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Drago (Second Wave Book 2)

Page 17

by Mikayla Lane


  Devon shook her head, pulled from her thoughts by Drago’s throaty voice saying her name. Damn, he had the hottest voice she thought as she squeezed her arms around his neck and smiled at him.

  “Shut up and kiss me,” Devon said as she leaned forward to touch his lips.

  With a low growl, Drago laid her on the bed in the guest room and covered her body with his, keeping most of his heavy weigh from her.

  Devon moaned at the feel of his body surrounding hers. She felt so small beneath him and she’d never felt small in her whole life. Enjoying the novelty of it, she stretched out under him like a contented cat, unaware that her sensual movements and her body rubbing against his, were driving Drago crazy.

  Grabbing her hands in one of his, he pulled them above her head and before she could speak, he leaned down and took her lips in a searing kiss that wiped all thoughts from her head. For the first time since she moved in the place, Devon was way too warm and needed out of some of her clothes.

  With regret, she pulled away from Drago’s mouth. “Clothes baby, I’m too hot,” Devon said, bucking against him to try and hurry him up.

  Drago panted down at her, his blue eyes so dark they appeared black. With his hair hanging around his face, causing shadows across the sharp planes, he looked fierce. No dangerous, Devon thought, perplexed when it didn’t scare her, it made her hotter.

  “Please,” Devon said as she strained against his hands.

  Drago looked as if he were plucked from a trance and he pulled her up into a sitting position. Devon felt chilled immediately when he stepped away from her and stood on the side of the bed looking down at her with a blank expression while he panted softly. She took in his fists as they clenched and unclenched and knew that he was trying desperately to get control of himself.

  Devon didn’t want him in control. A part of her wanted him to know how out of control she felt since he came crashing into her life, wrecking her plans and goals as he went. Another part of her wanted to play with fire, to find out just how much he desired her.

  Feeling brave, Devon moved to her knees in the center of the bed. She smiled shyly when she saw Drago’s eyes follow her every movement, like a predator watching his prey. When his blue eyes locked with her own, she lowered her gaze and shrugged out of her cardigan.

  His sharp intake of breath, gave her courage and she grabbed her sweater at the waist and pulled it over her head. She’d barely got it out of her hair and tossed it on the floor, before large, warm hands circled her waist.

  She wanted to melt into him, but was afraid that he would stop again, so she pulled his shirt out of his waistband and leaned down to put her lips on his steely abdomen. The contrast between the hardness of his muscles and silkiness of his skin fascinated Devon and she trailed her lips along his skin.

  Drago drew in a sharp breath the moment he felt her lips so close to where he ached for her. At the feel of her soft, questing lips trailing kisses along his stomach, his skin prickled with goose bumps while his body ignited with fire.

  He heard the fabric of his shirt rip when he yanked it out of her hands and pulled it over his head. Reaching down, he ignored Devon’s pout and pulled her up until he grabbed her by the back of the head and crushed her mouth to his. He held her head with one hand while he unsnapped her bra with the other.

  He swallowed Devon’s sigh when he released her breasts and pulled her bra off. He took her gasp next when he let go of her head and used both hands to cover her breasts, kneading gently as his rough callouses scraped her nipples. The combination of rough and gentle was exactly what she would have expected of Drago and it only made her more desperate to have him.

  Devon pulled away from his mouth and leaned into him, resting her head against his shoulder while she kicked off her boots with her feet and pulled down her leggings and panties at the same time.

  Completely naked now, Devon looked up into Drago’s eyes and was momentarily stunned by the heat in them. She reached up to run her fingers through his hair before pulling him down for another kiss. It was all Drago needed to kick him back to reality.

  Without his lips leaving hers, he managed to kick off his shoes and drop his pants to the floor. They both groaned as their naked bodies came together. Drago was done waiting though and leaned down until Devon lay flat on her back. He covered her body with his own and sucked in a breath when Devon wrapped her long legs around his waist and pulled him closer to her.

  He could easily feel her wet heat and he clutched the sheets to keep from driving himself into her. Drago attempted to gain some control over his raging need for her but didn’t count on her being the one to ruin it.

  Devon moaned and thrust her hips against his, rubbing her heat against his hardness. She moaned and increased her movements until Drago could no longer think of any reason not to claim his mate. He waited until she rocked against him again and allowed himself to slip just inside of her.

  She gasped and clutched his shoulders, using her legs to try and keep him from going any farther. A small part of Drago realized that she needed a moment and he panted above her, his sweat beading on his forehead over the effort he was making to keep himself from moving inside of her until she was ready for more. She was so tight and felt so incredibly good that it was all he could do to keep still.

  Devon breathed through the initial pressure pain of his size and was not going to let Drago stop now. Ignoring the slight discomfort, she rocked herself against him again and groaned as he slipped farther inside. Knowing it was time to get this over with, she looked up at Drago with passion filled eyes.

  “Please Drago…,” she said on a breathless whisper.

  Drago tried to hold off. He really did. But her passionate plea and the feel of his mate in his arms and wrapped around him was far too much for even his control. Pulling back slightly, he drove back in until he broke the thin barrier and Devon cried out.

  “Oh Gods! Are you alright?” Drago asked, unsure if he should pull out or not move, afraid he would hurt her again. He briefly wondered how someone who was supposed to be so evil could possibly still be a virgin at her age, but all thoughts fled when Devon rocked against him again.

  The initial pain had taken Devon’s breath away, but once it subsided, all that remained was the intense heat and the need she had for Drago. She clutched his massive shoulders and rocked gently against him, unsure if the pain would be gone. When she realized that the only thing left was the ache for Drago, she did it again, hoping to encourage him to continue.

  Drago panted as he leaned his forehead to the sheet. “Are you sure?” He asked hesitantly.

  “Please...,” Devon said as she rocked against him again and moaned at the feel of him. She’d never thought it would be this amazing and she was tired of waiting. She’d never begged for anything in her life, but knowing she’d never see him again after this allowed her to be careless.

  Drago slowly pulled out, watching Devon’s face closely, for any signs of pain. When she only moaned and tried to pull him back, he slammed back into her and fastened his mouth to hers to swallow her moan of pleasure. It was his turn to moan when she grabbed his ass and rolled her hips against him, pulling him in deeper.

  Drago knew that the pain had passed for Devon and let loose all of the passion and need he felt for her. He set a grueling pace that kept Devon panting and shouting for more as she tried to keep up with him. Finally giving up, she allowed him to truly take her. It didn’t take long before her body seemed to explode into a million shards of pleasure.

  She vaguely heard Drago’s shout and the sheets tear where he was grabbing them beside her head. He leaned his head down beside her own and the sound of his slight panting breaths near her ear caused a shiver to travel through her.

  “Am I hurting you? I am sorry,” Drago said as he tried to move from her, thinking he might be crushing her with the heaviness of his body.

  Devon giggled and she cut it off immediately. She didn’t giggle and d
amn sure wasn’t going to start now, even if it had been more amazing than she had ever expected it to be.

  “No, I’m fine,” Devon said, unable to wipe the stupid grin off of her face.

  Drago rolled to the side and pulled Devon into his arms, unwilling to take a chance that he might crush her. “We need to speak of this. But right now, I just want to hold you for a little while. Rest,” Drago said as he kissed her forehead and closed his eyes, his exhaustion taking hold of him.

  Devon looked at the large man, who she knew she would fall in love with, if she let herself. She stifled her sigh, knowing there was no chance for them. There never had been. Wasting her thoughts on things she couldn’t change was never her way and Devon turned her mind to the things she did have control over, while she waited for Drago to fall asleep.

  It had only taken a few minutes for Devon to hear the deep, even breathing that signaled that Drago had finally succumbed to his exhaustion. She knew she had to leave him, but she couldn’t resist kissing his lips lightly, one more time. Leaning back she was startled to see how much he looked like a young, innocent man in his sleep. So unlike the larger than life killer he could be.

  Extricating herself from his arms without waking him took a lot of maneuvering that left her panting on the floor when it was all over. Devon stood and padded quietly to her closet where she hid inside while she got dressed. Peeking around the door, she saw that Drago was still sleeping and she slipped down the stairs.

  She grabbed the things that she had hidden in the downstairs hall closet and quietly closed the front door behind her. She felt the chill of the wind a moment before she felt the body heat behind her and she turned quickly.

  She looked up into the eerie white eyes, surrounded by a ring of silver and smiled. “I’m fine. You know what you need to do. I will leave him to you now,” Devon said as she laid a hand on the man’s bare arm and looked up at him sadly.

  A huge grin split his handsome face, his unusual eyes lighting up with his merriment. “Oh, I will take very good care of him.”

  Devon sighed. “I know. That’s why I called for you. I need to go, I’ll meet you later,” Devon said as she gave him a quick hug.

  He returned her hug and squeezed her tightly in affection. “Go. Do what you must, but if you fail to meet me as planned, it is you I will be hunting,” he said with a warning in his tone that Devon could not help but take heed of.

  With a single nod, she ran down the sidewalk to her car. He watched to make sure she got in safely and drove away before he went inside her home. The scents immediately assailed his senses and his amusement turned quickly to rage.

  Oh, I will take care of Drago, he thought as he stalked up the stairs to where the scent grew stronger. His large, dark hands clenched into fists and his white eyes blazed with fury as he vowed to make sure that Drago was treated appropriately.

  Chapter Thirteen

  One moment, Drago was in the middle of an amazing dream and the next he was awakened by his beast Jinba, warning him that something was wrong. Slowly waking, he sat up and the first thing he realized was that Devon wasn’t there.

  He never had a chance to ask his beast where she had gone before he was hit in the face so hard that he was thrown back onto the bed. Using his faster than normal reflexes, Drago flipped himself off of the bed and put his back to the wall while he searched the room for what had attacked him.

  Reaching his hand up, Drago felt the blood trickling from his nose and again searched the empty room. Just when he thought he was losing his mind, he was hit again. Hard enough to throw him back and into the wall behind him.

  “What the fuck!” Drago growled as he searched the empty room again. There wasn’t anything there! What the hell was going on? Was it the illusions? He wondered.

  He was doubled over by the hit to his stomach and could feel his face connecting with a knee on the way down. It was then that he realized that whatever was attacking him was invisible to him. Unsure if it was one of the Relian Dark Ones, a genetically engineered mutant, he called his brothers while he tried to concentrate his energy on finding his attacker.

  This time when the hit came, he felt a hint of the air displacement seconds before his jaw exploded in pain from the punishing blow. Pissed off and worried over where the hell Devon was, Drago recovered quickly from the brutal blow and growled angrily as he clenched his fists.

  Unwilling to call out to Devon, in case the man wasn’t aware that she was there and tired of being hit, Drago closed his eyes and opened his other senses, hoping to anticipate the next attack. He felt the air displacement again, before taking another shot to the stomach. This time he stayed upright and avoided the knee he knew would follow the brutal blow. Instead, he reared back and hit out in the general direction of the air displacement.

  He felt and heard his fist make contact and stood in slight astonishment at the figure crumpled on the floor against the wall. The tall, large man stared at Drago with hate and rage filled white eyes, rimmed in silver. His skin was a dark midnight color that made his unusual eyes stand out, but that was all Drago saw before the man disappeared again.

  Momentarily stunned by what he had seen, Drago didn’t anticipate the next hit until his lip exploded in pain and blood ran down his chin. Roaring in rage, he calmed himself enough to wait for the air displacement that would signal the attacker’s approach.

  Just then, the downstairs door opened and he could hear his brothers come charging into the house. He told them what he knew through the Shengari’, to not tip off the invisible… whatever it was.

  Looking in the general direction of where he thought the strange man was, Drago was only slightly surprised when the man appeared in front of him again. This time Drago took in as many details as he could.

  “The next we meet Drago fle’ te’ Trugh, you will die,” the strange man said before he completely disappeared again.

  Drago was heading to the doorway to see if he could catch the guy and was stopped short when he saw Dree blush a deep red and turn away.

  “You could at least put some damn pants on! Geez! It will take decades to un-see your ugly ass!” Dree said with embarrassment and amusement lacing her words.

  Drago saw Mir and Dread also in the hallway and shrugged his shoulders. “I was getting my ass kicked and didn’t think about asking the asshole to stop hitting me long enough to get some clothes on. I apologize for having my priorities in the wrong order,” Drago said with a little irritation.

  Actually, he was more than a little irritated. He was pissed off. It was more than obvious that Devon was not in the house. She had left him there without a word and he struggled to determine if she had set the strange attacker on him. Ignoring his bleeding face and sore ribs, Drago quickly dressed and met the others downstairs in the kitchen.

  Dread turned to Drago and shook his head. “The house is clear. We set the surveillance equipment and should leave before that thing comes back.”

  Drago took one more look around the kitchen, hoping to see a note or something that Devon may have left for him before she had gone. Seeing nothing, he turned and headed out the front door. Without a word to anyone, he headed down the street to the home they were using, his mind going crazy with thoughts of his missing mate.

  While he was in her room getting dressed, he sent his senses out, looking for any trace of fear or something that would tell him if Devon had been taken before he was attacked. He had found nothing. No fear, hesitation or indication that she hadn’t been a part of it. In fact, her disappearing right before the attack occurred seemed an indictment of her complicity in it. Why else would she have left without a word? He thought. Especially after what they had just shared together.

  Before he knew it, Drago was entering the house and Lara was waiting for him. Dread and Viper came in behind him and Dread told Lara, “The Brazar are looking through the house and the basement to see if there’s any information we can use. They will be back in a few minutes.”

  Dread then
turned to Drago. “A dark one attacked you?”

  Drago shook his head as he started pacing the living room. “No. This thing was no dark one. He had to be a hybrid… or something. He was flesh of man. But… odd. He had these crazy white eyes that were rimmed in silver. His head was bald and his skin was black as night, but it looked like it shimmered,” Drago shook his head before continuing.

  “I know that sounds crazy, but it was almost like it was alive with energy. He was big, like us or a hybrid. But I couldn’t tell if he was a hybrid or detect any energy from him. None. He disappeared completely. The only way I knew he was there was a disturbance in the air around me. Like he traveled on the air. It was strange,” Drago said, hoping they wouldn’t think him crazy.

  Lara sucked in a breath. “No way! That sounds like a Windwalker! A laustio!” Lara paced the room as she thought out loud. “I wonder if the call worked but we found the wrong one! Maybe we weren’t supposed to find the pod but the Windwalker!” Lara said with excitement in her voice.

  Dread looked at Lara like she had lost her damn mind. “The guy was trying to kill Drago. I don’t think he would be much of an asset to us if we can’t see or detect him until he has a knife in our back! Could he be working with the Dark Prime?” Dread asked, getting really tired of feeling like they were ten steps behind in this game.

  Lara sighed and nodded her head. “Yes, it could be a corrupted Prime, like Satalis. But he didn’t kill Drago. Even though it sounds like he could have…,” Lara said looking intently at Drago to explain everything. Even the embarrassing things that she knew he was leaving out.

  Drago grunted in frustration. He knew damn well if the strange man had wanted to kill him, he would be dead. The guy could have easily put a bullet through his head before Drago could have even left the bed. But another, more important thought occurred to him.

  “He’s the presence I felt outside of Devon’s house the other night. If he walks the wind, then it explains why I could not see him or figure out where he was. What connection could he possibly have to Devon,” Drago asked, almost to himself as his mind tried to think of the possibilities that would exonerate Devon’s part in his attack.


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