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Night Angel

Page 15

by Renee Reeves

  Shaking, moaning, Morgan levered herself up enough to see her legs splayed over Nick's wide shoulders and his dark bristly head against her core. She saw his head move, felt his tongue, hot, soft and wet, as it slipped inside her, almost burning ... she whimpered and he glanced up, caught her watching him and his blue eyes blazed to almost black. Slowly, deliberately holding her gaze he lowered his head and placed his lips over her clit, sucking strongly. Wild, sharp shards of pleasure struck her. Bright light flashed behind her closed eyelids, pulsing in time with each strong pull of his mouth on her throbbing flesh.

  Reflexively she clutched at his ears, trying to pull him away from her but it was like trying to remove a starving dog from his meal. He growled, long and low in his throat, and then licked up the middle of her vagina to her throbbing clitoris.

  There was no stopping him. Holding her hips in both hands he ate at her ravenously, his tongue swirling around and around her clit, giving her mind and body no quarter. No leeway for her inexperience. Each hot rasp of his tongue sent bolts of painful pleasure through her body, sensation piling on top of sensation as he licked and sucked her wet flesh. She struggled to draw breath, frightened by the intensity of the coiling pressure within her vagina, pressure that rose from her core and spread to her abdomen and thighs. Small inner muscles, delicate and helpless against Nick's tormenting mouth, began to clench rhythmically and she could feel herself growing wetter and wetter. Surely Nick could feel it ... taste it as well. Slightly embarrassed she tried to pull away only to have his hands tighten on her hips, restraining her.

  "Cum, Morgan,” his smooth voice whispered. “You know you want to. Your body needs to. Relax and let go for me."

  He slid a finger inside of her and she moaned, her muscles clenching tightly around it. He hissed as though burned, and then began moving it slowly back and forth, “Fuck ... You feel so good ... so wet and hot. So perfect.... Feel me stroking you."

  She whimpered, feeling his thick finger piercing her, moving inside of her. Mindlessly she writhed against him while shards of pleasure speared her inside and out. Helplessly, shamelessly she moaned his name, arching herself against him and opening her thighs wider, “Please..."

  He increased the pace of his finger, slid another in beside it, stretching her with their combined width and put his mouth back between her legs, sucking hard.

  The coils tightened on themselves, growing bigger and bolder with every firm sweep of his tongue against her tender clit. Then suddenly, unexpectedly, the coils released, exploding inside of her, sending stabbing shafts of bright light streaking behind her closed eyelids. Crying out she arched her body, sobbing and twisting wildly as her ravished sex pulsed and clamped hard onto his fingers, tugging them inside with greedy pulls. Her body jerked, lunging against Nick, forcing his fingers deeper. He muttered something and then the heavy weight of his arm came across her stomach, holding her in place while she rode out the orgasm.

  When the aftershocks had finished and she was aware once more she felt Nick gently pull his fingers out of her slick passage, and in an unexpectedly considerate move, adjust her panties so that she was covered. But his hand lingered on top of the material, stroking and petting her drenched flesh tenderly.

  "First one?” he whispered.

  Gasping, her body still twitching from aftershocks she nodded, beyond embarrassment. Feeling tears prick behind her eyelids she said, “Richard n-never ... he didn't see any reason to..."

  "Good thing the bastards dead.” He muttered against her skin.

  Giving him a shaky smile she clasped her arms behind Nick's neck and pulled him up her body, feeling the hard, heavy prod of his erection brush against her as he moved. She mentally braced herself for the invasion that would come next, hoping that she would be able to get through it. But instead of opening his jeans and freeing himself, Nick carefully wiped her tears away, straightened her sweat-soaked hair so it wouldn't get caught under either of them and rolled onto his back so that she rested with her head on his chest. Her arm fell limp across his chest.

  She waited, catching her breath and wondering what would come next.

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  Chapter 20

  Long moments went by while she lay there, listening to his thumping heart and the steady sound of his breathing. She frowned, wondering if something was wrong. She chanced a glance up at his face, but his eyes were closed and his face relaxed, telling her nothing. Maybe he had fallen asleep ... she moved her arm and her eyes latched onto his wide chest; all that smooth, dark skin packed with firm muscle...

  Biting her lip she cautiously ran the tip of her finger from his sternum down to the ladder of his abdomen, carefully tracing each dip and swell. His skin was hot, rougher and thicker than hers. The line of hair on his stomach was soft, much softer than that on his head and she tangled her fingers in it, fascinated as a strand curled around her finger.

  Beneath his jeans his erection was still obvious, and before her wide eyes it twitched, lengthening even more. Nick blew out a long breath, reached down and shifted it to a more comfortable position.

  Morgan blushed and vaguely noticed that the room was darker, and that she could hear the chirping of insects outside her window. While she had been having the first orgasm of her entire life the earth had continued its trek around the sun and day had switched to night.

  Her hand rose on Nick's stomach as he took another deep breath and she knew that he had opened his eyes and was watching her.

  "Nick?” her throat was scratchy, as if she needed a drink of water. She cleared it before continuing, “Aren't you going to...?” She faltered and gestured towards his erection.

  He sighed, kissed the top of her head and pressed her closer to him, crushing her so close it felt like he wanted her to crawl right into his skin and be part of him forever, just like his tattoo.

  "This was for you, Morgan.” His voice was deep. The gravelly sound reminding her exactly of where his mouth had been. On her. Inside her. “Besides, I don't have anything here to protect you with and it's getting late."

  Condoms. He was talking about condoms.

  Against her will she imagined Nick's seed flooding her womb and she smoothed a hand over her flat belly, picturing it swollen and heavy. Oh, wow. This was so dangerous. He was dangerous.

  "You, um ... you don't have to worry about that. I mean ... I take birth control pills.” She drew in a shaky breath, “Never missed a day, even after—” She stopped, about to say ‘even after Richard died'.

  There was a long, thick silence while he absorbed that news. Then she felt him stroking her hair, letting the long dark strands run through his fingers until he caught the ends in a soothing and repetitive movement.

  "You're so goddamned beautiful Morgan, and so damned tempting.” He stroked her shoulder with the tip-end of her hair, using it like a feather to tickle her skin. “But I'm on edge right now, starving for you, and that's why I'm leaving here without going any further. I can't make love right now, not gently like you deserve. Especially not now that I know I'd be able to feel you, dripping wet and tight, on every inch of my cock. It would only be fucking—hard—all night long, and then in the morning, when we're both tired and achy, when you've come so many times you can't remember your own name ... Then maybe I could slow down and make love to you. But not now."

  * * * *

  "I've already fed for the night'” Jake said as Nick walked into the lighted barn an hour later. “And I gave Lucky some alfalfa."

  Nick raised an eyebrow, “Lucky?"

  "The gelding. I figured we had to call him something. I almost went with Scarface, but that didn't seem very nice."

  "You aren't even going to ask where I've been?"

  Jake grinned, “When Neartic came home alone I went looking for you. The next time you're ... involved with Morgan you might want to make sure the windows are shut. You could end up embarrassing some innocent bystander."

  Nick muttered a curse and swiped a hand ove
r his head, then couldn't help the little grin that kicked up the corner of his mouth. “Don't mention that to her."

  "Are you kidding?” Jake exclaimed, placing a hand over his heart. “I'm not an idiot. A gentleman never tells.” He hit the light switch, plunging the barn into darkness as they walked outside into the moonlit night. “So I take it that things are okay between the two of you now?"

  "I took advantage of her."

  Jake stopped dead, his shock a heavy weight between them. “Come again?"

  Nick walked on towards his house, knowing it wouldn't take Jake long to find his composure and hound him. “You heard me. And the hell of it is that I'll keep doing it too."

  "Yeah, I heard you, but I don't believe you. You care too much about her to use her or hurt her like that. I know you do, it's been obvious for weeks."

  "Jake, I rode over there like some conquering nutcase and basically coerced her to let me in. I didn't take “no” for an answer."

  "Nick ... what are you saying? You didn't—"

  "What? No! For fucks sake Jake you know I would never do that."

  He could feel Jake's eyes boring into his back as he stomped up the back steps and into the cool interior of his kitchen. Nick threw his brother an irritated scowl. “It's nine o'clock. You have your own home you know and this really is none of your business."

  Jake sauntered over to the kitchen table and sprawled into one of the chairs, propping his booted feet on another. “I know. But I haven't eaten yet and I know you have some leftover pizza in the refrigerator. So grab some plates and get to talking."

  "Oh for fuck's sake!” Nick snapped. ‘Fuck’ and ‘sake’ were fast becoming his two favorite words, especially around Jake. “Why the hell couldn't dad have become impotent after I was born?"

  Jake's green gaze flashed amusement, then back to concern. “Pizza and then talk, big brother."

  Nick grabbed a plate out of the cabinet and the pizza out of the refrigerator and slapped two cold pieces onto his brother's plate. Then he took a handful of napkins and plopped everything on the table in front of Jake. Jake raised an eyebrow before calmly biting into one of the slices. Nick folded his arms and leaned back against his counter, calling back the urge to pick his brother up and toss him out the door. “She told me that she had been married for six years to the asshole and was tired of having him as her only experience. Obviously she was feeling vulnerable and I gave in to her without a struggle. End of story."

  "Okay.” Jake grabbed a napkin and wiped his mouth, then tapped his fingers on the table and nodded thoughtfully, “I see. So you had sex with her because she wanted you to. Um ... how is that using her? Sounds to me like she was the one using you."

  Feeling a huge headache coming on Nick shook an aspirin out of the bottle that he kept in the cabinet and stalked to the refrigerator, jerking open the door and grabbing a coke. Keeping his back to Jake he popped the top on the soda can and swallowed, grimacing as the cold liquid fizzed down his throat. Then admitted, “We didn't have sex."

  "But I heard—oh ... crap; thanks, now I have to get that visual out of my head."

  Nick turned around. His brother's face was red. “You wanted to know."

  Jake cleared his throat, trying hard to hide his embarrassment. “Sorry, Nick. But I'm still not seeing the problem."

  Nick sighed deeply. Everything in his life led back to this. “She doesn't know about me. She doesn't know she let an ex-con get ... close to her."

  He ran a hand across his face and mouth, remembering how her silky thighs had clenched on his head and how good, how sweetly hot she had tasted. How her cries of pleasure—pleasure only he had ever given her—had been the most beautiful sounds he had ever heard. Leaving her alone in that bed knowing she was rosy and wet from her first orgasm, her body completely ready to take him inside, had been the hardest thing he had ever done. Even now he wanted to race right back over there and plunge his tongue into her again and again.

  And then he would fuck her, exactly like he had told her, all night long, consequences be damned.

  Jake pointedly clearing his throat brought him back to the present, and made him aware of the erection straining his jeans.

  "Jesus, Nick. Go take a cold shower.” Jake stood up, apparently figuring that this was his time to leave. “And after that you need to tell her the truth, before you go any further with her. I personally think you're making too big a deal out of nothing, but you know it's the right thing to do or, from what I heard this afternoon, you wouldn't be standing here pointing at me from below the waist."

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  Chapter 21

  She had seduced a man, Morgan thought as she came awake the next morning. Of course after the initial ‘make love to me, Nick’ he had taken over all control, but still she was the one who had gotten the ball rolling.

  Smiling she pressed her face into the sheets, inhaling Nick's lingering scent, then stretched her arms above her head and rolled over, facing the ceiling, picturing his ruthlessly stunning face and indigo eyes above her. A fierce, powerful delight swelled inside of her. She had had an orgasm. And to think that all of these years you thought the romance books were lying.

  She had finally experienced that mysterious sexual grail and for the first time in six years she felt complete. Richard may have used her body, many times in ways that had made her feel lower than an animal. But Nick ... Nick had given her that illusive, missing piece of the puzzle and had made her truly feel like a woman. Tentatively Morgan lowered her hand to the juncture between her thighs. Lightly she stroked the same spot his mouth had worshipped. Her breath caught, remembering the soft, damp heat of his tongue on her.

  He had been merciless in his efforts to give her pleasure and now she wanted more of it. More of Nick ... She moaned, stroking more firmly, losing herself in the building sensations as moisture gathered and spread.

  The phone rang. Morgan screeched and jerked her hand from between her legs, glancing in horror at her bedside table as if the person on the other end of the phone could see exactly what she had been doing. Heart pounding she leaned over the other side of the bed reaching for it, thinking it might be Nick. The moment her shaking fingers touched the receiver she hesitated, remembering that he didn't have her number. Besides, he was probably busy with the horses right now and with all that he had to do she would be the last thing on his mind.

  Morgan picked up the receiver and sat up on the bed, wincing as her abused leg protested. She grinned even though the pain was sharp. Her muscles just weren't used to being spread over a man's wide shoulders like that.


  "Hey, hon. How are things over there in big sky country?” Lisa's bright, crisp voice came over the line.

  Hey Lisa, guess what? I got naked with my hot, total package goliath neighbor and he made me come like there was no tomorrow.

  Morgan winced, mentally shoving the little red devil off her shoulder. “Fine ... things are ... fine."

  "You sure? You sound kind of breathless."

  Before responding Morgan pulled in a deep, silent breath. Relax. Focus. “I've just been really busy getting a painting ready to ship to you; it'll be finished in a few days. It's the first for the ‘Majestic Montana’ series."

  "Already? Wow. That's wonderful, Morgan."

  Just then Morgan remembered the messy paint splatter on her workroom floor and groaned. No doubt it was going to take loads of paint thinner and elbow grease to get it up. Hopefully it hadn't stained the wood floor permanently.

  "Shoot Lisa, I hate to cut this short but I spilled paint all over my floor last night and completely forgot about cleaning it up. I'll have to let you go."

  "Oh Morgan, how in the world did you forget to clean it up?"

  Because my neighbors head was between my legs. Morgan bit back an embarrassed snort. Darn that little red devil!

  "I just got busy with something else and it totally slipped my mind.” While he slipped you the tongue—

nbsp; Stop it!

  "I'll talk to you soon, Lisa. I'll call you and let you know when to expect the painting."

  "Okay sweetie. Bye."

  Morgan hung up the phone with a rush of relief. Those little reminiscent scenes about last night had gotten her wet again. Sure as the sun rose she had become addicted. A Nickoholic.

  Wearing a goofy little smile she headed towards the bathroom to run water in the tub.

  * * * *

  At seven-thirty that evening Morgan's doorbell rang. Nick was a looming presence on her porch looking wonderfully surly in his customary black T and faded jeans.

  A delicious shivery sensation shook her and her nipples peaked, pushing against the thin cups of her bra. Her breath quickened as memories roared through her brain. Hard and sensual, his mouth had closed firmly around one tight nub, pulling and licking at the tight crest, manipulating her flesh until she was writhing beneath him, arching and begging him with her body.

  Morgan g roaned, closing her eyes as waves of embarrassment pinkened her skin. Surely he would take one look at her and know exactly where her mind had been.

  Steeling herself she turned the doorknob.

  "Do you like cats?” he asked as soon as she opened the door. Cats? Her brain slowed, back-peddling from embarrassment, sex, and maybe a ‘hello’ kiss to ... cats. Morgan blinked several times, uncertain if she had heard him right. Okaay ... so maybe you're the only one still stuck on last night.

  "Um ... Cats? As in the animal or the musical?"

  Those black eyebrows lowered for an instant. “Animal."

  "Well uh ... yes.” Uncertain as to where this was leading she nodded, frowning slightly, “Yes I do."

  Those dark eyes studied her for moment and then his lips tilted up in a slow, satisfied smile. In a move so quick she had no time to react he shackled her upper arm with his fingers and pulled her tight against his chest. In the next instant his large hands had slid smoothly down her back to firmly cup her butt. He squeezed, the movement lifting her against him, surprising a small shriek out of her.


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