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Desperate Wish

Page 11

by Sioux Dallas

  “I don’t like anyone telling me what to do. I’ve been on my own since I was fourteen and I can take care of myself.” He swayed and sat down hard on the bed.

  “Look at you,” Amanda scolded him. “You’re pale as a ghost. Being in bed saps everyone’s strength and you have had a good reason for a lot of rest. And by everyone I mean just that. The strongest wrestler in the world would be weak after spending time in bed.” She stared at Daniel for support.

  Daniel laughed. “Mike, you can play at being “He Man” in a few days. How often do you get a lot of personal attention and a chance to lay in bed, watch TV sports, read detective novels and eat junk? Where’s that wheelchair? We’ll race out of here while Amanda takes care of the paper work. I bet you even have a prescription for something to help you in case of pain.”

  The nurse quietly handed Amanda the prescription and motioned for her to come to the nurses’ station to sign Mike out. “The insurance that we have in our business will cover the hospital and doctors. You have a copy of my card and information on the insurance.” Amanda smiled and watched Daniel pushing the wheelchair down the hall. “Thank you ladies for Mike’s good care.” She hurried out to join the two men.

  Daniel had Mike in the car and had returned the wheelchair to the lobby by the time Amanda climbed into the backseat. “Home, James.” She laughed and tried to make Mike lighten up.

  Getting out of the car, Mike had to lean on Daniel to get into the house. He whispered to Daniel, “I don’t know why I feel so weak. Don’t let Mandy know or she’ll hover over me until I can’t breathe.”

  Daniel smiled. “I can’t imagine why you’re weak either. You only got hit on the head, had a concussion, were knocked unconscious and lay for three and a half days in bed.”

  “Are you making fun of me, Danny boy?”

  “I would never do that, Mike. You’re a sensible man. You want to take care of Amanda and help her catch the criminal, but you can’t do it until you gain strength. So, for Amanda’s sake, stay in bed a couple of days more and gain strength. That means eating properly, too.”

  Daniel helped Mike change clothes to pajama bottoms and get into bed. As Amanda was walking to the kitchen to get some lemonade for Mike, the doorbell rang. She went to answer it.

  Amanda opened the door to see two women, standing there with hands full of food, pushing each other trying to enter the door at the same time.

  “Hello, dear. I’m Martha Higginbotham, one woman giggled. “I saw Mike come home and know that he is alone, so I brought him a chicken and dumplings dinner.”

  “I’m Sarah Washington,” the second woman smiled. “I know how much Mike likes my homemade rolls and banana cream pie. I brought enough for you to share,” she said smugly.

  Before Amanda could get her mouth shut the two women were charging down the short hallway to Mike’s bedroom. Again they tried to go through the door at the same time and almost hit Daniel in their eagerness to be the first to greet Mike. Daniel turned to see a horrified expression on Mike’s face. Mike had pulled the covers up to his chin and was paler than he had been before.

  Amanda came into the room interrupting the ladies who were both talking at once trying to tell Mike what they’d brought him. “Mike will appreciate all your goodies. It was so sweet of you to think of him. I’ll just get Daniel to help me put all of this in the kitchen. Why don’t all of us leave the room and allow Mike to rest and recuperate.”

  Daniel walked out of the room in such a way that the ladies had no choice but to leave in front of him. Biting his lip so that he wouldn’t laugh aloud, Daniel ushered the two ladies down the hall toward the front door.

  “I’ll be back and wash clothes for Mike and keep his bed fresh and clean,” Martha said.

  “I’ll keep the house clean and cook for him. He likes my cooking,” Sarah said smugly.

  “You are both so sweet to want to help Mike, but he needs rest more than anything. Daniel and I will be in to take care of him. Thank you for thinking of him and wanting to help. We’ll take care of him.” Amanda politely, but firmly, walked the ladies to the door and ushered them out.

  Daniel hugged Amanda to his side as they walked back to Mike’s bedroom.

  Mike was still lying as if in shock with the covers pulled to his chin. “Are they gone?” he whispered. At Daniel’s laugh and nod, he spluttered, “Dern fool women. Can’t get rid of them. They know I live alone and they’re always bringing me something they cooked or offering to do something for me. I think they’d try to give me a bath if I’d let them.”

  “Aren’t you the lucky man,” Amanda laughed. “Two ladies willing to be your slaves. What else don’t I know about?”

  “Nothing,” Mike grunted. “Get out of here and let a man get some rest.”

  “I have a pill that you’re supposed to take. Daniel and I will stay until you have a nap and eat dinner. Would you rather we take care of you or should I call your lady friends?” Amanda asked with a straight face. Mike only glared at her, grunted and settled down into bed.

  “I guess that means you want us to stay.” The two young people grinned at each other as they walked out of Mike’s bedroom. “Poor dear. He’s worn out and too stubborn to admit that he’s exhausted. We’ll stay to be sure he eats and is settled for the night. I’ll come back tomorrow morning and check on him.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Daniel picked Amanda up at seven Thursday morning and drove to the hangar. With trepidation she opened the hangar door and eased into the room.

  “Boogie Man’s goin’ to get you,” Daniel teased with a laugh.

  “Honey, I can understand your fear, but try not to give in to it any more than you can help. If you live by fear, you’re playing right into the hands of the dirty bums who’re trying to intimidate you, or even put you out of business.”

  He went out to meet the pick-up that had driven up and parked in front of the building. A tall sandy-haired man got out. “May I help you?” Daniel asked.

  “You must be Daniel Cortland. Chief Morrison gave me a run down on you. My name is Shane Bullet. No jokes, please. I get a lot of that. I’ve been assigned as an undercover agent to be a combination bodyguard and investigator. The plane being sabotaged was bad enough, and then to have the mechanic attacked led us to believe there’s more to this than meets the eye. Then the episode last night tells us someone is very serious and getting impatient. Just in case Miss Wescott is in personal danger, I’m to be on site and hopefully put a crimp in the plans of the perpetrator.”

  Daniel was too astonished to speak at first. “Well, they’re finally taking her problems seriously. I’m happy to have you, but I hope you won’t be insulted if I check to make sure you’re the genuine article.”

  “I won’t be carrying identification, except for a driver’s license, for fear the police identification might be taken from me and my cover would be blown. Miss Wescott could be in more danger should that happen. The criminals would feel they had the upper hand.”

  “I understand. Come inside and meet Amanda Wescott. How much do you plan to tell her?”

  “Will she accept the idea of a bodyguard?”

  “I don’t think so. She knows that’s why I’m here. Why don’t you just tell her that Chief Morrison sent you out to keep an eye on her business in hopes of catching the criminal.”

  “Okay by me.”

  “I’ll introduce you to her and then I’m contacting Chief Morrison for your certified identification,” Daniel informed him firmly.

  As the two men started to walk into the hangar, a police car pulled up and the Chief got out.

  “Great. Shane, on the job as usual. I can always count on you. Mr. Cortland, have you brought him up-to-date?”

  Daniel shook hands with the Chief. “We’ve briefly discussed how we’re going to handle his presence here, and my name is Daniel.” He turned to greet Amanda as she joined them.

  “Honey, you know the Chief. This is Detective Shane Bullet. He’s been assigne
d to work undercover and investigate the incidents we’ve had here.” He placed an arm around her waist. “And don’t tease him about his name,” Daniel grinned.

  “I wouldn’t think of it. Good morning, Chief. I’m pleased to meet you Detective Bullet.” “Please. Shane will do. If I’m going to be undercover you’ll have to treat me as you would any employee.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind. May I tell my mechanic why you’re here? He’s at home recuperating from a serious injury.”

  “No,” the Chief spoke up. “For the time being only the two of you should know the details. The less people know, the less chance there is of someone accidentally spilling the beans.”

  Amanda frowned. “I understand. Just tell me what I need to do.”

  Daniel hugged her with one arm around her. “What we need to do. Don’t leave me out.”

  “How could I do that,” she smiled at him. “Gentlemen, let’s go inside. I have a fresh pot of coffee, and we can go over all that’s happened and what we plan to do in the future. Oh, Daniel. I hate to ask this of you, but could you go to Mike’s house and check on him? I’ll be too busy.”

  “I would be delighted to go. I’m not as antsy about leaving you now that Shane is with you. At least there’ll be someone else here. See you soon. Gentlemen.” He touched the first two fingers of his right hand to his brow giving a two-fingered salute to the men and left.

  “Detective Bullet, you’ll have to overlook Daniel’s protectiveness. He is so afraid that I’ll be alone and open to an attack such as our mechanic was. When he said he felt easier leaving knowing you were here, he didn’t mean you have to guard me; he meant there would be another person around and might discourage criminals from trying anything.”

  “My name is Shane. Remember? I’m just another employee. And I understand how concerned Daniel is. He wants to be sure you’re not carelessly placed in danger.”

  “Shane,” the Chief called, “may I see you outside before I leave? Amanda, I’ll be in close touch with you. I’ll see you later.”

  “I’ll be here for awhile.”

  “Thank you, Chief Morrison. I appreciate all that your force has done. It’s been a shock and none of us expected it, but I hope the worst is over.”

  Shane talked to the Chief beside his car. “Sir, this has to be an inside job. There are not enough clues to give us the impression that others are involved.”

  “I don’t see how it could be an inside job. There’s Amanda Wescott, her father when he’s able to be here, Mike Stallard, the mechanic, his nephew Jimmy helps out sometimes and now Daniel. Not a one of these would harm Amanda or try to sabotage the business. We’ll just have to dig deeper. It could be someone that these people consider a close friend. Be suspicious of everyone. You’ll do a good job. I selected you because of your reputation for being tenacious.”

  “Thank you, Sir. I’ll certainly give it my all.”

  The Chief nodded and drove off, waving at Amanda as she came out of the hangar.

  “Helper!” Mike yelped. “Why do I need a helper? By Monday I’m going to be back on the job and woe be to any scum that tries anything from now on. I’m ready for ‘em.”

  “Mike, it’s no reflection on you. Amanda and her dad think you’re the best in the nation. Shane Bullet is not only a good mechanic; he’s got the build and the muscle to make anyone think twice before trying anything again. Corbin has been so upset that you were hurt, we thought he might feel easier, and make it better on his weak heart, if he felt you had strong assistance. We want to make him feel you’re being taken care of. It won’t be for long. Just until the police discover the guilty party and make an arrest.”

  “Well, okay,” he said slowly. “If it’ll make them feel better, I guess I can put up with it for awhile, but this Bullet guy better not get in my way.”

  Daniel tried not to let Mike see him smile. “He’ll do whatever you tell him to do, Mike. You’re still the boss.”

  Daniel helped Mike take a shower and dress. He fixed western omelets, toast and coffee and halved a cantaloupe with Mike.

  “Dang, but that was good. What all did you put in that, boy?”

  “Eggs, two kinds of cheese, onions, green and red peppers - man that hit the spot.” Mike grinned and rubbed his stomach. “You’ll make some woman a good cook, son.” He laughed uproariously.

  “Put a lid on it, Mike. I’m not husband material; at least not at this time. I’m still trying to get established in a job and earn a living. But there’s a certain lady, I hope to win.”

  “Poor little rich boy. He has to get a job,” Mike grumbled.

  “Mike, my dad has the wealth. Of course he would gladly share with me, and some day it will be mine to share with my brother and sisters. I want to be able to look people in the eye and know that what I have has been gained by my own efforts. I will not respect myself if I don’t support myself. I refuse to live off my parents.”

  “You’re one in a million, son. I really do think you’ll make it, and yes, you’ll feel better about yourself knowing you did it on your own.” Mike sat thoughtfully for several minutes. He rocked and rested. Finally he slanted a mischievous look at Daniel. “Danny boy, how soon are you going to ask Mandy to marry you?”

  Daniel jumped. He got up and began pacing. “Mike, I told you I fell in love with Amanda as soon as I saw her, but I’m not sure that she feels the same way. Oh, she has affectionate feelings for me, but it’s not enough for a lifetime together. We’ll keep dating and getting to know each other better. I’ll admit, I would have married her before, but she felt it was too soon. I will ask her later. Now is not the time.”

  “Whatever you say. I think Mandy has fallen for you whether she realizes it or not. She’s so worried about her parents and now me, she may not think of a permanent relationship with you. And I do mean permanent. When Amanda marries, it will be for life. I sure hope you feel the same way or I might have to take a layer of skin off you.”

  Daniel smiled and laid a hand on Mike’s shoulder. “You won’t have to lift a finger, my friend. In fact, I would make a bet that you’ll be best man. Now, if you don’t need me for anything else, I’ll -”

  The doorbell rang. “Yikes! It’s one of those pesky women. Oh, Daniel, don’t leave me.”

  “Take advantage of it, Mike. You don’t have to make a commitment. Just enjoy the attention and let your wishes be known.” Daniel smiled. “After you’re back at work, you won’t be here much. They’ll have to find something else to do.” He went to answer the door.

  “Hello, Mrs. Higgenbothem. I’m sorry I’m leaving. That sure looks good and smells good. What is it?”

  “It’s called a meat pie, but it has more than meat in it. I’m known for my flaky, tasty crust,” she simpered. “It has beef, potatoes, carrots, onions and herbs. I thought Mike might like it for his lunch.”

  “He’ll love it. Why don’t you take it into the kitchen? We just had a big, filling brunch. He’s settling for a nap now, but I’m sure he’ll eat it later this afternoon. It can be heated later can’t it?” She hurried into Mike’s room.

  “Oh, yes, it can be heated. Oh, dear. I’m sorry I’m too late. I had hoped we could have lunch together and enjoy a nice visit.”

  “Thank you,” Mike said politely. “I’m sure it will be delicious. It’s real nice of you to do so many nice things for me, but,” he gave a big yawn, “I’ve been up a long time with Daniel and I’m so tired.”

  “Oh, dear man. You had a vicious blow to the head, so I’m sure you’re going to feel tired for some time. I’ll leave then and let you take a nap. You have my number. Call me if you need anything.” She giggled as she passed Daniel and left.

  “Boy, do I have her number,” Mike grumbled. “Those two women are driving me crazy.”

  “Lucky you,” Daniel answered. “If you don’t need me for anything else, I’ll go back to the hangar and see what Shane is doing.” Oops. I shouldn’t have mentioned Shane and reminded Mike that he’s there. To Dani
el’s surprise, Mike let it slide. He waved a hand to show Daniel to go on. Whistling happily Daniel drove onto the hangar grounds to see a man hugging Amanda and lifting her up to swing around. He was amazed, hurt and jealous to see Amanda throw her arms around his neck and kiss him soundly. He stopped before they could look up and see him. Who is this man? Should I go on in? Is this why Amanda won’t commit to me? Is she connected with someone else and doesn’t really know what she wants? Why am I sitting here stewing; I’ve done nothing wrong. He drove slowly past the couple and parked. He got out of the car with his back to them and turned slowly to see they had gone into the hangar. Doubting his own sanity, he followed. Why am I jealous? There is a bond between us that Amanda recognizes. He’s probably just an old friend come to town. Yes, that’s it... an old friend. In the hangar he saw Amanda and the stranger with arms around each other’s waist, laughing and talking to Shane. Shane raised a hand in welcome to Daniel as Amanda turned.

  “Hi, Daniel. I’d like you to meet a very dear friend. This is Vincent Rathbone. He and I dated in college and almost got engaged. Vincent left to go to service and we kind of drifted apart. Vincent this is my guardian angel, Daniel Cortland.”

  The two men shook hands warily sizing each other as they acknowledged the introduction. Vincent had the pretty boy looks with golden, blond, curly hair, cut in a fashionable style. His bright blue eyes were twinkling with joy. He was only a couple of inches shorter than Daniel and had an athletic build that showed either regular workouts in a gym or outdoor work. Daniel looked at him and decided that he didn’t do outdoor work. His hands were too smooth. His deep dimples flirted in and out as he talked and laughed. His pale, blue oxford shirt and grey dress slacks sported a rich look. His black Italian loafers were polished and shining. A gold earring was in one ear and a Rolex watch was on his wrist.

  Daniel felt crumby in his yellow shirt, jeans and western boots. He then mentally threw his shoulders back and told himself that he could measure up to anyone and he refused to allow himself to feel as if he were being compared to this person.


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