Havenfall Harbor: Book One
Page 29
“Proposal?” I feign cluelessness. I’m not used to Evan being so forward. Griffin has been the one who’s been bolder. Evan is always more practical, more reasonable.
“Surely you haven’t forgotten.” Griffin somehow sounds as if he’s playfully chastising me.
I reach up and tuck my hair behind my ear. “I think I need more details about the arrangement you’re proposing, b-but should we be t-talking about this now?” I stammer, knowing I’m avoiding the topic, but I kind of have a good reason.
“Unless you can think of something better to do to pass the time?” Evan looks over at Griffin. “Maybe we should show her the advantages.”
Griffin stays staring straight ahead, but I watch the corner of his lip tip up in a tiny smile. That miniscule change in his facial features makes my heart skip a beat. He’s too damn gorgeous for his own good.
Evan reclaims my attention by closing the infinitesimal space he’d left between us. The bar along the back of the elevator nestles into the small of my back, making me arch against him. His eyes track the rise and fall of my chest as my breathing becomes more erratic.
Griffin turns and leans his shoulder against the back wall next to me, not releasing my hand. I almost feel surrounded by them.
Seconds tick by with none of us uttering a word, but the tension in the small space continues to rise. Finally, Evan makes a move. With exaggerated slowness, he leans forward, bringing his head close to mine, giving me plenty of time to stop him if I want to, but I’m not interested in stopping him. I want to know what he’s going to do next.
Especially if he’s going to kiss me. My stomach hollows in anticipation, but right before his lips would touch mine, he stops. He’s so close I can feel his warm breath, and it makes me want to lick my lips, but with him so near, I’d probably end up licking him. My breath catches as I feel a finger slide under my chin, lifting, and my eyes begin to drift closed at the first brush of Evan’s full lips against mine. I’m pretty sure it was Griffin’s finger under my chin, lifting my mouth to Evan’s.
I tighten my fingers around Griffin’s hand as Evan slowly begins to kiss me. There’s no awkwardness or hesitant fumbling. Evan kisses me like a man savoring his first bite of ambrosia, like he has all the time in the world to caress my lips with his. My body melts a little, and a small sigh leaves my parted lips. Evan takes the opportunity to run his tongue along the seam of my lips, the tip caressing just under my top lip, and I open for him. I feel his hand thread into the hair at the nape of my neck as he cradles my head just as gently as he takes my mouth.
The tenderness comes as a bit of a surprise. Evan is a big man, and I somehow figured that would translate into him being rougher. Not in a bad way, but this, this is like he’s worshipping me with a kiss.
Just as he leans into me a little more, enough that I can feel the press of his body, the elevator car jerks. I gasp, I’d forgotten we were even in the elevator. I open my eyes slowly as Evan pulls back. His eyelids are lowered, making him look somehow sexier. I lick my bottom lip, still tasting him.
“Greedy,” Griffin accuses, but I don’t hear any real heat in his words. Still, I look over, expecting him to say something else. When our eyes meet, I take note of the way he’s looking at me. He doesn’t look upset. In fact, I’d say he’s regarding me like we just shared an intimate moment. Which I guess we did. I’ve never been kissed the way Evan just kissed me, especially with someone watching.
Even though the kiss was short, and I feel like we were just getting started, there was something about it that felt deeper. I give my head a little shake to dispel the lusty fog clouding my mind as the elevator quickly arrives on the third floor. The dip in my stomach is nothing compared to the butterflies dancing inside from Evan’s touch.
Evan takes a step away, but doesn’t back off too far. “Don’t pretend you would have been any less greedy.” Griffin doesn’t bother replying. Instead, he brings our entwined fingers up and places a kiss on the inside of my wrist, his eyes never leaving mine. I feel the wet stroke of his tongue drag across the skin there. I never realized how sensitive that area was until now, or maybe it’s just him making me feel that way. My knees feel a little loose.
Evan’s heat dissipates as the doors slide open and he steps out. Griffin’s eyes hold mine for a few seconds longer, giving me a silent promise that he isn’t finished. I follow him out, scanning the area and blinking. I need to get myself under control if they’re about to confront some kids. Right now, all I can think about is Evan’s kiss and Griffin’s mouth, and it’s probably written all over my face.
Evan leads the way. I tuck myself behind him—to take a moment to compose myself—as he makes his way over to the third-floor desk. Griffin still hasn’t released my hand, which I find a little alarming since we’re about to see the security staff, but I’m also grateful for his touch.
“Hey, Evan.” I can’t see the woman who greets him, but her voice is friendly.
“Olivia, can you call Michelle and Minka down?” Evan’s voice isn’t unfriendly, but it’s so different than the one he was using with me just a few minutes ago, the playfulness is gone.
“Sure, anything I can help with?” she asks, while I step out from behind Evan. Olivia’s eyes dart over to me before going back to Evan as she picks up the telephone receiver.
“We need a place to talk to them, any ideas?”
“I can clear out the rec room, or you can use one of the unoccupied dorm rooms, we have a few.” Olivia hits a button on the phone and brings the bottom part of the receiver up to her lips. “Michelle and Minka, come to the front desk.” Her announcement is broadcasted above our heads on a PA system. I look around at the ceiling, not finding any speakers.
“We’ll take a room, no need to displace the other kids.” Evan leans his elbow against the higher part of the desk while we wait. I look around and notice a few faces peeking out of the thin pane of glass in the doors. I wonder how good the gossip mill is and how many of these kids already know why we’re here.
Chapter 27
It takes several minutes, but eventually two girls come down the hall together. I almost balk when I see them. One of the girls has light hair, several shades lighter than mine, and it’s artfully curled into soft waves. She’s pretty in that debutante way my mother always wanted me to be. Even her walk says she knows what she’s working with. Her lips are full and painted a bright red.
The other girl’s hair is a deep shade of brown, cut into a stylishly long bob, showing off her heart-shaped face and pouty lips. If I would have seen either of these girls at the bar the other night, I wouldn’t have questioned their age.
“Fourth door on your right is open.” Olivia points behind herself while looking at Evan.
Griffin tugs me forward using our clasped hands. The girls watch our approach. The light-haired girl’s eyes widen when she sees my hand in Griffin’s, but she quickly regains her unconcerned expression.
“What’s going on?” the brunette questions, her gaze touching on each of us, although she passes over me much faster.
“We need to speak with you,” Evan informs them. His voice is deep, but not the same sinful tone I’ve heard him use, this is sharper. “Follow me.” He stalks past them and heads to the door of the room Olivia indicated was empty.
The girls share a glance, but do as they’re told. Griffin waits until they enter and guides me in behind them, finally dropping my hand.
I look around. The room isn’t tiny, but it’s not big either. There’s one long wall with a window centered in the middle, and two beds on either side that are stripped down to white sheets and no pillows. “Have a seat.” Evan motions toward one of the beds for the girls.
“What’s this about?” the brunette inquires, dropping down onto the mattress the way kids do. The blonde glares at her and lowers herself in a much more controlled manner.
Evan tilts his head to the side and crosses his arms over his wide chest. The stance
is imposing. When he doesn’t answer right away, the dark-haired girl starts to fidget. Surprisingly, they ignore Griffin’s presence other than darting quick glances at him; they focus more on Evan.
“Is there anything you’d like to tell us?” Evan finally asks. The girls peer at each other, as if to see if the other is going to say anything. I don’t even know which one is Michelle or Minka. I realize I never did tell the guys I heard a boy’s voice when I was hit.
I wrap my hand around Griffin’s forearm and tug a little. Understanding what I’m asking, he leans over far enough so my lips are near his ear. I don’t miss the way he curls around me when I begin to speak. “I heard a boy’s voice.” I should have told them earlier. When we were outside, I was worried about protecting the kids, and I can’t be blamed for not thinking about it in the elevator. Not even a saint would have been able to think straight. Griffin makes a grunting sound in response, but doesn’t move to straighten. I debate if I should tell him I don’t have any more to share, but he unbends before I get the chance.
When I look back at the girls, I notice we’ve caught the attention of the blonde, and she’s not doing a very good job hiding the fact that she doesn’t like what she’s seeing. Her pouty lips are thinned and the hard glare she’s sending my way is proof enough. Her eyes dart to where my hand is still wrapped around Griffin’s forearm. I almost release him, but something stops me. Childish? Maybe.
“There was an incident this morning.” Evan pauses as if he’s giving the girls a chance to speak up for themselves.
The blonde blinks her eyes a little owlishly. “Really?”
“Yes, Michelle,” Evan grates out. He takes a deep breath, then adds, “It happened in an area where you two hang out.”
Since Evan called the blonde Michelle, I know the other girl must be Minka—the name actually fits her well. The girl in question jerks her head to the left at Evan’s statement and she studies Michelle. I can see the question for her friend in her eyes.
Minka doesn’t know what we’re talking about, but she thinks Michelle does. It leads me to believe that she knew Michelle was at their spot this morning. Minka lifts her hands in surrender after focusing back on Evan. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Her mask of indifference is back in place, but I caught the look she sent Michelle, and I’m sure Griffin and Evan did too—they don’t seem to miss much.
I release Griffin’s arm and take a step closer to the girls. Clearing my throat, I prepare to speak. “I’m sure what happened this morning was an accident.” I want them to know that there’s a way out of this, and if they tell the truth, we can deal with it. “If you know what happened, give us an explanation, and we can handle it.” I’m talking more to Michelle, but I don’t single her out alone. I don’t want her to feel attacked.
I watch as her pretty face scrunches up at my words. “Don’t pretend to care what happens to any of us. You don’t even belong here.”
Evan steps forward, his mouth open, prepared to respond, but I stop him with a hand on his arm. “I do care what happens to you, Michelle. I care about what happens to everyone here.”
She rolls her eyes, and it’s the first sign she’s shown that she’s actually a kid. A mature kid, but she’s just a senior in high school. I remember being her age. I thought I knew everything too.
“Mr. Winters and the director are prepared to kick you out,” I warn. It may be an exaggeration, but she doesn’t need to know that. “But like I said, I’m convinced it was an accident. Help us understand what happened, and we can figure out a way to move past this.”
I actually hear the slight growl that leaves Griffin, even though he’s a few steps away from me. I cut my eyes to him, telling him silently to knock it off.
Ignoring me, he says, “She’s giving you a chance that I wouldn’t have. Either speak on what you know, or I’ll send you back to the Buchans.”
Michelle’s eyes widen and she sucks in a breath. She pulls in her bottom lip and a heavy frown mars her brow. Whomever Griffin just threatened her with must tell her he means business. I thought having her expelled would be a good warning, but I didn’t mean to terrify her.
“You’d do that?” Michelle whispers, her eyes only for Griffin.
“In a heartbeat. If you did something to Qui…Ms. Shaw, what makes you better than them?”
“I...I...” Michelle stammers, never finishing what she might have said.
“What happened?” Evan demands.
Michelle slowly closes her eyes and her shoulders slump. The fight leaves her with her exhale. “I was hanging out with Leo last night.” She darts her eyes over to Griffin, as if to see his reaction to her words. He just rolls his hand in a get on with it manner. Her frown deepens and she lowers her head. “Leo graduated last year. When I heard someone coming, I panicked. I didn’t want anyone seeing us together.”
“So?” Evan prompts her to finish the story.
“So, I waited for them to come around the corner and I hit ‘em.” With narrowed eyes, she finally looks up and her gaze strays to me. “How was I supposed to know it was going to be some weak human? Anyone else here would have shaken off that hit without a problem.”
I reach up to my temple. That couldn’t have just been a fist from this young girl. “Did you use a brick?” My question comes out incredulous.
The anger she glares at me with seems misplaced. Here I am, trying to help her, and she looks like she wants to skin me alive. Maybe I was a little too forgiving, giving her the benefit of the doubt, assuming it was an accident.
Michelle shakes her head in denial without opening her mouth. The way she’s staring at me makes me think her only regret is not hitting me harder.
Evan reaches both hands up and scrubs them over his face. “You did this because you were trying to defend your lover?” he accuses.
“He’s not my lover!” Michelle adamantly denies. She keeps darting her eyes to Griffin, as if she’s worried how he’s going to respond.
“I don’t believe you,” Griffin retorts. “Not one word.” His eyes are glacial as he stares at her.
“He’s not my boyfriend,” Michelle insists again, but I’m pretty sure she’s misreading the lie Griffin is accusing her of.
“Minka, go back to your room. Don’t talk about this,” Evan orders the other girl. She gives her friend one last parting glance, then flees the room as if the devil himself is on her heels.
Focusing his attention back on Michelle, Evan lets out a heavy sigh and reaches for the phone on his belt. After a moment, he places it at his ear. “Paul, I need you to collect Leo.” He pauses for a second. “Yeah, take someone with you in case he decides he’s not going to come willingly. We have an issue.”
Evan’s gaze stays on the girl in front of us. She slowly comes to her feet, her hands wringing together as she watches Evan hang up the phone and place it back on his belt.
“I think there’s more to your story, Michelle. Leo is only a year or two older than you. No one would have cared if you were dating him,” Evan reasons.
Michelle drops her hands to the sides, balling them into fists. I have a second to notice how small they are, I can’t believe this girl inflicted that much damage with a punch. “I don’t care that he’s older,” she growls between her teeth. “He’s weak, someone like me could never be associated with him.” Her eyes are only for Griffin again, but this time it’s like she’s pleading with him to understand.
I look between the two of them. Michelle is acting like there’s a personal relationship between her and Griffin, something that goes much deeper than student and director. I can’t wrap my head around that thought though. He’s completely indifferent to her, not to mention I just can’t see him with this girl. She is just a girl, after all.
Evan shakes his head like he can’t believe what he’s hearing, and a sneer of disgust is on his lips as he turns his back to her. I want to warn him that he shouldn’t, but I know he’s much more prepared to deal with her threat than
I am, so I keep my mouth closed.
“Let’s go.” Evan waves his hand to the side, motioning for her to get in front of him. Michelle takes a step forward, but stops in her tracks when Griffin reaches over and takes my hand. Her shoulders hunch forward as if she just got punched in the gut. The hurt I glimpse quickly evaporates when a smirk of malice curls her lips. Michelle averts her eyes from us, and she walks past Evan, snatching the door open with a jerk.
Evan follows behind her, but when Griffin pulls on my hand to tow me along after them, I tug him back, keeping him in place. Releasing his hand, I tuck my fingers under my arms. “Was there ever something going on with the two of you?” My tone is doubtful.
Griffin’s head whips back as if I’ve completely shocked him. He’s shaking his head before the words even form on his lips. “No, she’s a kid, for Christ’s sake.”
“I know, she’s just acting strange. Don’t you think?” I hate that I even questioned the idea enough to voice the concern.
“I know she’s lying, if that’s what you mean.” He reaches for me again, tugging my hand out from under my crossed arms. Once my fingers are free, he folds his over mine like he doesn’t like the fact I took my hand from his in the first place.
“It’s more than that.” I bite my bottom lip, wondering how to put it into words.
“Come on, let’s go see if Leo has anything to add.” Griffin’s voice goes a little darker. I’m not sure I still want to be involved in finding out exactly what happened. I don’t know what I was expecting, but it certainly wasn’t a teenage girl attacking me so no one would know she was hooking up with a weaker supernatural.
“I think…I think I’ll just go up to the room.” I don’t want to seem weak myself, but this isn’t in my wheelhouse. I don’t know how to deal with this kind of subterfuge. I thought my mother prepared me for the darker aspects of duplicity, but this is even beyond her…well, I hope it is anyway.
“I’ll take you home.” I don’t correct his use of the word home, but I certainly hope he means his place and not mine. Griffin pulls me a little closer to his side. I let myself lean against him just a little. It’s quickly becoming evident he and Evan really are on my side. Thank goodness.