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When Its Least Expected

Page 28

by Heather Van Fleet

  hyena than anything. Leave it to Mason Daniel. Only he could make people laugh at a funeral.

  “The most important thing he taught me, the one thing that will always stick with me no

  matter what, was how to love. He taught me to love with every single piece of emotion you’ve got tucked inside.” He pounded on his chest, and their eyes locked once again. The room

  practically spun, tilting Harley on its axle, but she held on tight to her chair, determined not to let his beautiful wet eyes get to her.

  “I lost someone I loved not too long ago, and when I told my grandfather about her, he

  ended up smacking me upside the back of my head. I think he even left a bruise,” he smiled

  lovingly, as he rubbed the back of his neck.

  Do not swoon. Do not swoon.

  Mason smiled and shook his head. His grin was breathtaking as always, and Harley knew

  it was meant for her and nobody else. She could almost feel the thing on the inside of her heart, burrowing deeply.

  Too late... she’d totally just swooned again.

  “He told me that when you find a love like that, then you should never let it go, no matter what,” his smile fell as he glanced out towards the crowd, fully refocusing on Harley’s face just a second later. It was almost as if she was his makeshift beacon of light. She shuddered, and Abigail tightly grabbed her hand and held on but didn’t say a word,

  “And that was by far the best piece of advice I’d ever been given in my eighteen years.”

  He stared hard at Harley. His hands trembled as the gripped the podium.

  It was as if they were locked into a room together without a single drop of air to breathe.

  Abigail whistled out a low menacing sound, breaking Harley’s gaze, but only temporarily. Yes indeed, it was just like she feared.

  She was still, by far, head over heels in love with him. Crap.

  “My grandfather will not be a lonely man up in Heaven, I can tell you all that much!

  He’ll have my father and my grandmother too. I can almost betcha that they’re already having a big blowout to celebrate his arrival.”

  Her stupid tears! How could they possibly come so quickly? Her face was flooded with


  “So please, don’t cry tears of heart ache today for my grandfather because I’m sure that

  there is no other place else in the world that he would rather be right now anyways.” He pointed to the ceiling before looking down at the podium; his own tears escaped his eyes making him the most beautiful hypocrite she’d ever seen.

  “Holy shit balls, Har. You didn’t tell me surfer boy was a damned poet. What else did

  you keep from me about that lover boy?” Abigail leaned over, whispering into Harley’s ear as Harley dried her eyes.

  Usually, she’d be screaming at Abigail for her crude attitude in a place like this, but today it was going in one ear and out the other. She swallowed but stayed still, unblinking as she watched Mason slowly move back to his seat.

  Wow, he was just … amazing.

  Once the service ended, Harley and Abigail followed the procession of cars to the

  cemetery. Mason’s grandfather must have been a truly popular guy because there were at least fifty cars trailing behind the main limo that held his casket. Harley had never met him, but she was sure she would’ve liked him, especially hearing Mason’s words of endearment.

  Once they arrived, Harley’s hesitation was back eating away at her stomach, heart, and

  head once again. All other thoughts went by the wayside as they parked and started to get out of the car. Her hands were frozen to the door handle as if her life depended on it, but good old Abigail finally made her way over to yank the door open. She crouched down in front of Harley, gripping her shoulders as Harley managed to slip her feet onto the gravel road.

  “Nope, don’t you dare even think it, Har. You will get your boney ass out of this car, and you will follow through with this. I did not agree to come here knowing that you’d chicken out at the last minute. Besides, you have to do this for Maisy at least.”

  Harley nodded, holding her chin high as she stood to get out. She smiled over at Abigail,

  but it didn’t reach eyes. Hey, it was a start at least.

  Her heart throbbed as her hands shook, but Jesus, this had to be done! There would be no

  more backing down and no more giving up. She could do this, totally and completely. No more panicking, and no more worrying. She had turned over a new leaf four months ago, and she was damn sure going to stay right side up.

  As they approached the gravesite, arms linked and shoulders huddled close, Harley stared

  up at the gloomy sky, noting that the rain had finally quit falling. The clouds still held an ominous glow to them, and she shivered, pulling her sweater tight to her throat. She swallowed while unconsciously grabbing at her neck.

  The tent covering the gravesite was large enough to shelter a few people from the

  remaining droplets of rain but not large enough from the entire group. Harley would have rather stood away from the crowd anyways. That way she wouldn’t be tempted to go near Mason.

  Maisy and her mom sat off to the right of the casket sobbing as they held onto each other.

  Harley dropped a hand over her mouth, struggling to keep her own tears tucked behind her lids, but it was proving to be a difficult task the longer the service went on. She’d never even met the man, but it was just the principle. No matter what, death would always hurt the living more than the dying.

  She shut her eyes needing to erase the image of the last funeral she attended.

  Aiden lying still with his hands upon his stomach. His face so covered in make-up that it

  was almost unrecognizable. Harley had clung to his hand as she walked by his literal death bed.

  To this day, the cold sensation of his fingers in hers made her skin tingle with unease.

  Each day, it was getting easier to remember though … and easier to forget too.

  She looked down, shaking the moment from her head. She lifted her head back up, only

  to refocus … on Mason. Her breath hitched as she gazed at his hovering form standing just to the right of his family. He looked as if he was trying to disappear. His face was void of emotion. She could definitely relate to that. His head was down as he fingered an object within his hands. She had only seen him minutes before, but out in the open he appeared even more gorgeous then

  she’d remembered, if that was even possible.

  His skin held a brown tint to it as if he’d been living his days in the sun. His hair was

  more blond than brown. Her toes curled against her flip flops at the site, the dampness causing them to squeak, but it was unnoticeable to everyone but her. She gripped the side of her chair, physically restraining herself from running to him. He actually looked like a true surfer boy.

  She could almost feel Abigail’s questioning glare on her skin. Harley turned to her,

  nodding in reassurance. She was okay, and yet she wasn’t.

  A few more words were spoken, and before she even realized it, the graveside services

  were over. Short but sweet, just the way a funeral should be. Abigail stood next to Harley, but Harley couldn’t move. Her body was glued to her chair.

  “Come on, Har. Let’s do this,” she replied softly, placing a hand on Harley’s shoulder.

  She attempted to pull Haley up into a standing position, but failed miserably when Harley shook her head in defiance. She knew that if she got up, she would most likely have to meet up with Mason somewhere along the way.

  Fate seemed to be against her plans though, just as Maisy came barreling over instead.

  Harley whipped her chin up, noting right away that she hadn’t come alone. A very nervous, jaw clenching Mason was in toe.

  She stiffened. No … yes! Oh sweet baby Jesus, what the hell was she going to do now?

  “Oh my God, you
guys came! You actually came! Thank you so much. It means the

  world to know that you are here for us.” Maisy, of all people, had somehow managed to get her up on her feet. She bounced her knees and clapped her hands with each and every word she spat out in excitement. Then she wrapped Harley in a hug. Her arms were tight as Maisy pulled her horrendously close.

  Harley stifled a giggle. Who knew such a little thing could be so mighty!

  Harley’s smile faded as she leaned back. She had a feeling like a rock had been pounded

  into her chest when she noticed once more that Mason’s body still lingered over his sister’s shoulder. His eyes, as intense as ever, were planted on Harley’s face. Harley flushed red and blinked, refocusing on Maisy and her over exaggerating hands.

  “Of course we came, Maisy. You mean a lot to us,” Abigail filled in for her. Good thing

  too because Harley had no words.

  “God, this has been one of the worse days of my life. I’m so glad it’s over.” Maisy pulled

  back completely, looking between Harley and Abigail. Suddenly she spun around and then

  grinned back knowingly at Harley a second later after her gaze left her brother’s face. She leaned in close, whispering into Harley’s ear, “He’s dying to see you, Harley. Please don’t leave without saying goodbye at least. It would crush him.”

  He was a runner. Why couldn’t she do the same?

  Because you love him.

  Ugh. The damn voices in her head. Why did they have to be so … so … responsible? She

  groaned internally, digging her nails into her palm.

  Maisy finally dismissed herself, taking Abigail’s elbow and guiding her away. Harley

  narrowed her eyes at her traitorous best friend. The smile on her lips… Crap! The little conniver had planned this all along!

  Harley stood there alone feeling all sorts of awkward. Her hands clasped behind her back

  as she bounced up and down on her toes. Her lip had to have been drained of blood by her

  gnawing teeth.

  God, would this torture never end?

  Seconds later it did, just as her favorite familiar set of blue eyes drew near. Without

  thinking about the consequences, Harley found her body moving forward until they had met at a distance in the middle.

  Her palms were sweaty, her knees practically buckled underneath her, and her rules of

  staying away flew out the window as they slammed into each other.

  Holy hell, she could finally breathe again.

  His soft kisses trailed over her head and down on to her cheeks. The movement tickling

  her skin and intriguing her insides at the same time. His hands pulled tight against her back. His entire body molded into hers and into their hug. She was home in his arms, and it was as if they’d never been apart.

  Then reality hit. She remembered that this wasn’t real. That they weren’t real anymore.

  He’d left her. He’d gone and messed her up without a real goodbye either. She couldn’t forget that, not ever.

  Could she forgive him?


  She stiffened and pulled out of his grasp, but that didn’t hinder his gentle touch. He

  cupped her cheeks. His thumbs brushed electric-like circles under her chin.

  “Hi, little beast…” She melted at his words but didn’t physically show it. Now that she

  knew what his nickname for her meant, it made the words all-the-more sweeter.

  His dimples were in full force, and she wanted to moan as they melted into his cheeks.

  The bigger his smile, the more pronounced they became. Emotions flooded inside of her, and she had no choice but to run away like the little chicken shit she’d never stopped being. “I–I’m so sorry, Mason. I thought I could do this, but I can’t.” She turned as if he was the gasoline to her out of control fire, running away just to escape his igniting powers.

  Tears spilled out of her lids, but she didn’t take the time to wipe them away. She certainly didn’t bother looking back.

  Abigail was easy to find. She stood near her car, giggling and smiling as she chatted on

  her phone. Her smile immediately downturned as Harley stopped at the door, struggling with the door handle with tears were in full force. Harley’s teeth chattered, but it wasn’t from the cool damp air.

  “Harley, stop! What did he say? I’ll kill him, I swear to God. I will pull his teeth out and torture him until begs for death.”

  Harley slammed her palm against the window of Abigail’s car. Her temper had slowed

  down, but then defeat had taken over. Her breath was sucked from her lungs as she laid her head against the damp door jam. She marveled in the cool feeling against her heated, angry skin.

  Yeah, sure, she was being dramatic, but she was no longer in control of her insides.

  “Jesus, woman. Be nice to my car, for freak’s sake!”

  The sound of feet pounding the concrete behind her had Abigail growling even more.

  Harley heard her spin on her toes, most likely to give their intruder a piece of her mind and maybe her fist too. Harley didn’t move though. She was too afraid that it might have been


  “Please Harley! I need to talk to you! Don’t leave me, Harley, please!” His voice was a

  pitiful plea. He sounded like she felt – broken and exhausted. Could it be he was hurting like she was, even after all this time?

  “Stay away, cheese-ball,” Abigail snarled at him while Harley wiped her tears away. She

  swallowed hard, and determination took hold. She somehow found the strength to turn around as Abigail let her words fly. “What did you say to my bestie over there? You made her make-up

  run, you dumbass! That’s not the kind of impression you want to make when you see your ex

  after almost five months, especially since you’re still so desperately in love with her and all.”

  The air stilled. Her eyes locked tightly with Mason’s. The hold between them was so

  powerful that not even vice grips could tear their gazes apart. Was it true? Did he actually love her like she loved him?

  Abigail took their moment in all her almighty glory and stole it away. “Seriously, you

  two, just cut the crap, get over your shit, and make the hell up! I can’t freaking take your drama anymore! Ugh!” With her final command, she stomped towards the driver’s side of her car, and slipped inside.

  Mason must have taken her advice to heart because he was there, less than a foot before

  Harley, tilting her chin up with his fingers. Harley gulped as she followed through with his unspoken order. She blinked, once, twice. Jesus, those blue eyes, they were going to shatter her already defective insides.

  “Please, Harley. Talk to me...”

  She fisted her hands into the collar of his shirt. She pulled him closer when she should

  have been pushing him away. “What do you want me to say, Mase? You left me, and I needed


  His eyes narrowed down at her as she spoke. His teeth gritted almost angrily, “I left

  Harley because you deserve better than me. I told you a long time ago that I wasn’t worth the trouble.”

  She frowned up at him, and her voice rose, the anger in her own eyes intensified. “You

  should have let me be the judge of that, Mason. I’m a big girl!” Their ever present chemistry shimmered through her, igniting that very same connection she was trying to fight against. His hands gripped her waist, his thumbs pressed against her hip bones, and her hands scratched against his chest. It was a battle of control, a battle of passion and need, on her end and possibly even his too.

  “You hurt me so badly when I saw you with that girl, Mason! Yeah, okay, I took too many stupid pills, and I drank too much. I wasn’t trying to off myself! I just needed to forget for that one night.” He nodded, but his baby blues didn’t look convinced. Guess she’d just have
to try harder. “And then when I woke up in that hospital bed the next morning, all I wanted to do was talk to you and tell you how I felt. I wanted to apologize for being that stupid, insecure girlfriend. I knew you wouldn’t cheat on me! I knew how you felt about me and about us, but then that nurse came in with those stupid flowers…” she growled, her arms and hands hardened in rage at the memory. Pink roses were no longer her favorite flower. She pushed on with her words. She had no other choice, “And that letter too. I just ... knew. I knew that you were gone even before I read the thing, and it hurt … so badly.” She inhaled and then exhaled, trying to rein in her inner peace. She was fighting the rigidness of her body, needing the softness to take over.

  Surprisingly though, her eyes were still dry. “But I made myself go on. I picked up my feet, and I took those baby steps every single day, for four and a half long and agonizing months. Now you’re here, and I have to fight that urge even harder. It’s killing me because I can’t have you!”

  His face brightened. A hopeful glint appeared in his eyes. His hand brushed against one

  of hers, and he grabbed it, interlocking it tightly with heated fingers. She almost liquefied under his touch, and she finally lost the ability to fight against him.

  “God, Har,” he moaned and whispered at the same time while using his other hand to cup

  her cheek. “I’ve missed you so damn much that I couldn’t breathe anymore. I couldn’t think.”

  She watched as his Adams apple bobbed uncontrollably. “Please, I want to make this right. Let me take you … somewhere.”

  Her throat clogged with emotions that she couldn’t pinpoint as just one in particular–

  need, want, desire, hope, and that forever kind of love was thrown in there too. Yeah, she was seventeen, but if this was the only kind of love she ever experienced in her life, then she’d definitely be okay with that. She nodded a quick agreement to his question. Sure, she’d go with him, where ever he wanted to go for now, but that was only a beginning step in their long road ahead.

  “Bring her back safely, Mason, otherwise you’ll be answering to me and David this

  time!” Harley jumped as Abigail’s voice emerged from the inside of her car. She stuck her


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