Book Read Free

Desperate Wish

Page 7

by Sioux Dallas

  Daniel couldn’t explain his feelings, but he didn’t want to tell Frasier yet of meeting Amanda.

  He and Frasier talked about once a week on the phone, as they kept up-to-date on each other’s family matters and of mutual friends. He wasn’t superstitious, but he wanted to have some really wonderful news before he told Frasier.

  Two more wonderful weeks flew by. “Amanda, you’ve dragged your heels long enough. Please come to my house and meet my family. We can have dinner with them next Saturday. I’ve told them all about you, and they’re anxious to meet you.”

  “Oh, Daniel, I do care deeply about you, but I don’t think I’m ready to meet your family. Can’t we go on just as we have for awhile?”

  “Sweetheart, there’s no need for you to feel insecure. Believe me, they’ll adore you almost as much as I do. Amanda, I love my family and I love you. It’s only natural that I want you to meet each other. Please say you’ll come Saturday. I’ll pick you up and be with you all of the time.”

  “Shuu,” she blew out a breath. “I guess I could, but I’ll feel so out of place.”

  “What do you mean, out of place?”

  “It’s obvious you have wealth. We’re not poor, but we don’t have a lot over and above of our daily needs. My folks are so down to earth. My dad has worked hard and literally pulled himself up by his own bootstraps, so to speak. They’re not snobbish, and they do accept people by how they live and treat other people, not by their wealth or social standing. Your car, your clothes, and all the places you’ve taken me are not inexpensive. I’m afraid I’d be uncomfortable.”

  “I can’t deny the wealth, but my folks, too, are down to earth. Dad and Mom worked hard together to get where we are now. My parents are not snobbish either. They judge a person by his or her actions rather than what he or she owns. Darling, they will love you, and it’s only fair that you give them a chance. I met your folks, and I love them because they gave me you.”

  She was deep in thought as they walked on a path by Rainbow Lake. “Okay. For your sake, I’ll come to meet your family, but if I feel as if I’m going under, will you take me home?”

  “I sure will, but I’m confident you’ll enjoy the visit. I bet you’ll want to go again soon.” Saturday dawned bright and clear even a bit chilly on the first Saturday in March. Daniel went to pick up Amanda at four o’clock. She wasn’t ready, so, he visited with her parents. They had many questions about his family and his home. “I want you to come to my home sometime soon to meet my parents and have dinner.”

  “Maybe, someday,” Felicity frowned. “It might be better for your parents to come here. We’ll see. Here’s our beautiful girl,” she said as Amanda walked briskly into the room.

  “We’re going now, but we won’t be out too late. I’m singing a special in the church choir tomorrow morning and I want to be rested and at my best,” Amanda said as she walked out of the room blowing kisses back at her parents.

  In the car Daniel leaned over to place an arm across the top of the seat behind Amanda.

  “You’re singing a solo? Is it all right if I attend church with you? It won’t hurt me to miss my own church this one time.”

  “I’d love to have you attend. Do you sing?”

  “I have in the past. I’m a baritone. I’d guess you’re a soprano.”

  “I am.” She started singing “Angels Watching Over Me”. Daniel joined in and they blended so well that they sang several songs both spiritual and secular as they drove to Sugar Land.

  “What a lovely town,” Amanda gurgled as she appreciated the sights of Sugar Land. “I want to come some day when I can really sightsee and take pictures.”

  “I’ll look forward to that,” Daniel assured her and drove on through to his home.

  “Holy Hannah! You didn’t tell me you live in a mansion. I don’t know what I expected, but it wasn’t this,” Amanda moaned. “No. I don’t belong here. Please take me home.”

  “Amanda,” Daniel said firmly, “you haven’t even gone inside or met anyone. Don’t let the house intimidate you, it’s just a house. Once you meet my folks you’ll feel right at home. Please, honey, just for me, let’s go inside.”

  “Just for you. I owe you that much respect. Okay, let’s go in. By the way, I don’t have a drum with me. That’s my knees knocking.” Daniel threw his head back laughing and then hugged her. Placing an arm around her waist he led her up the walk.

  A whirlwind of twin girls ran to jump into Daniel’s arms and shout a greeting.

  “These hooligans are my twin sisters, Adrianna and Althea. You won’t be able to tell them apart until you get acquainted. Even if they are my sisters, I love them because they’re two of the sweetest people you’ll ever meet. They’re pretty special to me, just as you are, Amanda.”

  “At last.”

  “It’s about time.”

  The twin girls spoke as one. “We’ve waited anxiously to meet you and wondered why Daniel was hiding you.” Adrianna said. The girls squealed with delight.

  “Brother, dear, you’re right. She is be-u-ti-ful,” Althea drew out the word.

  “If Daniel loves you, then we do, too.”

  Daniel’s attention was caught by a little girl with long, curly, blond hair and bright blue eyes. “Hey! Helloooo, Melissa. What are you doing here?” He picked the small child up and hugged her with a smacking kiss on her cheek. The child collapsed in giggles. “Amanda, this is my beautiful little girlfriend.

  “Melissa, this is Amanda, my beautiful big girlfriend.” Melissa bashfully hid her face on Daniel’s shoulder, and peeked at Amanda.

  “Hello. Melissa. I’m so happy to meet you. Are you really Daniel’s girlfriend?”

  “Uh huh,” Melissa nodded with a serious expression. “When I grows up a little more, me an Daniel are going to get married and have lots of children, and dogs, and cats, and horses, and -” While everyone was laughing, Daniel looked around. “Where’s Trevor, my rambunctious little brother?”

  “Not bunctious, just bad,” Melissa informed him, nodding her head solemnly. Daniel looked with raised eyebrows at the twins.

  Althea shook her head and made a clicking noise with her tongue. “He got into trouble with Dad again, and he’s been under house arrest all day. Dad did say if he finished the school report, which he had neglected to do, that he could come out to have dinner with us.”

  At that moment a sturdy, handsome, boy with dark auburn hair, ran out the front door, jumped down the three steps and ran toward them shouting, “I’m free! I’m free!”

  Melissa placed tiny hands on either side of Daniel’s face and amused them by saying, “Big deal. I’m three, too.” Everyone but Trevor was amused at that.

  Daniel introduced Trevor and Amanda as they walked into the house.

  “Mom and Dad are waiting in the parlor,” Adrianna said as she and Althea got on either side of Amanda to escort her into the living room. Daniel came behind them teasing the twins by lightly pulling their waist-length braids like reins on a horse. Trevor ran past all of them to be the first in the room. Daniel placed Melissa on the floor where she clambered into a chair and gazed worshipfully at Daniel then curiously at Amanda.

  Amanda stopped in astonishment when an attractive, well-shaped woman in jeans and western shirt ran in sock feet to greet them. Her stomach even stopped doing acrobatics.

  “Darling, here you are. We’ve been waiting impatiently to meet your friend. Oh, she’s more lovely than you said she was. Welcome, my dear. My rude children haven’t introduced us. I’m assuming you’re Amanda, and I’m Myra Cortland.”

  “How nice to meet you, Mrs. Cortland,” Amanda stammered.

  “Mom, you didn’t give me time to introduce anyone. Amanda, you’ve met my whirlwind mother and this poor, hen-pecked man is my dad, Lance Cortland.”

  Lance kissed her cheek with a big smile. “You are most welcome. I hope our rowdy family won’t chase you off. Come. Sit here and tell me about your flying service. I’m a little jealous of
you. Wait a minute. I’m not hen-pecked. Am I, dear?” he asked Myra.

  Everyone’s laughter and teasing each other put Amanda at ease. She was surprised to find herself relaxing and enjoying the banter and conversation. She looked at the six-foot plus father with chestnut hair like his son’s and the petite tawny-haired woman who couldn’t be over five-seven. The twins look like their mother and Trevor and Daniel look like their father. I already like this family. I do hope they like me, too - for Daniel’s sake. Amanda suddenly thought of one of Lance’s statements. “Mr. Cortland, what did you mean, you’re jealous of me?”

  “Call me Lance. I’ve always wanted to have time to just fly and go where the wind takes me. My wife tells me I don’t delegate enough, that I should allow others to handle more of the business, and spend more time with my family and on recreation. At my age I should start to slow down a little and enjoy life more. Yes, I should make more time for my family.”

  Daniel laughed. “Sure, Dad. At fifty-five you are so decrepit you might be bed-ridden any day.”

  “Don’t joke about something like that, son,” Myra spoke firmly. “Accidents do happen and strange sicknesses do hit people. No, your dad is not wasting away from old age, but he has worked too hard for too many hours and too many years. I would love to be able to take some trips with my husband without him feeling pressured to get back to work. My heart will probably drop to my toes, but I would like for Lance to fly if that’s his heart’s wish.”

  “I’m sorry, Mom. I didn’t mean to make anyone feel badly. I’m so contented these days that I’m like a kid that’s been let out for vacation.”

  “And just what makes you so contented, son?” Lance asked with a twinkle in his eye and a wink toward Amanda.

  “Don’t embarrass Amanda. She knows how I feel about her. Don’t you sweet face?”

  “Daniel, if I were not a lady I’d-”

  “No one is laughing at you, Amanda. It’s that my less than intelligent brother has said many times that his friends were fools to trust today’s women and commit to marriage before they get the wanderlust out of their system,” Adrianna chuckled. “It’s obvious he’s head over heels for you. I’m not just saying this because he’s my brother, but when Daniel chooses a lady for himself you can be assured that he is sincere and will be faithful to death. Now that we’ve met you, I’m sure I speak for the family when I say we heartily approve.”

  Althea sat on the arm of Amanda’s chair. “Forgive us, Amanda. We’re not being intrusive. We always tease each other a lot because we love and respect each other. I hope you can feel that you’re one of us. If Daniel has chosen you, be assured that we’ll accept you with as much love and respect as we have for each other.”

  “Hear! Hear!” Lance said.

  “For goodness sakes,” Daniel erupted. “Why don’t all of you back off. Amanda doesn’t know us and isn’t accustomed to our teasing. I can’t blame her if she never wants to come back here or see me again,” he turned toward Amanda. “I’m sorry, honey. I never dreamed you’d be subjected to this. My family is not really cruel.” Daniel so wanted everything to be perfect.

  “Daniel!” Myra spoke sharply. “It isn’t cruelty. I’m sorry if Amanda has been made to feel badly. You know we only say what we’re thinking to people we sincerely like and accept. Amanda dear, we’re happy - no thrilled - that you’ve come for a visit and we want you to feel as if you’re one of us.”

  Amanda spoke softly, “I’m not around people who speak so freely. My parents worship each other and I know they love me with all their hearts, but they’re not so-”

  “Crude,” Daniel finished.

  “Oh, no.” Amanda gasped. “I wasn’t even thinking that. I meant to say open and honest.”

  “That’s enough,” Myra interjected, giving Daniel a look that only a mother can give. “Let’s eat dinner and let Amanda get to know us without intimidating her.” She led them into the dining room. “Amanda, you sit here by Daniel and Melissa will want to sit on his other side. The girls and Trevor will sit across from you and Lance and I will be at either end.”

  Daniel held Amanda’s chair, and then with a flourish that delighted Melissa held her chair.

  “Melissa, my darling, you’ve been so quiet, I almost forgot you were here.”

  The little girl nodded at him and said, “I’m a lady.”

  “I know you are,” Daniel laughed kissing her cheek. I neglected to ask. Why is Melissa with us? Is she here for the night or are you keeping her for awhile?”

  “Mommy’s gone to the hospital to find me a baby. We don’t know yet if she’ll find a boy or a girl,” Melissa stated with importance.

  “Really. I didn’t realize it would be this soon,” Daniel looked at Myra.

  “Complications,” Myra answered. “I’ll explain after dinner. Daniel, please ask the blessing.” Everyone sat quietly with bowed heads while Daniel gave thanks. After the food had been passed and they were eating, Trevor looked appealing at Daniel.

  “Bro, could you spare some time before you leave to shoot some baskets with me? Please. I need some practice in dodging and moving around.”

  “Sure, I’ll be happy to help you, Trev. By the way, why were you on house arrest?” The boy dropped his chin to his chest and sat silently.

  Lance spoke through the thick silence. “I hate to tell you, Daniel, but your brother is a car thief.”

  “What!? Tell me I didn’t hear correctly,” Daniel yelped.

  “Sad, but true,” Lance continued. “My Lincoln Zephyr has been in the garage for several days, and as I haven’t needed it, I haven’t checked it. Yesterday we asked Trevor to go to the mailbox for the mail. Grant you, it is a very long driveway. Day before yesterday Trevor was visiting with Brian Keller. They decided to ignore the pool in the back yard and sneak off down to the river to swim. Who does that remind you of? For some reason the boys left their bikes on the riverbank and forgot them. When we asked Trevor to go for the mail, he apparently didn’t want to walk, so, he took my Lincoln and drove it down. I probably would never have known, but when he returned he attempted to back the car into the garage as he found it. He mowed down some of his mother’s prize roses and destroyed most of the day lilies.”

  “Trevor,” Daniel said slowly, “I can’t believe it. How long have you been able to drive?”

  “Daniel,” Myra exclaimed. “You’re acting as if he should be congratulated.”

  “No, Mom. He knows he made a wrong decision, but how did he learn to operate a vehicle, other than the tractor, without any of us knowing? Did you girls teach him?” He turned a stern look on them.

  “Oh, no.”

  “Absolutely not.”

  As they usually did, the twins spoke at the same time.

  “We’re anxious to be allowed to drive alone, so we sure wouldn’t cover up for the rat if we had known what he was doing.” Adrianna glared at Trevor. Trevor only hung his head lower and squirmed. He didn’t like being under the microscope, so to speak.

  “He not only got himself in trouble, but he’s made it hard for us to get permission to drive alone, even on our own property. We know we’re not ready for the highway. We won’t be able to get a learner’s permit for two years yet. Now thanks to this criminal, the want to be demolition car driver, we can’t even drive around the pasture.” Althea spoke through tight lips and with flashing eyes.

  “Hey, don’t fight,” Melissa begged worriedly.

  “Calm yourselves,” Myra spoke with authority. “I suggest we change the subject. I hope you can forgive us, Amanda. Most farm kids and ranch kids learn to drive on a tractor at an early age.”

  “There’s nothing to forgive. I’m an only child and have missed having siblings. This is a new, wonderful experience for me. I can see you love each other, and I admire all of you for speaking out and clearing the air instead of bottling it up and suffering.”

  The twins quickly turned the conversation to their high school activities, and of course, boyfriends.
Daniel teased them by pretending to be concerned about their dating and wondered aloud if he shouldn’t ask the boyfriends to talk to him.

  For a moment the girls were startled, then they realized he was joking. They turned the tables on him by teasing him about his love life. He and Amanda smiled at each other and reached under the table to hold hands.

  Almost four hours later Amanda thanked them for inviting her. She thanked Myra for her delicious chicken and dumplings, the light as a feather biscuits, and all of her good home-cooked meal. “Myra, you’re an excellent cook. I enjoy cooking, but I know I could never do as well as you.” Amanda complimented her. “The crust on your egg custard pie melted in my mouth.”

  “I’ve always loved to cook, especially for my family, but as the children were growing, we were working so hard that I didn’t have time to do justice to cooking and holding a job. Now we have a cook that’s worth her weight in gold, but I give her weekends off so I can take care of my family. She’s willing to stay if we’re having a special dinner party otherwise she has each weekend off.”

  “The least I can do is help with the cleaning up and the dishes,” Amanda offered.

  Everyone spoke at once thanking her for her appreciation and her offer, but she would not be required to help with the work.

  “The next time you come, you can help,” Myra smiled.

  There were hugs all around for Amanda and Daniel as they prepared to leave and made Amanda promise that she would return soon. Melissa reached up for Amanda to pick her up which she did willingly. Melissa hugged Amanda, and placing a tiny hand on either side of Amanda’s face looked her straight in the eyes.

  “You be good to my Daniel and take good care of him. Don’t forget now that I’m going to marry him.”

  “I’ll take real good care of him, Melissa. Thank you for allowing me to be friends with him though.” Melissa nodded seriously.

  As Daniel drove away from the house, he looked at Amanda “Have you changed your mind?”

  “About what?” Amanda asked surprised.

  “Did you enjoy the evening after all? You didn’t feel uncomfortable did you?” he asked worriedly. He did so want her to enjoy his home and family and be willing to return.


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