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Cuffed By A Kingpin 3

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by Heiress

  K.C Mills Presents

  Cuffed by Kingpin 3

  By: Heiress

  © 2017

  Published by Supreme Works Publications

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or print, including photocopying, recording or by information storage retrieval system, without the written permission from the publisher, writer, except brief quotes used in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Unauthorized reproduction, in any manner, is prohibited.

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  My first, my last and every book in between will forever be dedicated to my daughter, KaiLyn. For you are the reason I do this.


  To My Family

  Without your support, I would not have made it. Thank you to my mother who is willing to support me no matter religious beliefs and others negative opinions on what I choose to use my gift and talent for. Thank you to my husband who's always been there for me and supporting me. Thank you for staying up with me all night when I was writing and editing. You’re the real MVP. Thank you to my big sister Kalin and my little brother Cartier who keep me motivated and always lets me know that I’m great at what I do.

  To My Publisher K.C.

  Where do I start? I’m forever grateful for you K.C. When you reached out to me, I was beyond flattered. Your one of the hardest working women I know in this industry so to be recognized by you was so unreal to me. I had only written three books at the time and you saw the potential that I still struggle with till this day. It took a lot of courage to leave my well respected publishing company but I believe in you and you believed in me. I can’t wait to learn so much being a part of your company. I believe that you are going to give me so much knowledge and wisdom and I can’t wait. You’re such an intelligent woman with such an inviting sweet spirit. I appreciate you more than anything and I pray that God blesses you in every way possible. Thank you so much K.C.!

  To My Test Readers

  I would like to give a special thank you to my test readers. Thank you to Taylor, Geneva, Christina, and Alexis. I appreciate you all taking the time out to read my book and give me constructive criticism on it. You all are my readers so by having your feedback, I know what will work and what won’t work. You guys are the best. Thank you so much again for being a part of my team.



  Pinching the bridge of my nose, I sighed at the sound of my cell phone going off. It has been ringing since last night, and a nigga barely got no sleep. I was tired as shit. Rolling over, I stretched my arm out and grabbed my phone off the nightstand. When I saw that it was an unknown number, I hesitated to answer.

  “It’s too early for bill collectors,” I mumbled to myself before finally answering. “This better be-,”

  “C! Aye, C!” a familiar voice shouted into the phone.

  “Sean?” I quizzed now sitting up in my bed. “I been looking for ya’ ass for-,”

  “We ain’t got time for that nigga. Just know I’m good. We got bigger shit going on,” he said, breathing hard into the phone. “They got, Cali ‘cuz!” he revealed to me.

  Every muscle in my body tensed, when those words rolled off his tongue. Now he had my full attention. “Fuck you mean they got, Cali? I was just with her,” I stated through clenched teeth.

  “I don’t know when they got her, but she here.”

  “And where the fuck is here?”

  “Jamaica nigga,” he responded.

  “How the hell did she-never mind. I’m on my way now.” I shot up from my bed and rushed around my room to put on some clothes.

  “Wait, C. It’s some shit you need to know. Black ain’t solely behind this. His niggas been keeping me in the warehouse because I saw who really behind this. They ain’t want me to snitch, so I been stuck here. They finally gone and I got out. I’m trying to get to Cali now, but C you can’t do nothing stupid. You need to-,”

  “Nigga what?” I quizzed, pulling the phone away from my ear as I stared at it. “’Cuz they got my wife, and possibly my baby-wait, where my daughter at?” I asked, forgetting about my newborn. He didn’t even answer yet, and I was ready to go to war for my little one.

  “I ain’t heard shit about the baby, but C I need you to calm down. The person we dealing with is not-,”

  “You know what kind of nigga I am. Ain’t no calming me down after hearing that Jamaican killers got my wife. The fuck?” I hissed, rounding up all the weapons in my house that I had. Since Black hit up my warehouses and traps, I was running low but lucky I had a few stashed for a fucked-up day.

  “C, whatever you do, come alone. This person is powerful and dangerous and don’t nobody need to be dying behind this. They gone-,” he paused and I heard wrestling on the other end. “Shit, they here. They got, Cali. You need to get here and get here now, cuz. Now!” he barked into the phone before killing the line.

  “Fuck!” I roared, throwing a few jabs at the air. If it wasn’t one thing, it was another. I had just had my baby girl, and now this. In the back of my mind, I could imagine Cali scared and alone. I didn’t know what them niggas plans were with her, but they were about to get canceled. Her and my baby girl, meant the world to me. I’ll be damned if I lose her to another nigga and then to death.

  As I was getting all my shit to go, my phone rang. When I checked the number, I knew exactly who it was. My skin burned with anger as I answered the phone. “You better have a fucking army with you because I’m coming full force,” he growled into the phone.

  “Good thing I do got a fucking army with me,” Black shot back into the phone. “Come alone and bring all the papers you got for ya’ business. I want it all. Then you can have ya’ bitch back. You got until five and you might want to hurry. She just had a baby and she bleeding on my floor,” he spat, killing the line.

  “Shit!” I grabbed my duffle bag and sprinted towards the door. I had to take the jet which was gone take six hours, and it was already ten in the morning. When I got in the car, I called up my uncle and pops and told them what was going on. They tried to convince me to get help, but I wasn’t gone risk that shit. The good news was that my baby girl was good. She was left at the hospital and Missy, and my momma was up there with her.

  It was a breath of fresh air but at the same time, my battle wasn’t over. I still had to save my wife. It took me an hour to get to the strip, and I paid the pilot double to make it there fast as he could. As I sat down, I conjured up all the fucked-up situations that could happen to my lil’ momma. It was like my heart ached just thinking about her being nonexistent in my life. This entire time I been trying to protect her but I failed every time.

  I tried to protect her from getting kidnapped, and this shit happens. I tried to protect her from other niggas and she found one. I tried to protect her from being hurt, and I’m the one who broke her heart. Shit was crazy how my protection became the very reason why she was not secure. I had to save her.

  “Lord please save her for me. Do this one favor for me,” I mumbled. I still remember the first day I met her. Little did I know, it was love at first sight.

  Stepping out of my whip, I closed my door and proceeded towards the front of my house. When I opened the door, I was caught off guard to see a short ass slim
chick standing in my foyer. She had a nice round ass, but it wasn’t enough for me. Her hair was full and curly in a natural state, and I could see that she was a light skinned broad. I could tell we wasn’t gone click off rip.

  “You sightseeing, Lil’ momma?” I asked, closing the door behind me. She jumped with fright at the sound of my voice. When she turned around to face me, something within me jolted. I didn’t expect her beauty to cause a nigga to go mute literally. She was a sight for sore eyes no doubt. Her cute pouty lips, button nose, and grey eyes almost compelled me, but I quickly snapped out of it. This was a business deal. Nothing more and nothing less.

  “Sorry. I was just admiring your house. It’s pretty nice,” she complimented with a smile. Her perfect pearly whites nearly blinded me.

  I may have thought that shit wasn’t gone be more between us, but I underestimated the situation. She was everything I didn’t want, but everything I needed. It was crazy how shit turned out.

  “Mr. Banks, we’re here,” I heard the flight attendant say. I didn’t say shit back. I grabbed my bag and jetted towards the truck that was waiting for me. I pulled out my phone and called Black’s phone.

  “Old shed in Queens. Be unarmed and hurry up. I think ya’ wife about to pass out.” He chuckled before hanging up. I slammed my phone against my steering wheel a few times out of frustration. I was by myself with a few guns and I was about to enter a war zone. You can’t tell me I didn’t love this fucking girl.

  As I was speeding to my destination, I got a call. It was my momma. “Ma, I can’t do this shit with you right now-,”

  “Let me tell you something,” she started, cutting me off. “I don’t give a damn what you have to do, but you bring my daughter back. Kill everyone in sight and don’t aim to miss. I want her home by tonight. Do you hear me?” she quizzed. I could tell she was crying, but she wouldn’t admit it. She was too strong of a woman for that.

  “I’m gone bring my lil’ momma home,” I assured her. The line went silent and I could hear her sniffling on the other side.

  “Good, because if you don’t, I’m gone kill you my damn self,” she spat before ending the call. I threw my phone and pushed down on the gas. I didn’t know what I was walking into, but when I pulled up to the shed, I was ready. I knew I was gone be searched but I put a gun in my sock just in case. I walked carefully to the door and when I pulled it open, my eyes went wide.

  “CALI!” I yelled, rushing to my tied-up wife’s side. Right before I could touch her, large hands grabbed me up and pulled back to the ground. “FUCK OFF ME!” I barked, fighting back. Nothing was going to keep me from coming to Cali’s rescue.

  “Chill, C. She cool-I mean she do look a little pale.” Black grinned wickedly.

  “When I get out this shit, ya’ ass ain’t gone be breathing,” I snapped through clenched teeth. My body grew warm as I thought of all the ways I would kill this nigga. Swear his death was gone be long and slow.

  “Damn, somebody pissed. Wouldn’t you rather it be me to take her than some of these Jamaicans? She would be dead by now.”

  I ignored him and kept my eyes trained on, Cali. She did look pale and there was blood leaking from the chair she was sitting on. I had to get her out of here. “Look, Black I got all the shit you want. Now let her go before I be tempted to fuck you up. Just because a nigga restrained, don’t mean I won’t still be me. Bitch nigga ain’t in my blood like it is yours,” I spat.

  “Bitch nigga? I just took over Jamaica, and now I’m about to take over the state of California. If anything, I’m a boss ass nigga. No thanks to ya’ cousin. Sean a real one. He ain’t dead, but I did beat that nigga half to death for him to help me. Then I beat his ass some more after he tried to leave, but not once did he snitch. But somebody did.” He grinned.

  “Bring her out!” he yelled.

  From the corner of my eye, I saw two figures walking towards me. I couldn’t even look surprised when I saw Monique being walked in by my uncle Raz. He was a snake and she was a trifling ass bitch. I should’ve known.

  “Compton, I promise you I didn’t tell them any-,”

  “Shut the fuck up!” Uncle Raz roared, pushing her down the floor. I couldn’t believe she was gone sit here and lie to me, in my face. But then again, yes, I could. It was Monique.

  “I knew you was gone be a snake. When I get out this shit, you second on my hit list,” I warned.

  “Yea, whatever nephew. You and my brothers don’t have what it takes to run this empire. Black does. And with me by his side, he gone be the king,” he said, grinning.

  “Way to fucking dick ride, Unc. I don’t give a shit what y’all gay ass niggas do. You can have it all. All I want is my girl, so enough of this small talk. Take this shit and give me, Cali.” The entire time I never took my eyes off Cali. “Lil’ Momma stay with me. We gone get out this shit,” I assured her but she stayed silent. She was mentally and physically drained. I just prayed she was gone be good.

  “See, this would have been an easy transaction, but since you took a love from me. A love got to be taken from you.”

  “Fuck you talking about Black?” I quizzed confused. Just then, all his men drew their guns on me.

  “Go head and grab the gun you got on you because I know you ain’t come to this shit empty handed. You ain’t that stupid,” Black said, tilting his head to my ankle.

  I slowly bent down to grab it, and held it tight in my hands. “Now what nigga?” I quizzed.

  “Choose,” he simple said.

  “Choose what?”

  “I’ll let you out of here alive, but you not leaving here with both of ‘em. One of ‘em got to go. So, which one, playboy? You gone choose the one that was willing to ride with you for years, or the new bitch you so sprung over. One of ‘em not getting out of here alive.” The smile on Black’s face was straight out the devil’s selfie pics. This nigga really wanted me to kill the only two women I ever loved.

  “Black what the fuck you doing? This wasn’t part of the plan. Cali needs to stay alive and you know that,” Uncle Raz spat.

  “Nah, I’m gone do this my way. Fuck that bitch. I got the keys so she ain’t got no control over me. Black got all the control. Now choose nigga!” he barked.

  “Hell nah! I ain’t choosing shit!”

  “Fine. I’ll choose,” Black said, pointing the gun at Cali. That must have woken Cali up because she had finally lifted her head.

  “Compton?’ she whispered with tears crawling down her eyes

  “Noo! No, No, No! Don’t do this shit, Black. That’s the love of my life man. I need her. She’s the mother of my first born. You got what you wanted so just let her the fuck go! This shit is over some fucking land, Black! You doing the most right now!” My words didn’t seem to faze him because he just stared at me with no remorse or fear.

  “This ain’t just about land, C. It’s about power. Oh, and bitches. Definitely bitches.” He smiled.

  “Black, this shit ain’t how it supposed to go. We were just supposed to get, Cali and take her to-,”


  Black shot my uncle’s head clean off his fucking shoulders. I wish I would have given a fuck but I didn’t. That nigga deserved that shit. “Now pick a bitch, so I can’t get the fuck out of here. NOW!” he barked orders.

  I stared intensely at both of the women in my life. Despite Monique’s flaws and lack of loyalty, I did still love her. Wasn’t no way I could kill her. Then I glanced at Cali. My entire world was in front of me. She gave me life and she was my life. I couldn’t dare pull the trigger on her. Shifting the gun from one to the other, their softs cries invaded my ears and my heart.

  There was no way I could choose between both loves, but one of them had to go.




  Visions of my lover with his gun in his hands flashed in my sleep like a nightmare. The sound of the gun going off was still ringing inside my head. Dried up tears stained my face. My heart
repeatedly pounded in my chest as it broke into a million pieces from the pain.


  The sound of the gunshot caused me to pop up from my sleep. As my vision tried to focus, I glanced around wondering where I was. This place was so unfamiliar. I was lying in a pink and gold king size bed that gave off a royal feel. I felt all over the bed for my baby, but she wasn’t next to me. I panicked.

  “Where’s my baby?” I asked myself as I pulled the covers off of me. I struggled to stand as my legs felt like spaghetti. As I looked around, I noticed the room I was in was built for a little girl. Everything was pink, and there were toys and dolls all over. I lost my breath when I saw a picture of my father on the dresser.

  “Hello!” I yelled out, but no one answered. “Can anyone hear me? I need to get home to my baby,” I cried, thinking about KiMona. I don’t know how long I had been here, but I needed to get back to my baby.

  “Maybe she’s here.” I thought to myself. Extending my hand, I turned the knob to walk out the door. I followed the trail down the stairs. Pictures of a beautiful baby girl graced the walls of the castle like mansion I was in. When I got to the bottom of the stairs, I followed the smell of food. My tummy growled, telling me it was hungry.

  When I finally got to the kitchen, I saw a woman in the kitchen cooking. “I don’t know who you are but I need to get back home-,” I paused when she turned around. A huge lump formed in my throat making it hard for me to even breath let alone talk. I couldn’t believe it. Could it be?

  “Momma?” I quizzed, with so much confusion.

  “Well it ain’t the boogie woman,” she responded with a smile as she stood in front of me. Though I couldn’t remember that much of her, her beauty was something I couldn’t forget. She had pale skin with long brown locks that came to her waist. She was basically me but older. I remember sneaking into my daddy’s work drawer to peak at her pictures. She hadn’t aged a day.

  “Why in the-I mean how the-I mean… what the hell is going on?” I quizzed, shaking my head to get my thoughts together.


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