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Starlight (The Lightning Strike Trilogy Book 1)

Page 20

by K. A. Rygaard

  He nodded and I Pathed her to come over. “What’s up?” she asked as we had her sit across

  from us.

  “We have something to tell you,” I said, unable to

  hide my smile.


  Zach took my hand; he was sitting on my left so

  he was able to hold my ringed hand.

  “We’re getting married.”

  Her eyes widened to at least twice their normal

  size, and her mouth gaped.

  “Jess? Say something. . .”

  She swallowed, her eyes reverted back somewhat.

  She looked at Zach.

  “You proposed to her?”

  He nodded.

  “Yeah, I did.”

  She looked at me.

  “And you said yes?”

  I raised our still-entwined hands so she could see

  the ring. Her eyes widened again and she grabbed our hands, pulling them closer to her eyes. She looked at

  Zach in shock.

  “How the heck did you afford that?”

  “I’m not telling. All that matters is that I did.” She let go of our hands and then jumped at me,

  hugging me.

  “I am so happy for you!”

  “Thanks, Jessie.”

  She sat back down.

  “You’re going to be my maid of honor, right?” She broke out into a huge grin.

  “Yes, yes, yes!”

  I smiled, and when I saw the time—eleven thirty—

  I groaned.

  “Jess, you gotta go. We have to get ready for the

  Crowning in half an hour.”

  Zach looked at the sundial.

  “Oh! Seriously? What’m I supposed to wear?” “A nice dress and flats or heels—that’s what

  Galaxia declared, anyway.”

  She nodded, standing up.

  “I think I have just the thing. . . Where is it?” “Just meet Galaxia at the bottom of the stairs and

  she’ll tell you,” I said, standing up with Zach, too. “Okay. Bye!”

  She hurried out of the room and I went into the

  closet, which housed both our clothes (I realized then I

  had a substantial amount more than him). Zach came in

  behind me, realizing that, too.


  I looked at him, shrugging.

  “I like my clothes.”

  “Apparently. . . So what’re you wearing?” He


  “I have no idea.”

  He laughed and I went digging through my dresses. After about ten minutes, I found the best one for this. It’s a navy blue dress that I’ve always loved. My flats are black, and I am wearing the lightning bolt and the ring. I curled my hair and pulled the sides back with

  bobby pins.

  “You look good,” Zach said, coming back into the

  enormous closet to see what I’d decided on.

  I looked at him. He’s wearing a three-piece,

  pinstripe suit that looks absolutely marvelous on him. “So do you.” I went to him. “Except this is

  crooked.” I straightened the vest and he took my hands

  in his.


  I looked up at him.

  “I just want this over with.”

  He leaned over and kissed my head.

  “Then let’s go,” he whispered.

  He took my hand and we went to meet Galaxia,

  my anxiousness rising with every step I took. Zach’s

  thumb was moving in circles over the top of my hand,

  but that only soothed me so much.

  “Good,” said Galaxia, appraising us with her eyes,

  “very appropriate. Jessica has already gone in with

  Vera.” Vera is Galaxia’s youngest, an adorable little girl

  with white-blonde hair. “Follow me.”

  We walked behind her down two sets of

  hallways, stopping outside of the two doors.

  “Are you ready?”

  “As ready as we’ll ever be,” I said, trying not to

  sound so dismal.

  She nodded, not hearing the depression that had

  managed to sneak into my words.

  “Walk in when the doors open. You’ll do fine.” She touched both our shoulders and then slipped

  inside. They shut behind her and I took a deep breath. “I don’t think I can do this,” I whispered. “What?” asked Zach, looking at me.

  “I can’t do this,” I repeated, looking at him. “Of course you can; you’ve escaped Adler

  countless times and you’re the Keeper. How could you


  “This is bigger than all those things, Zach.” “It’s you. This is just a short, screwed-up

  ceremony that you can get through just like you’ve

  gotten through everything else.”

  I gave him an exasperated look.

  “By being lightning? Striking through it without

  a care in the world?”

  “Yes, by being lightning. By being strong. You are

  strong, Em, and I’ll be right here with you.”

  “You really think I’m lightning, don’t you?” I

  asked, my eyes flickering between that glorious pair he


  He smiled.

  “Yeah, I do. You’ve struck through my heart like

  lightning, that’s for sure.”

  The doors opening ceremoniously stopped me

  from replying and we turned to face the aisle. When the

  doors stopped opening, we saw everyone inside

  standing—just the Council and Jessie, which was sad; I

  have been hoping for Queen Allu.

  Zach and I, still holding hands, began to walk up

  the aisle. I looked ahead of us, to the fancy chairs

  (Galaxia had called them thrones) sitting before everyone,

  patiently waiting to be sat in. Horatio watched us more

  intently than everyone else.

  As we got to the chairs, we released each other’s

  hands and went to stand in front of our designated seats.

  We faced the crowd and they sat.

  Horatio moved to stand between the two chairs,

  holding his hands before him. He remained silent for just

  a bit longer, but when he took a breath, it began. “The time is now for the Kahi to take their place

  among the Kings and Queens who chose them. In times

  of need, they will rise up and take the mantle.

  “Emma Fitch and Zachary Stone were chosen

  before birth for this duty, forever building up to this one

  moment. This day marks the beginning of a whole new

  era, one that unites all the Galaxies under two souls.

  These two souls will forever hold our peace. . .” As Horatio carried on, I worked to keep myself

  calm. I have to do this, I know that, but I’m petrified at

  the thought of screwing up. Also about being universally

  hated. This could go all so very, very wrong. But. . . I took a breath, my eyes flickering over to Zach.

  He was with me. He promised he’d never leave, didn’t

  he? I believed him, I believed that he’d always be here.

  That we’d do this together.

  “Zachary Stone,” Horatio said, pulling me from

  my thoughts, “do you promise to uphold the duties of the

  Kahi, to protect the Galaxies at all costs, and to give no

  information to those who will use it for wrong-doing?” “I do so promise.”

  “Emma Fitch, do you promise to uphold the

  duties of the Kahi, to protect the Galaxies at all costs,

  and to give no information to those who will use it for


  “I do so promise.”

  “Emma, Zachary, please sit.”
  We lowered ourselves into the chairs, our hands

  resting on the armrests.

  “By the power vested in me, I, Horatio, Crown

  Emma Catherine Fitch, Her Majesty, the Kahi, and

  Zachary Leo Stone, His Majesty the Kahi.

  “Time shall not take you. Go forth now and lead

  the stars with wisdom.”

  **** She actually threw a party. Galaxia threw us a

  party . When she told us, I almost screamed. Like this isn’t stressful enough without having to go put up with it for the next two hours! We’d been intending on hiding up in our room, ignoring everything that has to do with our new titles, but now we’re outside on the porch facing it.

  Louisa asked me to make the clouds leave, so the sun would warm us up some and there wouldn’t be any wind. Someone had put up decorations all over the yard and the porch, like banners and streamers. . . and balloons. Hundreds of balloons—clustered together in strategic locations across the yard.

  There was music, some dancing. . . Really everyone was participating in what the Council had planned except for Zach and I. We just sat on the porch talking and watching everyone else, sometimes nibbling on the snacks Galaxia had put out.

  When it was finally over—longer than I’d thought, it was five—Zach and I immediately left and hid in our room. We changed out of our clothing into what we’d been wearing before and curled up on the couch to watch a movie. We had to hold onto what was normal before we lose it forever.


  I stirred, my eyes fluttering open. I hadn’t realized I had fallen asleep. Though not for very long, it seems—the sun had set only an hour ago.

  “What is it?” I asked, shifting so I could see

  Zach’s face.

  “Where were you when you found out? That he’s


  I sighed. “Home. I’d just gotten home from delivering my

  letters, and Mom rushed into my room, practically


  “I heard him. His voice—just before it happened.

  He said he was going to kill you.”

  I stayed silent, and then took a breath.

  “He’s not stupid, Zach. He doesn’t want to die, to

  burn for the rest of eternity. And he’s gone. He didn’t get

  me in the park—”

  “Yes, he did.”

  My brow furrowed.

  “Not , just before—I didn’t tell you?” “Tell me what?”

  We were completely facing each other, now. “After I gave Jess her letter, I went to the park.

  He tried sneaking up on me, but the Galaxies warned me

  that he was there. He—he knew, Zach. Somehow, he

  figured out that we’re the Kahi.”

  “How the hell did he figure that out?” Zach asked


  I shrugged.

  “I don’t know. He never answered. But. . . But he

  tried to make a deal with me.” Zach’s frown deepened,

  but he didn’t say anything. “He told me that if I went

  with him then, and never fought him and never left, that

  he’d—he’d leave you and everyone I care for alone.” Zach kept quiet for a while longer, before asking:

  “Do you think he was telling you the truth? About

  leaving everyone else alone?”

  I hesitated.

  “That’s just it, Zach, I think he was.” I shook my

  head. “He just failed to realize that if I had gone with

  him, and stayed with him for eternity. . . I would die

  anyway. The pain would end up being too much, or he’d

  flip and kill me himself. . . For supposedly having a high

  intelligence, he really never understood how much I

  couldn’t stand to be near him.”

  “You don’t have to worry about him anymore,

  Em. He’s gone. He didn’t win.”

  “And now he never will.”

  Making Enemies

  At least I don’t have to give this up, waking up next to Zach. I’m already used to it.

  He was awake, again, when I woke up. I smiled at him.

  “Good morning,” I said.

  “Back atcha.” He brushed the hair away from my face. “Do you feel any different yet?”

  I paused, thinking.

  “Yeah, I do, actually. I thought ‘officially’ being the Kahi wouldn’t feel any different than before the Crowning, but it does.”

  “I feel the same way, but we’ve known for a while, now; it’s sunk in.”

  “Yeah, it has.”

  He kissed me lightly, once.

  “Hey,” I objected, tapping my lips with two fingers. “I wasn’t done.”

  The corner of Zach’s mouth moved up in a smile and he kissed me again. I pulled him closer, and he shifted his body so that he was hovering over me. We remained that way until someone knocked on the door. That only made us move a bit, holding each other just a bit tighter. . .

  The knock became more impatient, and we broke apart, sighing.

  “I’ll get it,” Zach mumbled, kissing my forehead, and climbing out of bed.

  I sighed again, running my fingers through my hair near my forehead and then climbing out of bed. I lingered in the open area of my room. Zach came back around with Galaxia, who was looking a bit flustered, and Zach stood next to me.

  “Morning, Galaxia,” I said, trying to hide my confusion.

  “Yes, good morning. I came to tell you both that the Viewing will be held today.”

  Zach and I looked at each other.

  “Today?” we asked.

  “Yes, today. You two are ready to be announced to the Magical Galaxies as the Kahi. We hope to have it done by ten, so please come downstairs and eat. Dress properly, as well. No jeans or tee shirts, please.”

  Then she turned and left. I looked at Zach.

  “What’s her problem?” I asked.

  “I really don’t know. She just seemed—surprised that I was here.”

  “Why would she? She knows we’re together.”

  “I know she does, but—it’s Galaxia. Who knows why she does half the stuff she does?”

  “Probably not even her.”

  “Right.” He checked the sundial. “If we don’t want our stomachs’ growling to be broadcasted to every Magical Being, we should get going. We aren’t going to have time to eat if we wait any longer.”

  I looked, as well, and saw that it was already after eight.

  “Guess so.”

  After a small breakfast of oatmeal and tea, I went to shower in the impressive bathroom off the closet. Zach had showered through his Magic, and Changed as, well. Just before ten, we headed downstairs.

  **** We met Galaxia in the den, finding that she is

  still flustered. All the furniture is missing except for two chairs that are sitting in the middle of the room. Galaxia had us sit on them, and then she entered something into a pad quickly and hit a key.

  “You aren’t to say anything. You don’t have anything to say, but stay polite. Do not frown, but do not grin too widely, either. Just small smiles to let them know you are happy to be here and to be the Kahi.”

  Zach and I nodded.

  The wall before us turned into a screen and showed the Galaxies. They are all very, very small, and there are arrows pointing in the direction of others. Galaxia hit another key, and words appeared on the screen:



  She typed something else onto the pad and clicked the first key again.


  Appeared on the screen.

  Verina? Zach Pathed.

  I didn’t know, either. Though that explains how Vera

  got her name.

  Galaxia walked over to a chair. Zach and I aren’t in view of it from where we sit.

  “Hello, Ga
laxies, I am Galaxia, a member of the Council. On behalf of the Council and the Royals of our Galaxies, I would like to announce that the Kahi have been Crowned. They are here now and shortly you will be shown who they are. But first, I will tell you who we chose almost twenty years ago.

  “Their Majesties are Zachary Leo Stone and Emma Catherine Fitch. Queen Emma is also the Keeper of the Galaxies. You are to treat King Zachary and Queen Emma with the utmost respect, as they are your King and Queen from now until the end of time. Special treatments are welcome and quite necessary. A list of rules will be sent to each capitol, where they will be distributed.

  “You will be shown them now.”

  She quieted but nothing happened, and I know that the screen’s angle has moved to show Zach and I.

  “They are your new King and Queen,” Galaxia said. “Thank you, Galaxies.”

  Galaxia went to the pad, typed something in, and the screen reverted to its original position.

  “That is all. You can go, now.”

  Zach and I stood up and walked to the staircase. He took my hand.

  “That was easy,” he said.

  “Yes. But I didn’t know she was going to tell everyone about me being the Keeper,” I huffed as we climbed the steps.

  “She was probably just clearing the air of all the questions.”

  “About me?”


  “There’s probably a lot more, though.”

  “They can just deal with their theories.”

  “This is all so complicated,” I muttered.

  “I know it is,” he agreed almost dismally. “But if it wasn’t complicated, who knows if we’d have acted on our feelings for each other?”

  “We may not have,” I agreed, slightly disturbed by that fact. “We also wouldn’t have been nearly killed on more than one occasion.”

  “Em, I don’t really care about all that. Adler is dead, and we aren’t. We beat him.”

  “I know,” I murmured. “I just. . . I liked you before everything started, but I was too afraid you’d be hurt.”

  The next moment, Zach had me in our room, and he nearly slammed the door behind us.

  Fa it h

  Zach kept his hand in mine, leading me to the


  “What do you mean, you were afraid I’d be hurt?”

  he questioned.

  I sighed.

  “I’m a Witch Faerie, Zach. You know I’m

  practically a social outcast just because I’m not one or the

  other, but—”

  “I never cared that you’re a Witch Faerie, Emma.

  It’s always been who you are. What does that even have


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