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Hex and the Single Witch

Page 4

by Saranna Dewylde

  “All right.”

  Before Caraway could protest or really even process the action, Alexander hauled her against him, pinning her arms behind her back and arching her over the desk. His eyes searched hers for a long moment before he released her.

  “You shouldn’t offer what you don’t intend to deliver.”

  At the look on his face, she felt slighted, but Cara couldn’t put her finger on why.

  It was a challenge.

  Well, up his ass with a corkscrew. She’d be damned if he was going to outdo her.

  “I never said that I wouldn’t deliver. I’ll deliver as soon as you do.”

  Lila paused mid-step out of the door. “Oh, this I have to see.”

  “Li—” he began.

  “Goodbye, Darkend.” Caraway raised her brow at the girl.

  “C’mon,” Lila pleaded.

  “What the Hell. If I shag Morningstar and Bendopolous, you might as well come along.” After all, how likely was it that she would ever shag Morningstar? Let alone the Sex God and Brody at the same time.

  Lila narrowed her eyes and chewed lightly on her already swollen bottom lip. She took a tentative step towards Caraway and paused. “I will hold you to that,” she warned, before turning to leave.

  “You seem to have Lila’s attention,” Alexander commented as he slipped into his designer jeans.

  “Didn’t ask for it.”

  “No. If you had, she’d already be bored.”

  “ I’m bored. I just want to get this over with and go back to my room.”

  “Such language. Maybe you need another night of detention to rethink your”—he paused to eye her up and down—”position.”

  “You know what you can do with that position? You can shove it right up your—”

  He cut her off. “Fuck, Wormwood. If you don’t learn to watch that mouth I will have to find something to put in it.”

  “I don’t think it would fit.” Then Caraway clamped her hand over her mouth. Perhaps, if she kept her hand there, her mouth would stop staging these nasty little mutinies.

  He looked thoughtful. “I think you’re right. Not even Lila can manage it. But our industrious little Bendopolous...”

  Alexander cast his gaze up at the door.

  Caraway’s head whipped around so fast she almost fell over. Brody stood in the doorway, a Morningstar-like smirk on his usually innocent features.

  “How long have you been there?” Caraway demanded.

  “Long enough to see my girlfriend pressed up against another naked warlock.”

  Caraway felt the venom rise up inside her like a tidal wave and her eyes narrowed to slits. “Ex-girlfriend,” she corrected.

  “You’re just jealous.”

  “But not of you,” Brody snapped.

  “Oh, yes you are.” She reached out and slipped her hand into Alexander’s unbuttoned jeans. “You’re jealous that this”— and Caraway paused as her eyes widened, then she smiled—

  “is for me and not you.” She pulled her hand back with a satisfied smile on her face.

  Alexander leant back, his trademark smirk in place. “Are you, Bendopolous? Are you jealous?”

  “Yes,” he admitted.

  “Good. Now get out.”

  Caraway looked up at him, unsure of what his game was.


  “No?” Morningstar smirked.

  “No.” Brody repeated.

  “Then what?” Though Alexander seemed to be accommodating, he was very much in control of the situation.

  “I—I—I want to...” he stammered.

  “Want to what?” Alexander prodded.

  “I want to watch. You. And her.”

  Alexander turned his attention back to Caraway, “So, Caraway, the eye of newt is in your cauldron. Will you let your boyfriend watch?”

  Caraway panicked. She couldn’t actually...well, maybe...

  No. No, she couldn’t. “Um, I did promise Lila that she could...” She trailed off apologetically, buying herself a temporary reprieve she wasn’t sure she wanted.

  “Newt back to Bendopolous.” Alexander inclined his brow.

  He was amused.

  “Tomorrow. Give us all another demerit. The UMM board will be more than happy to let you supervise.”

  “Didn’t know you had it in you, Bendopolous.”

  Brody didn’t say anything, but turned on his heel and left.

  Caraway felt like the brick from earlier had been shagging like mad itself, because now there had to be at least three.

  She didn’t have any more time to think, because Alexander tangled his hands in the length of her hair and pressed her back against the table. There was an electricity between them, his lips only a moment away from touching hers.

  “Are you up for this, little witch? Lila won’t just watch. She will want to play,” he whispered, inhaling the scent of her.

  “Do you love her?” Caraway couldn’t help but ask.

  Her question sliced through the tension—a knife so sharp, she didn’t know it would cut both ways.

  He laughed, a hard sound; becoming Morningstar again, hard-immovable. “That’s a word for little girls.”

  “I suppose it is,” she said, turning to look at the doorway where Brody had stood.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Five

  * * * *

  Alexander was more than a little uncomfortable. Love?

  What in the Hell kind of question was that? Did he love Lila?

  No. If she dropped dead, he might be sorry for it, but love?

  He snickered to himself.

  He hoped to Merlin the little candy girl didn’t transfer all that school-girl nonsense on to him, because he was sure, after one night under his ministrations, she would be all atwitter and aglow and whatnot. Alexander was, after all, the Sex God and he hadn’t made up the name himself.

  Then he thought about Bendopolous. It had been a coup to steal his girlfriend, that had been the plan, but he wanted to be shagged as well. Alexander smirked again. These Deltas, they were a different lot. Bendopolous would probably fall in love, too.

  All this love nonsense was making him a little ill. He needed a nice stiff brandy.

  Tonight was going to be interesting indeed. For all his experience, he had never had a foursome—he paused mid-thought. There had been that one time with Dorinda, Guinevere and Lila, but that didn’t really count. Not really.

  Though it had been fun. It had taken the three of them, but they had finally managed to exhaust him. He smirked, remembering the way Dorinda and Guinevere had limped back to their room the next day. Yeah, it had been memorable.

  He swirled the much-needed brandy in the snifter and considered only briefly before upending it.

  Lila wandered through the door with a smile curving her pink lips.

  “Hey, Li, what are you doing tonight?”

  “Jerrod, maybe.” She flashed a familiar expression much like his own smirk.

  “Not who, you slag. But what?” Alexander questioned good-naturedly.

  “Whatever. Same thing.” She shrugged and poured herself a brandy.

  “How about our favourite witch?”

  Lila squealed. “Really?” Her smile was genuine.

  “Yeah. I gave her another demerit. She’ll be working it off tonight.”

  Lila arched a brow. “You had to give her a demerit to get her to come out and play with you? I’m impressed.”

  “It was Brody’s idea.”

  “So you’re going to screw Bendopolous?” Lila laughed, a sultry sound.

  “Don’t you wish? He’s just going to watch. Lucky for you, our little Caraway remembered her promise to you, or I would have shagged her for Bendopolous’s viewing pleasure last night after you left.”

  “Only for his viewing pleasure?” the girl retorted. “I think you are intrigued by him.”

  “So what if I am?”

  “I knew you would be. The witch and Bendopolous are the o
nly ones who’ve ever refused you.” Lila considered for a moment. “Well, refused any actual offer. Bendopolous refused your friendship and the witch refuses to be intimidated by you.” She tapped her fingers on her chin. “Interesting.”

  “I’m sure. So are you coming?”

  “Not yet.”

  “You really are a dirty little girl,” Alexander said, giving her a light slap on her rounded bottom.

  “That’s why we can’t get married.”

  “Not this again.”

  “Yes, this again. Do you really think I could be faithful?”

  Alexander sighed, feeling very put upon. “No one is asking you to be faithful. Just be discreet. Were you entertaining the misconception that after I put the Morningstar Crest on your talented little finger I...?”

  “Merlin, no.” Lila gasped. “But I do know what your father expects and his connections are vast.”

  “Accept it. We’ve been betrothed since we were nine. You suit me fine. And you won’t find another warlock who will put up with your philandering.”

  “Your mother hates me and I don’t want to be married.”

  “Are you playing hard to get to ensure our arrangement?”

  “Merlin’s teeth! No, I’m serious. I am serious. For once.”

  “Well, out with it. I can see you biting your lip trying not to blurt out whatever is swirling around in that head of yours.”

  He made indulgent sounds.

  “I want to work.”

  Alexander tried not to laugh. Lila was not made to work.

  She was made to be spoilt, pampered and indulged.

  “Don’t laugh at me, Alexander. We’re friends, right?”

  “What kind of question is that?” First the love thing, now this? It was enough to make a man drink.

  “Don’t be an ass.” She sighed. “Never mind.” Her full lips moued into a pout.

  She reminded him of his mother when she pouted. He hated it. “All right. What do you want to do besides fuck?”

  She looked at him, measuring. “That’s it. That’s all I want to do.”

  “You want to get paid to...” He smirked. “That’s all marriage is. I’m buying the cow. You fuck me and I let you spend my money. You fuck my friends, and I let you spend my money. Hell, you can fuck my father and I will still let you spend my money. See how that works?”

  “I never looked at it that way.” She looked thoughtful again. “Did you just call me a cow?”


  “I think you did.”

  Alexander considered his response very carefully. Lila was impossibly understanding until one disparaged her good looks or divine figure. Well, with him, anyway. She could be a right proper bitch when motivated. She was in Alpha-Omega for a reason.

  “I’m sure I didn’t. Shouldn’t you be getting ready?”

  She eyed him critically.

  “If I wanted to call you a cow, I would.”

  “But you did.”

  “That hellhound is dead, Lila.”

  She opened her mouth to say something else and Alexander grabbed her roughly, his hands roaming over her lush curves, his mouth possessing hers until her breath quickened and she arched against him, moaning.

  He released her and she took a shaky breath. “What were we talking about?”

  “You were leaving to get ready for tonight’s entertainment.”

  “Oh, right.” She smiled and went back to her room.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Six

  * * * *

  Caraway sat alone in the Hexacology room. Why did everything of great import have to happen in Hexacology?

  She kept watching the door, terrified that Morningstar wouldn’t show.

  Terrified he would.

  Strangely, she wasn’t nervous about Brody watching her performance, or even Lila joining in. It was all secondary to what she felt about touching Alexander Morningstar.

  He had never been real to her before, never so solid, so powerful. In her memory, he had been just a picture, but now he had dimension. She knew what his skin felt like pressed against hers, she knew how his lips felt as they brushed the nape of her neck, she knew the heat that radiated from him— she’d felt it burn her skin before they’d even touched.

  “Eager, love?” Lila leaned against the doorframe, her arm hanging above her head, a clove cigarette between her fingers.

  Caraway tittered a bit before regaining her composure.

  “I’m not sure. More nervous than anything.” She was careful not to say ‘scared’. That would only earn her Lila’s derision, as well as her own.

  “I know.” She brought the cigarette to her lips and inhaled deeply, her eyes closing, and she exhaled. Lila looked at Caraway again, her tongue sliding over her upper lip as she considered. “Come here.”

  Caraway got up slowly, almost disbelieving that her feet would willingly carry her over to the warlock.

  Lila dropped the cigarette and held out her well-manicured hand. “Yeah, that’s it,” she said as if she was soothing a small, cornered animal.

  Caraway took her hand tentatively, a bit surprised at how dainty and soft it was.

  Lila stepped closer, draping her other arm around Caraway’s shoulders, and though she wanted to fight it, Caraway looked down at her feet.

  “C’mon, little witch. You scared?” she taunted.

  Scared? She was Caraway Wormwood, and therefore afraid of nothing. Before she lost her nerve, she pushed against Lila’s embrace and shoved the voluptuous warlock against the wall, pinning her arms against her sides and crushing her taunting mouth with her own.

  Caraway was surprised at how pleasing the body beneath hers was, how soft—those lush lips pressed against her own, and the sheer abandon with which Lila gave herself over to sensation. Caraway allowed those unfamiliar hands their freedom and, rather than push her away, they roamed her body with an intrinsic need.

  She allowed her own hands to stray a bit, careful not to cross any line she couldn’t return from. That was when the control shifted. Lila wouldn’t allow her timidity—she grabbed Cara’s hand and forced the fingers to close over her breast.

  “I see you’ve started without me,” came the wry comment from the silhouette emerging through the shadows.

  “How long have you been there?” Lila watched him over Cara’s shoulder with a sly knowledge.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” Alexander said, with no obvious desire for an answer.

  “Yes, I would.”

  “Too bad, that. But do carry on.” He motioned with his hand like a king handing down a decree. “I was enjoying the show.”

  For Caraway, it seemed the room lost its air, her reality tipped on its axis, and there was nothing but Alexander. She turned and reached out to him, unable to help herself.

  Lila was suddenly behind her, her lips touching on the sensitive skin of her neck, her fingers tracing down Caraway’s shoulders, then sliding down to knead her breasts.

  Alexander closed the distance between them and, without preamble, slid her dress from her shoulders to pool at her feet.

  And there was nothing beneath.

  “Just lovely, so innocent,” Lila murmured as her tongue slid over heated skin.

  Caraway couldn’t help but arch into the caress.

  “Like that, do you?” Alexander’s lips met Lila’s over Caraway’s shoulder.

  Caraway couldn’t tell who was touching her where, only that it was divine and she never wanted it to stop. She could see Alexander’s mouth, hard and unforgiving, grinding into Lila’s softness—and Lila, as always, struggling for more. But as he kissed the other woman, his hand was between her thighs, invading and delving into her slick cunt. Caraway was suddenly sure her legs would no longer hold her and she sank back against the almost foreign lushness pressed up against her back.

  “That’s it, I’ll help you.” Lila guided Caraway’s thigh up around Alexander’s waist.

  Caraway realised the sens
ations had stopped and turned her head to see Brody lurking in the doorway. She blushed.

  She’d almost forgotten he was coming. Actually, she wanted him to go away. Caraway had never had this much attention at one time and she didn’t want to share it, not with someone who would try and take everything from her.

  “So much to do, so little time, eh, Bendopolous?”

  Brody stood there, dumfounded by what he saw. He couldn’t believe that was Caraway, his Caraway, splayed like a wanton whore between the two most notorious fiends at Magic and Mayhem. He’d really thought she would back out.

  Especially with how angry she’d been.

  Was she getting him back? The glazed look of pleasure in her eyes told him ‘no’. Brody had thought it would be okay, that he wanted to see her like this, but it hadn’t been him who had made her this way. That had been what he was hoping for, because he didn’t want her. Right?

  But seeing her like this, her hair fanned out in a luxurious banner over her creamy shoulder, the sultry look on her face, her eyes half-lidded, glutted on pleasure...

  She’d never been that way with him.

  Brody knew it was just the competitive side of him, the urge to win, to be the best, but damn if it didn’t look like something he wanted a part of...

  “Coming, Bendopolous?” Alexander queried.

  “Not yet.”

  “We can help you with that,” Lila added.

  “Yeah?” he asked, now unsure of what to do.

  “Yeah.” Lila reached for Brody, drawing him into the mesh of skin and heat.

  Caraway’s eyes were haunted as they fell on Brody, taking in his body, his eagerness for Lila’s touch.

  “I can’t do this,” Caraway whispered.

  “You seem to be doing just fine,” Alexander said, turning her attention away from Brody.

  “No, I...” Caraway bit down on her lip and broke away, scooped up her dress and slid it over her head as she half-sprinted towards the door.

  Lila turned and watched her go, pouting all the while. “I wasn’t finished.”

  Alexander sighed. “Fuck it all. I’ll be right back.”

  “Looks like it’s just you and me. Come play.” Lila eased herself across a desk, throwing her hair across her shoulder and displaying her shapely arse for Brody’s approval.


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