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Egotistical Executive: A Hero Club Novel

Page 2

by K. L. Humphreys

  I watch as both Rhys and Devon leave my office. My weekend has now been ruined. I’ve got to deal with an asshole as well as have a meeting on what is usually my day off. Great, just my luck.



  “Melanie?” Cassidy’s soft voice calls out followed by a knock on the door. “Are you awake?”

  I groan as I turn over in bed. “Yeah.” I call out and my bedroom door opens and Cass walks in with a cup in her hand. “Morning,” I say groggily.

  “Sorry, Mel, I thought I heard you moving, I wouldn’t have knocked otherwise,” she tells me handing me the cup. She flicks her long black hair over her shoulder and sits at the bottom of my bed. “Are you working today?” It’s Sunday and I usually work Sundays, but today I’m off.

  I take a sip of the coffee and sigh blissfully, it’s good. “I’m babysitting for Aubrey this afternoon. Are you okay?” She rarely does this and she keeps wringing her hands together. It’s her tell that she’s nervous.

  She glances at me. “Yes, I’m just wondering if you’ve heard from Zoe?”

  Zoe is our other roommate, she’s not been home in a few days.

  “No, but you know what Zoe’s like, she’ll come home when she’s ready. Besides it’s not like she’s missing classes. She’s been going, we’ve just not seen her.”

  We all go to UCLA, Zoe is in med school, whereas Cass and I are studying to become teachers. It’s something that I’ve always wanted to do and I’m close to accomplishing my dream as this is my last year in college.

  She shrugs, “I know, I just worry.”

  I roll my eyes. Cass overreacts sometimes. “You know what Zoe’s like, she finds a guy, spends a couple of weeks by his side and then she’ll get bored. When she does, she’ll be home. Have you messaged her?”

  She shakes her head. “No, she’ll just complain that I’m mothering her again.”

  I smile. Zoe always tells her that she’s mothering her. Cass can’t help it, it’s who she is. When all's said and done, Zoe doesn’t hate it, she knows that Cass does it out of love. “You are a mother hen.”

  She grabs for a pillow and throws it at me, I quickly dodge it, managing not to spill a drop of coffee whilst I do. “I worry, that’s all,” she says softly.

  I bring the cup to my mouth to hide my smile. “I never said there was anything wrong with it.”

  Her eyes narrow at me and she shakes her head. “Get dressed, we’ll go get some breakfast.”

  I nod, just as my stomach growls. “That sounds like a good idea.”

  She laughs as she stands up. “I’m picking the place. You chose the last time.”

  I put the coffee mug on my bedside table and jump out of bed. “Fine, just as long as it’s somewhere that has pancakes.” I call out after her as she leaves my room.

  “Wherever I want!” She yells back and I reach for my yoga pants, after breakfast, I’ll go for a run, I try and go at least three times a week but this week I haven’t managed to.

  An hour and a half later and my breathing is labored as my feet continue to pound on the sidewalk, I’ve been running for fifteen minutes and the sweat is pouring from me. As I turn the corner and start to slow down, my apartment is just meters away, I can see mom’s cars parked out front.

  I reach the front of the apartment block and the doorman, Henry, opens the door for me. He’s always here with a genuine smile and a warm hello. My dad bought me the apartment when I told him I was going to UCLA. He and my mom split when I was four, since then he’s never really been present in my life. Instead of spending time with me, he throws money my way. This apartment was his feeble attempt at buying my love. Whenever I call him, he acts as though I’m an imposition and can’t wait to get off the phone.

  Taking the stairs two at a time, I reach my apartment door, I can hear laughter coming from inside and I’m pretty sure that I hear Zoe’s voice. Opening the door, I’m met by the sight of Cass, Zoe, and my mom sitting on the couches laughing. They look like they’re having a great time. “Hey.” I call out as I walk in.

  As one they all turn to look at me, Mom’s got a beautiful smile on her face and I can’t help but notice it doesn’t reach her eyes like usual. “Hey, baby, how was your run?”

  “Good thanks. You okay?”

  She nods, “Yes, I batch cooked for you girls last night. I’ve boxed them up and they’re now in your freezer.”

  I smile, I’m such a mommy’s girl. She stops by at least once a week with food for us to freeze. She thinks that we don’t know how to cook. “Thanks, mom.”

  “Thanks, Ms. Karlson. You’re the best,” Zoe replies with a grin.

  “Anything to help my girls. Do any of you need me to do your laundry?”

  I laugh, we’re not that bad. “No thanks, mom. We’re capable of doing our own.”

  She shrugs, “If you need anything, you just have to ask. And please, for the umpteenth time, please call me Beverly, or Bev. Mel sweetie, what are you doing next Thursday?”

  I frown, that’s almost a week away. I have to think for a moment. “I’m working until eight then I don’t have anything planned.”

  Mom smiles, “Would you like to go watch a movie?”

  I nod, “That would be good.” It’s been a while since we went to the movie theatre, “I’m picking!”

  She narrows her eyes. “Mel…”

  I shake my head, “No, mom. You have the worst taste in movies.”

  “She’s right, Ms. Karlson. You really do,” Zoe says with a laugh.

  Mom stares at us with her mouth slightly open and her eyes wide. “Gee, thanks.”

  “A movie sounds really good, mom.”

  Her face breaks out into that beautiful smile, the one that everyone says that I have too. “What time are you going to Aubrey’s?”

  “One.” Glancing down at my watch I see that it’s almost noon. “I’d better get a shower. Mom, you want to give me a ride?” I ask nicely.

  “Of course, sweetie.”

  I wink at her, “Thanks, mom. I won’t be long.”

  She waves me away, “You’re fine, take your time. I’m going to catch up with Zoe and Cassidy. From what I’ve heard so far, Zoe’s got a boyfriend.”

  I laugh at the sheer look of horror on Zoe’s face. Zoe doesn’t really do boyfriends, whenever things start to get a little serious, she runs for the hills and never looks back.

  “Bye, mom, thanks for the ride. I’ll call you later.” I tell her as I get out of the car and pull my backpack over my shoulders.

  She nods as I wave goodbye to her. “Okay, sweetie. If you need a ride home, just call.”

  That’s not going to happen, I won’t call her at night time to drive from her house to Aubrey and Chance’s just to bring me home. Mom lives way back in Temecula, that’s over an hour’s drive away.

  “Love you, mom.” I call as she reverses out of the Bateman’s driveway. Once mom’s car is out of sight, I knock on the door to Aubrey and Chance’s house. Or as I like to call it, the Bateman’s Palace. It’s huge and gorgeous, it’s so Aubrey and Chance.

  “Melly! Melly!” I hear CJ call for me and I smile, Aubrey and Chance’s four year old boy is a mini Chance, he’s the sweetest loving boy you’d ever meet and he’s got those mischievous, bright-blue eyes and copper colored hair just like his father.

  The front door opens and Chance is standing there looking harassed with a grinning two year old Bree in his arms. Bree is exactly like her mom, from the creamy complexion, to the auburn hair and green eyes. Both of the Bateman children have their father’s non-stop energy, but have their mother’s sassiness.

  “Melanie.” Chance breathes in relief and I smile. “Thank Fu…” He glances down at Bree who’s grinning up at her daddy. “Fudge your here.” He hands me Bree. “Watch out, she’s got purple paint on her hands.”

  I hold Bree at arm’s length as she holds up her tiny hands. “Melly.” She coos, proud that she’s got paint over her fingers.

  “Need a hand?
” I ask as I follow Chance into the house, softly closing the front door behind me.

  “Yes,” he growls. “My wife,” he hisses, “has kicked us out of the bedroom while she gets ready. I, on the other hand, have been dealing with my two monsters, they thought it would be fun to redecorate.”

  I smile, I love Chance and Aubrey’s relationship. Chance loves her more than anything and vice versa, it’s clear to anyone who sees the two together that they’re meant to be. I take in Chance’s appearance, he’s wearing a worn white t-shirt and a pair of jeans, his feet are bare, but his clothes are smeared in paint.

  “Okay, I’ll clean up the children and the paint. You go and get ready.” I tell him as I glance around the sitting room trying to find CJ.

  Chance releases a heavy sigh. “Thanks, Mel.”

  I shoo him away as I reach for the pack of baby wipes on the counter. “It’s fine, any idea where CJ is?” I ask as I wipe the paint from Bree’s dainty little hands.

  Chance glances around the room and then shrugs, “No idea. He’s around here somewhere.”

  I laugh, “I’ll find him, you’d better hurry, you don’t want Aubrey waiting on you.” I give him a pointed look. Whenever they are going somewhere, something always happens that makes Chance the last one to be ready, Aubrey loves winding him up about it.

  He turns on his heels and walks towards his bedroom, my laughter gets louder as he does.

  I manage to clean the paint off of Bree and I tackle the sitting room floor. Thank God, they have wooden floors, I quickly get my backpack off my back and put it into the corner of the room. “CJ?” I call out and hear his little giggles. His favorite game is hide and seek, he has been taking tips from Aubrey as to where to hide and it takes me ages to find him. He hid in the pantry the last time and it took me almost twenty minutes to find him. I started crying thinking I had lost him, I was just about to call Aubrey and Chance when I heard him sneeze.

  “Shall we find CJ?” I whisper to Bree and her eyes light up and she nods. I reach out my hand and she takes it instantly. “Do you know where he is?” She shakes her head. “Okay, we’ll go find him.”

  I walk down the hall and Bree giggles beside me as I call out his name. “Oh, CJ, where are you?” I have the pack of wipes in my hand, stopping whenever I see paint specs on the floor, cleaning them up.

  “Weady or not, here I come,” Bree yells and I smile, she’s the cutest little girl ever.

  CJ’s chuckles are coming from his room. The door’s slightly ajar and I glance down at Bree, she’s giddy, bouncing on her feet. “Is CJ in his room?”

  She nods enthusiastically. “Get him.” She points to his door and rushes toward it, pushing the door backward slightly and I hear a groan.

  Oh, CJ was hiding behind his bedroom door and got squished when Bree pushed it open. “Bree, is he in there?” I ask her, not wanting to ruin the fun that the two kids are having.

  Bree turns to face me, with big sad eyes. “No, Melly.”

  I hold out my hand and she once again takes it. “That’s okay, we’ll keep looking. Where next?”

  She puts her finger on her lip and thinks hard. Seconds later she grabs my hand and pulls me into the hallway.

  I quickly rush into CJ’s room and see he’s got paint all over his face. “Hey you.” I smile, “I’m going to quickly clean the paint off you and then I’m going to pretend I didn’t see you okay?” His face lights up and he nods, sticking his face out for me to clean. “Hands?” I ask once I have all the paint off his face, he lifts his palms up and I quickly clean them. “Anywhere else?”

  He shakes his head, “Nope.” He grins at me, “Go, Melly.”

  I back away, “I’m going, find somewhere else to hide, Bree and I will come and find you.”

  His grin widens, showcasing his white baby teeth. “Okay.”

  I turn and walk back toward the sitting room. I can hear CJ’s footsteps as he runs out of his bedroom. “Bree-Bree, did you find him?” I call out as I walk toward her.

  “No!” she cries.

  “That’s okay, we’ll find him and when we do, it’ll be your turn to hide.” Although Bree tells you where she’s hiding when it’s her turn. We have to pretend that we don’t see her for a while.

  “Did you check the fridge?” It’s her favorite place and she always checks it.

  She nods. “He’s not there.”

  I widen my eyes and lift my finger. “The pantry!” I gasp and watch as a cheeky smile forms and she runs toward the pantry.

  “No, Melly, he’s not here.” She’s so sad.

  “Call him, Bree.”

  She grins, “C-hay.” She can’t pronounce her J’s properly and I think it’s the cutest thing ever. “Where are you?” Her eyes light up when she hears CJ’s chuckles.

  “Go find him, Bree-Bree.”

  She runs as quick as her little legs can and follows his laughter, calling out to him as she does. “C-hay, where are you?” She runs to her bedroom and I’m right behind her. “Found you!” She yells at the top of her lungs. “Melly, I found him. He’s hiding in my bed.”

  I walk into the bedroom and find her pointing at him as he grins. “Way to go Bree-Bree, you found him.” I hold my hand up and she gives me a high-five.

  “Your turn to hide,” CJ tells her. “Me and Melly will go count, you hide.” He takes my hand and pulls me out of the bedroom. Bree’s laughter follows us out of the room.

  When we get to the sitting room and CJ begins to count, I tidy the paint away, wanting it to be cleaned up so when Chance and Aubrey leave we can watch a movie and knowing CJ and Bree, it’ll be Toy Story 4. “Ready or not, Bree, here I come,” CJ yells as he finishes counting.

  I finish tidying the sitting room just as Aubrey walks in, she looks stunning, a wine red dress that hits just below her knee, matching heels and purse. “Mel, you didn’t need to do that,” she tells me with a smile.

  I wave her away, “It didn’t take long. Anyway the kids are playing hide and seek, it gave me time to do it.”

  She pulls me into her arms and gives me a hug, one that I return. “How’s college?” She always asks me the same question.

  “It’s fine, same as always.”

  She rolls her eyes, “You’ve done amazingly, Mel. I can’t believe that you’re almost finished.”

  I smile, “I know, I’ll be glad once I am.”

  “It’s hard to believe that it’s been four years since I found you again.” She reminisces, and I laugh, I sound like a lost dog. “I’m glad I did, what would Chance and I do without you?”

  “Have less of a headache?” I quip and Chance guffs as he walks into the room. “Damn, you scrub up nicely.”

  He narrows his eyes, “What’s that supposed to mean?” He feigns hurt.

  “What she means is, you look less like a slob,” Aubrey says with a smile and I watch as the two of them get lost in one another’s eyes. They’re still so much in love.

  I took a year off after I finished high school and worked at Starbucks, hoping to save enough money for college. It’s there when I met Aubrey and Chance the first time. I watched as Chance won Aubrey back and watched their love blossom. When I moved here for College, I got a job at the Starbucks near campus. One day Aubrey walked in and was shocked to see me behind the counter, she invited me to dinner and they’ve not been able to get rid of me since.

  “We’d better get going.” Chance says, “Mel, have a wonderful evening.” He grins and I know that grin, it’s nothing good. “The kids have been watching Frozen 2 non-stop.”

  I smile, “Really?” He narrows his eyes but nods. “Great, I haven’t watched it yet.”

  Aubrey laughs, “Told you she wouldn’t mind.”

  Chance looks angry. “How? How can you like it?”

  Aubrey ignores him and calls the kids, “CJ, Bree, Mommy and Daddy are going now.”

  The sound of their tiny feet pounding against the floor sounds like there’s a stampede coming toward us. “Bye, mommy,�
� Bree calls as she throws herself into Aubrey’s arms.

  “Be good for Melly.” Chance warns and both of the children nod.

  “Mel, we should be home by midnight.” Aubrey tells me as she gives the kids another hug and kiss.

  “You’re fine, go, have fun.”

  Chance smirks, “Oh, I intend to.”

  I laugh as Aubrey smacks his shoulder. “Bye.” She waves as they leave the house.

  Once the front door closes, I turn to the kids, “Who wants to make cookies?”

  They both raise their hands. “Oh, me!” They jump up and down in excitement.



  "This day just gets better and better," I mutter to myself as I climb into the waiting taxi. Conrad has a lot of explaining to do.

  My cell rings and I reach into my pocket and take it out, I see Devon's name flashing on screen. My instinct is to ignore it, especially after the day I've had. All I want to do is ignore everyone and sleep but that's not going to happen. My brother is persistent, he's not going to stop until I answer.


  He chuckles, "Who's got your panties in a twist?"

  "I've had enough of LA already." It's not even five o'clock in the evening and I'm already wanting the day to end.

  "What's happened?" he questions. Devon is the more serious of us, he's always the one who checks in with us, making sure we're all okay.

  "Firstly, the plane was delayed," I sigh, I should have known from that moment that today was doomed. "Then, the airline lost my damn luggage. I've spent over two hours of being on hold and talking to representatives. Yet no one can tell me where my luggage is."

  "Shit. Do you have a suit for tomorrow?"

  I roll my eyes, that's all he's worried about. "No, I'm going to have to buy one as soon as I get to the damn hotel, fucking Conrad."

  He's silent for a moment, "What's Conrad done now?"


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