Book Read Free

Rock Bottom

Page 15

by Josephine Traynor

  “I’m going to come if you keep doing that,” Reece stammers. “Don’t stop.”

  I watch his balls contract as I keep up my pace. I can feel the first few squirts of his come hit my tongue, but being upside down makes it hard to coordinate all this, and I let him drop from my mouth. I tilt my head and continue to suck the side of his cock as milky white fluid shoots out and lands on his jeans.

  “Holy hell. Doesn’t get much better than that,” he said as he turns me the right way up. “You okay?” I nod and suddenly feel very exposed. I’m sure I have come on my chin just as I’m looking at the shiny sheen of Reece’s face. We both start to laugh at the scene around us.

  “Are you okay?” I ask.

  “Madelyn, I’m better than okay. I’m fucking awesome. I think a shower is in order and then some dessert.” I don’t resist as he slings an arm over my shoulder and pulls me in for a tight hug. My arms instinctively go around his waist, and I just take a minute to take in the moments before. I feel amazing. Jelly legged but amazing. I have never come as hard as that and even though I’ve just ridden the wave, I can’t wait to do it again.

  “You’re gonna have to help me put the washing on,” Reece said as he moves away from me and scoops up the rest of our clothes from the floor. I open the lid for him and scoop in some more powder. “Might wanna make it two scoops. Can’t have my jeans stained any more than what they are.”

  I place in a second scoop and laugh, “I was wondering how we were going to lighten the mood, and you’ve just done it.”

  “Are you uncomfortable?” I can feel his gaze on me. Was I?

  “Surprisingly no,” I reply. “I mean, I can still taste you, and I’m standing here naked in your house, but no. I don’t feel uncomfortable. I know of just the thing I’m hankering for.”

  “How about a shower? You jump in, and I’ll run down and grab that chocolate bar and join you.”

  “You’re going to shower with a bar of chocolate.”

  “No, smart arse. We can share it in bed.”

  I stop and turn to face him. “You’re going to share your chocolate with me?”

  “I would love to share it with you.”

  As silly as it sounds. A shower, a chocolate bar and sharing a bed with Reece sounds like my perfect kind of night and much better than what I had in mind of just a shower and then the walk of shame.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  It appears Reece is quite the gentleman. He kept his hands on the job of cleaning my body down while peppering my skin with kisses and gentle touches. He left me to have a few moments in the shower alone before coming back armed with a towel. He helped me out of the shower and dried every inch of me before ducking out to the bedroom and returning with a sheet.

  “Sorry to hijack your night,” I say as I tuck the ends of the sheet into the material under my arms while he wore black boxer briefs low on his hips.

  “Oh, I’m happy for that kind of interruption. I’m pretty damned hungry, you zapped the energy from me. Let’s go eat.” Reece held his hand out for me to take and we make our way down the stairs. He sits me at the breakfast bench and hands me a tall glass filled with pink liquid.

  “It’s a smoothie. It’s the only thing I’ve been able to manage that looks like the picture. I’m slowly expanding my repertoire. That Pinterest you showed me. Holy shit! This is the answer to my prayers. I downloaded that app to my phone and fell asleep with it in my hand. I’ve created an account, I have boards, I even have followers. They don’t know it’s me. My username is RsBitsNPieces. Before, and I hate to say it, I filled my nights with porn. Now, it’s all pinning and scoping out what I can make next. Smoothies. If you don’t like that one, I can make you another. I have those mofo’s nailed. I’ve even got creative with my sandwiches. The shit part of cooking is the cleaning.” He stops and realises I’m smiling at him. “I’m going on aren’t I?”

  “Not at all. It’s exciting to see you so happy and inspired,” I take a sip of my drink. Strawberries and something else that I can’t place, but it’s delicious. “Yummy.”

  I’m about to ask Reece what he’s going to drink when he held up his hand to ask for a minute and heads off in the direction of the front room.

  “I’ll be with you in just a minute,” he calls as his pants hang off his hips. “Have to just adjust my list.”

  The smoothie doesn’t last long as I drink the last of it. Moving off my chair and take the glass over to the sink when I feel the sheet snag and start to loosen around my chest. My hand grabs at the fabric to stop it from falling completely while I try and get rid of the glass in my hand. I turn to grab the sheet to free it from its snag and I see that the snag is Reece. He tugs gently on the linen again causing us both to laugh.

  “That didn’t take long,” I say, and I stop pulling on the sheet, but hold firm to stop Reece from stripping me of it. He releases his grip and steals a quick kiss on my shoulder as I move past him to take my seat. “So what did you want to start with? We can do some driving tomorrow if you like. I have to do a shift at the pub, but that’s through the day. We can drive for a little bit after if you like?”

  Reece agrees, and I take him up on the offer of another smoothie. I rest my head on my hands that are propped up on the bench and watch Reece as he moves confidently around the kitchen. He’s the stuff of wet dreams. Sexy physique, low-hung boxers, smile on his face and domesticated. He’s talking about desserts he’s seen that he wouldn’t mind having a try at. He still talks even though the blender drowns him out. He turns and flicks a knife around in hand, considering he was unsure about peas, to how he’s handling himself and the food quality, he’s taken great strides. I can’t help to feel privileged to see his transformation. By all reports, I’m probably the only person that’s seen this side of him. That sentiment alone makes me smile.

  “So I want to talk to you about something I saw on the TV today, and I want to ask because I’m checking on you to make sure you are okay.”

  “Sean?” he says.

  “Still no contact from him?”

  Reece shakes his head. “I’m trying to stay off the grid, but trying to tempt him to come out and talk to me.”

  “Do you know what you are going to say to him?”

  Reece stops cutting and puts his hands on the bench. “You know I have spent hours running over how meeting up with him is going to play out. The same vision of me punching him in the face has shown up probably more times than I should admit. I mean. I’ve been doing some research, and I can see how it might have seemed. A lot of the attention was on me.” I watch Reece take a deep breath. “I can totally see now why he might be pissed, I’m still angry over the money situation. I still haven’t heard from the tax department. I don’t know how long everything is going to be frozen. I know I’ve done nothing wrong, and I’ll be cleared. The silver lining of all this, actually there’s a couple of silver linings.”

  “Oh yeah. Tell me about them.”

  “As much as I never want to do housework, I have to say I love cooking. I like the freedom to do what I’m doing. I was terrified that I wouldn’t be able to write music without him, but I’ve been able to. I’m learning new things every day, learning new things about myself, as much as I kicked and screamed about being here.”

  “You look like you are settling in. Into your situation, your surroundings and yourself.”

  He stops pouring the drink and add some fruit to a plate. “You’re the biggest lining, though. I am so grateful to you. You have given me your time and your friendship. If I’m completely honest, I would like to see more of you. See if this can go anywhere.” Oh fuck, I think my heart just stopped. “Madelyn? I need you to say something. Your stunned silence … I’ve said too much haven’t I?”

  I slowly rise out of my seat and round the bench to stand just inches before him. “How do you see this going somewhere? You get your money back, and you go back to the city?” Now it’s Reece’s turn to be quiet. “Now I
need you to say something.”

  “I’m not going to lie. I’ve thought of all kinds of scenarios, all of them involve you.” He reached out and pulled me closer. “It’s like I was meant to come here and cross your path. You have asked for nothing from me. I’ve never had that. Without sounding like a complete wuss, I have feelings for you, and I want to know if you have them in return. I mean, I’m confident, but I know we said to take things as they come and…”

  I cut him off by dropping the sheet and exposing myself. “I’d like to see where this goes, Reece. I don’t know what the future holds, but while we do have this time. Let’s make the most of it.” My hand rests on his hip, and I slip my thumb under the elastic of his jocks. “You’re overdressed for this party.” I pull the elastic slightly and let my thumb slip out causing a loud slap noise.”

  “Goddamn. I should have run to the shops when I had the chance,” he laughed as he pulls me in for a kiss. My skin tingles from my head all the way down to my toes as his tongue presses on mine. I push my chest out to meet his and I slip my hand around to stroke his hardening cock. My touch causes him to moan in my mouth.

  “This is another reason why I think I’m falling for you. You make me feel so good from so little. From the simplest of things.”

  The feeling is completely mutual.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  “You’re just saying that,” I tell her as she walks into the laundry room.

  “No, really. My meals usually consist of noodles,” she calls. “That smoothie was awesome so, anything fresh is already halfway to five stars for me. Well done. You can cook me dinner anytime.”

  Even in the short time that I’ve known her, I enjoy her sense of humour. I like how fiercely independent she is. She’s been the complete opposite of what I’ve wanted and even though I would jeer my friend’s for being whipped, I’m all for getting to know her and seeing where this will go. I guess this is the silver lining. If none of this happened, then I wouldn’t have met her.

  “What’s going through that head of yours?” she asks as she puts the last of her folded up laundry in her basket. She looks good in a skirt and shirt. Simple. I like it.

  “Just thinking about the positives of today. I saw somewhere online that you should make a list of five things you’re grateful for every day,” I say. “I’m grateful for you. You have shown me nothing but honesty and kindness.”

  “And you have shown me the same in return. Washing machine and dryer being the point. So, you think you’ve got it all under control? You have my number if you need anything more.”

  Nodding his head and it dawns on me that I don’t want her to go. “Just stay.” I don’t like it when she doesn’t instantly say yes. “I have this big huge bed … I need someone in it to hog the sheets.”

  I laugh when she laughs. Jesus. Two weeks with this girl and she has me whipped. I actually think she’s going to turn me down when she keeps a hold of the basket. “Do you snore?”

  “Do you?” I fire back.

  She pokes me with her basket. “Uh-uh. You first.”

  “Well, I don’t know. Never been told that I have, I normally sleep alone.” I shut my eyes at my gaff. “Only one way for you to find out if I snore.”

  “That has got to be THE worst pick up line,” she laughed as she pushes past me. “Would you like me to stay?

  “I thought that was pretty obvious with the invitation.”

  She drops the basket to the floor and turns to stand square in front of me. “I’m not on the pill. You don’t have protection. There is no way that I’m going to be having sex with you so we can be a cliché from a romance novel where she says ‘I can’t get pregnant’ that’s a sure-fire way to make sure your sperms do go on a mission.”

  “We technically have already had sex … and it was great sex.” I counter. “I’m not interested in being a dad, not for a while anyway. We can just sleep.” I think about my words carefully and brace myself for them to be taken the wrong way. “It would be a first for me. I’ve never really cared enough for a girl to stay over, and I know that sounds really bad and …”

  My sentence is cut off by Madelyn grabbing hold of my hand and pulling me towards the stairs.

  I stop her before she climbs into the bed and actually change the sheets. I can’t bear the thought of her sleeping in the stained patches. When it was made, I let her pick the side she preferred. Taking the left side, she slowly takes her skirt off as she stands beside the bed. In nothing more than her underpants and tank top, she waits for me to join her. I strip down but leave my boxers on. The sensation of pulling on clothes that were toasty warm from the dryer was an instant love for me. If she’d stripped completely, I would have to as well. As much as the notion was foreign to me, it felt completely right. I slide in between the sheets and ask her to come over to me. I’ve done this countless times with others, yet this feels intimate. I feel completely unguarded and she has me in the palm of her hand. For the first time ever, I’m scared of rejection. She rests her head on my shoulder and brings her hand to my chest.

  “Can I say something that is going to totally shatter any image that you have of me being some huge arse, egotistical rockstar?” Her head nods against my arm and my fingers toy with her hair. “This feels so right. You fit just perfectly into me. Sounds dumb I know.”

  “Doesn’t sound dumb. I was just thinking the same thing.” I smile at her sentiment.

  “Let’s play twenty questions. So tell me who ended up here first? You or your brother?”

  And that’s how we spend the time right up to when Madelyn yawns and her answers slowly stall to mumbles as she drifts off to sleep. I found out lots about her tonight between stolen kisses. Some quick and some that left me wishing they would never end. She has a full blood brother and two half-sisters. Her mother passed the same year mine did. Her father’s not on the scene much other than obligatory times, and I can see that that is the catalyst for her determination. Her spark to prove to the world that she doesn’t need his interest to be a success. I get the sense that she might have been engaged or something, but the romance ended badly. She’s studying media, and she’s doing it all on her own. Working two jobs and studying – I’m in awe of her. Madelyn has a focus, and I’m really inspired by that.

  I smile at the soft snore coming from Madelyn as she rolls off my arm and away from my body. I’m wide awake, so I creep downstairs and put pen to paper. Within fifteen minutes, I have a chorus and part of the first verse all planned out, and I’m sitting on the edge of the bathtub in the downstairs bathroom playing the basic guitar riffs into my phone.

  Everything Madelyn shared resonated with me. I finally have calmed down to understand and appreciate what David was saying to me. I have time now to learn about things and then when it’s all sorted, and I can get back to my old life. That thought stops me in my tracks. My old life. Do I want to go back to the life I was leading? There are elements that I enjoyed and other parts –– not so much. I know it’s only early days, and we said we’d take one day at a time, but would Madelyn be keen to join me in my world? Only she will be able to answer that. I would love to have her as a friend. She’s turning into my reality touchstone in a world that I can now clearly see as a warped one.

  Only three people have had such an impact on my life and my choices. My mother, Sean and now Madelyn. I would work fiercely to protect her from the horrible side of celebrity. I put my phone and notepad down on the coffee table and head back upstairs.

  Closing the door quietly behind me, I wish I’d brought my phone up with me. There is no way she will believe me when I tell her she snores without a recording. The shutters are open, and the moon is casting a beautiful glow throughout the room. Madelyn’s sleeping on her front with one leg covered by the sheet while the other is bent and resting on top. The sheet covers to her mid-thigh. She couldn’t be placed more perfectly. I crawl next to her and rest my hand on her hip which causes her to stir. She lets out one lou
d snort before rolling over and resting her arm across my chest. I’m surprised she isn’t woken from my shuddering as I try to contain my laughter.

  She’s not going to believe me when I tell her.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Waking with a start, I’m confused while taking in my unfamiliar surroundings. One heavy arm was draped over my waist, and the hand has a firm hold of my breast while the other arm had become my pillow for the night.

  The sharp intake of breath behind me told me that I’d woken him with my jolt. His hand squeezes and makes no attempt to move. “Sorry about that,” I say as I try to untangle myself from his limbs. “What time is it?”

  “I was comfortable there,” Reece says in his husky morning voice. That voice right there would be the reason for millions of ovaries exploding around the world.

  I throw the sheet back and slide across the bed when I glance over my shoulder at him. I regret it instantly. Getting out of this huge, comfortable bed that felt like a cloud, was hard. Leaving the shirtless, sexy specimen behind was torture. His hair was messed to perfection by pointing in all directions, the stubble on his chin made me want to touch it and have it scratch against my inner thighs.

  “You do snore.” He may as well have thrown a bucket of water on me. I grab the pillow and throw it at him, but he’s too quick and deflects it easily. I climb out of the bed and pull on my jeans. I reach over and snatch my phone off the side table and press the button to wake it up. A screech escapes my throat when I see the time. I’ve got ten minutes to get over to my brother and start my shift. The drive alone takes seven.

  “Shitballs!” I grab my shirt and yank it over my head as I make for the door. “I have to go.”

  Reece is close on my heels as I run down the stairs while pulling my hair into a ponytail. I’m always grateful for being blessed with naturally straight hair. “Careful, don’t break a leg or get in a smash just to make a shift. Call in sick.”


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