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Ready For Flynn, Part 1

Page 17

by KL Shandwick

  As far as he was concerned, I obviously hadn’t moved on from him that much when the first thing I’d wanted, when Kayden told me about dad having his number, was to hear his voice. I knew Flynn would never be able to forget me; we both had Martin’s memory, and he was there for me during those dark days. Two years was a long time though, and I’d figured that Flynn would probably have shelved the memory of me as a horrible chapter in his life that he was glad to put behind him.

  Surely he’d have contacted me at some point if that hadn’t been the case? Even with that thought as soon as we were home I challenged my dad about keeping his calls from Flynn secret, and when he looked sheepish and pursed his lips together, I lost it.

  “Dad. Flynn’s number, now!”

  He opened his mouth to protest, but Kayden cut him off before he lied to me, “I told her you were still in touch.”

  Dad’s brow furrowed and shook his head at Kayden. He looked frustrated that he’d shared that information with me. “He doesn’t want you to call him, Valerie. I don’t even know where he is. All I know is he calls from time to time, asks how your Mom and I are doing and follows the progress of your career. Kayden talks to him occasionally as well.”

  I glared at Kayden because he’d purposely omitted that little nugget of information.

  “Is that right? So, everyone loves Flynn, but don’t tell, Valerie? Since when did we become a family who keeps secrets because I don’t recall ever getting that memo? And where’s your loyalty?”

  Both my dad and Kayden looked sheepishly at me again, “Number please?” I said holding my hand out and waving my fingers in a ‘gimme’ gesture for my dad’s phone.

  Dad sighed and sat down pushing his hair back with both hands. “It’s the same number as before.”

  “He told me he was changing it the last time I spoke to him.”

  “Well, what he told you and what he did don’t appear to be the same thing.”

  “You mean his number has been on my cell phone this whole time and I never knew it?” I said fishing in my oversized bag, feeling for my cell. I pulled it out and scrolled through the numbers saved to my sim card, and wondered why I hadn’t ever called or deleted the number. Even after I’d destroyed my phone, when I got my new one his number was still there. I’d seen it a thousand times when I’d been scrolling through to find a contact, yet even though I‘d thought he’d changed it, I had left it untouched between the ‘E’s and the ‘G’s. He was the only ‘F’ I had listed.

  My initial reaction was to call him, but I decided against that because he’d avoided me for all that time, so I’d figured he’d let the call go to voicemail. I texted him instead.

  Me: Rock star asshole, help me. I need you

  My fingers had worked so quickly I’d fired off the text before my brain had computed what I’d written.

  Immediately my cell began to ring.

  “I’m impressed you know your name,” I drawled sarcastically as my heart raced and my body vibrated with delight. Flynn was on the other side of the line and we were communicating again.

  “What’s up?” hearing his voice made me weak in my knees.

  “Two years and your first words to me are, ‘What’s up?’”

  “And yours were ‘I’m impressed,’ so that got my attention.”

  “Still the smart ass,” I couldn’t help the smile that lifted the corners of my mouth.

  “Still the prissy little girl.”

  I tensed in defense and straightened my stance, “Don’t fucking call me that. Where are you?”

  “Chicago. Why?”

  I exhaled heavily. He was too far away for what I had in mind.

  “Same ol’ same ol’, I’ve discovered my faithful boyfriend is not so faithful. I was hoping for a rerun of that infamous stunt we pulled in the bleachers.”

  “On my way,” Flynn hung up and I laughed to myself. He’d always had a sense of humor and I smiled, even though my heart felt instantly heavy because I knew he hadn’t meant it. Had I really expected him to?

  I tapped the phone to my chin waiting for him to call me back and when he didn’t, I called him. As soon as he answered I could tell he was on the move. Checking my watch, I figured he’d be on his way to one of his concerts or another engagement. Flynn’s band had been heavily in demand for the past couple of years. Although I had made a point of not following him closely, I’d heard enough to know that was becoming a worldwide household name. I’d actually been surprised that he was even in the USA when I’d called him.

  “Valerie, it’s dangerous to talk on a cell phone and drive. I can’t do both. Can this wait until I get there?” My heart skipped a beat and continued to stutter in my chest for rhythm even though I still thought he had been teasing me.

  “Seriously? Like… you’re coming all the way from Chicago?” My heart pounded in my chest as an adrenaline dump hit me. I shook at the thought that he’d dropped everything at my silly request, but when he confirmed he was on his way I almost fell over.

  “Yeah. I have five days free, and I was craving a good road trip. I figured it was about time I paid your family a visit. It’s long overdue. I had to be sure you were strong enough to be around me,” he said with a smile in his voice. Was I? Knowing he was actually coming and just hearing the sound of his voice caused my pussy to clench with desire. I’d been stupid to call him because within two minutes of talking to him and he was beginning to melt my heart again.

  My eyes closed with a visual flashback of our kiss as I listened to his soft, low voice. The affect it had on me was like thick syrup drizzling all over me. He only had to talk for it to stir up feelings I had fought hard to leave behind.

  “Fuck you, Flynn. Get the fuck over yourself.” I had sounded aggressive, but inside my belly was doing flip-flops with excitement.

  Flynn chuckled, and it turned into a belly laugh, “Damn, you’ve developed one helluva potty mouth, Valerie Darsin. It’s making me hard.”

  His dirty comment stirred the memory of his erect cock pressing against me when he’d pushed me against my door that first time we’d met.

  “Yeah, yeah, and you’re such a comedian and just as irritating as you’ve always been, but since you are coming to help me, I’ll try to be nice.”

  “Don’t. I love this bitchy new version of Valerie with that dirty mouth.”

  “And that’s where it stays. That’s the only place you’ll see my dirty mouth because it certainly won’t be on you.” I’d responded forgetting where I was. My jaw dropped in a silent scream as I turned to see my dad’s scowling face. I was about to correct what I said when Flynn interjected again.

  “Okay, sassy, Val, I have to go. I’ve got to keep my eyes on the road it’s raining ice, and I’m trying to concentrate. You don’t want me arriving in a casket now do you?”

  The phone line between us fell silent until Flynn cursed angrily.

  “Fuck, babe, I wasn’t thinking when I said that,” I heard the sincerity and hurt in his voice at his thoughtless comment.

  “I know. Take your time, be safe. I’d hate anything to happen to you,” I responded my stomach suddenly knotted with a horrible thought that he might have an accident on my account and a dreadful feeling hung over me as we hung up. I turned to my parents and Kayden.

  “Sorry. That’s not who I am,” I said pointing at my cell. “Flynn just tends to bring out the devil in me. He’s coming because I asked him for help. If Daryl calls, please stall him. He’s not expecting to see me until Tuesday, so I’m hoping that his colleague, Howard, doesn’t catch up with him before I do.”

  “I hope you know what you’re doing, Valerie. I think Flynn still holds a torch for you,” Mom said.

  Kayden smiled at me and stood to place his hand on my shoulder. “You need to give Flynn a break, Valerie. He’s always tried to do the right thing by you. Jeez, think about it. You call him after two years, and he drops everything to come straight here because you yell, ‘Help’? That doesn’t say he’s still hol
ding a torch for you like Mom says, it’s more like a bonfire. The guy is a huge rock star, did you forget? How many rock stars would do that for a woman? They use and abuse them normally from what I hear.”

  “Nah, I think Flynn still has a lot of guilt about Martin, Kayden. That’s why he’s putting in an appearance. It makes him feel better.” I picked up my suitcase and computer bag and headed for the stairs looking unaffected. Inside I was excited at the thought Kayden had put in my head, “I’m not sure when he’ll be here, but he may need somewhere to sleep tomorrow. Can he use Auntie Joan’s room?”

  Mom looked up from her e-reader again and nodded. “Sure. The room is clean and the bed is made, of course, he can stay. That boy is like family now after what he did for us. I just worry about how you’ll deal with him.” I realized that I hadn’t been as private with my feelings as I’d thought the last time he’d been around.

  “I’m not sixteen any more, Mom,” was my only reply.

  Reaching the top of the stairs my belly was fluttering with excitement, and the adrenaline rush Kayden’s words had given me had already affected my heart rate. I had just hours to prepare and wondered if I’d be able to keep my emotions in check after all this time.

  After two years dating Daryl, I should have been heartbroken, but his betrayal and my belly anger toward him about his cheating overrode any feelings I had for him. I should have been distraught, yet I was fueled by the prospect of getting even. Even with all of those thoughts going through my mind, seeing Flynn was the most dominant thought stirring my emotions.

  Gravel crunching on the driveway outside signaled his arrival. I’d been too excited to sleep. I flung back the covers and I ran over to the window. I stood silently hugging myself as I watched the door of the black BMW sedan open. Flynn’s tall, familiar frame appeared in the darkness.

  The security light had gone on by the kitchen door, and I caught my first glimpse of him. I saw him clearly and took a moment to remember the last time I had seen him. I gasped when he unexpectedly glanced in the direction of my bedroom window, his face was bathed in the light from above the door. A smile played on his lips right before he walked toward the door and it stole my breath from me.

  The time was 1:20 am. From Chicago to where we lived was a good four-and-a-half-hour drive and he’d made great time. I checked my hair in the mirror and pulled the elastic from the end of the braid I’d tied it into before I went to bed. Shaking my hair loose it cascaded down my back as I quickly made my way downstairs.

  My heart beat erratically and I fought the nerves that fluttered in my belly as I stood gathering my thoughts for a second. When I opened the door, Lee was standing beside Flynn as a reminder that Flynn was a famous rock star. His breath caught in his throat as he stared appreciatively at me.

  “Holy Fuck, Valerie. You look absolutely beautiful, babe,” he exclaimed excitedly as his eyes ticked over my body. I noticed his pupils had dilated widely as he looked me over and that made me smile.

  One short sentence of approval from his mouth had my heart and body on fire. He pushed his way forward into the kitchen, placing a small black leather bag on the countertop.

  “Come here,” he said as he opened his arms wide to hug me. I hesitated because I knew as soon as he touched me my heart would ache for him all over again. Everything I’d told myself about being over him suddenly confirmed as me kidding myself. Avoiding him, I’d rounded the countertop and began making coffee. Lee chuckled at me blowing him off while Flynn snickered and smirked back at him.

  “Well, that’s not much of a welcome considering you need my help. What’s the deal?”

  I stared pointedly at Lee as he sat down at the kitchen table and tried to look disinterested. His eyes wandered around the room as he pretended he wasn’t listening.

  “Lee, upstairs, second door on the right. That’s Auntie Joan’s room when she stays over. You can sleep there.”

  Lee smirked, “Are you offering me your aunt?”

  “Don’t be smart, Lee,” I grated.

  Lee glanced at Flynn, “You want me to go to bed?”

  “She does Lee, but not with her or her aunt. Am I right?” the smile in the tone of his smart-ass answer irked me.

  “Is everything a joke to you?”

  Lee shuffled past Flynn and headed for the stairs. “See you in the morning boss, good luck,” he mumbled sarcastically as his eyes fleetingly met mine.

  Once he’d gone, Flynn came around the countertop to where I was standing. Suddenly the space instantly seemed smaller.

  He turned and rolled his hip on the countertop leaning against it. Folding his arms, he looked directly at me and the effect left me breathless.

  “Slow down with the hostility, babe. It doesn’t suit you. So, what’s this emergency?”


  “The boyfriend?”

  “Soon to be ex-boyfriend.”

  “He’s growing on me. Go on, what’s the deal?”

  I explained what Howard had told me, minus the part about us never sleeping together and Flynn sat quietly until I was done.

  “Damn. Did you get tested?” I was speechless at his initial reaction. Of all the things he could have said, that was probably the last thing I expected.

  “I’m clean, Flynn.”

  Flynn’s head reeled back from the neck at my statement, his body tensing momentarily. He stared in thought for a few seconds then took a sharp breath.

  “You sound confident about that. So how do you want to play this?”

  “I want Daryl to get the most unexpected ‘fuck-you-Daryl-look-at-me’ surprise I can manage.”

  “So you want you and I to fuck him together right?” he said as he gave me a secret smile.

  I smiled back at his suggestive question, “Flynn that sounds like a very loaded question coming from a rock star.”

  Flynn chuckled, “Damn, Valerie, you’ve changed a lot, babe.”

  “How so?”

  “You’re mouth now matches your looks. You look great by the way… no, you look fucking breathtakingly beautiful actually.”

  I’d bunched my brow unsure what that answer even meant, but pleased he had complimented me on how I looked.

  “I mean, you are gorgeous… stunning… sexy-as-fuck. I only have to look at you and my dick’s rock solid. That hasn’t happened to me with any other woman on the planet. Your mouth… the way you used to speak… it always seemed way too pure for that body. I’d never have crossed the line with that girl. Now, the confident and ballsy woman you’ve grown into is a game changer.”

  Coughing I caught my heart in my mouth as it attempted to leap from my body to his at his statement. Flynn was an expert in seduction, and expressing he liked the changes in me had me doing a happy dance inside.

  “Uh huh,” I stated sarcastically as if his bullshit hadn’t touched me, but I continued my fight to swallow my heart back down into my chest as it stuttered trying to find a regular rhythm. If we’d been in an ideal world where inhibitions, consciences and reputations weren’t invented I’d have somehow wrapped my legs around his waist as he leaned back against that countertop. Daryl had never got that kind of reaction from me even during our hottest moments.

  Flynn rolled his hips and looked at his feet. The fluidity of his moment drew my eyes to his crotch, and they settled on the bulge in his pants. I swallowed audibly when I saw he was aroused, and once again my heart leaped into my throat with wanton desire and the need to touch him.

  “Alright. I’m here. What is it you want me to do?”

  My face flushed, and I suddenly felt like I was fifteen again.

  “I want him to see us together.”

  “Like in a coffee shop?” He smirked, goading me to say exactly what I wanted.

  “No, I want him to turn up here and see me in a compromising position with you.”

  “Valerie, how do we do that when you wouldn’t even let me hug you just now?”

  I felt my face redden and forced myself to make
eye contact with him. “That’s not true I was just busy welcoming you and making coffee.”

  Flynn snickered, pushed off the countertop, and put his hands out toward me, “Then I’ll take that hug now; it’s long overdue.”

  Before I could think he moved forward swiftly and wrapped his arms tightly around me. His touch instantly ignited a fizzing cascade of sensation throughout my body. His head fell forward, and he nestled his face into the curve of my neck. Initially, my frame stiffened, but a second later found all of our curves molding together to fit me to his position.

  A large, warm hand centered at the base of my spine and a shiver ran down it. The way he inhaled heavily against my skin gave me another buzz of electricity before he dragged his nose the length of it until his mouth was level with my ear. I was instantly aroused. My arms slid around his waist because I could no longer fight the urge to touch him.

  “Fuck, babe, you smell so good. My pretty little schoolgirl has turned into a stunningly beautiful woman.” He whispered huskily before his breath blew softly into my ear. His seductive move and the moisture from his breath spiked my desire further. Burning with sensation I sagged further against him, both of us swaying slightly on our feet.

  I swallowed with difficulty because his hand was caressing my neck as he inhaled deeply again. His warm lips brushed the same spot and he pulled out of our embrace. Extending his arms, he pushed me away then stood silently with a soul-searching look on his face.

  Shaking his head his arms dropped as he turned and paced the kitchen space and when there wasn’t enough room to do that he rounded the kitchen counter and paced into the wider dining area.

  “It’s been over two and a half years since the first time I saw you, and you’re still in here, Valerie,” he said pointing at his forehead. “How the fuck did you do that?” he said with his arms stretched on either side of him as he stared at me appearing confused.


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