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Desperate Wish

Page 3

by Sioux Dallas

  “Drown my plane,” she smiled. She realized he was teasing her to try to ease the strain. “I feel so silly for feeling - oh, I don’t know, like I’m standing to one side and watching myself.”

  “It’s okay. You had a shock whether you realize it or not. I would guess that in the back of your mind you’re wondering how it will affect your father.”

  “That’s one of the first things I thought of. Dad is so worried about Mom, and he’s disgusted with his own illness. Too, he worries about me being alone with the work even if we do have an excellent mechanic who is a dear friend and has been with us for years.”

  “You’re not alone. I’m here. I can’t explain it, but I feel as if there’s a master plan for us to meet and become friends.”

  “Just like a man,” she smiled. “I’m not going to question that statement because I’m grateful for your assistance. Let’s get this over with,” she said as they stopped in front of the building where they were going. In the Port Authorities office, the officer taking the information asked for names, home address, phone number, social security number, birth date and place of birth. Amanda had to give her business license number and her pilot’s number, the address of the hangar and the purpose of the Eagle Flying Service. She then had to fill in a form concerning the purpose of her flying trip that day.

  This took longer than Amanda had anticipated. She walked out of the office on wobbly legs.

  Daniel placed his arm around her waist, and led her to the jeep.

  “Daniel, I’m honestly grateful for your support even though it’s a little embarrassing. I don’t know why, but I feel comfortable with you. I don’t usually take up with anyone this easily and go with a person without question as soon as I meet them. Forgive me I’m babbling. I always babble when I’m nervous, and I’m so whipped. A hot shower and a short rest will do wonders.” She nodded as if convincing herself that it was the thing to do.

  Following Amanda’s directions, Daniel was at the Wescott hangar in about twenty minutes. “Do you need me to wait and take you somewhere else?”

  “No thanks. I have my car here. If I can ever do anything for you, just let me know.”

  “You can.”


  “Have dinner with me tonight.”

  “Tonight! But we just met.”


  “I don’t know anything about you except that you’re courteous and kind, and a gentleman. As far as that goes, you don’t know me.”

  “So much better. We need to eat and what better way to get acquainted than to eat, relax and talk.”

  She stared at him as if she were trying to read his mind. “I honestly do appreciate your help, but I have obligations to meet and I need to get better acquainted before making plans to socialize. Forgive me and try to understand. By the way, how did you plan to help me?”

  “I’ll bring one of the ranch trucks and we’ll get duplicate supplies for your orders. Then I’ll drive you to Port Arthur, and when we return, I’ll dive to your plane and see if anything can be salvaged.”

  “Are you really a diver?”

  “It’s just a hobby, but I am experienced and I’ll be willing to do whatever I can to help you.”

  “To reiterate, we just met. Why would you volunteer to do so much for me - a stranger?”

  “A stranger is a friend we have yet to meet,” Daniel quoted.

  “What time do you want me here tomorrow morning?”

  She hesitated before answering him. “Is eight o’clock too early for you?”

  “Not at all. You forget I live on a ranch and we have to rise early to start our work.”

  As Daniel drove away from the hangar, Amanda’s thoughts were whirling. What is it about this man that makes me let down my guard? He may be as nice as he seems, but I don’t know him . Why is he being so helpful? It could be that he is bored and is just, how do the kids say it, he’s marking time with me?

  She walked into the hangar to tell the mechanic about the day. “I dread to tell Dad. He’s faced so many troubles in the last two years.”

  “Your dad has a strong intestinal fortitude. He’ll be thankful that you’re safe and alive, and he’ll know insurance will cover the loss of the plane. The premiums are high enough,” Michael Stallard reassured her, “but you can expect them to be higher after this loss.”

  “I don’t know, Mike. Let me think about it. Promise me that you won’t say anything about this to my parents until I think about it. Too, there’s no need to tell him until the insurance company investigates and we have more to tell him. Please, promise me.”

  “Reluctantly I promise. I don’t completely agree with you, but I understand what you’re saying.”

  Amanda quickly attended to writing out the records for the day and the financial statement.

  “Mike, if you don’t need me for anything I’ll go home. I haven’t decided what to tell my parents. The man I told you about, Daniel, asked me out to dinner tonight.”

  “Hey! Fast worker, but I’m not surprised. We’ve all known what a prize you are.”

  “Cut it out, Mike. Keep that up and I might start believing you. No, I turned him down because I just met him and I’m shot because of the day’s happenings.”

  She grinned and left hearing the comforting sound of Mike’s laughter.

  Please God. Let me pull this off. I don’t want to lie to my parents, but neither do I want to worry them, especially when they’re both so sick. I want to have more facts and more information on the how and why before Dad is burdened with what’s happening.

  Chapter Three

  Daniel pulled the big ranch truck in front of the Wescott hangar at five until eight the next morning. Amanda waved as he got out and walked to where she was standing with a clipboard in her hand. Daniel thought she looked cute in her pale green skirt, a white peasant blouse, and white sandals. She had her hair in a ponytail making her look like a teenager.

  Amanda watched him walking toward her with sure, confident strides in his western boots. She thought the jeans and blue work shirt looked just right on him. The open throat of the shirt showed a strong, brown throat and chest.

  “You made it. I can’t explain it, but for some reason, I feel better knowing you’re going to be with me. Did your family object to you taking off instead of working? After all Fridays are usually full of chores to be done for the weekend.”

  “I told them the whole story, and they agree that I should help where I can. I told you I have a good feeling about our encounter.” She was shocked when he kissed her cheek.

  He turned when a man walked over to them looking as if Daniel had better be on his best behavior. “Daniel, this is our mechanic, and good friend, Michael Stallard. He’s called Mike.”

  The two men took each other’s measure as they shook hands. Daniel seemed to be a foot taller than Mike, but Mike spread his feet and stood in a pugnacious manner.

  “I’m happy to meet you,” Daniel said honestly. “Amanda thinks highly of you and has sung your praises. I would have been happier if circumstances hadn’t dictated that we meet under the condition that we did.” Amanda hurried into the office to answer the phone.

  “I’m very thankful that you were on the scene,” Mike said quietly. He took several deep breaths and finally decided to accept Daniel, for the moment.

  “I checked that plane myself and would have gone up in it feeling it was top notch. Mandy tells me you’re going with her to make her deliveries and then dive to the plane.” Mike looked troubled. “I’m anxious to know the cause of the - whatever it was. Are you qualified to dive? We don’t want, or need, any more accidents.”

  “I’ve passed all tests with flying colors to dive, and I also fly a plane. We’ll soon know what the condition of your plane is in and hopefully learn what happened. I’m thankful Amanda was able to get out safely.”

  Mike grinned. “Yeah, she told me how she landed on you. Mike looked around to be sure Amanda was still in the office. “She ne
eds someone to care about her. She has given so much of herself to this business and to her parents. Don’t get me wrong. She willingly jumped in and would do the same for a friend, if necessary.”

  “What a pleasant surprise that was when she dropped on me,” Daniel hesitated and spoke softly. “Mike, do you believe in love at first sight?”

  “Well now, I haven’t thought much about it, but it would take a man, or any person, to have cement between their ears not to love our Mandy!”

  “Can’t argue with that. Here comes our angel,” Daniel smiled.

  Amanda waved her hand in dismissal and rolled her eyes in disgust. She walked to where the two men stood and smiled to herself at the difference in their appearance, yet, each one was ready and willing to go to bat for her. She felt humble and thankful for this blessing.

  Mike at fifty-five, about five-nine, had coal black hair and black eyes and a ruddy complexion. He had a stocky build and a ready smile. His face was lined showing he had spent a lot of time outdoors. Daniel at six-five, had dark auburn hair with a tendency to wave, green eyes and dimples when he smiled.

  His muscular build showed that he did a lot of outdoor work.

  I don’t know how old he is and it doesn’t matter. I’ll probably not see him much after this, if at all. Dear Lord, guide me. I know you’re with me at all times. Forgive me for my human weaknesses. I have a bad habit of asking for your help and then charging in to work out whatever I ask you to help with. I hope I’m not making a mistake to trust this man I just met. I’m nothing without you, Lord, so, stay with this child of yours and keep me from making bad decisions.

  “I was lucky,” Amanda told the two men. “A friend of Dad’s had the supplies I need in his warehouse. We’ll have to stop by there and pick them up.”

  Daniel winked and saluted. “You be the navigator and I’ll follow your orders.”

  Amanda laughed. “That’ll be the day when you follow my orders. You impress me as being as independent as I am, if not more so.”

  “Ouch!” Daniel grabbed his chest and staggered back a few steps. “You doubt my word? You sure know how to hurt a guy.”

  “Not really.” Amanda patted his arm. “You’ll survive.”

  Daniel opened the passenger door of the truck and helped Amanda in. He closed the door, turned to throw up a hand to Mike, and went around to the driver’s side. “See you later,” he called to Mike. Mike went back into the hangar, but paused when he got inside and turned to watch them drive away. I like that young man but Mandy is like a daughter to me. I’ll keep an eye on him. If he makes Mandy happy - well, okay.

  A little less than an hour later they were on the road to Port Arthur and made good time. They made the deliveries and had to take time to tell the customers what had happened to Amanda and the plane. Leaving there, they ate lunch at a drive-in and were back in Galveston at five after three.

  Amanda didn’t want to be a nuisance or an annoyance to Daniel, but this was a new experience to her, and she wasn’t sure how he was going to get to her plane. Could he dive safely? Could he find the plane and would he be able to salvage anything? What would happen to the plane?

  “Daniel, how sure are you that you can find the plane and come back up safely? I don’t want you placed in danger over my misfortunes.”

  Daniel smiled and patted her hand noticing the frown on her face as she searched his eyes.

  He realized she was anxious about his diving and probably had not completely gotten over the shock of having to bailout.

  “My diving suit is at the dock. A friend and I share a storage room rented there where we keep what we’ll need, and both of us have powerboats docked there. Amanda, can you pilot a boat?”

  “Now that I can do. I wish I could be more help to you. Forgive me, but I’m worried about the entire process and certainly worried about you going so deep. I truly do appreciate your offer of assistance, but if you decide that it’s beyond you, I’ll not think badly if you need to make other plans.” She made the offer, but hoped he would not back out on her.

  “Knock it off. Quit worrying. I’ll need you to take me out to the site where the plane went down and stay on guard until I come back up. I guess I’ll have to check in with the Port Authorities. Sometimes they have a diver of their own to go down, either with me or just their crew. I want to do everything legally, so that you won’t have future problems. They may feel that we need to obtain a permit for the dive.”

  Amanda had been listening, but she had also been thinking of a statement he had made.

  “Why will I need to stay on guard?”

  “A sensible diver, or a swimmer, never goes to any depth without having someone alert in the event of trouble. I don’t anticipate any, but it is better to be on the safe side in case you have to signal for help for me.” Seeing the horrified expression on her face, Daniel rushed to reassure her. “I’ve never had problems of this nature before, and I don’t know anyone personally who has. It’s just good common sense to cover all bases and have a partner above water.”

  Numbly she nodded, then turned to greet the men who had come to meet them. The Patrol had two divers ready to suit up and dive with Daniel. Another man was with them to stay above water. Amanda was grateful knowing that Daniel would not be down so deep alone.

  Lt. Kooper came to stand with them. “We’re fortunate to have a navy vessel nearby that is equipped to bring larger items up, if it isn’t too deep. I don’t think it is, because you’re too near the shoreline. We have our own boat to take you out,” he said to Daniel. “The young lady will have to wait here. We prefer to handle this ourselves, but we’re making an exception for you,” he nodded to Daniel. Lt. Kooper faced Amanda. “If you like, you may wait in the office and have coffee or tea”

  Amanda vigorously shook her head. “Oh, no. Thank you, but I want – I need to be here and watch what’s happening.” He understood her apprehension and smiled at her. “I anticipated your answer. I hope it’s okay with you, but I had a chair brought down for you.”

  She smiled her thanks but knew she was too nervous to sit. She started pacing up and down as soon as the boat left with the men aboard. She had never been a handwringer, but she now understood why some people got satisfaction from it. Her heart was heavy for fear Daniel would be hurt trying to help her. About ten minutes later, her spirits lifted a little as she saw the divers climbing back into the boat. They were too far out for her to see individual faces, just forms, but she counted all of them safely in the boat.

  Amanda quickly walked closer to Lt. Kooper when she realized he was talking on a communicator to the men in the boat. “Good. I’ll signal the navy vessel to move in. You men may need to secure their lines to the plane. Don’t let Mr. Cortland go down for that. In fact, as soon as the navy is ready to go, bring him in and get out of the way. Yes, they have a barge to bring the plane closer to shore,” he answered an obvious question.

  Amanda felt some relief but would not be satisfied until Daniel and the men were safely on the dock. As Daniel got off the boat, he hurried to her. “The plane looks to be in good shape. It’s topside up. Of course there’ll be damage, but we’ll soon know what caused the accident.

  I’m going to take a quick shower and get dressed.” He hurried to his truck, got his clothes and rushed to the showers.

  Chapter Four

  The navy vessel had come in and was in the process of lifting the plane on the barge. Amanda was surprised and pleased to discover that Daniel had made arrangements for a special flatbed to take the plane to the Wescott Hangar. He had hired four experienced men to ready the plane. It didn’t take as long as Amanda imagined it would. The men took off the wings and a few other parts so that the plane would fit on the flatbed without obstructing traffic. They were back at the hangar by seven that evening and left the flatbed and plane ready for Mike’s inspection the next day.

  It was nearly ten before Daniel could get away from ranch duties to drive in to the hangar Saturday morning. He had been
working since six but was invigorated thinking of seeing Amanda and checking the plane. It took a little more than half an hour to drive from the Cortland Ranch to the Wescott Hangar. He was curious as to why the plane went down but never stopped saying a prayer of thankfulness for Amanda’s safety.

  Mike had been at work for a long time but was delighted to see Daniel and have someone to discuss his findings with. His concern for Amanda was fatherly. “I wish she had told her dad about these problems, but she can be mighty stubborn when she is being protective toward someone she loves. He’s going to be livid when he finds that she has kept this from him and he doesn’t need more stress on his heart.”

  Daniel nodded in agreement but before he could comment, he heard a vehicle drive up and stop outside the big sliding doors. “Who’s this?” he asked as the driver opened the door of a blue van and got out of the vehicle.

  “He’s a stranger to me,” Amanda said as she strolled out to meet the man.

  “Good morning,” the man smiled pleasantly. “I assume you’re Miss Wescott.”

  “Yes,” she answered guardedly.

  “My name is Jeff Dorton. Here’s my identification. Your insurance company has instructed me to inspect your plane and try to determine the cause of your problems. My duties also include checking on the theft of a vehicle and tools.”

  “You’ve had other problems?” Daniel spoke softly in surprise to Mike.

  Mike nodded but didn’t answer. With narrowed eyes he was listening intently to the conversation between Amanda and Jeff Dorton.

  “My goodness! Thank you, Mr. Dorton. I expected someone to come by, but never dreamed it would be so soon, and on Saturday at that. Let’s go inside and I’ll introduce you to our mechanic. He’s started his inspection, but he’ll be glad to have your input.”

  Amanda introduced Mike and Jeff Dorton and then Daniel. Mike and Jeff discussed how they would go about their business of checking and keeping records. While they were talking, a man swaggered in. Audaciously he walked to Amanda with the obvious intention of hugging her.


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