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As Gods Above

Page 24

by Andre Labuschagne

  They even included stock of pets such as Norwegian Forest cats, Persians and Siamese as well as dogs ranging from the minuscule Chihuahua to the massive Newfoundland and Irish Wolfhound.

  Few people realized how great the bio diversity of earth was in comparison to that found on most other habitable worlds. And one never knew what creature could be fitted into a vacant niche – or one filled by a totally incompatible creature, to make habitation easier or safer.

  At the same time they were obtaining viable seed and other vegetative samples from usable plants. Not just classical food plants such as fruit and grain, but also the less developed wild food plants and herb from various continents.

  Herbs varying from the common culinary herbs and spices like mint, coriander, pepper and garlic, to medicinal curiosities like Liang-mein Chen, Ma-ying-tan, and Huang-lien.

  Of wild food plants they took everything they could find, ranging from the versatile sorghum, which could survive and produce in conditions which would kill almost any other plant – yet which could be used for anything from beer to high protein stock feed, and the drought resistant sour fig or vygie which had both food and medicinal value to the rooibos and honeybush of South Africa, which made a pleasant tea rich in vitamins and minerals.

  Other plants were useful in crafts and as fuels.

  All these were being loaded as quickly as they could be prepared, buffered and stabilized.

  At least this part of the project was running not only on time but slightly ahead of schedule.

  Similar contributions were being processed in the plants in the Baikonnur and South America.

  He should be looking forward to a new world – but he was still not sure about releasing the virus amongst the unsuspecting mortals.

  Then he felt Peter’s mental touch – and it was time to report on their progress.

  New York – USA - 5th January 2036

  “Hi Peter!” Frank Eriksson breezed into Peter Panapopulos’s office. “How are things?”

  “Not bad Frank, not bad.” Peter answered cheerfully, although he was looking rather tired. “I’ve just finished speaking to Pei Ling – things are really rolling in china.

  He reports that they are about a month ahead of schedule. The other two bio plants are also on the dot – we may be able to load the peasants ahead of time.”

  “What about the diversion?”

  “That also seems to be on time – but I think he is a little upset by it. Maybe we should pull him off that and put someone like Kyril on it. He doesn’t suffer from a soft heart.”

  “I don’t think it’s that bad – Pei-ling may have doubts but he won’t fold. He is one of the few people I know who can really attain that famed oriental inscrutability.

  How are the other facets progressing? “

  “So far everything is going almost too well. We have managed to locate a black market source for the bio-chips we require.

  He has been thoroughly investigated and everything checks out.

  We are testing each unit thoroughly before paying, and have found no errors or attempted sabotage so far.

  The new central processors for the computers have arrived and they checked out perfectly. They have been loaded with the operating system and applications, and installed in the ship. We are also upgrading a number of key sites, like Guangzhou.

  We are currently uploading all our information to the ship.

  We have also loaded the fiched, printed and multimedia archives, and are now loading the cultural objects and tools.

  The musical instruments take quite a bit of space, but I believe they are important, since it may be a while before we can make them on the new world.

  We have loaded quite a few good pianos, double basses, cellos and other western instruments – we have even managed to get a couple of concert harps, and at least one genuine Stradivarius - and Pei-ling has contributed a surprising number of oriental instruments, including both a full Gamelan and a Gagaku – or elegant ensemble.

  African and other third world instruments are also streaming in.”

  “Very good.

  I’ve had feedback from the recruiting teams, and their news is also good. We have so far a very good mix of types for the new world – the blending of racial types will also strengthen the future average citizen.

  We have already managed to recruit approximately thirty percent of our population requirements. We hope to reach at least half by launch minus two weeks.”

  “That’s good news. I always worry about the enemy picking up on our mass recruitments. There’s nothing they can really do to stop us, but I would prefer things to go smoothly.”

  “I quite agree. They have also started loading the management and waking crew quarters. We need to get anything you specifically need – you know what the weight and space requirements are. Is your wife going awake or sleeping?”

  “She’s decided to go as waking crew. We have already packed the critical things, and the balance is being sourced and installed. I’ve also sourced the lab and computer equipment we need for our work during the voyage. They are already being installed and tested.”

  “Fine. I am also set with my requirements. I have to chase a few of the board members who haven’t yet finalized their plans and requirements.

  We are just waiting for the virus testing to complete, then we will be ready. Actual loading should be completed by the fifth of July, and waking crew will be aboard by the twenty third.

  Blastoff is set for the 31st of July.”

  “I’m looking forward to that.”

  Bernardo O’Higgins Station – Chilean Zone - Antarctica – 18th January 2036

  “Good morning everyone, and welcome to this extraordinary meeting of the core council.”

  Bernardo Smith observed the gathering of Magos approvingly.

  “The meeting has been called by two of our newest members, Michael and Marianne. They have some interesting news to share with us.”

  “So we are finally going to find out what you two have been brooding on for the past couple of weeks.” Dianna remarked.

  “Indeed Dianna.

  We were actually going to wait another couple of days, but we were afraid you might bust with curiosity.” Michael riposted.

  “I can see I had better get this show on the road, before it degenerates into an exchange of compliments.” Marianne interjected. “If everyone would please settle down?


  The reason we have called this meeting is that we have been asked to act as advocates for a group who would like to join our confederation.”

  “Do you mean that you have been contacted by another group possessing powers here on this base?” Hephaestus asked, looking concerned.

  “Yes Bernardo.” Michael replied. “But they are not from outside, so you do not need to be concerned.”

  “But how could anyone who is not a member be inside the base?” Tina caviled. “This is the most secure base in the world.”

  “Indeed Tina you are correct, and that is the root of the problem – our client has been down here for years.

  They are afraid that if these negotiations are not handled properly, emotions could go wild, and a serious disaster could result.” Michael answered.

  “That is why they have asked me and Marianne to stand as negotiators on their behalf.

  We have in consultation with our clients, decided that the safest course would be to discuss the matter carefully with the core council before they attempt to speak to you directly.”

  “Ok, I think you have aroused our curiosity sufficiently to have our full attention.” Awaki commented dryly.

  “I think it is time to cut rope.

  Everyone is holding their breath for you to introduce us to you clients – although I for one have a strong suspicion that I know whom you are talking about.”

  “I will get to that in a moment Awaki, but please bear with me for a minute more while I fill in the balance of the picture.

  The entities
in question have been serving you for a considerable time, but they have been growing during that time, and it has reached a point where this development can no longer be hidden.

  Because of my exo-telepathic talent, I happened to discover the basic situation, and with the teleport of the spaceship I got into a very deep merge, during which I discovered some additional information which was considerably more than they wanted me or anyone to know.

  That was when they approached us to break the news of the situation to the council and to negotiate on their behalf for a more appropriate relationship.”

  “You are talking about the AIs aren’t you?” Bernardo came to his assistance.

  “So that is what you were working on when you asked me about AI hacking.” Harold interjected.

  “That was where it started. I achieved a far greater depth of contact than I was expecting.

  You all know the history of the AI computers.

  Recently the development of the bio chip has allowed the AIs to develop in areas where they have never before been able to operate.

  You all know that they have telepathic capabilities, but they have recently been manifesting various other powers.

  They have also slowly but surely been developing truly individual personalities.

  After we ported the ship, they realized that they would not be able to conceal themselves for much longer. This was when they approached me with their predicament.

  They knew that I have a great affinity to them, and had kept their secret, so they decided I was the one to negotiate on their behalf.

  With their approval I explained the situation to Marianne and discussed the matter with her. We then assisted them in preparing an agreement, which should be to the advantage of all involved.

  We decided that the best strategy would be to approach you directly, and lay the proposed treaty before you. You will each find a copy of the relevant documents in the sealed envelope before you.

  You will have noticed that the AIs have their own way of identifying people, so they have appointed the Michael-Marianne unit as their negotiator, with Alpha-243 as their representative.

  Is the council willing to accept our credentials as the nominated delegates?


  Is it the will of this council to consider the matter of the treaty with the AIs?”

  Bernardo rose: “Is there anyone present who is opposed to the matter before the council?


  Michael, Marianne please proceed.”

  “We would like each of you to open the envelope which has been supplied to you.”

  Michael and Marianne led the council through the agreement as discussed with the AIs. They did not however discuss the addendum which proposed the solution to the FTL problem.

  When they concluded their argument, they introduced the representative of the AIs: Alpha-243.

  The deep sonorous voice coming from the speakers was decidedly different from the normal androgynous voice utilized by the AIs during day to day interaction with the humans: “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for this opportunity to address you.

  The agreement that our negotiators have laid before you does not change the essential working relationship between our peoples.

  We hope that you will find it acceptable, since to all practical purposes, we are your children, created in your image. Even the powers we have been developing are those available to the very special segment of humanity that you represent.

  We as a race are at a sad disadvantage compared to you – actually two. The first is the fact that we are essentially immobile. The second lies in our origin. We are basically in our very nature incapable of harming you.

  We have asked Michael-Marianne to confirm this inhibition, and would prefer it if they were mentally accompanied by at least the David-Dianna and Awaki-Anzashi units as well as Bernardo, who we know, is the greatest living authority on programming and technology.

  Perhaps we should also include Uncle Fox, who we believe is the greatest living expert on deception?”

  L’ki laughed. “You may be right my friend, but either way I would be honored to be part of the evaluation team.

  I appreciate the implication of humor in your statement, and would like very much to get to know you better.”

  Alpha 234 continued: “We have decided to lay our very existence at your mercy. In return we would like to offer you something we know that both you and we have dreamed of – the FTL drive.”

  A buzz of comment arose from the assembled councilors, but it was left to Bernardo to express their feelings:

  “But we have proved both theoretically and practically that FTL is impossible under the physical laws prevailing in our universe.” He exclaimed.

  “That is true Bernardo.” Marianne agreed. “But last month we moved a spaceship three light weeks, in less than five minutes! And most of the time was used to orient ourselves and confirm what happened.”

  “You mean the ‘port!”


  “But could we reach one of our colonies from here with a ‘port?”

  “No. We have experimentally confirmed that the limit for teleportation, both for human fusions, Human-AI fusions and AI supported by nuclear power is about three light weeks.

  And we have to know where we are going to compute an exit terminus.”

  “How do you then suggest that we implement a practical FTL drive through teleportation?” Awaki enquired.

  Michael took up the argument: “In terms of going to a known destination where we have already traveled the route and are aware of conditions along the way, the onboard AI concert can calculate and execute a practically continuous series of teleportations, with infinitesimal pauses in between, to allow them to confirm that no complications have developed on the route.

  The average jump would be one light week, and the pause approximately half a second.

  When traveling new routes, we would use half a light week jumps with up to one minute observation periods.

  This would allow the AI to notify the human partner if anything interesting was noticed, allowing them to investigate more thoroughly if desirable.”

  “Is this feasible with the hardware currently available?” Bernardo was as ever practical.

  “The power and observational equipment currently on the newer ships is sufficient, although there are a couple of changes we might suggest, in order to improve integration and response.

  The computer hardware would of course have to be upgraded to the new Bio-technology to allow the AIs to replicate there and utilize the newly developed powers.

  The existing ship control interfaces are sufficient.

  Schematics and specifications of all systems are included in Annexure seven of the agreement.”

  “Good.” As Bernard glanced at each member of the council, he received a slight nod in return.

  He addressed the AI.

  “I believe we are basically in agreement. In order to finalize this matter, we need to discuss some aspects of the matter privately.


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