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Italian Doctor, Dream Proposal / Wanted: A Father for her Twins

Page 14

by Margaret McDonagh / Emily Forbes

  Ruth’s attention was caught as Rico went on to describe the wild and untrusting boy who had been taken to live at the Linardis’ home in Florence, and how a bond had formed between Seb and Rico. With only three months separating them in age, they had become as close as could be, and that friendship had endured into adulthood, both of them going to medical school until they had finally parted as their chosen specialties had taken them in different directions.

  ‘We have been more brothers than cousins. The injuries Seb sustained going to the aid of a stranger being mugged last summer left him no longer able to operate,’ he told her, touching on the part of Seb’s story that Ruth knew. ‘He was devastated. Surgery had been his life. I offered him a place at the clinic, but immunology and allergy never interested him. He was at a low point when he went to the villa on Elba to convalesce…and then he met Gina and his life changed.’ A smile, tinged with something she could not decipher, crossed his face as he looked at Seb and Gina. ‘I looked around the drop-in clinic on Thursday and met Thornton Gallagher. Right away I could see why Seb feels so right there. I’m delighted he is happy—and that he has found love—but I miss seeing him as much as I used to. So much has happened since we were eleven-year-old playmates.’

  ‘I can imagine you both as naughty little boys and partners in crime,’ Ruth admitted, smiling at the mental picture of him and Seb in their youth, touched by his words and the unexpected vulnerability he’d made no effort to hide.

  ‘You are mistaken.’ Rico’s mock indignation was offset by the twinkle of answering amusement in gold-speckled hazel eyes. ‘I was an angelic child.’

  Ruth couldn’t contain her laughter. ‘I’m sure your mother would tell me differently,’ she teased, glancing across at Sofia Linardi who was now dancing with Seb while Roberto partnered Gina.

  ‘It is good to hear you laughing again, sirena mia.’

  The endearment, and the low, sexy timbre of Rico’s accented voice, tightened the ache of longing inside her and brought a lump to her throat. Laughter fading, her gaze returned to his, her breath catching at the intimate expression in his eyes. His hand released hers and moved to cup her face. Her skin tingled from the brush of his fingers and she instinctively sought his touch, pressing her cheek into the warmth of his palm. Confusion reigned within her. Her mind was at war with the needs of her body, and her heart was stuck in between.

  ‘Rico—’ She fell silent as the pad of his thumb softly stroked the swell of her lips.

  ‘Come with me.’

  Weak-willed, she offered no resistance as he guided them to the edge of the busy dance floor and out of the door into a side room where they were alone. Before she could gather her scattered wits, Rico released her, slipping one hand into the pocket of his jacket and withdrawing her locket.

  ‘Hold your hair up for me, carissima,’ he instructed softly.

  Ruth did as he requested, gathering up the loose strands of her hair, expecting Rico to move behind her. Instead, he stepped closer still. She felt the warmth of his body millimetres from her own and breathed in his scent as he bent his head and reached round to fasten the chain’s clasp at the back of her neck. His fingers brushed tantalisingly against her skin as they completed their task and then whispered back along her neck and throat. Awareness had her pulse racing as his fingers skimmed on down the length of the chain to the upper swell of her breasts. There, he cradled the intricately engraved platinum locket. Ruth tried not to breathe as each rise and fall brought her skin into contact with his.

  ‘Now it is back in its rightful place.’

  ‘Thank you for looking after it.’ Her voice was unsteady, her whole being attuned to his. ‘It belonged to my grandmother. She was the only one who had time for me,’ she found herself telling him. ‘She died when I was nine. It’s all I have left of her.’

  Rico’s arm came around her once more, a ragged breath escaping him. ‘Sirena mia…’

  Whatever he had been going to say was forestalled when a knock sounded and the door opened a few seconds later. Gina and Seb came into the room, apologetic smiles on their faces.

  ‘Can I borrow Ruth for a few minutes?’ Gina asked.

  ‘Of course.’ Rico’s agreement was polite, but Ruth sensed his reluctance as he slowly withdrew his arm. ‘I will wait outside with Seb.’

  Gina’s smile was tremulous. ‘Thanks.’ She gave Rico a quick hug as he passed her, then waited until the door had closed before closing the gab between them. ‘Hi,’ she whispered. ‘Are you still speaking to me?’

  Seeing how genuinely upset her friend was, Ruth nodded. ‘The shock is wearing off.’ Her own attempt at a smile faded. ‘How long have you known?’ she asked, a flicker of hurt remaining that everyone had somehow been laughing at her.

  ‘I had no idea until you mentioned Rico’s name last night. That’s why I was acting strangely. I was stunned. And I didn’t know what to do, so I didn’t immediately say anything,’ she confessed, and Ruth knew at once that she was telling the truth. ‘Seb had the same revelation from Rico at much the same time, hence all those messages on my mobile phone. They were all from Seb. He and Rico were as shocked at the coincidence as I was. Rico had no idea you were based in Strathlochan, or that you were going to be a bridesmaid at our wedding, where he would also be best man!’

  ‘What did Rico say?’ Ruth hated asking, but she couldn’t stop herself.

  ‘He’d been telling Seb how you had been in contact discussing your patient, how meeting you had completely floored him, and that he’d been upset when you left as you did,’ Gina added, making Ruth feel bad all over again. ‘I know how much he respects you and wants you on his team. He said he was giving you the space you wanted, but he planned to track you down after the wedding. Seb suggested looking in the medical register and that’s when Rico told Seb your name. Seb showed Rico your photo—the one he took of you, Holly and me at Easter. Rico all but keeled over when he realised you were already here!’

  Ruth thought over what Gina had said. She still didn’t know if Rico was interested in her for herself, or if this was only about the job.

  ‘Looking back, I don’t know why it never occurred to me before, why I never put two and two together long ago,’ Gina continued, her characteristic bubbly enthusiasm returning. ‘But last night was the first time you told us Rico’s name. And that he was from Florence. Until then I assumed the specialist you were emailing was American. My mind has been so full of the wedding, I’ve not focused on anything else.’

  ‘You couldn’t have guessed. What I don’t understand is why you kept it from me today. You all seemed to know. Was that Rico’s doing?’ Ruth asked, nerves making her feel queasy.

  Gina shook her head vehemently. ‘No! Please, Ruth, don’t blame Rico. It’s my fault, not his. When I talked to Seb last night, he asked what I wanted to do. Rico wanted to warn you, so that you wouldn’t feel tricked, but…’

  ‘But?’ Ruth prompted, her initial hurt dissipating with the knowledge that she had not been made fun of…and that it was not Rico who had deceived her.

  ‘I’m sorry, Ruth. I asked them not to tell you. For two reasons.’ Gina explained, bit her lip as she paused. ‘I know you ran from Rico on Wednesday and I was scared you might do it again if you knew he was here. Selfishly, I wanted and needed you to be part of the wedding.’

  ‘I would never have missed celebrating this day with you.’ Ruth hoped that was as true as she wanted it to be and that she would not have panicked at the last minute. She was glad she had not been tested. ‘And the other reason?’

  Gina took her hand, her expression earnest. ‘You’ve been different since you met Rico—even before you physically saw him and were just exchanging emails there was a change in you. I know you’ve always said you are not interested in men—and now I understand why. But with the right person, it is so amazing, Ruth. I would give anything for you to be as happy and fulfilled with Rico as I am with Seb.’

  ‘I don’t know, Gina. Everything has b
ecome so confused and mixed up with the job,’ she admitted, trying to explain her muddled thoughts.

  ‘I understand if you think I have interfered enough.’ Gina hesitated, indecision evident in her dark eyes. ‘May I offer some advice?’

  Ruth nodded, knowing she could trust her friend.

  ‘I think you should go to Florence. You aren’t happy at the practice here, and you light up when you talk about the job with Rico. It would be perfect for you.’ She gave a sad smile. ‘I’d miss you like hell, but I wouldn’t have a second’s hesitation in entrusting you to Rico. Go…find out if the job is really what you want. Take it if it is. And then,’ she added with a mischievous smile, ‘if you want Rico, too, go and get him. Don’t throw it all away, Ruth, because you are scared. The end result is so worth it. I think you need Rico—and I think Rico needs you.’

  Emotion clogged Ruth’s throat. She didn’t know what to say. ‘What if Rico only wants me to work for him? What if my feelings aren’t real and I just reacted to the first man who was kind to me? How do I know?’ The questions slipped out before she could stop them, revealing her inner vulnerability.

  ‘Only you can find the answers.’ Again Gina hesitated, looking unsure, but she shook her head and continued. ‘Take things slowly. Go to Florence. You have the next two weeks off work—’

  ‘To dog-sit Monty while you are on your honeymoon,’ Ruth interrupted.

  A guilty smile appeared on Gina’s face. ‘I know—but I did interfere again there. Monty is going to stay with Nic and Hannah. He knows them and has stayed there before. He’ll be fine. So there is nothing to stop you going. Take it a day at a time, Ruth. See the clinic, see how you feel about the job and about Rico. You’ll know if it is right. Honestly. And I hope it works out for you. You’d be family and I’ll still get to see you often,’ she finished, unshed tears shimmering in her eyes.

  Ruth remained silent. She had much to think about and little time left to make a decision. Now, their heart-to-heart over, she helped Gina get changed into her going-away outfit and ushered her friend from the room. Seb was waiting impatiently, Rico by his side. Ruth’s gaze clashed with his, and he moved to join her, his arm sliding protectively around her waist.

  ‘All right?’ he whispered.

  Ruth nodded, hiding her continuing confusion. They met up with the rest of the guests and everyone went outside to see the happy couple on their way. Ruth knew Gina was looking forward to spending time at the villa on Elba where the fairy tale of her romance with Seb had begun—a romance which had mirrored that of her grandparents over half a century before. Seb had insisted that Maria go with them. Gina’s grandmother had become good friends with Evelina, the local woman who acted as housekeeper for the Linardi family.

  So lost was she in her thoughts that she was taken completely by surprise, automatically catching Gina’s bouquet of fragrant sweet peas as it sailed through the air and landed in her arms. Her friend was laughing and gave her a cheeky wave. Ruth’s gaze was drawn to Rico’s and the heated expression in his eyes took her breath away.

  Everything happened quickly after that. Rico’s parents had to rush back to London for the evening function, but they were warm and friendly as they hugged her and told her again how welcome she would be in Florence. The rest of the guests also began to depart. Inside, Ruth helped Holly with Gina’s things, which she was holding safely for her until she came home. As they took extra care packing away the stunning bridal dress, Holly hesitated.

  ‘Ruth, honey, are you OK?’ she asked, sky-blue eyes reflecting her concern.

  ‘I’m fine.’ Spontaneously and uncharacteristically, she gave her friend a hug. ‘Gina explained what happened and why she didn’t let anyone tell me.’

  Holly smiled and hugged her back. ‘Rico’s as gorgeous as you said! I hope everything works out for you.’

  ‘Thanks, Holly.’

  Her friend’s words were sincere, but Ruth detected the sadness underlying them. She wished she could find a way to help Holly—who continued to break her heart over Gus—find the happiness she deserved, too.

  Then it was over. Nic and Hannah gave Holly a lift home, and Ruth found herself alone with Rico. She felt ridiculously nervous as she walked by his side towards Seb’s car, stowing the box containing Gina’s wedding dress on the back seat. The short drive to her cottage seemed to take for ever, and she was tongue-tied, speaking only to give Rico directions. He, too, seemed preoccupied and disinclined to talk. Finally, he turned off the tree-lined rural lane and down the short, unpaved drive to her single-storey, whitewashed cottage with its slate roof and squat chimney.

  ‘You live here?’

  Rico’s surprise drew her attention and made her defensive. ‘Yes. What’s wrong with it?’

  ‘Nothing at all, carissima.’ He caught her chin, his touch searing her skin as he tilted her face until their gazes met. Satisfaction gleamed in his hazel eyes. ‘It is not what I had expected…but I am glad. Your home is beautiful.’

  ‘Thank you. I like it.’

  Rico’s approval made her warm inside, although his reaction and his comments puzzled her. She led the way inside and left him to explore while she went to change. After hanging the obscenely expensive dress in its protective cover in her wardrobe, she pulled on dark grey trousers and a green cashmere jumper. Taking a deep breath, she went to find Rico who was studying the bookshelves that lined the twin recesses either side of the large open fireplace. He turned as she entered the room, and she noticed that he had taken off his tie and undone the top button of his shirt. Feeling awkward, Ruth hesitated, unsure what to say and do.

  To cover her confusion, she went to the kitchen to make some tea. Aware that Rico had followed her, she busied herself with things to give her shaky hands something to do, covering her awkwardness by reverting to work and telling him about her meeting with Judith Warren the previous afternoon.

  ‘She was so grateful for all the advice you gave and she feels there is light at the end of the tunnel now,’ she finished, her breath catching as Rico closed the distance between them and took her hands in his.

  ‘It is you who should take the credit—you listened to her, believed her, followed through for her.’

  ‘Your help guided me in the right direction,’ she insisted.

  A smile curved Rico’s sexy mouth and sent a jolt of desire right through her. ‘What am I going to do with you?’

  Ruth could think of a few wickedly pleasurably things she would like to experience with him again, but she held her tongue, still uncertain of the situation between them.

  ‘We have things to discuss,’ Rico continued, sobering, ‘I meant all I said. I know you have the next two weeks off. Please, will you give me that time? Will you come to Florence to see the clinic and the work we do so you can decide if it is for you?’

  The temptation was strong for so many reasons. But, again, Rico had given no indication that he wanted anything more than for her to work for him. She needed some clarification.

  ‘This is just about the job?’ she asked, hoping he would say no.

  Something flashed in his eyes, but before she could decipher it, long dark lashes lowered to hide his expression. He released her, his hands moving behind his back to brace himself as he leaned on the worktop.

  ‘Just the job, sirena mia.’ His voice was without inflection as he said the words she had not wanted to hear. Then he added something in Italian that she did not understand. ‘Per ora.’

  As the kettle boiled, Ruth turned away, lost in thought as she made the tea. Hope faded and disappointment bloomed inside her. He had said one night, and clearly he meant it. She was despondent, but then she thought of the advice Gina had given her…to take things slowly and not to give up. She had two weeks without other pressures to take time out and decide on the course of the rest of her life.

  She had known from the moment she had first seen Rico that he was a threat to her. He had thrown her whole life and everything she believed about herself and
what she wanted into turmoil. One thing was certain—she could never go back to how things had been before Rico.

  Maybe she was making another mistake but she wanted to explore what might happen. She would go to Florence. She might be all kinds of a fool, but she would take the job—and whatever else came her way. Without Rico she would be miserable, whether she was in Scotland or Italy, so it was better to have a job that truly involved and challenged her. And who knew what else might happen?

  Drawing in a steadying breath, Ruth turned to face him. ‘I’ll come to Florence.’


  HIS hands thrust into the pockets of his trousers, Rico stood a short distance away, watching Ruth conduct a skin-prick test on six-year-old Simone Stevens. He experienced the customary rush of pride and desire just looking at her—feelings that grew stronger with each day that passed. Ostensibly, he was here in case Ruth required back-up during the procedure, but, as ever, she was in control and displaying her superb skills. Not just in clinical terms but in gaining the trust and co-operation of the little boy who had been anxious and tearful on arrival but who was now smiling and involved in what was going on.

  Knowing Ruth thrived on the challenge of learning new things, he had thrown her in at the deep end when he had first brought her to the clinic over a week ago. He’d had every faith that she would cope. And she had—exceeding his highest expectations and justifying the confidence he had in her. Watching Ruth work was a special experience. She was comfortable in her professional role, warm and caring with patients, building rapport with them and making them feel that they mattered to her. Which they did. As he had realised when first meeting her, without her doctor persona to hide behind, much of her self-assurance drained away.

  As if aware that he was observing her, Ruth glanced round. Their gazes met and held, and Rico felt the now-familiar electric connection zap through him. He smiled, giving a nod of approval in support of what she was doing, and his gut tightened when the mouth he had not kissed and tasted in far too long curved in an answering smile. Then she returned her attention to Simone, who was enduring the test designed to identify which allergens his body was reacting to with good humour.


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