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Run (Lakefield Book 1)

Page 15

by Jennifer Vester

  Chapter Fifteen

  I tried to open my eyes but they felt heavy, like someone had put weights on them. I tried lifting my hand to my face, but my arm only managed to flop to the side. My body felt weary.

  I heard beeping in the background like a slow methodical pulse. The temperature was cool and my legs felt like they were covered with a sheet. I knew I was in a bed from the feel of a pillow beneath my head and the soft cushion at my back. I smell cleaner and something else I couldn’t identify.

  There was a TV playing somewhere, and distant voices.

  I managed to pry both eyes open after several minutes of concentration. I saw white tiles on the ceiling. My eyes slid down and saw a wall with a TV mounted to it facing my bed. There was also a tall cabinet with gloves and a hamper to the right. My eyes moved left and I saw a man in a suit standing beside the window in the room. He was staring at some unknown landscape beyond the glass. I didn’t know what day it was. My sense of time was completely off. The sun seemed to be more than full in the sky and possibly getting dusky as if it was sunset.

  The man at the window turned and looked over at me, then pulled a phone out of his suit pocket, and started talking in a low voice as he walked out of the room. My eyes followed him trying to figure out if I knew who he was.

  The fire. The explosion. It all came rushing back to me.

  Logan! He had gone in the house before it had exploded. My eye caught something on TV. There was a house on fire in the middle of the woods.

  The headline made me groan. Latimer Estate: 4 Presumed Dead, Billionaire Missing.

  My throat constricted and my chest felt like it had been hit. Billionaire Missing. Aiden was missing. Four dead. The goons, the doc and Aiden? Had he come back to the house?

  A whimper slipped out and then another as tears slipped down my cheek. My eyes closed and I turned away from the screen. I felt a deep sadness wash over me. I couldn’t handle this.

  Regardless of his overbearing antics, I felt an overwhelming loss in the fact that I may never see him again. He was protective and wonderful in so many ways that I couldn’t define. It was suddenly clear to me that his behavior was always driven from a need to protect rather than true anger.

  I should have told him about the phone call. And should have never agreed to go out with Julia after the text. Brandon was still a huge threat and I couldn’t imagine what he was plotting next. If the explosion had been his way of trying to send a message, he was a sick man who would stop at absolutely nothing to get what he wanted.

  More tears flowed down may face when I thought of Aiden and the doctor. A sense of foolishness came over me. If I had just done things differently, the events over the last few days wouldn’t have turned out the way they had. So many “what if” thoughts drifted through my brain. I should have turned Brandon over to the police years ago. Then again, if I had, I would have never moved to Lakefield, would have never met Aiden, and would have never felt the promise of a future with a man I might want to be with. Would have likely been happy with.

  But if I hadn’t moved, he wouldn’t be dead.

  I heard Julia’s voice near.

  “Move or I’ll start screaming fire, rape, and gun all at the same time!”

  I turned toward the door. She came bouncing in wearing a half top, jeans and a sequin belt. She had a plastic bag in her hand and was carrying roses. Their scent left a sweet smell that managed to drown out the antiseptic smell in the room.

  “Idiots,” she said as she flipped off the TV.

  “Hey, I was watching that,” I managed to croak. My throat was dry and raspy.

  She turned and gave me a wink. “I see you’re up.”

  “Kind of. What’s happening?”

  “Dry the tears, and I’ll tell you what I know. Let’s sit you up first.”

  Julia started looking at the buttons on the bed and pressing them randomly. The bed lurched up behind my back, then went down, then my feet went up. Then an alarm went off.


  “Jules, you’re killing me. Just get me some water.”

  Three men ran into the room wearing suits, one of which was Jake. They all had their weapons drawn like they anticipated a gun battle.

  Julia glared at them. “You realize there are air tanks in here right? They could blow up if you start shooting.”

  Jake grimaced and put his gun away. “Miss White, I’m not even going to argue with you about that, but no.” He held up his hand to silence her when she opened her mouth again. “And do not mention the tank scene in Jaws.”

  He turned his head in my direction and smiled.

  Two nurses, and I assumed a doctor in a white coat, shoved their way through the crowd. They all looked agitated and extremely harassed.

  One of the nurses barked at them. “Out NOW. I don’t care who you work for, you can’t be in here right now and we need some room.”

  The two men with Jake disappeared. He squeezed up as tight as he could to the wall. Julia crossed the room and sat on a chair in the corner, rolling her eyes. The nurse gave them both one last glare.

  The doctor meanwhile, turned off the alarm on the bed and pressed two buttons that raised me up into sitting position. He pulled out a pen light and shoved it in my face while the barking nurse took my vitals. The other nurse just smiled at me while she wrote on a clipboard.

  “Feel any dizziness?” the doctor said.

  “No, can I get some water?”

  “How about headache, soreness anywhere?”

  “No but I’m thirsty.”

  He nodded. “We have you on an IV and a mild pain reducer right now. You were passed out when they brought you in and we were worried about head trauma. We’ll keep an eye on you.”

  “Let me guess. For the next five days?”

  “Well that’s generally the observation time.”

  I looked up at the ceiling tiles in annoyance. “Fuck. My. Life.”

  Julia giggled. Jake cleared his throat.

  What was wrong with them? Aiden was missing and people were dead. I was starting to rethink my choices in a best friend and Jake was just a complete jerk. I wanted out of here to grieve in silence.

  The doctor and nurses left the room, Jake following in their wake.

  My eyes wandered back to the window.

  I just stared into the distance at the sky and remained quiet. I was obviously caught in some alternate reality. Maybe I slipped though some wormhole in space at some point because I couldn’t imagine why all of this was happening in my life. There was some program I had watched about this very thing happening to a man in Ohio back in the colonial era.

  Aiden was dead, not missing. I knew it and I couldn’t think of anything else.

  I should have stayed with him and shouldn’t have left. I didn’t want to be the one left behind to mourn.

  I loved him.

  All those stupid bossy things he said. All the cheesy jokes and his bossy behavior. Now I didn’t have a chance to tell him. All because I ran. Just like he kept telling me not to. I was upset at myself. Feelings of guilt washed over me for not facing things like I should have and now he was gone.

  Julia came and sat on the bed. She looked down at me with a sad smile.

  “Don’t overthink it. We’ll be out of here soon. You won’t spend another five days here, I promise.”

  “What happened and where the hell am I?”

  “You’re at a private clinic. Aiden’s house exploded and you’re presumed dead. Welcome to death. You need a hairbrush.”

  “I’m—What did you say?”

  “Hairbrush. Some makeup too. Brought it with me. You’re leaving soon so don’t worry about it. Need some water?”

  I blinked at her. What the hell, why not? This wasn’t my reality anyway. Wormhole!

  “Uhm, yeah, whatever.”

  One of the nurses came back in and injected something into the IV line. She smiled at me. “Something to help you sleep Miss Dawkins. It’s very mild. Oh, and good
luck, Julia told me you were trying for a baby.”

  I glared at Julia as soon as the nurse left.

  She brought a small cup of water to me and I took a sip. “You know, you really would test the patience of a saint, Julia.”

  She shrugged and took the cup. “Yeah, well, good thing you love me.”

  I nodded and my eyes started to drift shut on their own. I didn’t fight it.

  Thinking about Aiden dead or missing was too much right now and caused too much pain. If I slept for the next year I wouldn’t care.

  * * *

  I was groggy when I opened my eyes again. I didn’t hear any beeping and the room was incredibly dark. I felt sheets against my skin and smelled something like lemon cleaner.

  Great. I had died and been put in the morgue. And I needed to pee.

  There was something heavy pressing down on my stomach which wasn’t helping my bladder. I really did need to pee and didn’t care if some orderly got the scare of their life by seeing a corpse headed to the bathroom.

  I felt around on the sheet covering me and my hand came in contact with an arm. A very solid arm, with arm hair, and the arm was warm. I poked my fingertips across the arm. It didn’t move much. I grabbed it and lifted it to the side, then dropped it.

  Pee, I decided. Deal with the arm later.

  I slipped out of the sheets, and swung my legs to the side. It felt like a bed. I stood up and ran my hands down my sides. No clothes. Underwear intact. No wires or tubes and nothing missing.

  I walked forward with my hands out in front of me. I couldn’t see anything in the pitch-black darkness. My fingers found something solid. A wall. I walked to the side as I ran my fingers across it. I stopped when I touched what felt like a wooden frame. I felt around it. A door frame. My hand took hold of the handle when I found it and turned. I walked forward searching for a light switch, found it and flipped it.

  Bathroom. Thank gawd!

  I did my thing. It was an unusually nice bathroom for a morgue. Countertops, double sinks, tile all in a dark green but nice.

  I washed and swung the door open, shedding a small shaft of light on the room I had come from. There was a bed covered in black satin sheets and some nightstands with lamps on either side. On the other side of the room, there was a dresser and a small desk with a computer.

  The arm on top of the sheets moved. It seemed to be searching for something. The pillow, next to the one I had apparently just left, moved as well.

  The entire bed moved and I saw a huge naked chest with a clock tattoo emerge from the covers. It was attached to a gorgeous, sexy, bossy man that I was very familiar with.

  “Aiden?” I whispered.

  He turned to me and squinted his eyes against the light.

  “Yeah babe. Get back in bed. Now.”

  I just stood there for a moment. A well of emotion boiled to the surface. Tears ran down my cheeks. There was a heavy pressure where my heart was.

  “Am I dead?” I sputtered.

  Aiden flung the covers off his legs. His hair was slightly ruffled He wasn’t wearing any clothing. He walked toward me, broad shoulders, narrow waist, muscled legs. Finely chiseled from top to bottom, all in complete view. Including a semi-hard erection.

  “No. You’re not dead babe.”

  He came to a stop in front of me and tentatively reached up to brush a tear off my face. His fingers lingered on my cheek as his blue eyes stared down at me. They looked intense as he searched my face.

  “You’re alive Aiden.”

  “Yeah sweetheart and you’re in a lot of trouble.”

  I blanched, “Wha—”

  He put a finger over my mouth, took me by the waist and scooted me back into the bathroom. Walking over the counter with me in tow, he sat down and literally turned me around and over his knee.

  “Aiden! What the fuck!”

  “Punishment dearest.” He yanked down my underwear to the tops of my thighs and spanked me on the side of one cheek.

  I yelped. “Aiden stop. What are you talking about?”

  “Running.” Thwack!


  “Cussing. Making me think you died.” Thwack! Thwack!


  “Driving me absolutely nuts.” Thwack!

  I wiggled on his lap trying to get up. My face was turned down toward the floor and my feet were off the ground. It was hard to get leverage. He kept naming a list of bogus transgressions. It wasn’t hurting as much as humiliating.

  Even though he was acting like a barbarian, the rhythmic spanking was shooting erotic sensations through my body. I was getting somewhat turned on when he stopped.

  “Aiden?” I said breathlessly.

  “Oh, and being the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. And for lying about the Literacy Council. And for wearing that dress.” Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!

  I giggled. “That bar idea was Julia, you big oaf.”

  “Being friends with Julia.” Thwack!

  He turned me back over and stood me in front of him. My body was wedged between his knees. One of his hands was massaging my ass and the other reached up to press me against him.

  I could feel the heat of his erection against my stomach. Reaching down I took it in my palm and rubbed him in a loose grip. He was hard and hot.

  He kissed my face and shifted off the counter.

  He removed my hand but linked his fingers with mine as he walked over to the shower. He turned it on and let it warm up before stepping inside, dragging me in with him.

  The water hit my side and felt good as it slid down. Aiden gripped me around my shoulders and locked me against his chest. We stood there in the spray for a few minutes.

  One of his hands went back to massaging my backside. I shivered against him as my body became aware of my desires. I lifted a hand to his neck and pulled his face down to meet mine. I ran my tongue over his lips and nipped at his bottom lip.

  He took over the kiss and slanted his mouth fiercely across mine. I was pressed so tight against him that I didn’t know where my body began and his ended. We were one wet, slick entity of soft skin against hard muscle. His chest rubbed at my nipples as he took everything he wanted from our kiss.

  “You’re mine Olivia.” He said against my lips. “Don’t ever leave again.”

  I nodded at him and tangled my fingers in his hair.

  He bent down and grabbed me under my ass to lift me up against the wall. The tile was cool against my back as he leaned into me. My legs were wrapped around his waist and his hands held me.

  He frantically kissed at the side of my neck, sucking and licking. His mouth was sending chills to my stomach and lower region. He shifted slightly and I felt the head of his shaft nudging at my entrance.

  He groaned as he impaled me.

  I cried out and he smothered my mouth with his tongue and lips.

  Then he began thrusting. Hard and deep. I was spread for him, my body knowing his, and still tight around him. I could feel his cock stretching me to fit him, to only know the mold of his body.

  My clit was rubbing against his skin, driving the heat building within me.

  “Oh Aiden,” I moaned. I grabbed at his neck as my head arched back.

  “Come for me,” he grunted.

  I could feel the strain on his arms. His muscles clenching as he drove into me faster.

  The friction was making me clench around him and he groaned against my ear. The water poured off us, but did nothing to cool the searing heat of my body as it spiraled out of control.

  I screamed when the orgasm took me. I clenched hard around him as he continued to pound me. He followed a few thrusts later and bit down on the side of my neck.

  He set me down gently, sliding out of me. I clung to him on unsteady legs as he cleaned us both off. I was exhausted and laid my head against him.

  “Baby, you okay?”

  I nuzzled closer to him.

  He brushed the back of my hair as the water soaked it. He gently moved it off my f
ace and turned my chin up to him. “You okay?”

  I looked up at him and whimpered. Then I turned my face into his chest and cried.


  “I’m sorry Aiden.”

  His arms came around me and squeezed. “For what sweetheart?”

  “I should have stayed. Should have talked to you.”

  Aiden shut off the water and reached for some towels in a rack outside the door.

  “Babe let’s get you dry. Don’t cry. It’s going to kill me.” He rubbed a towel over my face and hair.

  “You can’t just tell someone not to cry,” I sputtered.

  “Yeah babe, I can. Stop crying. We’re going to bed.”

  I smacked him on the shoulder. “You are so annoyingly bossy.”

  He grinned at me and finished toweling us both off. Then he picked me up and carried me to the bedroom. He set me down on the satin sheets, moved me over and climbed in beside me.

  I raised up on an elbow to look at him. He flung an arm around me and pressed me up against his chest. One of his legs hooked around mine.

  “Go to sleep babe.”

  I wiggled against him trying to get free and his arms tightened around me.

  “Aiden! What happened today? I’m not going to sleep.”

  “I’ll explain in the morning.”

  I nudged him in the rib. “No, explain now. The house blew up. Why is everyone acting so calm about all of this?”

  “I heard you were crying at the clinic. You cried for me?”

  “Of course, I was crying for you! The TV said you were missing and that people died.”

  “Kind of cute you were crying for me.”

  I nudged him harder in the ribs. “Aiden! I swear if you don’t start talking I’m going to keep you up all night!”

  He sighed. “Okay. Okay, then we’re sleeping.”


  “You love to argue.”

  I let out a frustrated growl.

  He laughed. “So, Holden and I went out to the training field. He threatened to kick my ass if I didn’t go back. He was like a bulldog on me. Bit my head off. He’s so moody lately.”


  “Anyway, we were walking back and we heard the blast. Saw the fire through the trees. Came running around the corner and the house was torn to shit. Thought you were in there.”


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