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Cuffed By A Kingpin 3

Page 3

by Heiress

  “Oh, shit she sucking on my nipples. That’s fucked up; I thought that was my job.” He grinned.

  “Ha, ha, ha. You tried it.” I laughed.

  “Let me have some,” he asked, tugging on my sweater.

  “Ewww, Compton, stop it.” I giggled, swatting his hand away.

  “Stop bullshitting girl and let me get some titty milk.” He grabbed my shirt again trying to lift it up, but I kept pushing him away. “Stop. I’m trying to suck on them-,”

  “Ahem,” someone cleared their throat behind us. I quickly stepped away from Compton when the doctor walked passed me. I was so embarrassed.

  “I can come back later if you need some time.” She smiled.

  “Would you please,” Compton spoke up.

  “Ugh! Compton stop it,” I playfully pushed him in the arm. “Doctor Goddard please continue. Is he well enough to come home? Please let the answer be no,” I kidded, and she laughed.

  “As a matter of fact, he is ready. He will be in a wheel chair and then crutches for a while because he can’t walk that well. Only for like a month, maybe a few weeks. He recovered pretty quickly. I release him to you, Mrs. Banks and you can take him home and-,”

  “Wooo, wait,” I interjected her. “What do you mean take him home? Doesn’t he have a nurse to take him and care for him?” I quizzed.

  “Uh, well yes he did, but he said that his wife was taking him home. I assumed that you knew.” She had a puzzled look on her face, and so did I. I turned my attention to Compton who was playing with Mona as if he hadn’t heard a word the doctor was saying.

  “Compton,” I called out his name, and he looked up at me.

  “What?” he quizzed.

  “What do you mean what? Why did you tell her I’m taking you home and caring for you? I can’t do that.”

  “And I ain’t having no strange bitch in my house. I rather have my wife and daughter there,” he explained.

  “Compton, I can’t care for you. I have school, Mona, and this momma drama I got going on. On top of that, I have, Tre’, my boyfriend. How the hell is he going to take me staying with my husband to take care of him?” I quizzed.

  “Ummm, you have a boyfriend and a husband? And you know about this?” The doctor asked, turning up her nose at our dysfunctional situation.

  “Can you give us a minute please and thank you.” I faked a smile. Her nosey self should have been walked away. I waited until she was out of plain sight to continue the conversation.

  “Compton, how am I supposed to take care of you? You can’t just move in and take over my house. You’ve already taken over my life, and I’m just now getting it back. You need to find you a nurse or someone-,”

  “I got my fucking nurse,” he cut me off, glaring his eyes up at me. “You the only woman in this damn world I trust outside my momma and the Virgin Mary. And I halfway trust that bitch because who you know magically have a baby? Like she played the fuck out of Jesus’ daddy for real,” he joked, and I just shook my head at his dumb ass.

  “So, you my only hope. I did all this shit to save ya’ ass, so you need to be wanting to do this for me,” he had the nerve to point out.

  The fact that he was right pissed me off. He did risk his life to save me, and I did at least owe him my tender love and care. “Shit,” I cursed, realizing I had to do this. “Okay, fine. I’ll do it, but we can’t stay at my house because Tre’ lives with me. I need to talk to him first before we do this,” I let him know.

  “Go do that shit now. I’ll watch, Mona while you handle that. And make that shit quick. This bed uncomfortable and if I have to eat one more fruit cup in this bitch, I’m cursing somebody out,” he spat.

  “Okay. Bye, momma’s baby. I’ll be right back.” I kissed Mona on the lips and then walked away.

  “Where my kiss at,” Compton said, puckering up his lips at me.

  “Bye, Compton.” I chuckled, waving him off as I left his room. I made my way to my car and took off as soon as it started. It took me about twenty or so minute to get back to my house. Luckily, Tre’ hadn’t left for work yet.

  We had been doing pretty good in our relationship. Our communication was great, and we seemed to be a match made in heaven. Like we literally never argued. Unfortunately, that was a problem with me. We were just too perfect, and everything went as planned. It’s not that I wanted to argue but we had no spice or issues, and it was just too good to be true.

  After parking my car, I got out and went inside. Tre’ was in the kitchen dressed in a suit talking on the phone. “Well, thank you so much, Mr. Taylor. I will be there shortly to show you the house. Okay, you too. Good bye,” he ended the call. That’s when he noticed me standing in front of the door.

  “Baby girl what you doing here? Don’t you have class?” he quizzed.

  “I did, but Compton’s doctor called me in for his release. Speaking of his release,” I quickly added, walking up to him. “Since he’s being released, he will need someone to help him out for a few months. That someone has to be me,” I revealed.

  His face displayed a look of confusion with a pinch of anger. “And why is that, Caliana? He may be your husband, but we are together. Why doesn’t he just get a nurse?” he asked.

  “Look, Compton has a butt load of trust issues, and he didn’t want a stranger caring for him. He told the doctor I would do it and legally, I’m still his wife. No matter our decisions to part ways, we said for better or for worse. It’s my duty, and I owe him for saving my life.”

  “That’s funny because you told me you were filing for a divorce. A divorce that I have yet to see some damn papers on. It’s like you're still holding onto this man who done moved on from you. You have a choice, Caliana. You don’t have to stay by his side,” he poured out.

  “Tre’ I understand you feel some type of way but-,”

  “So where are the divorce papers? Did you even file them or am I just wasting my time here?” he spat, cutting me off. We never argued, but when Compton came up as a topic, he got very agitated with me. I believe he was threatened which he had no reason to be because I was with him. He was the one I chose.

  “Baby-I was going to but…with everything with, Compton, the kidnapping and my mom; it just didn’t seem like the right time. Baby, I promise-,”

  “No, don’t even promise nothing to me. They all seem to get broken. Baby, I promise to go to lunch, oh never mind, Compton is hungry. Baby, I promise to spend time with you, my bad, Compton wants me to come to the hospital. Baby, I promise we will make love, sorry I got caught with Compton. Compton, Compton, Compton. You sure he’s not the reason you haven’t filed for divorce?” he angrily quizzed.

  I don’t know why but I started to feel my eyes gloss. I really liked, Tre’ so the last thing I wanted to do was hurt him. He was so good to Mona and me that I didn’t want to lose him. Not like this.

  “Baby, I’m sorry. I’m only twenty going on twenty-one. I shouldn’t have been married at nineteen to even be able to think about a divorce. You know the truth now, and this is not what I wanted. He’s all I know, and he almost died for me. What the hell am I supposed to do? Just say, oh thanks for saving my life, here are some divorce papers. Sign them!”

  “Yes! Yes, Caliana. That’s exactly what the hell you’re supposed to do. He didn’t hesitate to save your life because he loved you. You say you love me, but you’re not proving it. You with that nigga every five seconds. I feel I’m sharing you with him. Emotionally, mentally and I think physically,” he said, sizing me up.

  “I promise I have not had sex with him. I'm just there for him, Tre’.”

  “Be there for me!” he shouted, storming off. I quickly ran after him. This was Compton and me all over again but I was the one being walked away from.

  “Tre’ stop. Don’t go, please,” I cried.

  “You giving me no choice, Caliana. I don’t want to leave you or Mona but you choosing him over me. If you go and take care of that nigga then you telling me he still got a part of you
when I’m supposed to have it all. I can’t compete with him and I won’t. So let me know what you gone do.”

  He was giving me an ultimatum, and I hated to choose. Honestly, I loved them both. They both had something the other didn’t. I didn’t want my relationship with Tre’ to end, but I also didn’t want to divorce Compton. That would mean that it was really over between us and I just couldn’t come to grips to that. Especially after all that just happened.

  “He’s my husband and my daughter’s father. I can’t just…not care about him. Just please let me help him for a few months, and I promise I will come back to you. I’ll make it up to you, Tre’. I promise,” I begged, standing in front of him with my hands on both sides of his face.

  “There you go making broken promises again,” he whispered. He bent down and kissed my lips before turning his back on me. I watched him get in and drive away, and it pained my heart to watch him leave me. Tears flowed freely down my cheeks as I stood there alone in my driveway.

  “Dammit, Compton,” I sighed.



  “Damn! Mona is that you?” I asked my daughter as I lifted her up to smell her ass. My nose turned up, and a nigga almost passed the fuck out. “I mean shit god damn girl. You smell like a whole nigga right now.”

  I held her with one arm while I pushed my wheelchair with the other. Cali was at school and left me on daddy duty. This shit was hard as hell. I was still adjusting to being handicapped and then dealing with a newborn. She ain’t do nothing but cry, shit and eat. I kind of enjoyed the shit nonetheless. I thought I would never love another woman the way I loved my momma and Cali, but Mona’s ass had them beat.

  “Where the fuck them wet tissues at?” I quizzed, looking around her nursery. I pulled out my phone to call Cali. I hated when she cleaned up because she stayed moving shit. “Hello?” she answered.

  “How many times I got to tell you to stop moving shit? I can’t find them wet tissues to wipe, Mona’s ass,” I said into the phone.

  “Compton for the fifth time, their called wipes,” she spoke slowly in the phone. “And there in her Gucci diaper bag by her door. Make sure you put the cream on her-,”

  “Ass for the rash. I know, Cali damn,” I hissed, wheeling my way back over to the door.

  “Okay, bye-,”

  “Wait, Cali damn. Why you in a rush to get off the phone?” I quizzed. Lately, Cali had been distant with me. She barely said shit to me when we were home. She stayed in her room when she wasn’t tending to Mona or me. At night, she slept in Mona’s room in the day bed. I would hear her crying and shit. I ain’t know what was going on, but I needed to know the sudden change. I hated seeing my girl down and shit.

  “I just don’t feel like talking, and I’m late for my next class. I have to go, Compton-,”

  “Nah you ain’t going nowhere until you tell me what’s been up with you. Why the distant shit? What’s good lil’ momma? Talk to me,” I practically begged her to open up. I cared about Cali too much to just watch her deal with whatever she was dealing with on her own.

  “Compton I’m fine-,”

  “Lie to me again, lil’ momma and see if I don’t roll my handicapped ass down to ya’ school and embarrass the fuck out you. I keep it one hunnid with you so do the same with me.”

  The phone when silent and for a minute I thought he ass hung up on me until I heard her exhale. “It’s, Tre’,” she paused. In a nigga’s mind, I dreaded asking her what was wrong. the last name I thought she would say was his. But I wasn’t gone voice my opinion about it. I was just gone let her get that shit out and then bang my head up against the damn wall later for asking.

  “And? What about that nigga?” I quizzed.

  “We basically broke up,” she finally revealed to me. On the inside, I was celebrating but I had to be on some pretend shit. “It’s all your fault, Compton. All that catering and attention I been giving you got me neglecting him. He basically made me choose between you two and my dumb ass chose you. I always choose you,” she sighed.

  Now she had my head fucked up. I thought that it was gone be because that nigga cheated or something. That I would have been cool with no doubt. But knowing it was because of me, had me feeling some type of way. “Cali if he can’t handle you being loyal to a nigga then he ain’t worth it,” I shot back.

  “Or maybe you not worth it. You too would have a problem if we were together and I was always coming to another man’s aid. He’s basically watching me still be in love with you. That’s hard on any man. Now I’ve lost him, and it’s all your fault. I really cared about him, Compton.

  My heart tugged for my lil’ momma and her feelings. I was once in the same spot she was. I was torn in between two women, and I knew how it felt. I wouldn’t wish someone’s heart being tugged in two different directions on anyone. I saw what it was doing to Cali, and I wouldn’t be a man if I just sat back and enjoyed her hurt. It was gone be a challenge mentally, but I had to do something. Something I had never done and never thought about doing.

  “Mona getting fussy and shit lil’ momma so I’m about to put her down for a nap. I’m gone hit you up later,” I said before killing the line. I made a few calls and got what I needed. When my boy sent me the number, I called it.


  “This, Compton. Meet me at my crib in about an hour. I’m gone text you the address and don’t ask no fucking questions. Just get here.” I ended the call after I said what I had to say. Mona was slowly falling asleep, so I laid her down in the crib. I then went to go do some leg exercises to get my strength back. I could walk, but it was still difficult.

  I got in a good work out for like an hour before a knock at my front door interrupted me. I lifted my body up and got back in my wheelchair. I hated this shit. When I opened it, I sized up the person behind it. I couldn’t believe I was even doing this shit.

  “What you call me over here for?” Tre’ asked.

  “I got some shit to rap to you about. Come in and leave all that bass in ya’ voice at the door. Shit ain’t necessary,” I told him as I backed up to let him in. He hesitated with suspicion before entering. “Where, Caliana at?”

  “Don’t worry about her whereabouts. It’s just me and you.”

  “Oh, I see. No witnesses huh? Look if you gone kill me then-,”

  “Nigga chill out,” I cut him off. “Ain’t nobody about to kill you. That’s a bitch move and I ain’t that type. I honestly just need to rap to you. It’s about, Cali.”

  “Well she ain’t my concern no more since she chose you over me so why am I here?” I could tell he was getting agitated. The old me would have blown his head off by now just by him standing in my presence. But since I’m trying this grown mature shit out, I held back.

  “Look, this gone sound crazy but I need you to get back with, Cali,” I finally said. He looked me up and down for reassurance and then burst out laughing.

  “What is this some kind of prank you and, Cali doing? Cali, you can come out now. Jokes over baby girl,” he hollered out to no one. This nigga was the fucking joke. Like what do Cali see in this nigga.

  “Man, a nigga serious. You got my lil’ momma around here moping and crying all because you want to bitch about another nigga. I’m her husband until she signs the papers and I’m Mona’s daddy. That shit ain’t changing so like it or not I’m gone be in, Cali’s life. I’m giving you a chance to make shit right before I step up and do it myself. I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t care about her but I do. Too fucking much as you can see.” I chuckled.

  “So you serious? He asked still confused.

  “Yea nigga. I’m dead serious,” I answered.

  “So let me get this straight. You want me to get back with Cali because you love her that much you want to see her happy?”

  “Nah nigga that ain’t close to what I said. I’m doing this because all this moping around and crying she doing getting on my fucking nerves. It ain’t about seeing her happy becaus
e she would be happy with me. She just wants to be with you, so a nigga got to respect her decision.”

  “So, does this mean you will respect our relationship?”

  “Hell nah! I’m gone disrespect that shit every chance I get. I’m gone respect her decision, but that’s as far as the respect goes. Don’t let this conversation fool you, Cali is the love of my life. She means the world to me but she ain’t fucking with me right now,” I let him know, rubbing my now thick beard.

  “I want my wife back no doubt, but I can’t force that shit if she don’t want it. She wants you, and as hard as that is to say, it’s true. I don’t know why she wants ya’ square ass, but she does so just give her a chance. I’m all she knows, and her loyalty is with me, but I’m allowing you to at least have a fair fight because I won’t stop fighting for her. She the mother of my only child, she always gone have my heart,” I expressed to him.

  My niggas off the street may not understand what I was doing, but it was called maturing. I couldn’t keep allowing myself to hold Cali back. If she wanted this nigga she could have his ass. It wasn’t gone make no difference because I was still gone be there. I was gone always be there no matter what or who she chose. I didn’t want her while she was weak and vulnerable. I wanted no other motive for her to want to be with a nigga but love.

  “This some grown man talk you doing. You sure you ready to give, Caliana away? I treat her better than you and once I finally make love to her, she not gone come back,” he quipped, grinning.

  Shaking my head at this nigga was all I could do. I know if I said what I really wanted to say, we would probably be talking another language in this bitch. For the sake of Cali, I held my tongue. “I’m gone let you slide with that because I’m trying to be a changed man. But talk that hot shit when I get out this chair, and I’m gone put a hot one in you. No bluff,” I warned him.

  “I would say thank you for this talk, but it was not needed. I was going to get Cali back whether we had this conversation or not. I love her too, and I’m not gone give up that easy. I was just pissed off at the time. She deserves better than you, and that’s me. But like you said, you ain’t gone stop fighting, and neither am I so let the best man win.” He held out his hand for a shake, and I once again declined.


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