes fixed on the gravel path below their feet. “It is nothing.”

  Isabella stopped, pulling her sister back. “Please tell me. I can see that something is bothering you.” She swallowed, feeling a strange shiver run down her back. “Is it…Robert?” Saying his name even though it now referred to Charles felt wrong somehow.

  Adriana shook her head. Then she met her sister’s eyes, and the breath flew from her lungs. “Oh, Isa, I’m so sorry. I do not want to spoil your happiness. Truly! Your smile is so radiant today as I have never before seen it. Obviously you were right. Charles clearly is the right man for you if he puts that twinkle in your eyes.”

  Isabella chuckled, trying to maintain her composure. A part of her wanted to tell her sister that she had been right all along, that Charles could always only be a good friend. “Then what has you so depressed?”

  Adriana sighed. “You will be gone for a long time, won’t you?”

  Isabella’s mouth fell open when she finally realized who had caused the sadness resting in her sister’s eyes. How could she have been so blind? “I’m sorry, Adriana. I wasn’t thinking. Only a few days ago, I promised you that we would see each other often, and now...”

  “Don’t be sorry,” Adriana objected, brushing a silent tear from her cheek. “I know that, deep down, you’ve always wanted to see the world, and you deserve to see it,” tugging a strand of hair behind Isabella’s ear, Adriana smiled, “and at the side of the man who is your perfect match.”

  “Thank you,” Isabella whispered, pulling her sister into her arms. “I will miss you terribly, though.”

  “You better,” Adriana chuckled before stepping back.

  Isabella smiled. “What about Robert?”

  “What about him?”

  “He is dashing, is he not?” Isabella asked, her eyes carefully searching her sister’s face, hoping to catch a glimpse of her true feelings.

  “I suppose so,” was all she said, and Isabella realized that Adriana’s interest in Robert had only arisen out of her desire to remain by her sister’s side. Touched, Isabella drew her little sister into her arms once more and whispered, “We will be back soon for I could not bear to be sepa
rated from you for too long.”

  “Neither could I,” Adriana mumbled. “Neither could I.”


  The candle had almost burned down, and Charles still sat at his late father’s desk, staring into the night and wondering what the future would bring.

  Before their departure from Bridgemoore, Charles and Robert had spent as much time together as possible, not simply because they enjoyed each other’s company, but also because there were many things they did not know about each other’s lives. Many days, they had talked long into the night, detailing their whereabouts over the last two years, what acquaintances they had made, the routines they had developed and everything else they could think of.

  Naturally, all this information was of less importance to Robert, at least at the moment. However, after their return in one year’s time, he, too, would have to find his way through Charles’ old life. And although it would seem advisable under the circumstances to keep their lives separate, neither one of them was willing to do so. After reconnecting, it was hard enough to spend one year apart.

  Soon, Robert and Isabella would return, and they would all have to find a way to be who they were without arousing suspicion.

  Shaking his head, Charles sighed. “I cannot believe I did this,” he mumbled, and yet, he knew it never truly had been a choice. How could he not have done it when his brother’s happiness had been at stake?

  Still, despite being pleased with the outcome of their ingenuity, a sense of dread that he could not explain, much less will away, settled in his stomach. Closing his eyes, he sat back and rubbed his temples, certain that one day someone would discover their ruse.

  He could only hope that it would not end in a disaster.

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  A Brilliant Rose

  (#2 A Forbidden Love Novella Series)

  About the Book


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