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Night Angel

Page 19

by Renee Reeves

  Until she decided the time was right for her.

  Lifting herself up onto her knees she gripped his cock with her hand and tentatively began to ease down onto him. The first hard inch parted her and she stopped, gasping at the slight burn.

  "Fuck, you're so tight,” he cursed raggedly.

  Even though she could feel her own wetness easing his way he was much bigger than Richard had been, and his cock was stretching her, bordering on pain. She felt swollen, already filled by him and he wasn't yet completely inside. Morgan felt the dark edge of fear begin to worm its way into her brain and forced herself to focus on Nick. To remember that this was natural, that she wanted it—him. She eased down another inch and his hands came up to clench her waist, stopping her downward motion.

  "Easy Morgan ... easy baby. It's alright,” he soothed when she whimpered and bit her lip, wincing at the burning assault. “Let your muscles relax."

  "I swear ... I'm trying."

  "Touch yourself,” he whispered, “I'll hold you up."

  Morgan could feel the heat that suffused her face, her body as a wave of embarrassment washed over her. She opened her mouth but nothing came out. She had touched herself before, but never with any luck, and never in front of anyone. Attempting it while Nick watched ... she shook her head. “No, it-it will be fine...” She punctuated her words by wiggling and bearing down on his cock again.

  "Oh Jesus...” Arching his head back Nick groaned, heavy biceps bunching as his hands tightened on her waist hard enough to leave bruises. A sheen of sweat coated his chest and he cursed again, raw and ragged. “Shit. Stop, Morgan.” He gulped in a big breath, fingers easing on her sides. “I don't want you to hurt yourself.” As he spoke he rotated his hips beneath her, tiny, subtle movements that pressed his cock against her sensitive inner tissues, reigniting her flames. She twisted her hips, bracing her palms hard on his chest, mimicking his short thrusts. “That's it, baby,” he encouraged as her head fell back, “Move with me. That's right."

  Morgan felt his hands leave her side. One slid around to cup her buttocks and help her move while the other trailed down her thigh. She jerked, blood pumping in a heavy rhythm when he paused briefly to caress her clit. Tension coiled, winding through her body but then his fingers left her again.

  Nick took one of her hands, raised it from his chest to his lips and sucked one of her fingers into the hot recesses of his mouth.

  "Oh ... God...” His tongue stroked her finger, swirling around the tip, flicking lightly and then with more force. Morgan felt her nipples swell to painful little peaks, as if remembering when his mouth had done the same to them.

  The sucking slowed and he released her finger from his mouth. It glistened wetly in the dim light. Watching her out of hooded eyes darkened to midnight he guided her hand between them and pressed her finger to the tiny nub hidden in the secret folds of her body. He moved her finger around and around, slick caresses that had her back arching and her thigh muscles stiffening. He encouraged her, whispering softly about how beautiful she was, how responsive, and as he worked her clit with her finger any embarrassment she felt drifted far away. She stroked, eyes closed, fingertip moving firmly on her smooth flesh. Vaguely she realized that Nick had taken his hand away, that she was now sitting astride him—naked—with half of his cock inside her body ... pleasuring herself.

  In front of him. For him.

  A gush of wetness answered her erotic thought, easing her tight passage and allowing his cock to slide deeper within her. Half of him inside her now and she moaned at the sensation, digging her nails into his chest.

  "That's better,” he said, his voice rough and hoarse, “Keep touching yourself ... soon you'll have all of me."

  She opened her eyes to see him watching what she was doing, his eyes focused between her legs. The expression on his face was one of fierce sexual excitement, animalistic ... and it would have scared her at any other time. But now, now she wanted as much as he could give her.

  Morgan closed her eyes, arching her back as the need to have him inside her overrode any sense of discomfort. Morgan's finger moved faster. She undulated above him, gasping as the sensations, the tightening and coiling within her body, in her vagina where his cock throbbed, flooded together, twisting and turning, colliding together.

  She exploded. A violent pulsing seized and invaded her whole body. She planted herself down onto Nick, taking all of him—hard.

  They both cried out.

  Morgan's head fell back and she couldn't stop a keening wail from escaping her as the never-ending pulsations took over her body, sucking at his cock now deep inside her. Dimly she was aware of Nick's heaving breaths, of his muscles quivering beneath her. Veins stood out on his body, running the length of his ropey muscles, giving life to the chain tattoo. The tension inside him was palpable and Morgan realized he was waiting, waiting on her to tell him she was ready for more.

  "Take me Nick,” she gasped, frantic with the wildness blooming between them, “hard as you want, just like you said you would the other night. Fill me up. I won't break."

  "Fucking hell, sweetheart,” he rasped, “I wanted to go easy the first time."

  "No,” she moaned, writhing on top of him, “I want you, nothing but you.” She ground her hips down as hard as she could, breathless and shivering, taking every bit of him. “Now, Nick. Please."

  His hands gripped her hips with bruising force, fingers digging into her skin as he took her at her word and let go. He pounded up into her, each heavy thrust jerking little cries out of her throat. He let go of her waist, adjusting her thighs wider on his hips so that her weight drove her down. Reaching down he found her clit and rubbed firmly. Inside her the coiling tension began again, rising higher and hotter with each ruthless pass of his finger, making her wetter as he shoved hard into her, twice, three times, again and again, the tendons in his neck standing out as he clenched his jaw. Each deep jolting contact hit nerve endings deep within, driving her body feverishly towards release.

  Like red-hot lightening the fury was upon her. She screamed as her body clamped down, squeezing his cock in a vise-like fist.

  Nick came with a loud shout, pulsing hotly inside her, his semen marking her as his in the most basic, primitive way. Panting like she had run ten miles Morgan collapsed onto his sweaty chest, whimpering and shaking as stray little convulsions continued throughout her. His penis rested inside her, not as full, but still an obvious presence and she knew that tomorrow she would be very sore.

  Sore ... but not torn and bleeding like with Richard.

  She moved slightly, wincing at the various aches throughout her body. She could still feel the imprint of Nick's powerful hands and knew that she would have marks from them. But unlike being bruised from Richard beating her, these bruises had occurred while Nick showed her what real lovemaking was supposed to be. And now she knew the difference.

  Nick heaved a big sigh and then his arms came back around her, gently pulling her up until her head was resting against his throat. She winced, feeling his penis slip free of her body.

  "You OK?” His voice rumbled deep and contented from his throat, vibrating against her cheek. “That was ... more intense than I had planned. Did I hurt you?"

  She nodded and felt his beard stubble scrape against her skin, “I'm fine."

  "I want honesty Morgan. I didn't scare you at all?"

  "I was nervous, at first ... and maybe a little scared when we ... when you...” she buried her nose in his collarbone, “you know."

  "I'm going to guess the ‘you know’ is when I put my cock inside you.” He stroked her cheek, “I should have gone slower, not let things get out of hand. I didn't want you to associate us and what we were doing with him.” He growled the last word.

  His big body had tensed against her and she knew he was thinking about her comparing him to Richard. “I didn't. Really, Nick,” she assured him. “The only time he came to mind was after. And that was only briefly."

  "And? What di
d you think about him?"

  The fire crackled and hissed in the hearth, drying the sweat from their naked bodies. Long moments passed while Morgan lay on Nick's chest listening to his heart thumping, trying to decide the best way to answer him.

  She sighed, knowing that his question wasn't based on jealously, but on concern for her. “I was thinking that even though you are bigger and stronger than Richard, and you could hurt me just as easily—more so—if you wanted too, that you had just shown me the true difference between making love and ... and what I ... what I endured with him."

  There was a moment of thick silence between them which Nick broke.

  "Come here,” his palms slid around her waist, urging her up higher on his chest, “I think there's been enough talking."

  * * * *

  Hours later Morgan lay awake; propped up on her elbows and watching the dying firelight playing across Nick's sleeping face. After making love to her again, much slower this time, he had gotten up and grabbed a few pillows off the sofa along with a lightweight quilt and made a bed for them near the fireplace. He had cuddled her, keeping her pressed close against him while they talked; him telling her more stories about the horses, and her telling him about her artwork. He had asked all kinds of questions about Lisa, the studio and the shows Morgan had coming up. Morgan blushed as she remembered how enthusiastic she had been while talking about herself. Richard had never expressed an interest in her art, had in fact made her stop painting completely. But Nick had seemed so honestly interested.

  Eventually exhaustion had taken over and they had both dozed off, but Morgan had been awakened by a log slipping and crackling loudly in the fire. Since then, she had stayed awake, watching him, aware of the lingering aches in her body and amazed at what had occurred between them in such a short time. His breathing was deep and even, his face peaceful, the severe lines gone, making him look several years younger, less fierce, but no less handsome.

  Smiling she leaned over him and pressed a kiss to his mouth, then snuggled against his side, not wanting to be separated from him for even a moment, awash in the pleasure of just touching him. And to think she had foolishly tried to keep him out of her life. She hadn't known love could be like this.

  Morgan caught her breath, staring down at Nick, heart pounding in her throat as the word rang loudly in her mind. He slept on, completely oblivious to what she had just admitted. But she couldn't deny it, any more than she could deny her body food or water.

  "Nick?” She pressed her hand to his jaw, loving the feel of his beard stubble abrading her palm. Knowing he was deeply asleep, that she was safe, she put her mouth near his ear and whispered, “I love you."

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  Chapter 26

  The sound of a door banging shut jerked Morgan awake the next morning. Heavy booted footfalls sounded across the hardwood floors and then stopped. Holding her breath Morgan crossed an arm over her naked breasts and rose up onto an elbow, straining frantically to hear where the person was.

  The refrigerator's ice machine rattled and she jumped.

  "Yo, Nick,” Jake's voice called from the kitchen area, a mere twenty feet from the room where she lay naked against Nick's side. “You up yet? It's almost eight."

  "Oh, God,” she whispered. She spotted her clothes scattered a mile away on the other side of the couch and turned to Nick who lay sleeping facedown in a boneless sprawl, his head smashed into his balled up shirt. Frantically she pushed on his arm, “Nick wake up! Your brother's here!"

  Nick shifted beside her and grumbled into the shirt. She pushed again, harder this time and dug her nails into his skin.


  He groaned and slowly sat up, running a hand over his head in irritation. Boots sounded in the hall and he glanced at her, “What the hell?"

  "Do something!” she hissed, clamping her arms tight around her nude body, “Your brother's about to walk in here."

  Cursing under his breath Nick leaned across her, reaching for the sofa and grabbed two pillows, handing them to her. Immediately she plastered them to her front. “Jake,” he shouted, “don't you even think about coming in here!"

  The booted footfalls hesitated and then stopped. “Uh ... okay. What's going on?"

  "Morgan's here.” Nick glanced over at her where she sat partially behind him. He smiled, reaching out and stroking her knee where it peeked out from the bulky pillows. His blue eyes traveled over her partially covered body, taking on a warm, appreciative glint. Morgan smiled and shyly ducked her head.

  "Oh hey, that's great.” They both heard Jake's steps start towards the living room. Morgan sucked in a sharp breath, looked at Nick in sudden panic and then started to crab-scoot behind the sofa. Nick's hand landed heavily on her ankle, stopping her.

  "Damn it Jake!” Nick cursed, “I said stay the hell away from here.” He scrubbed his free hand over his hair again and rubbed at the back of his neck. “This isn't exactly a great time for a brotherly visit."

  "Oh ... uh ... hell. I'm sorry. I'll just-uh ... I'll see you at the barn then."

  They listened to his rapidly fading steps and then the door slamming. Nick released his grip on her ankle and heaved a sigh. “Well hell. Now Jake'll be traumatized for the rest of the day."

  Morgan stifled a giggle at the thought of Jake being traumatized by anything, then shifted self-consciously beneath the covering of pillows, shyly aware of her nudity—and his. Most certainly his, she thought while her eyes roamed the broad expanse of his back, following the firm, hard line of muscles along his ribcage. His head swung back around to her, catching her unabashed perusal. Indigo eyes glowed hotly at her from half-lowered lids. She swallowed tightly, recognizing the meaning in that dark glow.

  "I ... I really should go,” she said, clutching the pillows and beginning to scoot away from him. She eyed her clothes at the opposite end of the sofa. “I know you have stuff to do."

  Nick looked at her, eyes roaming down her body, then casually leaned over and wrapped his hand around the calf of her uninjured leg, just below her knee. Before Morgan could try and jerk away from him she was being gently, yet inexorably pulled back towards him. She stared at him, wide-eyed while he ripped the pillows from her grasp and tumbled her backwards to the floor.

  "Is your leg ok?” He asked solicitously. “Do you need me to rub it?"

  Morgan shook her head, “I'm—it's ok."

  He stared at her, judging her honesty she guessed. Apparently satisfied that she was telling the truth his naked weight came heavily down on top of her, between her thighs, startling a gasp from her. He propped himself up on one elbow and looked down at her consideringly. “You think you're just gonna get up and leave after last night?"

  He shifted his hips, settling himself more comfortably against her and Morgan felt the hot, heavy prod of his penis at her entrance. Her hands came up to clutch at his shoulders, whether to push him away or pull him close she wasn't sure. He put one fingertip under chin, urging her to meet his gaze. Cheeks burning Morgan met his dark eyes. They were tender, filled with the knowledge of everything they had done last night. His mouth quirked and she willed herself not to melt into the floor from embarrassment.

  "That's no way to start the morning, sweetheart.” His head lowered and he kissed her, tenderly at first, coaxing, persuading until their tongues met and caressed softly, then harder, and more aggressively. His hands stroked up her ribs, calloused fingertips tickling her sensitive skin, cupping her breast, plying the peak with his fingertips until it was aching and painfully hard.

  Gasping, she pulled his head down towards her, “Please Nick..."

  He took her nipple into his mouth, pulling strongly with his lips and raking it tenderly with his teeth, then licking away the slight sting. She arched against him, begging for more.

  "This is the best breakfast I've ever had,” he muttered into her skin, kissing his way to her other breast.

  She giggled, but the sound was cut short when his hand began slidin
g down, gliding low over her belly, fingertips brushing her and then resting on her mound. Morgan held her breath, awash in a myriad of sensation while he probed her gently. She flinched, her body sore, but made no move or sound to stop him, part of her remembering how angry Richard had gotten when she complained and the other part of her just not wanting to spoil the morning. Nick groaned, the sound low and guttural, and pressed his face into her neck. “You're already wet."

  His finger dipped inside and rotated against her inner walls. Morgan bit her lip, then moaned into his shoulder and mimicked the slow motion with her hips. He did it again, encouraging her with soft whispers. Sweat broke out on her body as he increased the depth and motion until she was breathless, throbbing, arching against him, trying desperately to keep his finger from leaving her aching body.

  Nick whispered something low and unintelligible. His finger slid out, then came back to her, only this time the feeling was fuller, the sensation of discomfort heavier within her body and she realized he had added another finger. Now two stretched her already sore passage. Harsh reality threaded through her hazy mind. If his fingers were already causing such discomfort how in the world was she going to handle his penis? And there it was, pressing hard and ready against her thigh.

  Morgan bit her lip, holding back a whimper and wincing as he pushed his fingers back and forth inside her. Morgan knew that Nick would not purposely hurt her, but part of her did not want to ruin the morning by telling him ‘no’ and then have that tension wavering between them. Especially not after their beautiful night together.

  She turned her head away, desperate for her body to feel the same depth of pleasure she had experienced before he had introduced the second finger. Suddenly she became aware that the pushing inside her body had stopped and that Nick was watching her with fierce intensity. He withdrew his fingers and cupped her jaw, turning her head to face him.


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