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Italian Doctor, Dream Proposal / Wanted: A Father for her Twins

Page 17

by Margaret McDonagh / Emily Forbes

  ‘Are you all right?’

  Ruth nodded, not at all sure that she was. It depended on what Rico said next—whether this was another one-off night, or something more. At this point she was so confused…and so in love with him that she would take any scraps that fell from the table.

  ‘I am sorry, sirena mia,’ he murmured, his voice rough.

  Ruth tensed at the apology, upset that he regretted what they had just done. She shook her head, unable to speak, unable to meet his gaze in case she saw rejection in his eyes.

  ‘We didn’t use anything,’ Rico continued, his explanation easing some of her initial anxiety. ‘I have never forgotten protection before…but I’ve never had this urgent need before, either.’

  ‘I’m on the Pill for health reasons.’

  Rather than reassuring, her words appeared to disturb him, his brow knotting in a frown. ‘You are not well? Something is wrong?’

  ‘I’m fine.’ She smiled, warmed by his obvious concern. ‘My cycle has never been regular, that’s all.’

  Given both their histories—neither of them having been with anyone else for a long time, and never unprotected before—and having had regular health checks, they knew they were clear of any transmittable infection. And, while not impossible, an unplanned pregnancy was highly unlikely. The sudden rush of disappointment shocked her. She had never considered children, had never imagined, after Adam, that she would be with another man. Now, though, she realised how much she wanted Rico’s baby.

  As he helped her down from the railing, she wobbled alarmingly, reaction setting in and her legs refusing to obey her. He swung her up into his arms, but Ruth didn’t protest…it was where she wanted to be, after all. And where she hoped to stay for as long as possible.

  Rico carried a drowsy Ruth to his room and gently tucked her into his bed before sliding in beside her and cradling her in his arms. Nuzzling his face against her, he breathed in the fragrance of lavender and warm, aroused, sated woman. He was not surprised that she felt so shaky. Or so tired. He felt the same. That he had been so lost he had forgotten protection for the first time ever was a shock. More so was the urgent desire to see Ruth bloom and grow with their child.

  As she napped, Rico remained wide awake, reliving over again the experience they had just shared. He could not put into words how incredible it had been. But until he was able to have a serious talk with Ruth about the future, the fear would linger that she did not feel the same way he did. She had been a willing participant in their wild and frantic lovemaking, but he had not imagined her withdrawal afterwards, or the way she had refused to meet his gaze. He loved her with everything in him, and the fact that he still didn’t know what she wanted, even whether she would accept the job and stay in Florence, made him sick with nerves and doubt.

  Propping himself on one elbow, he lay on his side and studied Ruth’s face in the glow from the bedside lamp. She was so beautiful, it took his breath away just to look at her. Her skin was flawless, her bone structure perfect. Unable to resist the temptation, he used one fingertip to lightly trace the haphazard trail of freckles that dusted her cheekbones and the bridge of her nose. Long dusky lashes flickered and he felt his pulse throb in his veins as they slowly parted to reveal slumberous green eyes.

  ‘Hi,’ he whispered, his voice rough.

  ‘Hi. I…’ Her words trailed off, a faint tinge of colour washing her cheeks as his questing finger moved to outline the shape of her mouth. ‘Rico…’

  Ruth turned her head just enough so that his finger slid between her parted lips, and his breath caught as she sucked on it, lightly grazing with her teeth. The desire that had undone him earlier returned to her eyes, unguarded as she watched him with the kind of yearning that caused his body to respond in the most elemental way. He tried to remember that he needed to talk to her, but she released his finger, a new boldness evident as she sank the fingers of one hand into his hair and drew him down, her lips nibbling on his.

  He needed no second invitation. Pulling her into his arms, he rolled over so that she was on top of him, giving himself up to the magic that always flared between them, savouring her taste, her scent, the feel of her silky soft skin gliding against his in a full body caress. He wanted her, needed her. And he was about to show her just how much when she caught his wrists, halting him.


  He looked up, momentarily concerned, but then words failed him and every nerve-ending went on red alert at the wicked expression in her eyes and sexy smile that curved lips still full from their wildly erotic kisses.

  ‘My turn.’

  Rico thought his heart would beat right out of his chest as she lowered her head and traced the tip of her tongue from the hollow of his throat down his chest. Mio Dio! He fought for control, giving himself up to the magic of her delicious seduction, more than aware how significant this moment was given her past belief that she was a failure as a woman, unable to give or receive pleasure. That she now had the confidence to explore her desires and her sensual nature, to ask for and take what she wanted, was a huge breakthrough and one that left his chest tight with emotion. Before she took him past the point of no return, she paused a moment, looking up to meet his gaze, and he saw the knowledge in her eyes, the recognition of the significance of what they were sharing. And then he couldn’t think any more as Ruth’s hands and mouth took him to paradise.

  An endless time later, when he had gained a second wind, he devoted himself to Ruth and to showing her once more that she could receive as much pleasure as she gave. He lingered over every reactive particle of her skin, savouring her taste, revelling in the sounds she couldn’t contain. And while he couldn’t bear to believe that this might be the last chance he had to make love to her, he was going to show her in every way possible how much she was loved and cherished. Discussions about the future would have to wait a while longer.


  ‘I am here, sirena mia.’

  Ruth had lost all track of time, but as her eyes opened she saw that it was still dark outside. She was cradled in Rico’s arms and one of his hands was stroking her hair. Every cell in her body hummed with sensation. He had made love to her again, endlessly, and with such exquisite tenderness it had brought tears to her eyes. Now she looked at him, finding him propped up on the pillows.

  ‘Can’t you sleep?’ she asked, resting against him, soothed and aroused as his fingers slid under her tousled fall of hair and massaged mini circles on her skin.

  ‘I am afraid to go to sleep.’

  ‘Afraid?’ His admission startled her. She frowned, puzzled and concerned. ‘Why?’

  ‘In case I wake up and find you gone again.’

  Tears stung her eyes. ‘Rico—’

  ‘Why, Ruth? What happened to make you run?’ The tone of his voice revealed his hurt and confusion, and Ruth’s guilt intensified. ‘I thought you had been as involved as me in what we had. What did I do wrong?’

  ‘Nothing!’ she exclaimed in shock.


  She shook her head, taking his free hand in both of hers. ‘It wasn’t that. It wasn’t you, Rico.’

  ‘Then why did you go?’

  Ruth bit her lip in indecision. She had come this far, and now was the time, however difficult she found it, to follow Gina’s and Emanula’s advice and fight for the man she loved. To do that, she had to lay her heart—and her insecurities—on the line. ‘You said we had one night only and—’

  ‘What are you talking about?’ Rico interrupted, looking genuinely aghast.

  ‘I didn’t know what to do,’ she confided, her voice wavering. ‘Being with you was beyond anything I had ever experienced.’ She felt a blush warm her cheeks and lowered her lashes, unable to look into Rico’s eyes. ‘I’d thought I could handle it, but when I woke up, I knew I couldn’t. I didn’t know how to say goodbye, or how to go on seeing you, talking to you about the job, and knowing I could never be with you again.’

  ‘Madre di Dio!’ He
freed his hand from hers and tilted her chin, bringing her gaze back to his. ‘No, sirena mia. I never said one night only,’ he protested, and she could not doubt the sincerity in his voice or his eyes. ‘How could you think that?’

  Ruth swallowed, wondering if she had, indeed, made a terrible mistake. ‘You asked me to give you one night. I thought that was what you meant. It’s not like I’d had a lot of experience at that kind of thing,’ she added, surprised when her spirited defence drew a dimpled smile from Rico, one that caused her heart to skip and tightened the ever-present ache of need inside her, a need that even the last hours of lovemaking had not begun to satisfy.

  ‘I wanted you to give me that night so I could show you how special you were, and that what we had together was unique and incredible. Not one night only.’

  ‘Oh!’ Ruth pressed a hand to her throat, stunned at what he had said and how she had completely misunderstood. ‘But I asked you if you wanted me to come to Florence just for the job, and you said yes.’

  Rico groaned, slapping his palm to his forehead in a gesture of exasperation. ‘No, sirena mia! That is not so.’

  ‘But—’ He pressed two fingers to her lips to silence her.

  ‘You had run once. I did not know why. You asked me for some time. Then we unexpectedly met again at the wedding, a coincidence neither of us had imagined or prepared for.’ Ruth nodded—that was certainly true. ‘When you asked if coming to Florence was just about the job, I thought that was what you wanted. I nearly said no, because that was not what I had hoped for, but I was scared you would not come at all. So I lied and said yes,’ he confided with another endearing smile, telling her what his Italian words had meant. ‘I knew I had made the mistake of rushing you the first time we were together, so I thought that once you were here in Florence, I could get close to you again and go slowly so as not to scare you. But every time I touched you, you flinched away, and I was beginning to despair, to think that I had got everything wrong and that you were not attracted to me, that our night together had been a disappointment for you.’

  Ruth was speechless. She tried to absorb all he had told her, hope and joy blooming inside her. Maybe this was not a short-term fling after all. As for his concern that making love with him had been a disappointment! Ruth did not know how to adequately put into words what being with him was like and how he had changed her life and her belief in herself.

  As he held her, she thought back over what he had said. ‘I was confused, Rico. We came to Florence and you were acting like a friend or a brother, as if nothing had ever happened between us. I pulled away because I was worried I would give in to temptation and rip your clothes off,’ she teased with a new-found confidence in herself as a woman.

  ‘Sirena mia, I will always be your friend. But a brother? That is not what I had in mind,’ he murmured, the sexy roughness of his voice and wicked look in his eyes fanning the flames of desire inside her. ‘And you can rip my clothes off any time you like.’

  Being with Rico made her light-hearted and light-headed, and brought out her own playful side. ‘You aren’t wearing any.’

  ‘Neither are you,’ he observed, his hands skimming her body, making her tingle.

  She quirked an eyebrow at him. ‘What are we going to do about it?’

  ‘I have an idea.’ Catching her by surprise, he rolled off the bed and scooped her up in his arms.

  Laughing, she clung on to his shoulders. ‘Where are we going?’

  ‘You have to be punished for tormenting me so, carissima,’ he threatened with mock annoyance. ‘There is one place suitable for you.’

  Excitement coursed through her as he headed out on to the terrace where they had found each other again a few short hours ago. There was a gleam in his eyes, and she pretended to be worried. ‘I’m trembling.’

  ‘You will soon be more than trembling, sirena mia.’ The sexy rumble of his voice made her do just that. He paused and adjusted her in his arms. ‘Hold on.’

  Realising what he was going to do she slid her arms around his neck. ‘Rico!’ She squealed as he jumped into the pool.

  Rico was happy to let Ruth play in the water for a while. It was such a joy to see this side of her, to hear her unrestrained laughter and to look into her stunning green eyes and find them free of shadows.

  The discoveries he had made in the last half an hour were taking a while to sink in. How could they have misunderstood each other so completely? He did not know. But it had taught him a valuable lesson. From now on he would make sure that things were explained properly, that there was no room for doubt and confusion. Which brought him back to the here and now. He was daring to believe that all was not hopeless, but there were still important things that he and Ruth had to discuss.

  Ducking under the water, he caught her by surprise and drew her into his arms. They bobbed back to the surface, their legs tangling, her sleek body fitting snugly against his.

  ‘My very own mermaid.’ With the fingers of one hand he tucked some stray strands of wet hair back behind her ear. ‘You lured me to my doom the first moment I looked at you, sirena mia.’


  Unable to help himself, he kissed her. He could do this all day and all night, he sighed, but he could not put off the inevitable any longer. ‘We need to talk.’

  ‘OK,’ she agreed, but he felt some tension return to her body, and a flicker of anxiety dimmed some of the laughter in her eyes.

  ‘From the very beginning, before we even met in person, I was in awe of your talent. Since then I have seen firsthand what an incredible doctor you are,’ he told her, smiling at the hint of a blush that stained her cheeks. ‘All along I wanted you to work for me. Seeing you at the clinic, you have exceeded all my expectations.’

  Ruth licked her lips, distracting him, but as she went to speak, he stopped her.

  ‘Please, I need to finish,’ he stated, knowing he had to lay everything on the line for her.

  ‘Go on,’ she invited, curiosity and caution vying for prominence in her expression.

  Rico sucked in a breath, knowing that the risk he was about to take was huge and could ruin everything. ‘What has happened between us has changed things,’ he continued, noting the frown that knotted her brow.

  ‘Changed things how?’

  ‘This is no longer just about the job.’ Rico swallowed. Ruth’s wariness was increasing his doubts and his nerves. ‘The offer to work at the clinic comes with a condition.’

  It was Ruth’s turn to swallow. He saw the movement of her throat, the beat of her pulse, and her voice was more guarded when she spoke. ‘What condition?’

  ‘You can have the job, but you have to have me, as well. It’s a package deal.’ He faltered, his own heart thudding. ‘I love you, Ruth, and I want you to be my wife.’

  Something flared in her eyes, but she turned her head away before he could identify it. She slipped out of his arms and floated away, the dim light before dawn making it difficult to read her expression and gauge what she was thinking. Rico was scared. He had just taken the biggest gamble of his life. He knew Ruth, knew her body and soul, but could he win her heart? He also knew about her past, about those who had let her down and had not loved her as they should, and as she deserved. He wanted to give her all that love and support, and a family she’d never had. But how did she feel? She would never have given herself to him casually or on a whim. What they had shared had to have meant something to her—but what? Could she come to love him even a tiny bit as much as he loved her? He would do all he could to make her happy, to be worthy of her and her love.

  His heart was in his mouth as he waited for her reply. He felt sick with worry. Had he just made another major mistake? He had risked everything, opened his heart for her and left it exposed, and he had never felt so vulnerable. Was she going to break his heart—or make him the happiest man alive?

  Rico loved her!

  Ruth hugged the knowledge to her, scarcely able to believe everything he had just said.
She floated on her back, staring up at the inky-dark sky, trying to remember how to breathe. Rico came with the job. As her husband. He wanted her in every way. At work and at home. Partners in the fullest sense of the word.

  Being with him made her feel good. In a very short time Rico had healed the wounds of her past and had made her feel whole and complete for the first time. He had not only taught her much about medicine, he’d taught her a lot about herself, too. He had given her new confidence, had openly believed in her. Instead of running her down like her parents did, undermining her, making her feel as if she was never good enough for anything, Rico heaped praise upon her, supported and encouraged her, welcomed her opinions, shared her joys and stood beside her to hold her up when things were difficult. And she was gaining so much…not just Rico, who was the centre of her world, but his family, too. A family who, in ten days, had shown her more love and kindness than her own had in her whole life.

  She had not only found her true calling in her career, but she’d found her true love and her true home. With Rico. For the very first time in her life she felt as if she belonged, as if she mattered, as if she was worth something. He saw the person inside and loved every part of her, not at all intimidated by her brains. He cherished her, encouraged her, challenged her.

  Somehow fate had conspired to bring them together in the most inexplicable and coincidental of ways, but she didn’t care how it had happened, just that it had. She couldn’t wait to tell Gina, who could soon be practically her sister by marriage, as well as her best friend. And then there was Holly. A moment of sadness intruded. How she wished that Holly, the last of their little circle to find love, could come to feel as happy as she did right at this moment.

  Realising that Rico was waiting for her answer, she turned onto her front and slowly swam back to him. She looked into his melting hazel eyes with their intriguing gold speckles and saw his fear, his vulnerability. Her heart swelled with love for him. And with gratitude that he’d had the courage to open himself so completely, making her brave enough to do the same. That his whole world depended on what she said was written clearly in his eyes. She felt humbled by the knowledge of just how much he loved her. As she loved him. Completely. Inexorably. For ever.


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