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The Frequency: Fulfill all Your Wishes by Manifesting With Vibrations (Use the Law of Attraction and Amazing Manifestation Strategies to Attract the Life You Want Book 1)

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by Linda West

  Now look at the house between you. This toy house represents the adult you. This is the house you have constructed together, mother, father, and child to house your spirit. See where the house is beautiful and full of love, and see too, the parts that should be fixed and remodeled.

  Now, together with care and love, imagine the three of YOU, tearing the house down together. Look at all the pieces on the floor. Talk about what you see and how you feel. Allow yourself to communicate your pain, and to forgive each other for your failings and misunderstandings.

  Tell each other, “I love you...”

  It is time to rebuild.

  You are going to begin anew.

  Now, together with your parents, you are going to build a NEW HOME for your spirit. Fill your new home with things and habits, which are glorious and filled with love. Build it together using the very best aspects of each of you. When you feel happy about what you’ve created, thank each other.

  Know that you have all been blessed with a healing.

  Wake now, and be free.

  Chapter 30:


  You are designing your life. Understand this now.

  You are designing your life. You may not understand why you’ve chosen some of the events you have, say your second divorce - but do not live in denial. Just because you do not understand something, doesn’t mean it is not relevant. Symbols are given and must be followed up. We wish to guide you and help you back to your true path of love and joy. We send you messages and helpful information and guidance all the time, however - you do not always receive them!

  Coincidence and Synchronicity are spirit’s biggest tool of communication. Even the most unconscious of your tribe will take notice of the coincidences and synchronicities as signs of divine power - so we use them!

  We try many things to get the messages through, and then rely on the ones that are working the most. Because you listen to coincidences, we use them more.

  Pain is a big one! You all listen to pain. Not the best for you, but you almost always get the message!

  We don’t create the pain, you do. But we will infuse the experience with guided messages to help you through your recovery.

  When you are in pain, remember we are with you trying to help. You are never alone without our support.

  One step after one step leads you down the divine road. You have to walk those steps. Follow up on coincidence and information that you feel is relevant.

  Do not let a slovenly nature or denial stop you from seeing the truth. Do not deny information that has purposely been sent to help you. Just think of coincidence as God staying anonymous.

  Chapter 31:

  The Shift

  A great miracle is unfolding at this time in your history. The frequency of your planet is rising and entering a new cycle.

  Earth is moving into a planetary alignment involving three suns from nearby solar systems which will occur at the end of the Mayan calendar. The gravitational pull of these huge solar beings moving into this alignment is raising the vibration of energy on Earth and creating a spiral of growth.

  Growth, evolution, change.

  Things are changing and this can be frightening. Many of you will feel lost, alone and unsupported. This is normal. You are moving into the spiral.

  This is the return of the Christ energy, which was foretold. Heaven is here now. If you cannot even begin to conceptualize this, it is okay. We are all together on this road and we are infinitely patient and supportive.

  Understand that you are in a very unique situation at this time in your evolution. You actually have a choice over the continuance of your species. The higher evolved human beings are realizing that you must connect to survive, and that you are one planet and one organism.

  All the people and animals share space on the planet with the water, the land, and the air. The planet is healthy or the planet is ill.

  All is one.

  Friends, if your plants and trees were to die tomorrow, your entire world would die. There would be no more oxygen. There would be nothing your money or science could do.

  Love your planet.

  Consider this, and know, that the fittest of your species would know to protect the air, water and food sources. Join forces with others who understand survival of the species.

  The higher evolved beings will begin to use love, peace, and union as the solution to extinction. The lower evolved will continue to insist on struggle, power and war.

  This is true.

  Corrections must be made globally to support the planet and all its beings, plants, animals, minerals and air. As your planet shifts into this higher frequency, there will be much change and chaos as you enter the spiral.

  Have faith.

  Fear is normal. You will seem to be losing all that you know as routine and predictable. Just remember, your world is not a straight line. It is a circle.

  Accept that waves come through your life, just as they roll through the oceans. A new wave is occurring and healing your disconnected aspects back into remembrance of God.

  This wave is love...

  Begin by loving yourself today. Set yourself free. Keep the faith. And know, you do make a difference.

  Every time you choose the highest frequency choice, you set up a new keynote for humanity. According to the “One Hundredth Monkey Theory”, when a critical level of a species chooses to adopt a higher evolved trait linked to survival - at a cellular level all of the others of this species will simultaneously adopt the same pattern - even when they are oceans apart.

  Love is the highest evolution and linked to our survival. When enough of the people on Earth begin to resonate with divine love, it will become the dominant trait. This is how we evolve. The spiral comes into action and moves the entire species into growth.

  With the ease of the spiral, we can recover the bliss of Eden without struggle. In this way, we will bring Heaven home.

  Chapter 32:

  Forgiveness and Transcendence

  My sweet children, forgive. Forgive each other, forgive yourself, and forgive your God.

  Let love live in you. Let it be you.

  Let forgiveness flow, from you as easily, as your next breath...

  If you do not forgive it will cause you great pain. When you refuse to forgive, you refuse to let go of the pain - and then it stays with you! Not forgiving is similar to a debt, and creates a karma all its own.

  When you hang on to hurt and pain instead of choosing to forgive, you keep the karma playing out. Love is what breaks the karmic pattern by reconnect-ing you with the circle.

  Forgiveness and love go hand and hand. By choosing love as your option, you give the situation over to God, and you demonstrate faith. Forgiveness is an affirmation of faith.

  When you forgive, you trust in the higher order to take care of any injustices that you may have perceived.

  And most honestly my friends, your linear perceptions of things are so very limited! The judgments you make are so often clouded and incorrect. The things you feel have harmed you and should not be forgiven, are often your greatest illusions.

  Sometimes other beings have purposely hurt you, and other times, you find you have misjudged a situation once true communication occurs.

  Without forgiveness there is no room for love to live. If you refuse to forgive, it is as if you put up a wall that says, “I will not allow love into this situation.” Forgiveness opens the door to love in your life.

  From the Heavenly realms, angels look down on us and they know who has done the work. Yes, work. It takes work to remove all the blockages to our core.

  It takes courage and bravery to face the demons of fear. We all have rational reasons why we should fear union of any kind, let alone the all-encompassing totality of true unconditional love. But when has love ever been rational?

  For the sake of love, just love.

  The lesson is not to find love, but to clear away all the debris that muddies the true reflection of yourself
in your own life.

  You are all ready divine.

  You are already pure love.

  We wish to give you the tools that you need to be happy once and for all.

  Get rid of the fear - and the love is there.

  Forgive yourself - and the love is there.

  Forgive others - and the love is there.

  Allow yourself this vibration of complete surrender to love, with all its risks and rewards.

  Open your heart so wide it scares the pants off you and don’t stop even then.

  Do it.

  Live life.

  Live it all.

  Know bliss.

  A life without love would be worthless! You could live without a personal plane, you could live without a vacation to Capri, but could you live without love in your life? Would you even want to live at all if there was no love in your world?


  Love is the reason you were born, and the reason you live. Have faith, and be gentle with yourselves on your path of forgiveness and recovery of love.

  And remember, you can change anything you want in your life. You have choices and you have power.


  It doesn’t matter if you are a saint, a thief, a mother or a plumber - you are the maker of miracles! Each time you choose love, you create a bridge from Heaven to Earth.

  Love is truly magical and has a power all its own...

  Just like a snowball will pick up size as it rolls down the mountain, all the while gathering more and more snowflakes. So too, will love gather strength in your life pushing aside all obstacles until you regain freedom and live in bliss!

  This is the nature of grace, and this is God’s gift to you. You have been given the knowledge and understanding of True Power.

  We send blessings and wish you well.

  Go forth and create a joyful life filled with love…


  Concerning the events surrounding the end of the Mayan Calendar.

  December 21st 2012 - end of the Mayan Calendar.

  October 28th 2011 - end of Calleman’s Mayan Calendar.

  August 10th 2011 - Today’s date.

  Here it is, the long awaited and slightly feared end of the Mayan Calendar. Just as predicted, the world is rapidly changing, culturally and geographically. Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanos and solar flares - they are here.

  On top of it we are on the precipice of a global meltdown financially. Riots are breaking out in cities as people rise up and demand more equality and a better way of life.

  So how best to traverse a crumbling world while the new one emerges?

  I will tell you to the best of my heart and soul what knowledge was passed onto me, and how…

  I was a recovering catholic not a very spiritual person for sure. So there was no reason an angel should have come to me. But every night in my dreams an angel would come to me, asking me to write down math and symbols and finally to learn the Mayan calendar.

  Although I was skeptical, I also felt something divine had touched my life.

  I soon after won a scholarship into the rainforest with top scientists and shamans from around the world to do research about the Mayans and what I had learned. The qualifications for winning were that somehow what I was doing would benefit the world.

  Out of this amazing and magical trip came the information on frequencies and frequency attunement, which is really the science behind our sixth sense. We use it all the time, call it a gut feeling - but it can be mapped and used to our advantage. This is why I wrote the book.

  Many years after “The Secret” came out and this work became known as The Law of Attraction, this is the science that preceded.

  All those years ago in the Mayan rainforest with Terence McKenna I had no idea what I was in for, the doors that would open, the messages I would receive, and how simple it really all was.

  So simple, like the circle is so simple, around us always and in everything.

  We really did use to be in the circle, call it Eden if you will, and we did leave and we are cut off. The story has been told throughout history in many cultures because it is true.

  We are out of the circle. But the best thing is the circle is always there and always open for us to re-enter.

  And in that circle you will find a Heaven like place, where the trees and the river and the stones and the birds ARE talking and when you are in the circle you are in the symphony of this beautiful union and part of it again.

  My dear friends what I have learned is our mission here is to find the love in our world - starting with ourselves.

  Love yourself,


  Be compassionate,

  Be grateful,

  Be passionate and joyful,


  Oh look isn’t life suddenly Heaven on Earth!

  So above, so below.

  From what I have come to know about what we may encounter during these turbulent times, I highly recommend staying in your highest frequency possible, which is love and joy. It is not always easy to be kind and compassionate and fun. And yes, it can be really difficult in the third dimension to shine in our full light. But we are children of a higher order than this and we are capable of so much more if we tune into our source, which is love.

  So choose love for yourself, for your friends and your world - and yes it can be a discipline - but we all affect the world.

  Remember we can always choose better and more loving choices, we live in a free will zone, and we are the masters of our lives and our choices.

  The time has come for change in this world.


  Regain your power and join us in creating the world we deserve…


  Happy manifesting my friends!

  Final Thoughts

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  Please visit me at my website where I have the rest of my books and other tools that can help you manifest, including, for a limited time only, the availability to work with me as a coach.

  Contact me directly at; for info on upcoming events, new books, or coaching :)

  If you would like to learn more about the basic science of frequencies, please get my book on Amazon –

  Please come over and join me socially on Facebook and Twitter as MorningMayan.

  Linda West's newest release is available soon in paperback and e-book. The Secrets the Secret Never Told You ( is an extended version of Manifest in 5 Easy Steps including real client stories to learn from.

  Contact me directly at; for info on upcoming events, new books, or coaching. :)

  If you would like to learn more about the basic science of frequencies, please get my book on Amazon -

  Check out my diet book that released me from my own weight issues.

  The California Zen Diet

  Please also follow me on YouTube as:


  Where I have several free videos on how to manifest and how to understand frequencies.



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