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London Royal

Page 21

by Nana Malone

  His eyes darkened from silvery gray to slate. “I have been dreaming of your breasts and how they taste since the other night.”

  Feeling a little self-conscious, I hesitated before sliding the garment off my arms.

  The moment I was free from the satin, Alexi reached for me and kissed me again as he slowly set me back on the bed. His hands traversed the bared flesh from my waist to just beneath the soft flesh of my exposed breasts.

  I wove my hands in his hair, luxuriating in the silky feel. His thumb traced the underside of my breast, and my breath caught. I lifted my hips off the bed, bringing my aching center in contact with his erection.

  He groaned and squeezed his eyes shut. “I'm fairly certain that you're going to kill me if you keep moving like that.”

  Eager to test out his theory, I rocked my hips again, and Lex cursed under his breath. “Shit, Abbie, I'm trying to go slow here.”

  “How's that working for you?” I rocked again.

  He molded his hand to my breast and rubbed his thumb in a circle over my nipple. “It’s an exercise in control.” Between his thumb and forefinger, he rolled the tight bud and pinched it softly. My hips bucked, and I cried out.

  Lex nuzzled my breasts, kissing each one in turn. “How are you feeling? Still better than okay?”

  I smoothed my hands over the hard ridges on his shoulders. “Y-yes. Just surprised.”

  “A good surprise or a bad surprise?”

  “A good one,” I responded softly. I'd never been this vocal in bed before. A small part of me worried I was doing it wrong. “A very good one.”

  “Excellent, let’s see if I can’t do that again.” He latched his lips around my nipple and drew deep. The thick ridge of his erection aligned with my hot center, and he sent charged electric pulses to my core as he took long pulls from my breast.

  My breathing was ragged as I called his name. “Alexi.”

  “Mmmm?” He turned his attention, and his expert tongue, to my other nipple.

  “You're still dressed.”

  He pulled back and stared at my heaving chest, seemingly mesmerized. Sitting back on his heels, he yanked his sweater over his back and off his head. I sucked in a shuddering breath when I caught sight of the hard muscled abs underneath. Wow. The other night, it had been too dark to get the full effect. He looked like he’d been chiseled out of stone. Surprisingly, he also had several tattoos. Something that looked like writing on his ribs and wrapping around his back. And a Gemini tattoo over his heart. But there wasn’t much time to explore the beautiful man in front of my. Apparently he had other plans.

  He caught me staring at him and smiled. “Come to think of it, you're wearing too many clothes entirely.” His hands tucked into the waistband of my sweatpants and my panties, and he tugged them down, smoothing them over my legs.

  I jolted when I realized I was naked. The shocking vulnerability threatened to take hold, but I held it at bay by meeting his gaze directly. I could do this. I wanted this. He was so unbelievably sexy. And I’d already come to care about him more than I probably should, but I couldn’t help that.

  Mimicking him, I said, “You’re still overdressed, Alexi.”

  He chuckled. “Okay, you might have a point there.” Shifting off the bed, he yanked off his jeans and grabbed his wallet before discarding them. I tried to meet his gaze but I couldn’t. Her eyes focused on his thick erection. I swallowed hard.

  “Sweetheart, my eyes. They’re up here.”

  Flushing, I dragged my gaze up to meet his. As if sensing my sudden hesitation, he kissed my again, slowly as if to tell me no pressure. What I'd wanted was a flash of heat and torn clothing. But he was giving me seduction. I was afraid of seduction. Afraid of wanting it. Afraid of needing it. “Alexi, I—”

  He lifted his head. “You want me to stop?” His eyes pleaded with me to say no, but his set jaw told me he was prepared to.

  “No. I just—I—” No matter what I tried, I couldn’t get the words out properly.

  “Whatever it is, you can tell me.”

  I swallowed. “I don’t have much experience. I haven’t got a clue how to seduce or anything.”

  The smile that spread across his face was possessive. “You've been seducing me with your eyes, your smile, and your lips since the moment I met you. I'm about to die because I want you so bad, and you want to pretend you haven't got a clue how to seduce? Me thinks the lady wants to torture me some more.” He nipped at my shoulder.

  I giggled. “I'm serious. I need you to take the lead.”

  “And so I am. I want you so much I can’t think straight. I can’t focus. All I can think about most days is how you sound when you laugh. And how you taste. I can take the lead if you want, but don’t worry about seducing me. I’ve been seduced since we fell into that puddle.” He kissed me again. This time a little more demanding. Instead of teasing my tongue into mating with his, the kiss was authoritative. Skilled and demanding.

  He shifted over my until he settled between my thighs, and I could feel the heat between us. His erection was mere inches from my slick core. One shift of my hips, and he'd be nudging my entrance.

  Lex dragged his lips from hers and placed open-mouthed kisses along my jawline, the column of my throat, my collarbone. When he dipped to kiss my breasts again, I moaned just before his lips covered the pointed tip. With his other hand, he teased the other nipple until I whimpered. Releasing my nipple, Alexi continued the path of hot kisses down my stomach, past my belly button. He nipped at my hip bone, and I squirmed. Was he going to—

  Oh. God. Yes.

  Alexi settled between my thighs and gave me a long leisurely lick of my heated center. I dug my hands into his hair. I felt him shiver, but he didn’t stop the long expert strokes of his tongue, except to occasionally pause and suck on my flesh.

  Electricity singed every nerve ending as he continued to lap at me. Quivers began deep inside my womb, spreading throughout my body until I thought I would crack under the pressure.

  Lex's deft thumbs separated my flesh slowly. He slid a finger into my and murmured against my flesh. “C’mon sweetheart, come for me. I want you to come.”

  Perhaps his permission was all I needed. Maybe the sensations were too much. Maybe he was too skilled with his tongue. Maybe I knew he was the only man who could ever make me come. Whatever the reason, I broke apart in his hands, shattering into a million pieces as my orgasm rolled through me.


  He waited until I stopped shaking, then kissed the inside of my thighs and licked his way back up my body. He brushed his lips to hers briefly. “You are amazing. I'm dying to see that again.” I flushed and looked away, but he turned me to face him. “You're beautiful, always.”

  Warmth bloomed in my chest and spread to each of my extremities. I was falling for him. There was no point in lying to myself. There was nowhere else in the world I would rather be.

  I turned into him and kissed him, tasting myself on his tongue and pouring all the emotion I felt into it. He groaned into my mouth as I sucked on his tongue. Feeling emboldened, I trailed my hand down his chest. He drew in a ragged breath when I found what I sought.

  “Oh, fuck, Abbie.” His hips bucked, pushing his straining erection into my hand.

  I trailed hot open-mouthed kisses along the column of his throat and relished in the feel of his stubble. When I found his nipple, his hips bucked again. With my thumb, I stroked the soft head of his length, spreading the moisture that had leaked.

  Hovering my lips over his erect nipple, I whispered, “Is something wrong, Alexi?”

  Something that sounded like a strangled moan tore from his chest, and he dug his hands into the sheets.

  “I’ll take that as a no.” I brushed my lips over his taut nipple, and I felt the shudder that rolled through his body. Carefully, still milking his erection, I grazed his nipple with my teeth.

  He bucked again, digging a hand into my braid
s, gently tugging my head back. “I swear to God, Abbie, you have to stop. Right now. If you don’t, I’m not sure I’ll be able to—”

  I ignored him, instead grazing his nipple and pumping his erection again.

  Before I knew what was happening, I lay flat on my back and he had my hands locked above my head, restrained with one of his. His hold was gentle, if I’d wanted out of it, he would have let me go. And he kept most of his weight off of me, giving me space, showing me I could trust him with my body. “You’re a very naughty girl.”

  Quickly, Alexi reached under the pillow and grabbed a condom. Rolling away, he sheathed himself before settling back between my thighs. He kissed me deep, and I widened my legs to accommodate him. His erection nudged me, and I moaned as he rocked inside.

  “Wow.” Alexi dropped his forehead to mine. He retreated an inch, then pressed forward again until he was fully seated inside me. “Abbie…” Her name on his lips sounded reverent.

  Her gaze met his and immediately all my insecurities vanished. All my worries. None of it mattered anymore. In this moment, everything was perfect. I felt perfect.

  The corners of his lips tipped into a lopsided smile as he retreated and sank back in. The need took my body again as he drove me higher and higher. I clamped my legs around his hips, and he muttered curses under his breath. When I pulled him to me for a kiss, he growled low in his throat.

  I nipped his lower lip with my teeth, and he scooped his hands under my ass, lifting my hips to his. The new angle had him stroking a sensitive spot deep within, and I sobbed at the pleasure. Her toes curled as I held onto him. Only when I murmured his name on a sigh did he stroke into me a final time, then cry out my name on his climax.



  Satiny heat slid across my body from chest to feet. I inhaled Abbie’s ginger and pumpkin shampoo. She smelled so good. She felt even better, warm and soft tucked into my side. Cranking an eye open, I took in my surroundings. Everything in the room was white. From the curtain hangings to the duvet to the wicker rocking chair in the corner. On the bureau were dozens of photos. And on the far wall, I recognized some of the photos I'd taken with Abbie.

  Her deep, even breaths told me she was still out. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d actually slept with someone. The few times I’d tried always ended up with a disastrous nightmare.

  But with Abbie, I’d actually been able to escape my nightmares. More like I passed out after exhausting myself. I hadn’t slept for more than two hours at a time in over a month. But with Abbie, all I’d dreamed about was her. Guilt pricked at my subconscious.

  I had to deal with the Gemma situation. She’d encouraged me to go after Abbie at the party, still I had an obligation. But it was way past time for me to start living my life. Gemma would have to understand. And staying away from Abbie wasn’t going to happen. It was almost as if she’d dragged me into her gravitational orbit with her wit, strength, and beautiful smile.

  I picked up one of her slim braids and inspected the woven strands of black and lighter brown pieces as they shimmered in the soft morning light. She shifted in my arms, grinding her hips into my crotch, forcing a hiss from me as my semi-hard dick sprang to attention.

  As if they were heat seeking missiles, her hips scooted back into mine, and I gnashed my teeth together, praying for control. She was so hot, so undeniably sexy without even trying.

  What the hell had I gotten myself into? I wanted her more than I’d ever wanted anybody in my life. But if I wasn’t careful, I’d lose her. I had too many balls to juggle. The safest thing for me to do was to leave her alone. But I knew I couldn’t give her up. I wanted a thousand moments like this. Mostly because I was a selfish wanker.

  She wiggled again. I continued to hold her and ignored the sweet agony. Fascinated by the contrast of my pale hand and her smooth, gleaming, dark skin, I stared as my thumb drew lazy patterns on her shoulder. I could ignore it, just for the pleasure of holding her.

  Ah, who the hell was I kidding? I was moments away from waking her when she wiggled again. I wanted her. Again. But I'd had her three times in the middle of the night.

  My hand rested on her hip and reflexively contracted when she scooted her ass further into my groin. I groaned. “Jesus, Abbie, I'm only so much of a gentleman. You do that again, and I'm not going to be responsible for what happens.”

  She giggled, and the sound was low and earthy, like she should do nothing but laugh all the time. “If you want to pretend later that I took advantage of you in your weakened and food-deprived state, then that's okay.”

  I grinned. “The authorities will eventually find me in here naked, half starved, tied to the bed, and horny, very horny.”

  She turned in my arms. “Now we're talking.”

  The shy looks and tentative touches she'd given me the other night were replaced by bolder, more confident caresses. She was no longer timid, but a woman completely aware of her sexual effect on me. Her delicate fingers wrapped around my erection, and she purred. My brain short-circuited, and I moaned as I pushed my hard length into her hand. She slid her soft palm over the tip of my dick, and I shuddered. I could come right now. With no effort, she'd reduced me to a pile of hormones. A pile of hormones with no brain that would have completely forgone the basics of survival for sex.

  “Alexi,” she whispered and kissed my chin.

  Heavenly bliss radiated through my body, and all I could focus on was her voice and the way her soft hand worked me, bringing me closer and closer to the edge of oblivion. I'd wanted her for so long. Now that I had her, I couldn’t control myself. That was a dangerous and heady combination.

  “Do we have any more condoms?”

  My eyes fluttered open as my brain had a panicked start. Condoms. Damn. We'd used three last night. I only brought a pack of four. If I was staying the weekend, we'd need more. Lots more. “I only have one left.”

  “Hmm, that is a problem. We can raid Tamsin's chest, but more than one, and she'd probably notice. We'll eventually have to go get some more.”

  I shuddered as her hand slid down to the root, then back to the tip again. The pressure she used was exquisite. Last night, between lovemaking sessions, we’d spent hours exploring each other's bodies. Touching, experimenting. In a few short hours she'd become an expert on how to drive me to the brink of madness.

  Unable to take her teasing anymore, I snatched up my wallet, grabbed another condom and tore open the foil. I rolled away from her and quickly slid the condom on before rolling onto my back. “I see you like to tease me. You like the control.”

  She smiled at me. “A little.”

  “Then come here, love. Show me what it feels like to have you in complete control of my body.”

  She levered a bare thigh over my waist and positioned herself over me. As she slid down over the length of me, I knew how much danger I was in. I was falling in love.

  Chapter 27


  I woke with a start to violent thrashing next to me. Quickly, I scrambled out of the way to avoid an arm.

  “No, God, no, please stop. You’re hurting me, please.”

  I shook as my heart thundered. What the hell was he dreaming about to provoke such a violent reaction? “Lex,” I called out. “You’re okay, you’re having a bad dream.” I watched him carefully, but he still tossed in the bed, with his legs tangled in the sheets. “Lex, I need you to wake up.”

  “Oh God, oh God, oh God, what did I do? What did I do? Everyone will know. What have I done?” His voice was tinny and raw, not like the man I knew, but more like a small child’s. Shit, what was it they said about waking someone one from a dream? Was I supposed to wake him or was I supposed to let it play out? Fuck me, I had no idea. But I sure as hell couldn’t leave him like this. He might hurt himself.

  Scooting marginally closer to him, I called out again, “Alexi. Alexi, it’s me Abbie. I need you to wake up. It’s okay. You’re safe. I’m he
re, but you need to open your eyes now, okay?”

  His head shook violently from side to side. “No, no, no, no, no. What have I done? What have I done?”

  All right. That was enough. I had no idea what he was dreaming about, but I wasn’t going to watch any longer. With a hand on his shoulders, I shoved him…hard. “Alexi, wake up!”

  He sat up with a jolt, eyes wide and panicked. He stared at me, blinked several times, then sagged into the pillows.

  I inched closer to him. “Are you okay?’

  He cleared his throat. “Yeah. I’m fine.”

  “Fine? I hardly call that fine.” I gestured to the tangled sheets around his legs along with his sweat-soaked T-shirt.

  He scrubbed a hand over his face. “Sometimes I have nightmares. It’s fine.”

  I frowned. That was no regular nightmare. “How long have you had them?”

  He shrugged. “Since I was a kid. It’s no big deal. I’m sorry you had to wake up to that. I usually sleep alone.”

  I tucked that bit of information away. Him sleeping alone was a very good thing. Although, that could also mean he kicked out his sexual conquests after the deed was done, which was bad, but I’d worry about that later. “I was really worried. How often do you have these nightmares?”

  “It used to be only every once in a while with stress, then in the last couple of months, they’ve been coming more frequently. A couple of times a week. Sometimes more than once a night.”

  “And you don’t know what they’re about or what’s triggered them?”

  His eyes shifted away. “No. I’m sorry I woke you. Let me make you breakfast.”

  I stiffened. I knew a dismissal when I heard one. He seemed so relaxed now. No, scratch that, more like resigned. “Look, you don’t have to talk about your nightmares with me, but don’t act like I’m crazy, okay? I’m only trying to help, but I guess talking about you isn’t part of the package.”


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