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The Chrysanthemum Seal (The Year of the Dragon, Book 5)

Page 31

by James Calbraith

amazake (Yam.) a traditional sweet drink from fermented rice

  ardian (Seax.) the Commander of a Regiment in the Royal Marines

  banneret (Seax.) the Commander of a Banner in the Royal Marines

  bento (Yam.) a boxed lunch, usually made of rice, fish and pickled vegetables

  bevries (Bat.) spell word, "Freeze"

  biwa (Yam.) fruit of loquat tree

  blodeuyn (Pryd.) spell word, "Flowers"

  bugyō (Yam.) chief magistrate of an autonomous city

  bwcler (Pryd.) magical shield covering a fighter’s arm, a buckler

  cha (Yam.) green tea

  chwalu (Pryd.) spell word, "Unravel"

  chwalu’r dan (Pryd.) spell word, "Unraveling Fire"

  Corianiaid (Pryd.) a race of red-haired dwarves from Rheged

  cwrw (Pryd.) beer

  dab (Pryd.) creature, thing or a person

  daimyo (Yam.) feudal lord of a province

  daisen (Yam.) chief wizard

  dap (Pryd.) the same size and shape as something

  dengaku (Yam.) a meal of grilled tofu or vegetables topped with sauce

  denka, —denka (Yam.) honorific, referring to the member of the royal family

  derwydd (Pryd.) druid

  deva (Latin) demon

  diffodd (Pryd.) spell word, "Extinguish"

  dōjō (Yam.) school of martial arts or fencing

  dono, —dono (Yam.) honorific, referring to a noble man of a higher level

  dorako (Yam.) Western dragon

  doshin (Yam.) chief of Police

  dōtanuki (Yam.) a type of katana, longer and heavier than usual

  draca hiw (Seax.) spell word, "Dragon Form"

  draigg (Pryd.) a dragon

  duw (Pryd.) a swearword

  dwt (Pryd.) a young child

  egungun (Yoruba) a holy spirit, also a shaman dancer representing Egungun

  enenra (Yam.) a spirit born of smoke

  eta (Yam.) "untouchables", the lowest caste in Yamato class system

  faeder (Seax.) father

  ffrwydro darian (Pryd.) spell word, "Bursting Shield"

  fudai (Yam.) an "inner circle" clan; one of the vassals of the Tokugawa Taikun before the battle of Sekigahara

  futon (Yam.) a roll-out mattress filled with rice husks

  gaikokujin (Yam.) a foreigner, non-Yamato person

  genoeg (Bat.) spell word, "Enough" (to mark the end of a continuous spell)

  gi (Yam.) outer jacket

  gornestau (Pryd.) magical duel

  graddio (Pryd.) school graduation ceremony

  gwrthyrru (Pryd.) spell word, "Repel"

  hakama (Yam.) split trousers

  hamon (Yam.) visual effect created on the blade through hardening process

  haoma (Latin) ritual potion of the Mithraists

  haori (Yam.) a type of outer jacket

  hatamoto (Yam.) the Taikun’s retainer, samurai in direct service to the Taikun

  hikyaku (Yam.) a system of fast couriers

  hime, —hime (Yam.) honorific, referring to women of high position

  igo (Yam.) a board game for two players, using identical black and white tokens

  ijslaag (Bat.) spell word, "Ice Layer"

  ijsschild (Bat.) spell word, "Ice Shield"

  inro (Yam.) a wooden container for holding small objects, hanging from a sash

  inugami (Yam.) a dog spirit

  jawch (Pryd.) a swearword

  joi (Yam.) a political concept, "expulsion of foreigners"

  jutte (Yam.) police truncheon

  kabuki (Yam.) a form of classical dance theater

  kagura (Yam.) a type of theatrical dance with religious themes

  kakka (Yam.) honorific, referring to lords of the province or heads of the clans

  kambe (Yam.) a shrine servant taken from an adjacent village

  kami (Yam.) God or Spirit in Yamato mythology

  kanpai (Yam.) Cheers!

  kappa (Yam.) a water sprite, reptilian humanoid

  katana (Yam.) the main Yamato sword, over 60cm in length

  kawauso (Yam.) a water sprite, an otter-shaped humanoid

  kaya (Yam.) a bright yellow wood used for making igo boards

  kekkai (Yam.) a magical shield, similar to tarian

  kiheitai (Yam.) irregular militia

  kimono (Yam.) official layered robe of the noble class

  kirin (Yam.) a chimerical creature of Qin, body of a deer and the head of a dragon with a large single horn

  kodachi (Yam.) a short Yamato sword, less than 60cm in length

  koenig (Seax.) the monarch of the Varyaga Khaganate

  kosode (Yam.) basic, loose fitting robe for both men and women

  kun, —kun (Yam.) honorific, referring to young persons of the same social status

  kunoichi (Yam.) a female shinobi assassin

  kuso (Yam.) a swearword

  lloegr (Pryd. arch.) Dracaland east of the Dyke

  llwch (Pryd.) spell word, "Dust"

  long (Qin) Qin dragon

  los (Bat.) spell word, "Release"

  ma jiang (Qin) gambling board game

  mam (Pryd.) mother

  mamgu (Pryd.) grandmother

  Matsubara (Yam.) the family of katana swordsmiths

  metsuke (Yam.) inspector representative of the Taikun

  mikado (Yam.) the divine Emperor of Yamato

  mikan (Yam.) fruit of tangerine tree

  mithraeum (Latin) temple of Mithras

  mitorashita (Yam.) worshippers of Mithras

  mochi (Yam.) a sweet made of rice gluten

  mogelijkheid (Bat.) magical potential

  monpe (Yam.) workman’s trousers

  morfisch veld (Bat.) concept in theory of magic, morphic field

  nanbando (Yam.) “in the Western style”

  naginata (Yam.) a polearm formed of a katana blade set in a bamboo shaft

  nodachi (Yam.) a large, two-handed sword, over 120cm in length

  noren (Yam.) a curtain hanging over the shop entrance, with the logo of the establishment

  oba (Yoruba) chieftain

  obi (Yam.) a silk sash wrapped around the waist

  obidame (Yam.) a buckle for tying the obi sash

  oden (Yam.) a type of stew

  ofuda (Yam.) a paper imbued with a magic charm

  omikuji (Yam.) fortunes written on a strip of paper

  onmyōji (Yam.) a practitioner of traditional Yamato magic

  onmyōdō (Yam.) traditional Yamato magic

  oppertovenaar (Bat.) overwizard of Dejima

  pater (Latin) “father”, priest

  pilipala (Pryd.) spell word, "butterfly"

  proost (Bat.) Cheers!

  rangaku (Yam.) "Western Sciences", study of Western magic and technology

  rangakusha (Yam.) a practitioner of Western magic

  reeve (Seax.) the Staff Sergeant in the Royal Marines

  rhew (Pryd.) spell word, "frost" (also used to summon dragon flame)

  ri (Yam.) measure of distance, approx. 4 km

  rō (Yam.) a gold coin equal to 1 koku of rice

  rōnin (Yam.) a masterless samurai

  ryū (Yam.) a Yamato dragon

  Saesneg (Pryd.) (slur) Seaxe

  sai (Yam.) small forked daggers

  sakaki (Yam.) a flowering evergreen tree, used to produce sacred paraphernalia

  sama, —sama (Yam.) honorific, referring to peers of the same social status

  sencha (Yam.) popular kind of tea

  sensei, —sensei (Yam.) honorific, referring to teachers and doctors

  shamisen (Yam.) a three-stringed musical instrument

  shamo (Ezo) people living in the islands of Yamato, south of Ezo

  shinobi (Yam.) assassin

  shirasu (Yam.) a kind of small fish, whitebait

  shōchū (Yam.) strong liquor (25-35% proof)

  shōgi (Yam.) strategic board game similar to chess

  shukubo (Yam.) accommodation for temple pilgrims

amibutsu (Yam.) a self-mummified monk

  stadtholder (Bat.) the ruler of Bataavia

  swyfen (Seax.) a swearword

  tabako (Yam.) tobacco

  tadcu (Pryd.) grandfather

  tafarn (Pryd.) tavern, inn

  tafl (Pryd.) strategic board game, played on a checkered board

  taid (Pryd.) grandfather

  taikun (Yam.) military ruler of Yamato

  taipan (Qin) leader of a trading company

  Taishō (Yam.) field marshal, commander-in-chief of all the forces in the field

  tarian (Pryd.) magical shield surrounding entire body

  tegata (Yam.) document of passage

  tengu (Yam.) a forest goblin

  tenpura (Yam.) small fish and vegetables fried in batter

  teppo (Yam.) a "thunder gun" — hand-held lightning thrower

  terauke (Yam.) a passport produced by an affiliate temple

  tono, —dono (Yam.) honorific, referring to a noble man of a higher level

  torii (Yam.) wooden or stone gate to the shrine

  tozama (Yam.) an "outer circle" clan that was forced to become the vassal of the Tokugawa Taikun after the battle of Sekigahara

  tsuba (Yam.) a handguard of the katana

  twinkelbal (Bat.) sparkleball; a stone used for thaumaturgy practice

  twp (Pryd.) insult, "stupid, simple"

  tylwyth teg (Pryd.) Faer Folk, a race of tall, silver— or golden-haired humanoids

  waelisc (Seax.) (slur) Prydain

  wakashu (Yam.) an "unbroken" youth, a virgin

  wakizashi (Yam.) a short sword used as a side arm, 30-60cm in length

  xiexie (Qin) "thank you"

  y ddraig goch (Pryd.) Red Dragon

  y ddraig ffurf (Pryd.) spell word, “Dragon Form”

  yamabushi (Yam.) an ascetic mountain hermit

  yōkai (Yam.) evil spirit, demon

  ystlumod (Pryd.) spell word, “bats”

  yukata (Yam.) casual summer clothing, simple light robe

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  By James Calbraith



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  Table of Contents


  Map of the World

  Map of Orient

  Clans of Yamato























  By James Calbraith




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