A Dopeman & His Shawty

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A Dopeman & His Shawty Page 7

by Tina J

  “He threatened to kill both of you if I left. I couldn’t place y’all in danger over the man I’m dealing with.” Both of them took a seat.

  “He tried with you Nyana by cutting the breaks to your car.” She covered her mouth.

  “I used to be so hard, ghetto and never let anyone treat me like shit. I let my guard down for him because of love and now look. He’s almost killed me multiple times, threatened my family, kicked me outta the house and who knows what else he has in store for me?”

  “Sade, you can’t be mad you weren’t able to protect yourself. Love will have us accepting things we shouldn’t.” Nyana said holding my hand.

  “Love is blind sis and until you see it, nothing will help you move past it.” Tashi chimed in and I nodded.

  “Do you need anything? Are you in pain?” Tashi asked looking at the machines.

  “I am but the medication is gonna make me sleep and you two are here.”

  “We’ll stay so if you’re tired, go ahead and rest.” Ny said and pressed the button for the nurse.

  “Is everything ok?”

  “Yes, but we have a problem.” Tashi told her.

  “What is it?”

  “My sister was attacked as you can see and we’re afraid the maniac may return. How do we go about getting her information out the system in case he calls?” The nurse told Tashi to step outside with her. I glanced at Ny and she was crying her eyes out.

  “I’m gonna be ok now.”

  “You sure?” I grabbed her hand.

  “I hope so.” I didn’t wanna lie and say yes when Kerron is lurking. All I could do is hope for the best.


  It’s been three weeks since Sade was attacked by Kerron and I must say, she’s healing pretty nicely. The doctor removed the nose brace a few days ago, all her STD tests returned negative and her ribs were still healing. Overall, she looked good.

  Unfortunately, that crazy motherfucker had been blowing her phone up, sending threatening messages and even approached me to find out where she was. I cursed him the fuck out and dared him to try something. Who did he think he was putting a beating down like that on my sister? Then expecting me to inform him of where she was. He may be a captain but his ass ain’t smart at all.

  Anyway, Lizzie and I haven’t been seeing eye to eye lately. She’s stopped by a few times and Rodney was there. As usual, he didn’t say a word, but the slick comments did happen due to her not keeping her mouth shut. I really believe the next time she says something; he may slap the shit outta her, which is what I don’t want.

  “How can I help you?” I asked the customer without looking up. The person didn’t respond but I knew someone was standing there because the presence was strong. I lifted my head after wrapping the sandwich from another order and tried my hardest not to smile but it didn’t work.

  “When you going to lunch?”

  “I have another twenty minutes.”

  “I’ll be outside.” He said and walked away.

  “Girl, he is fine. Is that your new boo?” One of the cashiers asked.

  “No, he’s Rodney’s brother.”

  “Rodney? Your best friend?” She and I both watched Kenji get in his truck.


  “Good looks must run in the family. I swear if Rodney wasn’t gay, I’d hop on it.” I snapped my neck to look at her.

  “What? People talk and I heard Rodney got some thug ass niggas strung out.” I busted out laughing and finished talking to her. It was pretty slow so no customers were inside.

  When the time came for me to take my lunch, I removed my apron, checked myself over and walked to Kenji. He moved the truck on the side of the building. The doors unlocked and I hopped in.

  “Very nice.” I looked in the back seat.

  “Thanks. What’s up with you?”

  “What you mean?”

  “I thought our conversation went well at the fundraiser, but you didn’t slide me your number.”

  “You didn’t ask for it and after the fiasco with your ex, why would I think you’d be interested in a poor black bitch?” I was still mad she called me that.

  “Robin is stuck up like my mother and I’m not excusing what she said at all, but she’s bitter because I won’t take her back.”

  “I get that but why she coming for me?” He smiled and leaned on the door.


  “I love how you speak. You’re not proper all the time and you’re very relaxed.”

  “What you tryna say?” I snapped.

  “Nothing. It’s actually a turn on.” I found myself blushing and shifted my gaze out the window.

  “Don’t get me wrong. My ex can be the same, but it’s forced. It comes natural to you and I wanna hear more of it.” He had me at a loss for words. No one ever told me speaking hood is a good thing.

  “Let me see something.” He leaned over, pulled my face close to his and let his tongue slide over my top and bottom lip. Then, his hand went behind my neck and I opened my mouth to welcome him. I could taste the weed on his tongue and the mint he used to try and conceal it.

  “Is that how you always kiss?” He asked moving back.

  “Yes why? Is there something wrong?”

  “You kiss decent, but you were forcing it instead of letting it flow. Your teeth kept colliding with mine because you were being rough.” I covered my mouth and tried to open the door.

  “Don’t be embarrassed. If we were fucking, I could see why because our adrenaline would be pumping, and we’d be ready to fuck. However; how can you enjoy the kiss when it seems like you’re in a rush?” I folded my arms and pouted.

  “Get in the back.” He opened the door.


  “You heard me.” I pushed the door open hard and he was standing right there.”

  “If this was yo shit, I wouldn’t care how you opened the door but it’s not.” I rolled my eyes.

  “Respect my shit, like I’m gonna respect the shit outta this body when I get it.” I turned and him biting his lip had me horny as hell. He got in the truck behind me and sat me on his lap.

  “Let’s try this again and follow my lead.” I nodded.

  His tongue went in my mouth and instead of grabbing his neck, I placed both hands on the side of his face. I let my tongue move to the same beat as his and shortly after, we were both in sync. His hands were squeezing my ass and I felt him growing.

  “Fuck!” He barked when his phone rang.

  “What?” He answered his phone and the Bluetooth kicked in. I began kissing on his neck. He took the phone off the truck and put it face down in the seat for a minute.

  “You’re doing it too fast. Don’t think about it. Just go with the flow.” I nodded and did what he said.

  “I hear you. Why the fuck can’t you find him?” He barked.

  “You doing real good sexy.” His eyes closed as he kept the phone to his ear.

  “Keep looking and if I have to come, we already know it’s gonna be a problem.” He disconnected the call.

  “I gotta go.” He patted my ass and I moved off his lap. My pussy was soaking wet and he was aroused as well.

  “When I explore this body, it won’t be in a truck.” He kissed me again and had me give him my number before leaving. I’m definitely gonna have to see what he’s like in bed.

  I went straight to my car to grab feminine wipes and a pantyliner before going in the bathroom to clean myself up. I keep that stuff in my car for when I have my period. I don’t have it now but I for sure needed it.


  “Ok y’all. We’re going to do this Fourth of July BBQ. The woman is a bitch but the money nice.” Tashi told us as we packed the catering truck. I sucked my teeth because I didn’t wanna go but one of the workers called in sick.

  “She better not say shit to me.” I told Tashi as she pulled off.

  “Stay close to me and if she says anything let me know. Money or not, she’s not gonna be disrespecti
ng nobody.” I nodded.

  Tashi pulled into the driveway of this humongous house. The landscaping was beautiful and so were the water statues on the front lawn. There was a big ass greyhound dog sniffing the grass and then she came out strutting around like the stuck-up bitch she is. I waited for Tashi to park, put my earphones in and started to help unload the truck.

  The BBQ didn’t start for another hour but it’s more than enough time to set up. It’s not like we had to be on the grill or anything. We’re just here for appetizers and to help serve drinks and so forth. Honestly, I think the heffa just wanted to show off like she always did.

  “Right this way and don’t touch anything.” I rolled my eyes and followed behind. The inside of the house is definitely amazing.

  “Ok. You’ll stay in the kitchen area unless I call and you.” She pointed to me.

  “Stay away from Kenji. Him and his fiancé don’t need to have someone from the ghetto interfering.” I went to say something, and she stopped me.

  “I apologize. I’m working on my wording. Anyone from the hood.” She patted me on the side of my face and walked out. Tashi had to grab me because I was about to follow her.

  She took the apron off and went to find Mrs. Smith but I stopped her. She didn’t need to lose the account and we’re already here.

  “This will be the last event and I’m going to speak with her when this is over. I don’t care how good the money is, she will respect all of us.” I smiled because Tashi really is a good person.

  An hour went by and the guests began to arrive. When Kenji stepped in the kitchen, my heart skipped a beat and I’m pretty sure my clit reacted because it sure was wet down there. Lord help me.


  I stepped in my parents’ house regretting it. Ever since the fundraiser, Robin has become worse than she already was, no thanks to my mother. I had no clue she invited her and hell yea it aggravated me because I informed her the day before, we were no longer a couple. Then, she introduced Ny as the woman who had a crush on me. If I hadn’t pulled her away they would’ve fought.

  I’m only here because my grandmother and father asked. My father is well aware of the pettiness my mother shows; like right now she’s throwing shade at Tashi. Talking about she had to use this catering company to prove she’s giving back to the community, knowing damn well Tashi food is the bomb.

  I’ll never understand how black women can put each other down. I turned and saw Ny walking around handing out appetizers and waited for the right moment to snatch her up.

  “What are you doing?” She asked as I pushed her towards the stairs. I winked at Tashi who was shaking her head.

  “About to give you a tour.”

  “I don’t think your mom would approve.” She had a sneaky grin on her face.

  “I know for a fact she won’t.” We were about to disappear when my grandmother popped in.

  “Hello Kenji.” She hugged me and looked over at Nyana.

  “And who is this beauty?”

  “I’m Nyana. It’s very nice to meet you.” She extended her hand to shake.

  “It’s nice to meet you too Nyana. Kenji is she from the hood?” My grandmother asked and I could tell Ny was getting mad.


  “I’m only asking because I really want someone to beat up Robin. You know these other bitches act like they can’t break a nail.” Ny busted out laughing.

  “Don’t be offended honey, I’m from the hood myself.”

  “Really?” Ny was now walking to the back with my grandmother and me following.

  “I sure am and guess what? My husband wasn’t but when I threw this banging ass pussy on him, guess who took me right out?”

  “Yooo!” I hated when she brought that up. However; Nyana was almost bent over from laughing so hard.

  “I don’t know where you and Kenji were going but make sure to throw it on him. That stuck up bitch don’t know what it’s like to fuck a thug. Ain’t that right honey?” She patted the side of my cheek and sat down next to my mother who turned her face up.

  “Excuse me. Aren’t you supposed to be working? I’m not paying you to converse with my mother or son.”

  “You’re not paying her at all. Your husband is and why are you worried about who Kenji’s talking to?”

  “He’s engaged and...” I saw Ny walk off.

  “Ma, I told you were not together. Stop tryna force it because it’s not happening.”

  “Kenji.” I turned and saw Robin headed toward me.

  “You invited her?”

  “Of course I did.”

  “I’m leaving.”

  “You better not be going with her.” My mom yelled and people started to stare.

  “Who I fuck is none of your business but since you’re concerned about it, why don’t you ask sweet ole Robin why she rather eat pussy herself than be faithful?” It’s like the entire back yard got quiet.

  “Tell them why we broke up Robin because I’m sick of this bullshit. Got them thinking it’s over nothing.”

  “Kenji.” My mom tried to calm me down.

  “Tell them how I came home, and you and the bitch had already fucked in my bed. You cheated on me multiple times, but I’m supposed to stay and work it out. Nah, I’m not that nigga.” I saw my grandmother laughing and Robin crying. I’m over all they shit. I stepped inside and noticed Nyana staring.

  “I’m sorry.” She said. I walked over to her and whispered in her ear.

  “Nothing to be sorry for. It’s her loss, your gain because I’m coming for you.” She smiled and Tashi just shook her head like always.


  “Where we going?” Nyana asked when I picked her up.

  Over the last few weeks we’ve been texting and talking on the phone nonstop. We went out a few times, but I always had something to do afterwards. Tonight’s it’s about her and no one else.

  “Just sit and enjoy the ride.” We drove for about twenty minutes before I pulled up at one of the many condos I owned. I wasn’t ready to show her my house yet. We stepped out and walked in.

  “Damn this is nice.” She said after touring the place.

  I closed the drapes, sat on the bed and pulled her on my lap. I unbuttoned her shirt and licked my lips. Her breasts sat up nice in the silver bra. She leaned in for a kiss and I’ll be damned. Ny had my dick brick hard. I don’t know if she practiced at home or remembered. All I know is, she’s a fast learner

  “Stand up.” She did like I asked, and I pulled the black shorts down. I had her step outta them and her panties. She was shaved and I could see the shave bumps but what caught my eye, is her inner walls already let some of her juices slip through.

  “I want you.” My hands were on her hips and I was face to face with her pussy.

  “Then take…?” Is all she was able to get out as my finger slid up and down.

  I twirled my tongue around her clit, lifted her leg and penetrated her with it. She put her hand on my head and pulled my face closer as if it could go any further. I flickered fast against her growing nub and watched as she bucked against my face and moaned out. The amount of fluids seeping out was crazy; yet, I wanted more. I placed both of her legs on my shoulder, stood and continued lapping up all her juices.

  “Oh gawddd Kenji. Don’t stop.” She yelled this time and released more into my awaiting mouth. After begging me to stop, I finally did and laid her on the bed.

  “Come here Kenji.” She gestured for me with her index finger. I moved closer and watched as she undid my shorts and let them fall.

  “DAMN! I need a bigger mouth and pussy for what you got.” I started laughing.

  “You got this.” My dick twitched when she sucked on the tip.

  She relaxed her jaw and throat before swallowing most of my dick. My eyes began to roll and by the way she was spitting and sucking, I’m bound to shoot down her throat in no time.

  As she bobbed up and down, I reached over and slid one of my fingers in her ass.
The throaty moan made me harder; if it’s even possible. I worked my finger in and out and not too long after, she came again. I smacked her ass and slid my finger to her pussy. She was drenched.

  “Oh fuck Ny.” I all but shouted when she juggled my balls and began playing with them in her mouth. Her tongue went to some area under them and I lost my balance when she made me lose control. Her hands gripped the back of my thighs as she continued suctioning out my seeds.

  Ny kissed up my chest and somehow that little bit of touching, had me semi hard. I reached in the nightstand, pulled a condom out and I set myself in between her thighs. Her shit gripped the fuck outta my dick. I spread her legs open wider and hit so deep, I had to hold her hands to keep her from digging in my back.

  I took long strokes, which allowed me to see the head of my dick going in each time. I rammed back in making my balls slam against the bottom of her ass.

  “I’m about to cum Kenji.” She moaned as I buried myself deeper inside her tunnel.

  “Oh shit.” She gripped the sheets and I watched her body jerk a few times. I flipped her over and shawty went for one hell of a ride. I sat up and her breasts were bouncing up and down. Ny started fucking me harder and pinching her nipples.

  “Make me cum Ny.” I palmed her ass with both hands and she grinded on the base of my dick driving me insane. The feeling was indescribable, and a nigga couldn’t hold out.

  “Kenji.” She moaned out when my thumb circled her clit. I watched it grow as her pussy swallowed my dick.

  “Yea.” She lifted my head and crashed her lips on mine.

  “I’m cumming again. Yessssssss.” She screamed out at the same time I released. Both of us were breathing heavy at the moment.

  “Pretty good for your first time.” I pecked her lips and moved her in circles on my soft dick.

  “Pretty amazing for me. Can I take a quick nap?” She asked and I started laughing. I held her in my arms and took her in the bathroom.

  “Is there any place in here that’s not nice?”

  “Nah. I like nice things.” I put her down and held her waist because she almost fell from being weak.

  “You know I’ve never had shower sex?” She sat on the bench while I flushed the condom. I went in the room to grab another one.


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