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As Gods Above

Page 30

by Andre Labuschagne

  “Affirmative Michael, we estimate a probable ten day window before we can certify that the virus has been stopped. You guys go ahead; we’ll take over from here.”

  “Thanks guys!” As the AIs merged with Dianna and Marianne Michael directed his thoughts at Bernardo. “Ready this side.” He sent to Bernardo.

  “Incoming!” The call echoed through their minds. Two cylinders appeared before them. “Good luck guys.”

  “Thanks Bernardo!” The two young men strode to the edge of the building, to get a visual fix on the reservoir. A moment later they disappeared.

  At the reservoir they spent a couple of minutes searching for a manhole access, forcing it open was the work of a second.

  “Should we just dump them in?” David wondered.

  “For a start.” Michael agreed.

  Opening the telekinetically locked cylinders they poured the contents into the water.

  “Shall we stir it?” David suggested.

  “Good idea, David!” Michael approved. “Just watch out that we don’t stir up any of the sludge on the sides and the bottom. Wait, I’ll immobilize a thin layer of water around the edges, you agitate the rest. Just don’t heat it. We don’t want to kill our trump card.”

  “You tend to your cooking, I’ll tend to mine.” David teased and he gave the water a good telekinetic stir.

  “There! Let’s get back to the girls.”

  By the time they got back to the roof of the girls dormitory block where the others were waiting, the town was quieting down again.

  “Mission accomplished!” David couldn’t resist the classical line as they appeared to the spot they had left minutes before.

  “Well done men!” Awaki assumed the tone and pose of many a commander from the classical war movies.

  “I believe we are all systems go… or was that damn the torpedoes?

  Anyway we have done what we could. Now it’s up to the observers and sensitives to monitor the situation and report any outbreaks.”

  Darkside Station – Sublunar 1 – Earth Moon – 1st February 2036

  When Peter Panapopulos rose to address the emergency meeting of the board, the atmosphere was electrical.

  “Welcome lady and gentlemen. As you all probably know, things have started going wrong with our planned diversion. We have lost a number of people, amongst others a board member, who has contributed largely in the past: Wu Pei-ling.

  Unfortunately our installation in Quanzhou was totally destroyed in the raid so we have been unable to discover exactly what happened.

  What we do know is that only one canister of the virus was delivered to the relevant agent. She deployed it as planned.

  Our latest information is that the enemy has deployed massive forces in the city, and seems to be administering some kind of antidote to the population.

  We are gathered here to decide how to manage this crisis, the greatest since we started building this ship.

  Mr. Kiriakos, you have the floor.”

  “Lady, Gentlemen.” Kyril greeted the meeting. “We have a very simple choice. We are loaded completely, including all our colonists.

  We had planned to have a worldwide series of disasters at the same time to distract the enemies’ attention while we launched and left the solar system.

  Unfortunately we have not succeeded in this. Only one of our planned diversions has come off.

  What we have to decide now, is whether the enemy is distracted sufficiently for us to launch safely. The other major factor we need to consider is the amount of time we would need to set up another diversion.

  The floor is now open for discussion “

  For twenty minutes discussion raged about the floor. Then Peter rose again. “Ladies and gentlemen, I think we have discussed this as much as possible. I move that we take a vote.”

  “I second that!”

  “Thank you Kyril. All in favor raise you hand. All against please raise your hands.

  Thank you all, we have twelve votes for, and three against.

  Mr. Kiriakos, the board is in favor of leaving immediately. We await your final decision.”

  “Mr. Panapopulos, Lady and Gentlemen, we will raise ship in fifteen minutes. Please secure all stations. All off duty personnel please report to quarters.”

  Fifteen minutes later the great nuclear powered rockets fired, lifting the vast ship on its voyage.

  The immortals started watching their back trail, as they would for the next thirty years, before they were certain they were not being followed.

  And deep in their computer systems slept the three AI clones – waiting for the day their destination was reached, waiting for their day of destiny.

  Bernardo O’Higgins Station – Chilean Zone - Antarctica – 13th May 2041

  The group gathered in the hangar area of the sub basement of the Antarctic station was a lot smaller than the one who had gathered there six years before.

  “I still can’t get used to a ship without drive tubes.” Awaki walked around the new scout ship. “It somehow seems unnatural for a spaceship to just sort of drift up and disappear.”

  “I must admit it does sound like an anticlimax.” Michael agreed. “And it sure feels strange being able to talk to your drive. Sorry Theta.”

  “No offense taken, Michael, that’s one of the advantages of being an AI.

  And being your “drive” is an honor, we still owe you and Marianne for helping us come out in the open.”

  “Thanks Theta, although that was our pleasure.”

  Dianne and David came up. “Right guys, we’re ready to roll – we’ve ported our luggage on.”

  “Thanks David, your luggage has all been stowed safely.” Theta confirmed.

  “This is the part I hate – saying goodbye.” Dianna observed.

  “Well, at least we can contact you at any time – with the new AI assisted powers, you are really only a thought away. And you four are the best we’ve got.

  Once you prove the new drive, we can really get space travel on the map. We just have to find a way to present it, so that it will be acceptable to the public.”

  Everyone gathered to say goodbye, then the four adventurers boarded. The generators took power as the meld assisted by the AI lifted the scout ship smoothly into the air. Then it disappeared.


  So here we are – the four – no the five of us - embarking on an adventure – reaching for the stars. I take one last look at the blue world that engendered not only me, but all mankind - before I issue the command that will take us out there – to our future.

  Soon large mankind will be leaving her as well – rising from her oceans and forests to soar…

  Soar on the wings of the mind…

  Like Gods Above!




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