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AnnaRose (Tails Book Four)

Page 7

by R. E. Butler

  “You’re welcome.”

  She sniffed them and smiled, kissed him, then set the vase on the coffee table and said, “What are the plans for the night?”

  “Dinner at Ike’s and then back here for a movie.”

  “I’ve never eaten at Ike’s.”

  “It’s a burger place. They have bottomless fries and specialty burgers.”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  And it was. They had a great dinner. She picked a burger topped with provolone and blue cheese, and he had the famous ‘everything’ burger that boasted every topping known to man.

  When their meal was over, and they’d talked their fill, he took her hand and led her outside. They approached his truck in the parking lot and he slowed his walk.

  “What?” she asked.

  “The truck doesn’t look right. Stay here.” He left her on the sidewalk and went to his truck, realizing that two of the tires were flat. He shone his phone’s flashlight on the tires and saw huge gashes where they’d been cut. He had a spare in the bed of his truck, but not two of them. He exhaled sharply, then said, “The tires are slashed.”

  She made a worried sound. “Roy.”

  “I’m guessing. Unless you and I picked up some other enemies somewhere.”

  She hurried down the sidewalk to him and hugged him. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay, Annie, this isn’t your fault.” He kissed her temple and inhaled her sweet scent. “Why don’t you go back inside, and I’ll call Damien to come replace the tires.”

  “Okay.” She kissed him and gave him a half-smile that was laced with worry and headed into the restaurant.

  This was so fucking not how he wanted their first date to go.

  Chapter Ten

  Annie watched from inside the restaurant as Hemi spoke to the driver of a tow truck. He’d been in the process of changing the one flat tire with the spare when the driver had shown up. Her stomach was in knots and she didn’t like being away from him.

  The restaurant was about half-full, with several servers running from the kitchen to the tables with trays.

  “You want anything, hon?” the server asked as she came to stand next to her at one of the large windows. “Cup of coffee or a glass of water?”

  “I’m fine. Thanks for letting me wait.”

  “No problem. Holler at me if you need anything.”

  Annie smiled at her, then turned her attention back to Hemi and the other man replacing the tires. She had zero knowledge about cars and thought it was neat that Hemi could change a tire by himself. Her dad wasn’t mechanically inclined either, so he’d never taught her to do that kind of thing.

  The hairs on the back of her neck rose and she heard a man exclaim in the kitchen followed by the sound of dishes crashing to the floor. Annie turned and watched in horror as Roy strode into the restaurant, a feral smile on his face.

  “Hello, mate.”

  She backed up and hit the window.

  A cook came out of the kitchen and grabbed Roy’s shoulder. “Hey! Get the hell out of here!”

  Roy didn’t take his eyes off Annie as he grabbed the cook by the throat and tossed him over the counter like a sack of potatoes. The man hit the floor with a groan. The server screamed and cowered behind the counter, and the diners all stared in slack-jawed surprise at Roy as he advanced on Annie.

  “If you come with me now, no one else has to get hurt,” Roy said. His voice was eerily calm, and she shuddered.

  “I’m not your mate, Roy. I’m not anything to you. We’ve been through this. You need to leave me alone.”

  He took a menacing step toward her. “I’m not leaving without you.”

  “Someone call 911,” she shouted. “I have a restraining order against him. He can’t be here!”

  One of the men in the booths stood and said, “You need to get out of here, man.”

  Roy glanced at the man and in a move so fast she would’ve missed it if she’d blinked, he was across the restaurant and knocking the phone out of the man’s hand. The man went airborne and Annie gasped, her heart thudding in her chest. She raced for the door and jerked it open. “Hemi!”

  She got one step out of the restaurant when Roy grabbed her by her hair and dragged her back inside. She screamed as she was tossed against the counter. Her eyes watered and she cried out, covering her head with her arms and shielding herself from the pain she was sure was coming her way. There was a grunt and a shout, and then the best noise she’d ever heard in her life—a lion’s roar.

  Hemi jerked Roy away from Annie so hard that he made a gurgling sound, his body flying overhead and landing hard on the linoleum. He leaped to his feet, bleeding from a head wound. He took a step toward Annie with a snarl, fangs elongated, then looked at Hemi and darted for the door.

  “Stay and call the police, Annie,” Hemi said.

  She nodded.

  Hemi charged after Roy and disappeared out the front door.

  “I’ve called the cops,” the server said as she rushed around the counter to the cook, who was slowly sitting up. “You okay, hon?” she asked Annie.

  She said yes, but she was anything but okay. Roy hadn’t just tampered with Hemi’s truck, he’d lain in wait for her, watched for Hemi to be busy with the truck, and it had worked. If the diners hadn’t distracted Roy, he might’ve gotten away with her. She didn’t want to think about what would happen if she was alone with him.

  The door opened and the tow truck driver walked in with her purse. “I’m Damien’s brother, Shiloh. I thought you might need this.”

  “Thanks,” she said. Her phone was in the purse, and she took it out and called Duke. Hemi had told her if something happened to him and she needed help to go to the alpha. He answered on the second ring, and she quickly explained what happened.

  “You’re okay? Do you need Doc?”

  “I’m fine, just shaken up.”

  “I’m sending the patrol to locate Hemi and Roy. The police are on the way?”

  She lifted her head and saw flashing lights through the windows. “They just got here.”

  “Stay put until you hear from me or Hemi. Let me talk to Shiloh.”

  “Okay, thanks Duke.”

  “Don’t worry, Annie. You couldn’t ask for a fiercer heart-match than Hemi. He’ll keep you safe.”

  She smiled and thanked Duke, then handed the phone to Shiloh. The alpha’s words spun in her head. She and Hemi had agreed to take things slow, but a lot of that was on her. She didn’t know much about shifters and he didn’t want to rush her. But there’d been no mistaking the look in Hemi’s eyes when he’d once more come to her rescue—he cared for her on a deep level.

  And the truth was she cared for him too. Not just because he’d saved her, but because she felt connected to him.

  She rubbed the space over her heart as the police and EMTs came into the diner and talked to witnesses. Shiloh stayed by her side, his arms folded and his watchful gaze making her feel safe.

  “I feel like a broken record,” Shiloh said, “but are you sure you’re okay?”

  “I am, really. Hemi stopped Roy from getting to me. I’m just ashamed for what happened here.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “None of this is on you, Annie. You can’t control someone else’s actions. He’s acting far above what a normal shifter would behave like when it comes to mates. He’s clearly got issues, and you just happen to be the target. But it’s not your fault by any stretch.”

  She knew he was speaking logically, but she couldn’t help but feel responsible. Even if she hadn’t gone out on that coffee date with Roy, he might still have pursued her. Shiloh was right, but that didn’t stop her from feeling bad.

  She gave her statement to the officer. Then Hemi walked into the diner, and she raced to him. He caught her in his arms and held her tightly. He kissed her and asked, “He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

  “No. Thank you for coming to my rescue again.”

  “He shouldn’t have been able to get to y
ou at all. I’m pissed as hell.”

  “I’m okay, though. So, what happened? Did you catch up to him?”

  “No, he shifted and took off,” Hemi said. He scrubbed a hand through his hair. “Fucker’s fast. We were on his trail and it went cold suddenly.”

  The police officer was a pride member, and he spoke to Hemi and Shiloh, then checked in with Annie to make sure she didn’t need medical attention. Hemi left her with Shiloh and walked over to the cook, and Annie heard him tell the man that he’d take care of the repairs, and to send any medical bills for himself and the server to Tails.

  “The truck’s all set. You ready to go, sweetheart?”

  “Hell yes.”

  When they were in the truck, he backed away from the restaurant and put it into gear, pulled away and headed toward his house.

  “That was nice of you to offer to pay for the repairs and medical bills.”

  “It’s not me doing the paying, it’s the pride.”

  “I’m not a pride member, though.”

  “Not officially yet, no, but you’re my mate and even if we’re not official yet, the pride stands by their own people. I’m sure the diner has insurance for the damages, but they might not have health insurance, so whatever isn’t covered, the pride will take care of. We have a fund to help out in these situations.”

  “That’s really nice.”

  He grunted. “It would be nicer if I’d caught the son of a bitch.”

  “Well, yeah.” She chuckled, and then it turned into a full-blown laugh as relief wove through her.

  “Sure you didn’t hit your head or something?” he asked with a laugh.

  “Yeah. I’m just feeling relieved that while we don’t know where he is, at least we’re both okay.”

  “I feel the same way.”

  She leaned on his shoulder and sighed. “I’m sorry our night was ruined.”

  “It’s only ruined if we allow it to be. Are you up for our date to continue?”

  “I am, actually. You’re right, I don’t want to let Roy ruin our date. So where are we going?”

  “My place. But don’t ask me anything else. It’s a surprise.”


  When they got to his house, he unlocked the front door and turned on the overhead light in the family room. She was surprised to see two recliners and trays in front of his big screen TV. On the trays were tubs of popcorn and boxes of candy, along with bottles of water and soda.

  She blinked in surprise. They’d stopped by so she could change before their date and it hadn’t looked like this.

  “How did you pull this off?”

  He was grinning when she turned to face him. Damn, he was sexy.

  “Demi. She came over when we left and put everything out. But I planned it, just so you know. I’ve got a couple movies for you to pick from.”

  She hugged him and rose onto her toes to kiss him. “I love it. It’s perfect.”

  “I’m glad you like it. I wanted our first date to be special. I know the meal ended badly, but the night is still ours and we’re safe and together. That’s what matters.”

  “It really does. I know you’re going to keep me safe. I’ve never felt this safe with anyone before. But then again, I’ve never had someone trying to come after me the way Roy is.”

  He let out a short growl. “Your safety is the only thing I’m concerned with right now. Roy will be found and he will be stopped.”

  “I trust you.”

  “Good. I just got you in my life. I don’t want to lose you.”

  She smiled at him. “I feel the same way.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Hemi didn’t want to leave Annie to go to work. He considered all the ways he could stay home and ensure her safety, including quitting his job. But the problem with that was there was very little in life that didn’t actually cost money. So that was out. While everything within him revolted at leaving her behind, he really did believe that she would be safe in pride territory, and the patrols would keep a closer eye on his place. It ate at him that Roy had gotten away after attacking her in the restaurant.

  “You okay?” she asked as she joined him on the couch where he was tugging on his boots.


  She chuckled. “I like how you get to the point.”

  He leaned back against the cushions with a growl and ran his hand through his hair. “I hate leaving you.”

  “I go to work—why wouldn’t you?”

  “Because it’s warring with my lion to leave you alone. I won’t be home until after three.”

  She turned to face him, propping her head in her hand. “You said there wasn’t any place safer for me than the pride territory, and I think you’re right. He hasn’t come for me at school either, though, but that could be because you’ve also stationed a lion in the parking lot to keep an eye on things.”

  He linked their fingers and rested their joined hands on his thigh, his mind spinning. They’d decided after Roy crashed their date that she’d stay with him for the foreseeable future. Hemi liked having her in his bed, and he particularly liked knowing she was safe. He wanted her to stay with him permanently, but he hadn’t asked her. He wanted her to want to live with him—not because it was the right choice for her safety.

  He could feel the connection between them as heart-matches growing every day and he was fast heading toward falling in love with her. It was certainly different being with a human. There were things that shifters took for granted when it came to mating. A shifter female wouldn’t want to wait to be mated. But Hemi wouldn’t trade Annie for anyone else.

  He was damn thankful she was in his life.

  A thought occurred to him. “You wanna hang out with Demi?”

  Her brows rose. “Well, we were talking about getting together, but what if she has plans?”

  He took his phone out to text her. “The only plans she has that I know of involve ignoring the other pride’s alpha and pissing off my parents.”

  Annie laughed.

  Demi replied quickly. “She said she’s giving herself a mani/pedi and she’d love to have some company.” He grimaced and didn’t finish the rest of her text.

  Annie leaned over. “What else did she say?”

  “That she’d tell you all the embarrassing things I did as a kid.”

  “Oh well, then I definitely want to hang out with her!”

  She leaned over and pecked his cheek.

  “You have to take whatever she says with a grain of salt. I was adorable and perfectly well-behaved.”

  She rose to her feet and grinned down at him. “I have a feeling you earned your name in every possible way.”

  Once he was ready for work, he walked Annie next door and knocked. Demi opened the door, greeting them.

  “The patrols will be around a lot more frequently. If either of you sense anything out of the ordinary, let me know immediately,” Hemi said.

  “You got it,” Demi said. “But he’d be an idiot to come into our territory, especially with the patrols.”

  Hemi nodded.

  “I’ll miss you,” Annie said.

  “I’ll miss you too.”

  She narrowed her eyes slightly. “I don’t plan to do this every night, just so you know.”

  “Stay with Demi?”

  She nodded. “I’m only doing this because I want to get to know her, not because I think I need a babysitter. Tomorrow night when you go to work, I’ll be locked up safe and sound in the house and waiting for you.”

  His lion let out a purr.

  Demi rolled her eyes and pushed away from the doorjamb. “That’s my cue. You’re grossing me out.”

  Annie smiled. “Have fun at work.”

  “You have fun too.”

  He put his arm around her and slowly drew her against him. Her hands landed on his pecs, her nails curling slightly against the fabric of his shirt. He lowered his head for a kiss, and she rose onto her toes and met him. While everything within him roared to deepen t
he kiss—hell, to carry her back home and mate her—he pulled away and cupped her face. “Be safe, sweetheart.”

  She nodded and he released her. When she was inside the house and shut the door, he waited until he heard the deadbolt slide into place.

  He stared at the closed door for a long moment and then forced himself to turn away.

  Annie would be safe, and he’d see her in the morning.

  There was no other option.

  * * *

  “I don’t even feel a little like a babysitter,” Demi said as she opened the refrigerator.

  “No?” Annie asked with a chuckle.

  “Nah, mostly because he’s not paying me. How do you feel about leftover chicken spaghetti?”

  “Oh, that’s a favorite of mine. Classic comfort food. Did you make it?”

  “Nope.” She straightened, set a plastic container on the counter, and directed Annie to the cabinet for the plates. “China’s my friend who cooks. She’s always making big meals and parceling them out to her family. I’m fortunate to be on her list, and she knows I love this kind of thing.”

  “Hemi mentioned China. She’s one of the waitresses at the bar, right?”

  Demi portioned out the casserole onto plates and put one in the microwave. “Yep. She’s worked at the bar since she was twenty-one and gets great tips from the unmated males who come in. Titus and Duke just hired a wolf shifter female named Blu as a bartender. They’ve lost some staff and needed to shore up their numbers.”

  “Who did they lose?”

  “Diesel—he used to work the front door checking IDs. He’s mated to a human and he works at her parents’ coffee shop with her. And we lost a barback because he finished college and got a daytime job, and another waitress who went to work at a fancy steakhouse.”

  “I never wanted to be a waitress. My first job in high school was working part-time at a daycare.”

  “I did that in high school too! That’s what made me decide to go to college to be a teacher. I wanted to teach elementary grades, not deal with babies. I sometimes sub for middle grades, but I like the younger kids because they’re so eager to learn and have fun. They’re not all assholes like teenagers can be.”


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