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Vagabond Circus Series

Page 53

by Sarah Noffke

  Oliver noticed Padmal slightly smile beside him. She was eating this speech up like a decadent dessert. He wanted to stamp his foot down on her toe, but then quickly admonished himself for such a thought.

  “Like my kids, you will always have a choice,” Knight said and then jammed a finger in the direction of the crowd. “But if you want to be a part of a show greater than one you’ve ever known, then I suggest you stick around.”

  And just then Oliver noticed the tall man’s expression shift. It was a strange arrangement on his crooked face and then the illusionist realized that Charles Knight was trying to smile. It looked like a grin adorned by a lizard, all wrong.

  “Now if you want to perform in the greatest circus ever then you will firstly not speak to my kids. We’ve established that. And secondly, you’ll always do everything that I tell you. No questions asked. These are not hard requests to follow, but follow them you will. None of you are so good that you won’t be booted from your spot and replaced. But those compliant will perform in a circus world renowned. You thought Vagabond Circus was good before but under my leadership it will be magnificent. Those who follow me will perform for the President of the United States in San Francisco.” There were gasps from the crowd. “And when we cruise into Santa Barbara we will be doing a private show for dozens and dozens of the most A-list stars in Hollywood. And in Los Angeles we will perform another private show, not for powerless stars, but rather for the most influential directors and producers in the world. Stick with me and you won’t just stay with me, you’ll go on to rule the world with your stardom.” And then Knight went silent and raised a slow hand at the exit. “If you don’t like my rules then you won’t perform in my circus. This will always be YOUR choice. Decide. The first show starts tonight.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Knight didn’t stay to take questions. He didn’t offer a closing to his speech. He merely walked out of the big top, Sebastian and Gwendolyn behind him and his kids marching in formation.

  “What in the hell is going on?” Jasmine said, turning to Zuma and slapping a firm hand on her forearm. The heavy pressure of the girl’s small hand made Zuma’s arm sting from the unintentional assault.

  Zuma pulled her arm away. “Please remember that you have the strength to break my neck

  with two fingers, so ease up,” she said to her friend.

  “I’m not that far from doing just that. Where have you been? Who is that guy? And what the hell was that about Finley?” she said, flinging her arm in his direction. “Oh, and don’t tell me you don’t know, since you disappeared with him and Jack. And now I just find out Finley is one of that strange guy’s graduates.”

  “Jaz,” Zuma said in a whisper, hoping that would encourage her friend to do the same. They probably couldn’t be heard over the commotion in the tent. Everyone was turned discussing the newest events with their neighbor. Several were lined up to speak to Titus, but he was bent over his notepad making notes with a strange intensity.

  “And why the hell is Finley standing over there staring at you like that?” Jasmine said, her eyes straight on the acrobat.

  Finley just shook his head and turned to the practice tent and disappeared in there.

  “Zuma, I want some answers and I want them now,” her friend said, her hands brushing her wiry brown curls back from her narrow face.

  “Look, Jaz, I’ll tell you everything but not here,” Zuma said.

  All of Knight’s kids had filed out of the tent. Zuma stood and Jasmine followed.

  Just then Titus said, “Zuma and Jasmine, I want your attention first. Then I’ll be meeting with the rest of you.”

  Zuma stopped and turned. Titus had his reading glasses low on his nose and was standing now, his notepad in his hand. “We need to discuss changes to the act with Jack’s absence.”

  “Yeah, where is Jack?” Jasmine said, scanning the tent.

  Titus held up his hand to pause her. “Girls, follow me, we need to discuss all the changes to the circus acts. Then you will rehearse nonstop until we have mastered the performance.” He didn’t wait for the two girls to agree before turning to the performers and crew members lined up behind him, most wearing confused expressions. “I’ll be back in a minute and will have attention for each of you then.” Titus held his chin high and Zuma realized something else different about the creative director. He wasn’t slouched, but rather standing straight, unlike his normal posture. “To the practice tent,” he said, marching in that direction. Zuma and Jasmine followed him.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Paralyzed?” Jasmine said before slamming her hands across her mouth like she’d said a dirty word. “How?” She looked at Zuma and then at Titus, who had divulged the information.

  “It was—”

  “An accident,” Titus said, cutting Zuma off.

  If you tell her the truth she will be too angry to practice and perform, Titus said in Zuma’s head. You know how emotional she is. I need her focused. Tell her the truth, but not now. Wait until after the first show.

  The brief pause in the conversation made Jasmine grow even more flustered. “What’s going on? An accident? Are you two speaking telepathically and leaving me out?”

  “No,” Titus said firmly. “It’s just that the whole thing is hard to discuss. It’s hard in light of everything to describe.” He looked at Zuma and then back at Jasmine. “Jack fell.”

  “What? While you three were gone?” Jasmine said, looking at Zuma.

  “Yes,” she said.

  “Where did you go? Why did you leave me?” Jasmine said, real hurt in her voice.

  “We went to…” Zuma trailed away, unable to think of a lie that wouldn’t hurt her friend more.

  “I asked them to run an errand for me,” Titus said at once. Zuma, and only she, recognized the micro-expressions that made it clear that this was a lie.

  “An errand?” Jasmine said, her tone unconvinced.

  “We don’t have time to go into this right now. We have to figure out how you’re replacing Jack. Finley, get over here,” Titus said, waving him over.

  He’d been propped up against some equipment, watching the interaction from a distance. Finley strutted over, his eyes firmly on Zuma. She couldn’t force her eyes to look at him any longer and busied herself pulling her long, almost-white and pink hair into a high bun. It was the way she wore it for practices, which she guessed they were going to be doing nonstop until it was show time that evening.

  “All right,” Titus began when Finley had joined the circle. “Finley, replacing Jack will fall mostly on you. Can you take over his part in the globe act?”

  “Yeah,” he said without much thought. In the second act of the show, a large globe was lowered from the forty-foot ceiling of the big top. It spun on an axis, supported by wires, and it was where Jack spun and flipped. He maintained balance using his levitation, but Finley could rely on his teleporting to keep him safe.

  “Are you sure you can take on the extra performances? I fear that having the extra acts will burn you out. And I need you to be rested enough that you can pull off the finale with Zuma, because that duo can’t be cut,” Titus said.

  Finley looked at Zuma, who refused to look back at him. “Nothing will stop me from doing that act,” he said, and the conviction in his voice made her insides burn like lava had been injected into her veins.

  “Good,” Titus said, not picking up on the tension. “And for the flying trapeze I’m thinking you, Finley, make the natural choice—”

  “No,” Jasmine said, stepping forward, aggression on her face. “I’m the natural choice. I’m stronger than Finley. Not only that, but a girl catcher isn’t just interesting, it’s unheard of, which goes in line with Dave’s mission for Vagabond Circus.”

  “True,” Titus said, “but are you sure—”

  “I have the strength to throw Finley across the big top, so yes, I think I can catch his skinny ass on the flying trapeze,” Jasmine said.

  A minuscule
smile wrapped around Finley’s mouth. “I think she’s right. And that way I can still perform the quadruple.”

  “Excellent point,” Titus said, relief making his brow finally go slack. “Okay, well, you three rehearse and I want to know immediately if there’s a concern. I’m asking a lot of you, more than Dave would have allowed on your shoulders, but—”

  “He’s dead,” Zuma said, cutting him off. It wasn’t a heartless statement, but rather one meant to encourage. “Dave is dead, Jack is paralyzed, and we are going to do anything it takes to ensure Vagabond Circus stays successful.”

  “Yes,” Titus said, his voice strained. “Exactly. Thank you.” He looked at each of the acrobats briefly and turned for the exit.

  Jasmine turned to the chalk station and the mats where she planned to stretch.

  Zuma didn’t waste a second before stepping straight up to Finley. “Stop doing what you’re doing, please,” she said, finally locking her eyes on him. She reached for him but he stepped back. “Finley, please don’t push me—”

  “Oh, and a ‘congrats’ is in order,” he said at full volume, cutting off her whispered, tortured words.

  Jasmine turned to the couple. Titus paused, having made it to the exit. He turned as well.

  “Congratulations? For what?” Titus asked.

  “Oh, haven’t you heard?” Finley said, his scarred eyes burning a hole in Zuma. “Zuma and Jack are engaged. They’re going to be married.”

  Chapter Twenty

  An excited shriek ripped through the practice tent. Zuma’s eyes widened, but no one saw them before Jasmine threw her arms around her friend’s shoulders.

  “You and Jack are what?” Titus said, walking back in their direction.

  “Engaged,” Finley answered.

  There was another pleased shriek from Jasmine before she released Zuma, whose eyes were pinned on Finley and smoldering.

  “It was really special to see. Very sweet,” Finley said, his voice flat. “I was there. Saw the whole thing. Zuma said yes before the accident and then after Jack was declared paralyzed she vowed to always stay by his side and never leave him.”

  “Finley…” Zuma said, her voice a warning.

  “And since Jack isn’t in the circus anymore due to his condition, there shouldn’t be any rules against it, right, Titus?” Finley said, turning to the creative director.

  Titus scratched his head with the other side of his pen. He doubted with Jack’s condition that the two would be breeding any time soon, so they were safe in that regard. And the idea that the acrobats had fallen in love despite everything gave him hope. A hope he needed. “Yeah, I don’t see anything wrong with it. Congratulations to you both,” Titus said and then almost smiled.

  Zuma hardly noticed the pleased smile since her lips were pressed together, her eyes heavy on Finley, her hand pressed into Jasmine’s, which was vibrating with excitement.

  “I knew you two would end up together,” Jasmine said. “What a sweet story. I can’t wait to see my boy Jack and congratulate him.” She then turned to Zuma. “Oh, girl, I hope you know I’m your maid of honor.”

  Zuma didn’t respond. Didn’t look capable of it.

  “I can’t wait to tell everyone!” Jasmine then said.

  “But wait,” Zuma finally stuttered out, trying to figure out how to undo this mess Finley had created to keep her away from him. “I don’t think we want to go public about this. With Dave’s death and the rules it would be a mess for the circus.”

  “Actually I’m not announcing Dave’s passing publicly,” Titus said.

  “You’re not?” Zuma and Jasmine said in unison.

  “No, I don’t want the bad press,” Titus said. “But actually, Zuma, I think that announcing your engagement to Jack, the once star of Vagabond Circus who is now paralyzed, would make for a great press release. And I think Vagabond Circus members won’t be upset about you two obviously breaking the rules. How would anyone be mad at Jack given his prognosis?”

  “Yeah, right…” Zuma said, realizing exactly how ingenious Finley’s reveal had been. He knew Zuma wouldn’t leave him alone but now she had no choice. She was engaged to Jack.

  “Then it’s settled. I’ll draw up a press release. This is just the thing we needed,” Titus said, actually sounding hopeful. Then he turned and left, leaving Finley and Zuma staring at each other, both overflowing with regret.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Redding Record Searchlight

  Acrobat Paralyzed, But Hope Remains

  Performing the stunts that entertain audiences isn’t always safe but the performers at Vagabond Circus know the risks they face. They take every precaution to ensure the safety of all, but accidents are in some cases unavoidable. The creative director for the circus, Titus Rogers, states that one of those accidents has happened to the beloved star of the flying trapeze act, Mr. Jack Fuller. The acrobat was in rehearsal last week when his harness was discovered to be loose during the famous globe act. By the time the glitch was discovered it was too late for adjustments and the discovery led the acrobat to lose concentration and that’s when he fell from the top of the tent, a forty-foot fall.

  “We are grateful Jack survived the fall,” Rogers reported. “However, he has a long road to recovery and it’s unknown if the star of Vagabond Circus will be able to ever walk again. At Vagabond Circus we are all reminded of how small things can change the course of our lives irrevocably. Jack is actually in high spirits though for many reasons. One is that the acrobat, who has amazed millions with his grace and stunts, has a resilient nature. Also he has his Vagabond Circus family supporting him. The last reason,” Rogers continued, “is that prior to the accident his co-star, Ms. Zuma Zanders, accepted his proposal for marriage. The young female acrobat will still be performing in the show during her fiancé’s recovery and she stated she will stand beside him no matter what because their love is that strong.” It appears that the people of Vagabond Circus are as magical as their performances and have the capacity to bring true inspiration to our hearts no matter what they do.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Warmth spread through Jack’s lower legs as Fanny’s hands hovered an inch from the bandages. “I’m really not certain of our odds here,” she said, an almost apology in her voice.

  “It can’t hurt though, right?” Jack asked, sitting up a bit in the bed Titus had brought in and had set up in the living area of Fanny’s trailer.

  “Oh no, not at all,” Fanny said, her eyes closed so her mind could seek focus. “It’s just that my healing ability doesn’t mend bones.”

  “Oh,” Jack said, the defeat strong in his tone.

  Fanny popped her light blue eyes open. “Now you don’t worry there, Jack. Just because I can’t mend bones it shouldn’t give you such a bleak perspective. I can mend ligaments and encourage your body to do its own healing. I’m thinking there’s lots of repairs going on in that miraculous body of yours. If I can take those repairs off your body’s agendas then it can devote all its resources to fusing the bones back together the proper way.”

  “So I can use them to one day to walk again?” Jack asked. He had already tired of skirting the obvious concern and was speaking plainly now.

  “Exactly,” Fanny said. “And once your bones seem strong enough then we can talk about physical therapy, which is where my work takes a backseat and you’ll really be in the driver’s seat. Attitude will be crucial to your success.”

  “I am going to walk again,” Jack said in a voice full of confidence. No mock conviction to his tone, only pure determination.

  “I know you will,” Fanny said, a sensitive smile on her smoothly wrinkled face. She stood from her seated place on the edge of his bed. “Now I’m going to go rest up. Healing wipes me out but I’ll be back in a couple of hours to do another round. Call if you need anything else.”

  “I’ll be fine,” he said, looking up at the woman.

  “No you won’t. If we left you here then you’d starve and wet
yourself. So here’s how it’s going to go: when you need something you call. I’m just here in the back,” she said, indicating her room at the back. “Now you need rest too, so close those beautiful brown eyes of yours and sleep. No dream traveling until you’re strong enough.”

  “Okay,” he said, feeling the exhaustion heavy in just the effort it took to say that one word. Fanny was still regarding Jack with a sweet sincerity when an unstoppable force shut his eyelids and he drifted away to a place where he could walk and move and seek the revenge he coveted in his heart.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Snap. Snap.

  Jack’s eyelids fluttered but didn’t open. He was on the edge between waking and falling back into sleep.

  Snap. Snap.

  He felt the presence, but couldn’t bring his attention to a wakeful state. Sleep had him hostage and he tugged at the chains they bound him with, but to no effect.

  A piercing whistle hooked into his brain, helping to saw through the chains. It was right up against his ear. Whoever this person was they didn’t smell like Fanny. Lilac and honey laced through his nostrils.

  The whistle again and this time he felt the breath tickle his ear. Jack brought his hand up to cover his head but found himself too clumsy to successfully complete the task. His hands ended up knocking into his chest. It was only then that his eyes actually broke the seal that had been imprisoning him in sleep. The images before him swam in a series of blurs before turning crisp.


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