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Safe In His Arms (Life Unexpected Book 1)

Page 10

by Melanie D. Snitker

They approached the diner as Courtney came into view with a grin on her face.

  Joel waved. “There’s the slacker. How’re you doing?”

  “Other than tiring easy, I’m back to normal. That was a rough one.”

  They moved as a group towards the back door of the diner.

  Joel put a hand out to stop them.

  “What’s wro…” Anna’s eyes followed his gaze. Gouges marred the surface of the door along the edge near the handle. Someone had tried to get into the diner.

  Had Liam found her? Surely, if he had, he wouldn’t have wasted his time trying to break into the place she worked. He’d go after her while she was alone somewhere.

  She jogged away from the store far enough to see her van. It seemed to be okay, though she couldn’t see Epic from there.

  When Anna returned to the others, Joel was reaching out to pull the handle down.

  “It’s still locked. Whoever tried to get inside wasn’t successful.” He pulled his phone out. “I’m still going to report it in case someone tries this again.” Joel focused on Anna, his eyes holding questions he didn’t voice.

  She had an idea what he was asking and shook her head. She’d heard nothing at all last night and she’d been parked near the diner.

  Courtney crossed her arms and leaned against the brick wall of the building.

  Anna only half listened to the conversation Joel was having with the police station. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end and she found herself glancing around, as if the person who did this might be there watching them.

  Panic welled up in her chest. She tried to swallow it down. This wasn’t like the advertising agency. This had nothing at all to do with her.

  A hand cupped her elbow and she jumped.

  Joel’s concerned face came into focus. “Anastasia? Are you okay?”

  She bobbed her head, quite certain she wasn’t the least bit convincing. When did he get off the phone?

  “They said it’s okay to go inside if we’re certain no one broke into the place. They’re going to come down and take pictures of the damage for the record in case something like this happens again. I can file with the insurance company for a repair if needed.” He looked thoughtful. “From now on, why don’t you two come to the front door? I’ll open it for you. It’s much more visible. I’d be more comfortable with that at this point.”

  Courtney and Anna agreed simultaneously.

  Once they entered, Joel went through the diner to make sure everything was in its place. He gave Anna and Courtney the go ahead to get started with the preparations, saying he was going to go out and take a few pictures of the damage himself before the police officer arrived.

  By the time the police had finished their report, the rest of his crew had arrived. The day was in full swing, but Anna couldn’t shake the panic that filled her when she’d first seen the door. God, please keep us safe from whoever it was that tried to break in.


  Anna arrived at Brooke’s house exactly at six-thirty. Once she got the dog settled, she climbed into Brooke’s car and they headed to the first house where the realtor said she’d meet them.

  Anna couldn’t stop the thrum of excitement at the idea of getting out of the van and into a place with more space. “I’m afraid I won’t have much in the way of furniture to contribute.”

  “It’ll be fine. I don’t have a lot, either. We’ll hit up the thrift shops and garage sales.” Brooke checked her rear-view mirror and changed lanes. “It’ll be an adventure.”

  Yes, and one Anna looked forward to embarking on. If she had to, she was sure she’d be able to pick up an air mattress or something like that to sleep on. It had to be more comfortable than the van seat.

  The rental houses they toured were all within ten minutes of either the diner or the house Brooke shared with the guys. While all three were nice, it was the second one that both of them kept talking about.

  The fact that the house was in a decent neighborhood and had the lowest rent solidified the decision for them. After talking alone, they informed the realtor that they’d like to rent the house. Before leaving the third house, they filled out the application the realtor gave them and said they should hear back sometime tomorrow. The house was empty and the owner was in a hurry for it to be occupied again.

  Back at Brooke’s house, all four of them sat in the living room while the women told the guys about the rental they’d chosen.

  Brooke showed pictures from her smart phone. The phone had been passed around the room more times than Anna could count.

  “It’s a good neighborhood,” Chess said. They were the first words he’d spoken since they started telling the guys about the house. “If you two get the house, I’ll come by and make sure a motion light is installed by the front door.”

  “Thanks, Chess. That would be great.” Brooke looked pleased.

  Anna was fascinated as she watched the family dynamics. The guys suggested different things they should ask about and Brooke added them all to a list on her phone.

  At that moment, there was a knock at the door. Epic took the liberty to bark from the backyard and everyone laughed.

  “I ordered pizza,” Joel said as he stood. “Anastasia, you’re welcome to stay and eat with us.”

  “Are you sure? I don’t want to interrupt.”

  Everyone else assured her it was fine. While Joel went to get the pizza from the delivery man, Brooke turned to Anna. “I think it’s sweet he calls you that. It’s a pretty name.”

  “Thank you.” Anna had never thought so. Until the first time Joel had used it. He made it sound pretty. She pushed the thought aside before she blushed, something she was doing far too often while around him. A small smile played at her lips while she gathered with the others in the kitchen.

  By the time they’d eaten dinner and visited for a while, it was ten in the evening. “I’d better get going,” Anna told them. “But I had a lot of fun tonight. Thanks for letting me stay and eat with you all.”

  “Anytime,” Brooke assured her. “I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to hear back from the realtor.”

  “Me, either.” Anna grinned. “I’ll see you all soon. Have a great rest of your weekend.”

  Joel joined her. “I’ll walk you out.” He held up a paper towel containing several pizza crusts. “Besides, it’s only fair that Epic gets his share of dinner.”

  After Epic gulped down the food, Anna opened the van door and let him in. She closed it again and turned to face Joel. “Your family is great. I had a lot of fun.”

  “I’m glad. I did, too.” Joel gestured towards the van. “I promised I wouldn’t say anything. But after someone tried to break into the diner… I’d rather you didn’t sleep in the parking lot.” His eyes pleaded with her. “Please consider staying here. It’s only for a couple of days until you and Brooke get into a house. Epic can hang out in the backyard instead of having to stay in the van tomorrow. Plus, tonight’s likely the last major cold front. It’s supposed to dip down close to freezing.”

  Anna shook her head and from his expression, he’d expected it. “I’m not comfortable with that, Joel.” She wanted to be annoyed at him for even bringing it up, except that she was dreading spending the night there herself. And she could tell by Joel’s expression that he was more than worried. He looked desperate.


  Joel didn’t like talking about what happened to his parents. But right now, he needed to make sure Anastasia was somewhere safe. Between the attempted break-in and the near-freezing temperatures, he had to do something. “Do you mind if we sit down and talk for a minute?”

  Anastasia agreed and he took her hand, leading her to the front steps. They sat down side-by-side. Joel didn’t want to release her hand — it felt too wonderful in his — but he did and turned to see her face.

  “I realize I’m being pushy. Maybe where you stay tonight is none of my business.” He dreaded putting a voice to his memories. “I had amazing parents. But we g
rew up poor. Like, sometimes we lived in our car poor. But no matter what, they made sure I got to school and that I had meals. I know they went without regularly.”

  He paused, pulling memories together. He withdrew his pocket knife and ran his thumb over the handle. “One day in the middle of winter, I was at school. It snowed— set all kinds of records with ice and accumulation. I was safe and warm at the school all day. But my parents… They tried to stay warm with the car running, but the snow eventually blocked the exhaust pipe.”

  He heard Anastasia gasp but he kept his eyes on a moth that kept flying around them. “They both died that day from the fumes. Though someone told me at the time they might have died from exposure if that hadn’t gotten them first. I didn’t have any extended family willing to take me in. I entered the foster care system then and remained until I aged out at eighteen. The last placement with the Ziegler family — that’s where I met Brooke. Then Chess soon after we moved out. God brought us together and if he hadn’t… I don’t even want to know where we’d all be now.”

  “Wow.” A soft sigh escaped her lips but she said nothing else. Her eyes brimmed with tears and she studied her own hands closely. “Your dad gave you that knife, didn’t he?”

  Joel nodded and took in a steadying breath. “It reminds me of him. Of the hours I spent watching him carve when I was a kid.” He slipped it back into his pocket. “What happened to my parents — that’s why knowing you’re sleeping out there bothers me so much. Especially on a cold night like tonight. Maybe my fear is irrational, but every fiber in my being objects to it.”

  “I can’t even imagine. I’m sorry for your loss, Joel. I get what you’re saying. I do. If it helps, I’m nervous about staying there tonight, too. Not because of the cold, but after someone tried to get into the diner.” She absently took a section of hair and twirled it around her finger. “Does your family know I live in a van right now?”

  Joel cringed. “Yeah, they know. I didn’t tell them directly but they figured it out. Besides, we recognized the situation. Most of us have been in a similar one in the past.”

  Anastasia closed her eyes, the corners of her mouth dipping low in a frown. Was she praying? Thinking? She finally opened them again and stared at him. “I’m not comfortable staying in your house. Any other suggestions?”

  “Park in our driveway. I’ll leave the back door unlocked in case you need anything. If you get cold, and you change your mind, you’ll have options.”

  There wasn’t anything else to say. It was up to Anastasia. All he could do was pray that she would either accept the offer, or that God give him the peace to get through the night.

  He didn’t think she was going to answer. Finally, she said, “Okay. For tonight, anyway.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  “You like her, don’t you?”

  Brooke’s voice startled Joel when he re-entered the house. He pressed his hand to his chest and leaned against a wall. “Are you trying to give me a heart attack?” He shot her a look of mild annoyance.

  “Sorry.” She didn’t sound convincing. “And I’m not going to let you change the subject, either.”

  Joel moved to the kitchen where they were less likely to be overheard. “Yeah, I like her.” He ran a hand over his chin. “And I convinced her to park her van here in case it got too cold. It’s definitely safer here.”

  “Good. I’m glad. I can imagine how awkward this whole thing is. I hope we hear from the realtor tomorrow and get into a house soon.” Brooke pressed a finger to her temple.

  “What’s your opinion of her?”

  Brooke leaned against the counter. “She’s sweet. I think you two are good for each other.” She paused.


  “There’s something about her that she’s holding back. I have no idea what.”

  He knew exactly what she meant. Anastasia was reluctant to talk about her past. That she’d opened up as much as she had was a big step.

  He realized Brooke was watching him. That’s something he had always appreciated about her. She let him process. Oh, she also peppered him with questions later, but she gave him the time he needed to think through things. “Do you have any reservations about having Anastasia for a roommate?”

  “None. I have a good feeling about it. This is going to work out well.”

  “I agree.” He paused. “I want to spend time with her. Outside the diner. I thought I’d ask her to go on a picnic once you two get settled.”

  “You want to take her on a date.” Brooke’s smile was brilliant and she straightened away from the counter.

  “Yeah, I do.” He thought about it and chuckled. “This is crazy, isn’t it?”

  Brooke put an arm around his neck and hugged him for a moment. “She’s a lucky girl, Joel. Don’t you forget that.” She gave him a quick peck on the cheek and left.


  Anna did sleep better parked out in front of Joel’s house than she would have at the diner. It was a lot quieter, too. But when she woke up, the last thing she intended to do was knock on the door to use their restroom or shower. Afraid that Joel would be worried if he saw the van was gone, she wrote a note thanking them all for their kindness and then said she’d see him at work.

  Besides, after sleeping in her clothes, she wasn’t real keen on anyone seeing her as a rumpled mess. Joel in particular.

  After leaving the note on the front door, she stopped at a park to let Epic out for a bit and then the truck stop for a shower.

  She’d hoped to wait until Sunday to do laundry, but the rain the other day made that impossible. She was running out of clothes, so she made a stop at the laundromat.

  Since the day was cool, she opted to let Epic stay in the van instead of leaving him in Joel’s backyard. It would hopefully be only another day or two.

  By the time she entered the diner, Joel was in the front and she heard Courtney singing in the back.

  “Hey there, stranger.” Joel’s eyes lit up. “Are you doing okay this morning?”

  “I’m good. Thank you again. I hadn’t realized how loud the roads are in this area of town until I wasn’t trying to sleep through them.” Anna chuckled. “I’d better get back there and help her.”

  She sensed him watching her until she got into the back.

  All morning, Anna checked her phone to make sure she hadn’t missed a call from the realtor or Brooke. The call didn’t come through until she was out strolling with Epic on her break after lunch.


  “Hey, Anna. It’s Brooke. The realtor called. We got the house! Not only that, but we can go by and sign the papers today before six. If we bring the deposits and rent, they’ll let us move in tomorrow!”

  Wow. She’d hoped for quick, but even this was more than she’d expected. “This is amazing.”

  “I know! I’ll call around and see if it’s possible to have the water and power turned on over there today. Will you be able to meet me at the realtor’s office at five to make sure we have enough time? I’m sure Joel won’t mind.”

  “I’ll double-check with him, but that’ll be great.”

  They talked about money and how much they each needed to bring with them.

  By the time Anna got back to the diner, she was practically floating on air. Only one more night in her van.

  “What’s that grin for?” Joel asked when he saw her, a smile of his own lighting his face.

  “Brooke and I got the house and we can move in tomorrow.” She forced a neutral expression. “That is, of course, if I convince my boss to let me leave at 4:45 so I can sign those papers at 5:00. He’s a real stickler on the hours, you know.”

  “Oh is he, now?” Humor twinkled in Joel’s eyes. He glanced over at the handful of customers eating in the dining area. “I suppose that can be arranged.” He flashed a smile her way. “I’m happy for you both. I’ll arrange for Saturday off for both of us to help get you ladies moved in.”

  Anna wanted to object. Mostly because she desperately n
eeded the money. But getting moved in and everything settled would be good. She didn’t have much to carry into the house, but she imagined Brooke could use the help. “That’d be great. Thanks, Joel. For everything.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  His smile warmed her as she got back to work. Thank you, Father, for leading me here and providing a place for Epic and me to live.


  When Joel arrived at Brooke and Anna’s new house, he saw that both gals were already unloading items from their vehicles.

  Chess drove up and parked right behind Joel. Both men got out.

  “The tree is nice,” Chess commented, his mouth turning down at the corners.

  Joel agreed. The oak stood tall with branches that stretched over the roof. Once the leaves came in, it would be a fantastic source of shade this summer. He was concerned about Chess and knew getting Brooke moved in was hard for him to do. Joel admired him for stepping up and helping anyway.

  Epic’s insistent barks floated to him from the backyard. There was scratching at the fence and then the top of the dog’s head became visible.

  Brooke opened the front door and stepped out. “Hey, you two. Thanks for helping. You guys want the quick tour before bringing things in?” Her eyes lit up as she ushered them inside.

  Joel followed her through the large living room, kitchen with small attached dining area, two bedrooms, and the bathroom.

  At Anna’s bedroom, she waved at them and smiled. “What do you think? A step up from my previous place of residence, right?”

  She appeared content. Happy. Joel grinned in response. “I’d definitely say you’ve upgraded.” He gave her a wink. “Do you need any help getting your things inside?”

  “No, but thank you. I’ve got almost everything. It didn’t take long.”

  She was matter-of-fact, but Joel tried not to frown at the blanket pallet on the floor that apparently was going to serve as her bed. At least for now. He said nothing, though, knowing it might embarrass her.


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