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Ready For Flynn, Part 1

Page 19

by KL Shandwick

  I had no idea what to say to that, so I slipped off the end of the bed and went to get a washcloth, suddenly a little embarrassed at what had just happened. I ran the cloth under the warm tap then took it and a dry towel back to Flynn. We cleaned up in silence I was surprised afterward because he gestured for me to lie down beside him and tucked me into his side.

  “Give me five minutes to recover, then we need to get up,” he said. He kissed my head and closed his eyes then sighed deeply. I closed my eyes and listened once again to his steady beating heart.

  Chapter 21 ~ Making my own impression

  Sliding out of bed I snuck over to my bottom drawer. I quietly pulled out some clothes and underwear and tiptoed into the bathroom. I opted to birdbath in the sink with a washcloth because I hadn’t wanted to wake Flynn, I then dressed, and I glanced back out at the bed. Flynn was asleep on his side. I stared at his tattoo and noticed a new addition to the previous one. R.I.P. was written at the top and I knew it was in memory of my brothers.

  My heart leaped at the sight of him still there, and then my heart squeezed at the sight of him. A jolt of electricity ran through me when I recalled how he’d touched me. My body immediately trembled at the memory, and I almost tripped walking to my bedroom door.

  Tearing my eyes away from him, I smiled slowly, bit my lip and gently opened the door. When I went downstairs, Buster was pacing around the kitchen ready to go outside. No one else was around, so I took the dog for a walk to think and clear my head because I had to figure out what my next move was going to be.

  I’d been so tempted to wake Flynn, but I had to make sense of what we’d done. I’d also hoped to avoid having to explain to my parents what he’d been doing in my bedroom. Good luck with that, Valerie. If I am honest, I’d been confused, and a little embarrassed to face him because he was a rock star, and what we’d done was probably nowhere near what he’s been used to when he shared a bed with a woman.

  When I’d texted him, it was more of a knee-jerk reaction, and after he said he was coming over, I figured he’d give Daryl a show before he took off again. Then my heart sunk because I had the thought he probably still would. Once I’d looked at the practicalities of the situation for Flynn and me, that’s pretty much our history.

  Concluding that the best plan would be to act as normal as possible around him, I’d called on the services of two of my best models to help me out. Their images were the most popular and they were very much in demand. Although I’d had good sales from separate shots, my highest earning pictures came from them working as a couple. They were a dream to work with. Both agreed to the impromptu shoot, and I arranged it at the studio for 1:30 pm. It was time to show Flynn I was a shrewd and talented businesswoman; the girl was gone.

  By the time I came back from walking Buster, Flynn was downstairs eating breakfast. Lee and my mom were talking about Lee’s job and what it entailed, and my dad was reading the paper. Flynn’s eyes caught mine, and he held my gaze. He gave me a kind of wounded look probably because I left him alone that morning after what we did together. At that point, I’d wanted to throw my arms around him and kiss him, but there was no way I’d have shown my hand like that with him. If he rejected me again afterward, I knew I would be distraught.

  “I’m going to use today to catch some images if you don’t mind, Flynn. I’ve arranged for a couple of models to come down to the studio. Daryl won’t be around until tomorrow unless he gets wind that I know what he’s done. Are you staying here or do you want to come?”

  Slowly Flynn rose from the table and smiled. “I gotta see this. Are they nudie pictures you’re taking?”

  My father smirked and shook his paper trying to pretend he hadn’t heard him.

  “Well not initially, I think they’ll do lingerie shots first until they warm up, but after that, yes. You can expect to see lots of crawling around, straddling and rolling around naked on the floor, against the wall, legs wrapped around the guy’s waist, multi-positions on the bed, her on top, him on top…”

  My father shook the paper, dropped it to the table and appeared shocked.

  “Sounds X-rated to me. Are you licensed to do that kind of thing in this state?” Dad asked sounding alarmed.

  Flynn started chuckling, “She’s teasing you. Can you imagine Valerie telling a guy to take his jeans off? She’d die first.”

  Jutting out my jaw I placed my hand on his hip and grinned, “Take your jeans off, Flynn.”

  Flynn lifted his eyebrow suggestively, and my heart raced at his sexy response to my challenge. I gestured at myself by sweeping my hand down the front of me, and cocked an eyebrow at him, “Do I look dead to you?”

  My dad stood, scraping his chair back. “You, young lady, have developed a very smart mouth. I suggest you stop trying to speed up that inheritance by trying to give me a heart attack.”

  Both Flynn and I chuckled as I wandered over and hugged my father. “Sorry, Dad, that was just too tempting. I saw you trying to pretend you weren’t listening.”

  Leaving them laughing, I’d gone to my home studio to pack a few different cameras I had brought home from a location shoot. Once I was ready to leave, I called for Flynn to join me and headed out to the car.

  “Valerie, I have to say you’re smokin’ hot when you’re ticked, babe. I might need to rile you now and again just to see that.”

  “I wasn’t ticked, just putting everyone in their place. You’re not dealing with a little girl now, Flynn, so try not to treat me like one anymore, okay?”

  I knew I’d sounded a little prissy, but I wanted him to see another side to me. No, I wanted him to take me seriously. He grinned and as I pushed the key into the ignition I stopped to take in how handsome he was. With his dark brown hair, dark lashes and vibrant green eyes and his perfectly plump, dark red lips; he was stunning. His smile lit up a room.

  As a photographer, I was used to looking for striking features. Flynn was someone that pulled your eyes to him and held them there. He said I’d changed in the two and a bit years, but Flynn had too. He’d looked drop dead gorgeous and was full of animal magnetism and charm. That may have sounded like an over-the-top description, but in reality, it was an understatement. He was definitely ‘all that’ and more.

  Entering my studio, I ran around turning the electric heaters on. The minimal furniture made the studio hard to keep warm. There were two beds; one a plain box set, the second an antique brass bed, two sofas, one in white leather, the other cream velvet, and a chaise lounge. I’d always used different throws to create different effects, and I had rolls of material in every shade from red to black, in silk, satin and sheers. What I didn’t have, I enhanced with Photoshop.

  Suggesting to Flynn that he might like to sit on one of two large accent chairs I kept over by the back wall, he nodded and walked over while I continued to set up The models wouldn’t be able to see him properly there. It was a pretty dark corner. As he went over and sat down, Evette, the first model arrived.

  I commissioned Evette for lots of work. Her pale alabaster skin and heavenly light blue eyes gave her the most striking appearance. Her irises had a thick black rim, and her eyes were framed with naturally dark lashes and eyebrows. She had ash blonde hair and the whole way she was put together with her petite features and beautifully shaped mouth made her a great subject. The camera loved her. She had several tattoos on her body; one was script on her left side. It was a poem.

  Entering me from the dark

  Your touch sears my heart

  Igniting embers from a spark

  You brand my soul forever.

  On her right hip, there was intricate artwork that looked like a thin piece of lace with a padlock and on her left thigh, the same lacework as on her hip that looked like a fancy garter. That black ink on her pale skin was most effective. All of her tattoos suited her body perfectly. Evette was a vision. I’d found her mesmerizing to look at when she’d auditioned. I glanced over at Flynn and saw him cross his leg at the knee and lean back w
atching us intently and wondered what he was thinking.

  The door opened again and Elias, my male subject, wandered in looking all windswept and very handsome. He was a mature Swedish student, studying politics. With his tall, blonde, rugged appearance most would have thought he was into sports or something arty.

  “Hello beautiful, Miss Valerie,” he cooed. He swept his arms around me in a hug and squeezed tight. Flynn cleared his throat, and when I looked over, I saw him drop his foot that was resting on his knee, and he sat up straight in the chair.

  Initially, I’d thought he was getting ready to be introduced, but the vibe I got was that he wasn’t happy. My heart raced for a second when I’d thought he hadn’t liked Elias doing that with me. I’d dismissed that and thought he was probably bored already.

  “Okay, what is our scene?” Evette enquired, taking her butt long hair out of its bun and shaking it sexily down her back. My eyes flicked to Flynn, but he showed little reaction to her. I’d found that strange considering how amazing she looked.

  Once I’d explained to them, I’d had been thinking romance books - mature content romance books - and chose their attire they began to pose for the cameras. Evette wasn’t ashamed to flounce around in lingerie and from how Elias behaved around her it was clear he’d handled more than a few beautiful women.

  After an hour, the couple were really into the shoot and striking some pretty raunchy poses, and although I’d been reserved around Flynn, this was my job. There was no room for awkwardness. If I expected my models to relax they had to be confident in my ability.

  Flynn had been sitting in the only shadowy area of the studio, and although both models knew someone else was there, they had no idea who was watching them. They’d dealt with that particular scenario before when a couple of movie producers had been looking for extras for a sex club scene for a movie being shot locally.

  After another hour, I’d felt my models were tiring, so I called an end to the shoot and thanked them for their efforts. I had around four hundred good digital images to sift through and refine from our work today.

  Evette began to change and stood and discarded the bra of the lingerie set. She wandered over to her bag, pulled out a black camisole top, fed her arms into the spaghetti straps and slipped it over her head.

  Bending at the waist, she dipped into her bag again and found some leggings. Oozing sex appeal as she fed her long slim legs into those, then slipped her arms into a red oversized wool cardigan. Once again she bent at the waist and swept her long hair forward. Bunching it together she straightened again and twirled it into a top knot.

  Elias had stopped changing to watch her, enthralled by her fluid movements. When she was done, he shook his head and smiled to himself in appreciation. Both left at the same time and Flynn, who had been observing, cleared his throat and stood up.

  “Jesus. H. Christ. You do that for a living? I’d never have figured you doing something like this. I’m in the wrong job. Fuck! My dick almost broke in my pants. That was like live porn but hotter.” Flynn’s pupils were blown big with desire, and his voice sounded like he had gravel in his throat. The photo shoot had made him horny.

  “It’s art, Flynn. Capturing images helps to sell ideas and makes things come to life.”

  “You’re not fucking joking. What was going on in that bed was porn without dicks and pussy. Prick teasing at its very best. It certainly brought my dick to life,” he chuckled and stared at the bed shaking his head.

  I pretended to ignore his crude outburst and started packing up, grinning when I turned my back to him. Flynn wandered over to the bed and began fingering some of the props and I heard him chuckle.

  Without warning, he unbuttoned his jeans, pulled them to his ankles and stepped out. He wasn’t wearing boxers. I was a little shocked and excited at what he’d done, but continued to store my equipment. Reaching over, he grabbed a handful of material from his t-shirt and pulled it over his head. The way he did that turned me on, and my panties were ruined again.

  Standing naked, he climbed onto the brass bed after he picked up a pair of handcuffs. He had his back to me, and my heart fluttered when my eyes roamed his strong muscular back and the view of his perfect delectable butt.

  He lifted the cuffs with one finger and swung them around before clamping one around his left wrist and the other to the headboard railing. Flynn lay totally exposed and propped himself up on a pillow; watching him lying like that almost made me drool. He was such an incredibly sexy, good-looking man. Bunching the white satin sheeting he dragged it over his cock and posed seductively, giving me a naughty smirk. “Come on, a Flynn Docherty exclusive shoot.”

  “I’m not taking pictures of you like that,” I giggled.

  “Why not? Better still, put that timer thingy on and climb in beside me.”

  “In your dreams.”

  “There you go! Pretend we’re dreaming like last night, better still like this morning.” he goaded, and my heart crashed against my breastbone at the instant memory.

  “You don’t have it in you do you, babe? See? This is why you and I would never work. This kind of spontaneity embarrasses you.”

  “It does? Nothing much embarrasses me these days.” Apart from when I’m around you.

  “No? Then why are you not taking me up on my challenge? I dare you, babe.”

  I hesitated for a second before I went over to my tripods and began setting them up with cameras to prove a point. Butterflies flew wildly inside my belly. I set five cameras at different angles around the bed and attached cameras all with different lenses from fisheye, prime, wide-angle, telephoto, and a macro lens; which is designed to pick up the minutest detail. Then I turned to face him.

  Flynn lay cuffed to the bed watching me intensely, and I had the feeling he was waiting for me to bolt. The smirk he wore was his insurance to stop me doing that no matter how hard I’d found climbing on that bed. Focusing on my equipment centered me as I told myself repeatedly it was just another shoot, trying to convince myself I could show him I wasn’t afraid of his dare.

  My gaze caught Flynn’s chest as I lined up the shot looking through the one camera. My heart leaped at the sight of him again. I stayed there a few seconds longer than was necessary and shook slightly when I’d wondered what would happen once the shutters started to click.

  All the cameras were primed to take shots on repeat, three-second delayed settings, and when I’d finished I had nothing else to stall with. Turning toward him, I snapped the button on my jeans. Flynn’s eyes fell to my hands while I kept my eyes focused on his. I slid the pants down my legs and stepped out of them. He shifted slightly on the bed and continued to watch me in silence. The atmosphere between us was tense. I folded my arms across my body and grabbed the hem of my t-shirt. I swept it over my head grabbing the chance to swallow hard as I tried to keep my composure.

  My eyes flicked to Flynn, and he shifted on the bed again and ran his tongue over his lips as his free hand rested over his cock on top of the sheet. Turning away, I chucked my clothes out of the shot. Wandering slowly around the bed, I started each camera as I went. Click…click…click… All five shutters started to capture the action. I reached the bottom of the bed on the right-hand side. Flynn’s left hand was cuffed, his arm hung loosely above his head.

  Kneeling on the bed, I stretched my arms above my head, and Flynn groaned loudly. Reaching for my hair tie, I let my hair down and shook it out slowly. It trailed over my back as I arched my neck. I was trying to think about what I was doing from a technical aspect and what kind of shots I’d taken during previous shoots, but it was Flynn and me, and that was a struggle. I leaned over and picked up a soft black, leather flogger and my excitement grew. Elias had contributed that particular prop to my repertoire. I’d been shocked when he’d enlightened me about the world of BDSM.

  Flynn grinned, but I saw his Adam’s apple bob in his throat. His mouth had gone dry. His eyes had taken the glassy look of lust, and I played up on that.
They almost popped out of his head when I straddled his legs wearing my black lacy boy shorts and black see through bra. After a second or two of observing me, the fingers of his free hand grabbed my butt. He sunk them into my plump, firm flesh, released and smoothed his palm over it. A moment later he slipped his fingers inside the lace and gripped me much firmer than before.

  I traced the flogger down his chest and the satin sheet covering him tented. The sight of his arousal made my pussy clench with need. His breaths became shallower and faster as I continued to tease him with the thin strips of leather. I crawled up to him and sat directly on his leg. His arm flopped out to the side allowing me complete control.

  Continuing his sweet torture, I dragged my fingertips down his body, but the feel of his warm hard flesh had started to turn me on. Suddenly, his hand grabbed a fistful of hair as he pulled me down on top of him. Electricity coursed through my body in reaction. His mouth took mine in a punishing kiss, his tongue probing roughly and deep inside. I groaned loudly as flames of passion ignited, and I was desperate for more.

  He pulled my head back by the hair, and he smiled when I looked into his eyes, but he continued to control me with one hand, somehow managing to edge himself off the bed and swung my body to face him sideways in front of him. Eye to eye we stared in a connection that took my breath away. Even I could interpret the look of pure want. Flynn placed his mouth on my warm belly and peppered light kisses down toward my mound as he remained partly restrained, still cuffed to the bed.

  Watching his eyes hold my gaze as his mouth wreaked havoc with my senses was incredible. Desire ripped through my body under his watchful stare, and I found myself arching up off the bed making his fragile contact more solid. Continuing lower, he knelt on the floor and began to trace his hot, wet tongue leisurely up my thighs as the elbow of his free hand spread my knees. He then gripped my hand tightly pushing me into the bed.


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