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Egotistical Executive: A Hero Club Novel

Page 10

by K. L. Humphreys



  This event is amazing, I didn't realize it was for children. Aubrey didn't give me specifics, just that I was to come, that I needed a break and she was right. In the past three years, I've never once spent the night away from Ethan. The ballroom is huge, around the edges of the room are tables where things are up for auction. A family stay in New York, a weekend getaway in Aspen, a family holiday to Disney world to name a few. I've made a couple of bids on things. I still have the credit card my father gave me that I've never used, if I win, I'll use it. It goes to a good cause.

  "Put it away Melly," Aubrey sighs glaring at my cell phone.

  It's the fifth time since we've been here that I've messaged Chance. I know he's probably annoyed, thinking I don't trust him but it's far from the truth, I'm just wanting to see how my baby is. "I'm sorry."

  She gives me a sympathetic look. "The first night I was away from the kids I was a nervous wreck too. Although, I think Chance was worse than me. We understand. Truly we do. But if something's wrong, Chance will let you know."

  I nod, I know he will. I decide to change the subject, feeling terrible for being such a downer when all Aubrey has done is try to lift my spirits. "Do you attend many of these events?"

  Her lips tilt into a beautiful smile, "Not since having the children. Chance and I haven't attended that many, but we try to go to two a year. They're to support good causes."

  I nod in agreement, "This one is certainly for a good cause."

  She reaches for her drink and takes a sip, "How are you really doing Melly?"

  I should have known that she'd ask. I'm truly grateful that I'm surrounded by people that love me. "I'm okay, as much as I try to stay positive where mom's concerned, the reality hits me." I lift a shoulder and shrug, "It's going to hit Ethan hard and there's absolutely no way that I'm going to be able to shield him from it." I'm terrified of losing my mom, but knowing that my son is going to hurt makes it worse. That's what I'm struggling with, how am I going to help him when I'll be drowning in my own grief?

  Tears shine in her eyes, but she doesn't let them fall. "Mel, you're not going to be alone. You've got us, you've got Cass, not to mention Zoe. If the worst happens, we'll be there with you." I noticed that my dad wasn't on that list. I'm not surprised, Aubrey hates him, she hates the way he treats me.

  "Thank you." I can't say anything more, my throats constricting as tears sting my eyes. I really did luck out with my friends.

  "You're welcome." Her eyes sparkle with mischief, "Shall we start bidding?"

  I bite back my smile, she's up to something. "Sure, anything in particular you'd like to bid on?"

  She smirks and I brace myself for what she's going to say. "Yes, there's a date with the wonderful Ms. Turner."

  My eyes widen at her words, "Oh, Aubrey, you wouldn't?"

  She laughs, "Yes I will. Chance owes me and Ms. Turner loves my husband. She has him re-arranging her furniture whenever she has him over." She turns and I watch as she smiles, "Oh, Eli..." When she turns back to me her smile widens, and she starts to introduce me to someone. "Mel, I want you to meet a friend of mine," her voice is soft and full of fondness for this Eli.

  I turn to face the mystery guest and feel the color draining from my face, my lungs fail to work and I'm finding it hard to breathe. "It’s him," I whisper and I know that Aubrey's staring at me, "Ethan's dad..." I want to cry, he's here.

  The years have been good to him. He's even more handsome than I remember, he must have gained at least thirty pounds, all of it muscle. The man still knows how to work a suit. God, I can't believe he's here. Those piercing green eyes haven't once looked away from me. I feel as though I'm being scrutinized. Everything crashes into me at once, I'm still attracted to him. God, I want him as I always have. The anger I have at him for being so callous the last time I saw him and the nerves I have, knowing that I'm going to tell him about Ethan and the worry and fear I have that he'll reject our son.

  A pretty blonde saunters up to him, her hand coming to rest on his chest and I urge myself to look away, I can't, I won't watch as he's with someone else. I glance at Aubrey and she's unable to keep the look of disgust from her face and I'm glad I'm not watching.

  "Aubrey?" I whisper, unsure what to even say at this moment.

  That gets her attention and she reaches for my hand, holding on tightly, and pulling me with her through the ballroom. I keep my gaze locked ahead of me, I'm already feeling like I want to curl up into a ball and cry, but I'm holding my own. The last thing I need is something else to set me off.

  Once we're out of the ballroom she releases my hand, just in time to snatch two glasses off the waiter’s tray while she continues walking, her movements fluid as though she's done it a hundred times before. She's not yet said a word and I'm worried, what if she's upset because he is her friend? At least I have a name now. Eli.

  We reach a door and Aubrey hands me a glass of champagne before opening the door. "We'll go in here to talk. We need some privacy."

  The room's empty, it's huge. It's obviously someone's library, the walls are covered in books, filling the floor to ceiling length bookcases. There's a huge sofa in the middle of the room. It makes for a perfect place to read. Opposite the sofa is a huge loveseat. I sit on the sofa and am relieved when Aubrey sits beside me, her body turned so that she's facing me. Her features are blank and I can't tell what she's thinking.

  "So Eli..." she says with a small smile and all I can do is nod. That's when I notice that she has tears in her eyes. "You know, it all makes sense now. Mr. Executive... Egotistical.. God, I was so stupid." She shakes her head, the tears in her eyes fall. "I'm so sorry, Melly," she whispers. "I'm so very sorry."

  I stare at her in confusion, she's sorry? I twirl my glass, making the champagne swirl. "Aubrey, why are you apologizing to me? I'm the one that got pregnant by your friend, I sh..."

  Her eyes narrow, at least the tears are gone. "If you're about to apologize for sleeping with Eli because he's my friend, then don't. Mel, you're old enough to make your own decisions, as is Eli." She grimaces, "Although, sometimes he should think twice about some that he makes." She sighs, "I'm sorry because you've been trying to find him for four years and if I had connected the dots, you'd have told him about Ethan."

  "Aubrey, it's not your fault. None of this is. He's here now, I have to tell him about Ethan." I cringe, "Not tonight though, I'll ask him to meet me tomorrow." The last thing I should do is tell him about our son at this event.

  Aubrey nods, "That's a great idea. Chance and I will keep Ethan until after you've spoken to Eli."

  Lifting the glass to my lips I drink until every last drop is gone. "I should go find him."

  She nods getting to her feet. "I'll come with you." She holds her hand out for me to take. "It's going to be okay, Melly. I promise."

  I swallow hard and nod, taking her hand I let her help me up off the sofa.

  Walking back into the ballroom wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, it helps having Aubrey at my side. I owe her so much, I'm glad that she's here with me. It doesn't take me long to find Eli, it's like he has a pull over me; I'm drawn to him. As soon as his eyes meet mine, warmth spreads throughout me and butterflies form in the pit of my stomach. Why does he have this effect on me? He's moving toward me, I'm unable to keep my eyes from him.

  It doesn't take long before he's standing in front of me. "Aubrey, it's a pleasure as always." Damn, the man's such a smooth talker. He pulls Aubrey into his arms and kisses her cheek.

  "Eli," Aubrey says and I see the mischief in her eyes. "I understand that you know my girl here." There's a reprimand in her voice. "Let me tell you her name..." Ah, that's what it's for. "Eli Egan, meet, Melanie Karlson."

  "Melanie." The sound of my name on his lips makes me tremble. Smooth, silky and full of promise. Shit.

  I hold out my hand and try to act as though I'm not affected by him. "Eli, it's a pleasure."

  His lips twitch, "Always,

  "Okay, you two need to talk and I need a new drink," Aubrey says and I glare at her, silently pleading with her not to leave me.

  "I'm going to be right behind you. I promise, Melly, I'm not leaving," she whispers as she walks away. I hear her heels clicking against the floor before they abruptly stop. Eli raises his brow, probably wondering why she's standing behind me.

  "Eli," I whisper, trying to gather the courage to say this. "Aubrey is right. We have so much to talk about..."

  He takes a step closer, having him so close to me is making it hard to think, his hand reaches out and he lifts my chin with his thumb. "Melanie, what's wrong?" He sounds worried, his gaze intense.

  "Not here, Eli. Will you meet me tomorrow?"

  A furrow forms between his brows and I bite my lip as the nerves skyrocket. His thumb gently pulls my lip from my teeth. "Name the time and place and I'll be there."

  My breath leaves me in a woosh as my shoulders slump forward in relief. "Did you really think I'd say no?" he questions and I gape at him. "Melanie..."

  I don't let him continue, "Why wouldn't I think you'd say no? The last time we saw each other you told me to leave, mere seconds after pulling out of me." He flinches at my words. Crap. I didn't mean to snap. I take a step back so that I'm out of his reach. "I shouldn't have said that."

  He shakes his head, "You're right, Buttercup, I was an asshole the last time I saw you."


  Pain rips through me at the use of his old nickname for me. "Tomorrow at nine?"

  He nods, "Definitely, where?"

  I shrug, "Starbucks?"

  He smiles and I instantly regret saying it. "Yeah, Buttercup. I'll meet you at Starbucks. Are you still working there?"

  "No, I'm not. Tomorrow?"

  "Yeah, Buttercup. Tomorrow. I'll see you then." He looks as though he's going to say something else but instead takes a step back. "Aubrey, lovely to see you as always." Then he's gone and I'm left staring at the door he's just exited.

  Arms wrap around me. "I'm so proud of you, Melly. You did great."

  I turn so that I'm facing her and smile. "I didn't cry."

  She laughs, "No you didn't. You were amazing."

  I wring my hands together, "Aubrey, what if he wants custody of Ethan?" It's been my fear ever since I found out I was pregnant. Would Eli try and take him from me?

  "That's not going to happen." She's adamant, I wish I had her faith. "Besides, your father may not be a great father, he is, however, a great grandfather who is beyond rich and would do anything to keep his grandson."

  She's right. Dad loves Ethan and if it came down to it, he'd help me.

  "Don't stress, until there's a reason to. Once you talk to him, then we can go from there. I have a feeling that everything is going to be okay."

  I'm not sure how she's so sure about that.

  "The chemistry that you have is off the charts. That man clearly adores you, I've never seen him like that before."

  "He hurt me, Aubrey. I thought I was over it, but I'm not. Besides, he's going to hate me when he finds out about Ethan."

  She shakes his head, "He's not going to hate you."

  I roll my eyes, "If by some miracle that he doesn't hate me, we've got to focus on Ethan. He's the main priority, I want him to know his dad; I want Eli to know Ethan."

  She gives me a sad smile but thankfully changes the subject. "Do you want to stay a little longer? We can go if you'd prefer?"

  I take a deep breath, Aubrey and Chance put a lot of time and effort into cheering me up today and there's no way I'm going to leave now. Things with Eli are going to be awkward but that's something for tomorrow, right now, I'm going to push it aside until then and focus on having fun with Aubrey. "No, I'm okay. We'll stay. We haven't bid on that date with Ms. Turner."

  Her eyes light with glee and that mischievous smile she has is back in full force. "Well we can't have that can we?"

  "Chance is going to kill us." Even though he may, I can't stop smiling.

  She tugs on my hand and pulls me toward the table to start bidding.

  Tomorrow is full of fear; tonight, I'm going to let loose. Something I've not done in years.



  Running my hands through my hair yet again, I can't help but take another glance at my watch. 9:02. She's late. I grit my teeth, I didn't get much sleep last night. I tossed and turned for most of it, wondering what the sweet barista wanted to talk about. Whatever it was she seemed eager to meet and yet she's late. The creaking of the door opening has me turning my gaze toward the sound and my chest tightens as I see her.

  Last night she took my breath away; dressed up, her face full of makeup, she looked amazing. Now, wearing a faded pair of black jeans that cling to her legs, a pair of ankle boots and a tight as fuck tank top that stretches across her tits, she looks breathtaking, not an ounce of makeup on her face. She strides toward me, her lips pinched tight and I can see that she's got tears in her eyes. I frown, what happened?

  She takes a seat across from me and gives me a sad but assured smile. "Hey, Eli, I'm sorry I'm late." Her voice is soft and I know that she's been crying.

  I reach over and clasp her hands, they're freezing even though it's warm outside. "Hey, is everything okay?"

  She blinks twice. "What?" Then shakes her head, "Oh yeah, fine. Sorry." She tilts her head to study me, "You look good, Eli." Her tongue darts out and she licks her lips, my grip on her hand tightens as my cock strains against my pants. She glances down at our hands and pulls hers from mine. I don't know why that pisses me off but it does. "Can I get you a coffee?"

  "A flat white, please." I see the smirk and raise my brow, "What?"

  She shakes her head, that smile of hers bright and wide. "Nothing, it's good to see some things haven't changed."

  I remember back to the day we met, I ordered a flat white after losing my temper. I'm pleased that she remembered it. I wonder what else she remembers? I sure as fuck haven't forgotten any of it. The way her eyes would light up when she'd come, or the way her lips would press together when she'd try and hide her laughter; hell the way she'd practically growl, calling me an Egotistical Executive. Something that she hasn't yet called me. But I think I prefer her calling me Eli. I wonder what it would sound like having her sigh my name when she comes?

  She returns with two cups of coffee moments later. "Thank you," I say and I'm worried, this isn't the girl I met. She'd spit fire like she was born to do it. She'd give as good as she got, this woman looks as though she's beaten and I fucking hate it.

  "So..." She begins and glances away from me. "We need to talk."

  "So you said. Look, Melanie, whatever it is, it can't be that bad."

  She lets out a bitter laugh, "Oh I'm not sure about that. It really depends on how you react," she whispers and I'm unsure if she's talking to me or herself. "A couple of months after you left, I found out something and I want you to know that I've been looking for you. I really have, I had Aubrey and Chance searching too. I didn't know your name, nor did I know where you were from." She shrugs, unable to meet my eyes.

  My body's tense as I wait for her to say whatever the hell it is. Is she sick?

  "I found out I was pregnant, Eli," she says softly, and my breath leaves me. What the hell did she just say?

  "I did try to find you. I had a little boy." She shakes her head, that small smile back on her face, yet she's not once been able to look me in the eye since she started talking.

  There's ringing in my ears as my blood pumps hard through my veins, my heart races as I try to grasp what she's telling me. "Pregnant?" It's a harsh whisper.

  She nods, her expression clear. At least she's fucking looking at me now.

  "A boy?" I'm unsure how I'm even having this conversation right now.

  Again, she simply just nods.

  "And you're only telling me now?"

  There, finally a fucking reaction. Her eyes flash with anger and I expect her to ex
plode, but she just looks at me, holding it in.

  "Yes, Eli. I'm only telling you now. How did you expect me to tell you? Call you?" She raises a brow, daring me to argue with her. "Oh that's right, I didn't have your number. I couldn't write to you. I didn't have your address. I couldn't do anything, because I didn't even know your name." She’s not shouting, in fact her voice is deadly cool and it’s worse than if she were shouting. Shit.

  Because I wasn't thinking straight. Because my world had been tilted. Because the ground had been taken from under me. And because I'm a fucking jackass, I didn't think before I spoke. "How do you even know it's mine? As you said, you didn't know anything about me. I couldn't be the only person you've slept with."

  Her eyes flash and it makes me feel as though I should be covering my junk. I watch as she takes a deep breath, followed by another. She's composing herself, something that maybe I should have done. But fuck. I may have a kid.

  "You're an egotistical egocentric executive asshole." She practically growls at me. "Listen to me now, Eli, because I'm only going to do this once. I don't have the time to placate you and your insecurities. You wanted someone to fuck and I was willing. Hell it was great but you're hardly Casanova. You have no idea how to treat a lady. As long as you get your rocks off you couldn't care less. Now, I may have jumped into bed with you without a second thought, that doesn't mean I'm a slut. You are the only man I have ever had a one night stand with. You are the last man I ever slept with, and before you, there was no one for a while. A hell of a long while. So yes, I know for sure that my son is also your son." Her cheeks are flushed, and her eyes are burning holes into me as she glares at me. I thought she was beaten, I was wrong, she's fucking magnificent. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out an envelope. "I'm going to go..." she says getting to her feet. "In that envelope is everything you need to contact me if you so wish."

  "Wh..." I have no idea what the hell I'm going to say. I've hurt her today and I shouldn't have. But fuck, what the hell? She's just leaving.


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