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A Dopeman & His Shawty

Page 12

by Tina J

  “I gotta go, which means y’all gotta go.” I grabbed Nyana’s hand and had them following me.

  “Everything ok?”

  “Yea. This dumb bitch told my mother she pregnant.” It was no need to keep a secret from her.

  “She’s not and if she is, it’s not by me. We’ve been separated before you came along and she would’ve been said it.”

  “Well, I’m still gonna fuck you.” I started laughing.

  “You good out here?” I ask Jai who had Gina’s wrists in his hands and her against the car.

  “She was just leaving.” Gina was cussing her ass off.

  “She did this to you?” Sade asked about the scratches on the side of his face.

  “I’m a’ight.” He pushed her away and tried to walk off. Gina ran behind him.

  CLICK! All of us looked. Sade had a gun on Gina’s forehead.

  “That’s me all day. Put your hands on him again and I promise, you’ll be dead or in jail.”

  “SADE!” Jai shouted and took the gun out her hand.

  “Now that’s how you show a bitch to leave your man alone.” Tashi said and her and Ny started cracking jokes.

  “Sade, we’re not a couple and...” Gina smirked and you could see the sadness written on Sade face.

  “My bad. What was I thinking tryna keep her from fighting a man I’ve been with every fucking day and night for weeks?”

  “Sade.” He tried to grab her hand and she snatched away.

  “I know we’re not a couple but you reminding me in front of her, let’s me know you’re not over her.”

  “No he’s not. Your little sex situation is nothing because while Kenji was in there showing you the center, he was out here telling me he still loved me. Ain’t that right Jai? I messed up but your love for me is still there.” When he didn’t say anything, Sade walked over to Gina who looked petrified.

  “I apologize for pulling my weapon on you. I assumed you were trying to attack him. It won’t happen again. Whatever y’all going through, I’ll let it happen. Again, I apologize.” Gina looked at me.

  “Is she serious?” I don’t think any of us wanted to tell Gina she was a cop because it’s no telling what she would’ve done.

  “Grown women apologize when they mess up.” Tashi said and walked off with Sade.

  “Sade! Sade!” Jai called out but she kept walking. He tried to go after her but I stepped in between.

  “Let her be. You got shit to handle.” I nodded in the direction of Gina who stood at her car smirking.

  “Nyana can you tell her I’m gonna call her later?” She walked over to him.

  “I’ll tell her but you know how fucked up she is and couple or not, you never allow a bitch who wants you to know what it is. It’s not her business and you gave Gina the upper hand to make Sade look stupid.”

  “I...” Ny put her hand up.

  “No need to explain or apologize. Gina said enough and you didn’t correct it.” Nyana walked off.

  “Handle your shit bro. I’ll be here for the opening.” He nodded and I saw him go lean against the wall with his leg up.

  “You better not ever do know shit like that to me. We’ll handle it in private.” I swung her around as she called herself going off.

  “Shut that shit up.” I crashed my lips on hers.

  “I’ll be by later.”

  “Call me first. I may have someone over.” She joked.

  “And I’ll kill him right in front if you.”


  “Hell yea I’m touchy about my shit.” She smiled and kissed me before jumping in the car with Tashi and Sade.

  “Let me go see what my mother talking about now.”


  “Can I talk to you?” I heard a voice as I left the precinct where I’d be working.

  Today was my first day and everyone was so nice. The captain here was a woman and asked why I requested a change. I told her a little and shockingly she had gone through the same thing. She told me a change is the first step and that my ex would get what’s coming to him. I really hope so because I don’t wanna live in fear for the rest of my life.

  “No you cannot. Does Kerron know you’re here?” I spoke as I walked to my car. I had to get ready for Kenji’s grand opening. He told Ny, I better come and not to let Jai keep me in the house. I really loved him for her, and I hope they stay together for a long time.

  “Please.” She cried and I knew right then and there, she became a victim. I turned and Monique had on a huge pair of black sunglasses, along with a black hat.

  “What Monique? What do you want?”

  “He’s gonna kill me.” I sucked my teeth.


  “And, I need your help.” I let out a small laugh.

  “You need my help like I needed yours? Remember you flirted with my man knowing we worked together. You fucked him in my house and dismissed me like I was a piece of shit on the bottom of your shoe. And let’s not forget you stood there and watched him beat on me like a man.” She put her head down.

  “I took his abuse for a couple years and made it out alive. What? It’s been six months since he kicked me out the house and you can’t handle it? I’m shocked you didn’t just leave.” She wasn’t getting any sympathy from me.

  “He won’t let me and I did say something about the way he beat on you and he said it was your fault. You lied to me about him asking for a key to your new place.” I shook my head.

  “So you gave him a pass knowing no woman deserved to be treated like that.” She didn’t say anything. I turned to leave.

  “When we have sex, he calls your name. Over the last few weeks he’s been tryna find you.” I stopped walking.

  “I’m sorry for not stepping in and I’ll sign a statement if you help me. Please. I’m pregnant and...” I was really mad.

  “Is it his?” She shook her head yes. Kerron forbid me to get off birth control and told me he didn’t want kids any time soon. Yet, he impregnates her with no problem.

  “I don’t know what you want me to do Monique.” I wasn’t about to give her the lawyers number in case she was trying to set me up. Shit, he may have beat her up and told her to ask questions. You never know with him.

  “I don’t have any money.”

  “Umm you’re his secretary.”

  “Ex secretary. They fired me for sexual harassment.” I was shocked.


  “Kerron became attracted to someone else and they started fucking. She wasn’t happy about me being his secretary and filed a complaint saying she saw me feeling all over Kerron. He didn’t dispute it and since they didn’t wanna make a spectacle outta the precinct, they let me go. No severance pay or nothing.” I opened my wallet.

  “All I have is two hundred dollars.” She snatched it out my hand and ran down the steps.

  “It won’t get me far but I’ll be away from him. Thank you.”

  At least I can say I didn’t turn my back on her if something does happen and with Kerron you never know. It’s crazy to know she accepted him for the bastard he was and watched as he brutally beat me. Now the tables are turned, and she need help. Go figure.


  “And where are you going?” I froze when I heard Kerron’s voice. How did he find me?

  I was stepping off the elevator of the hotel I’ve been staying in since the situation with Jai. He’s been tryna reach me but I blocked him. Nyana told me he was asking her to get me to call him. I couldn’t force myself to unblock him or have any sorta contact. I started my new job and he’d be a distraction. Now I wish, I did unblock him because if my ex found me, I don’t see this going well at all.

  “What do you want?” I walked out the hotel and headed to my car.

  “Sade.” I swung my body around.

  “What Kerron? Is it something you need?” He grabbed my wrist.

  “I need you Sade. I’m sorry for everything.” I wonder if he’s really apologetic or is
this a trick?

  “Kerron we’re no good for one another. You want a woman to bully and treat like shit. I’m not her.”

  “You’re right. I was being a bully and should’ve never treated you badly. All you tried to do is love me and I took it all for granted.” I felt my eyes beginning to water.

  “Can we go somewhere and talk?” He asked nicely.

  “Kerron I’m on my way to a grand opening.”

  “Please.” Why did I still have feelings for him? I’m not in love or anything like that, but he knew how to make me feel bad.

  “Fine but only for a few minutes.” He smiled and kissed me on the lips. I backed up.

  “Too soon.”

  “Where you wanna meet?” I ignored his question.

  “Let’s meet at the lake.” I knew exactly where he was talking about because Jai took me there a few times. He loved nature and always wanted to be outside. If he could have a house in the middle of the woods, he would.

  I drove to the lake and just as I pulled in, I saw Jai’s ex pulling out with some guy. I should tell him but for what? We’re not a couple and whatever he has going on with her is not my business. He made it abundantly clear at his new center when his ex was there. I parked, stepped out and met Kerron at the sidewalk.

  “Make it quick Kerron and don’t try anything stupid.” He smiled.

  “I’m not. I just wanted to show you something.”

  “What?” He took my hand in his and led me down some walkway away from the parking lot. It did make me nervous because the further we walked, the less people I could see.

  “I really am sorry for how I treated you.” We continued to walk. My phone went off and he took it out my hand.

  “Tashi wants to know when you’re coming.” He read the message.

  “I’m gonna tell her you’ll see her tomorrow.” I tried to remove it out his hand and he gave me a look saying not to. My heart began beating fast and I knew then, it was a bad decision to accompany him anywhere.

  “Give me my phone Kerron.” I tried to snatch it again despite his look and almost fell over something. I looked down and vomited.

  “Please tell me that’s not who I think it is.” He smiled and pulled me close. I felt his lips touching my neck and cringed at his touch.

  “It sure is and unless you come home with me right now, her body will be dumped outside of your fuck buddy’s center.” I pulled away and covered my mouth.

  “You thought I didn’t know that was you in the office?” He played in my hair.

  “I know your body like the back of my hand.”

  “Why didn’t you say anything?” My hands began to sweat and my body became weak.

  “No need. I let you believe I didn’t know who you were but back to reality.” I started crying and shaking my head no because I knew what he was about to say.

  “Bring your ass home or I’ll make sure your friend suffers.” He moved my hair to the side.

  “How would the community look at Adjani Foster?” He laughed and then changed his demeaner.

  “An upstanding guy in the community, or a man who murdered the captain’s secretary?”


  “You look very nice son.” My mom sat down on the bed as I put the tie on. Kenji’s grand opening was tonight, and he wanted everyone in evening wear. I got dressed here because it’s closer.


  “Is Sade going to be there?” She pretended to flick something from under her nail. I knew she was mad about the way I handled the situation with Gina, but I wasn’t tryna hurt Sade. We weren’t a couple but she’s right. I should’ve never mentioned it in front of my ex because she damn sure ran with it.

  I appreciated the fact Sade had my back, but I also didn’t need her losing her job. Gina is the type to be extra dramatic with certain things. Did I tell my ex I still loved her, of course but not the way she made it seem.

  She asked if I hated her and my response was no, I still love you but we could never be together. I never got the chance to explain it because Sade bounced. I wanted to go after her, but Kenji was right; I needed to handle Gina. Therefore; when they left, I locked up and did the same.

  I went to Tashi’s house and she told me how wrong I was and how Sade took her own car and left. I didn’t expect her to tell me nor did I think she’d be at Nyana’s. I did call multiple times and once her phone went to voicemail, I knew she blocked me.

  I ask Kenji to see if Nyana could get her to call but I guess she couldn’t because I haven’t heard from her in weeks. I’m hoping to see her at the hotel.

  “I don’t know ma.”

  “Hmph.” I blew my breath because it meant she had something to say.

  After meeting Sade the first time, she’s constantly asked about her. Then, I had Sade staying with me and we’d stop by and see my mother a couple days a week. Shit, sometimes Sade would come over without me, just because. Those two had become tight in this short amount of time so I know she had an issue with what happened.

  “What?” I grabbed the suit jacket and headed down the stairs.

  “Do you want to be with Gina?” I stopped at the bottom of the stairs and looked up.

  “If I wanted to, I would’ve taken her back when she showed up at the center. Ma.” She walked down the steps.

  “I admit. I handled it wrong but in no way do I want Gina back.” She nodded.

  “Then I suggest you get your knee pads ready because it’s gonna take some begging to get Sade to even speak to you.”

  “I know.” She kissed my cheek and opened the screen door for me. I sent a text to Kenji and told him I’m on my way.


  “What Gina?” I answered on the way to the hotel.

  “JAI, CAN YOU PLEASE COME HERE? I THINK SOMEONE IS TRYNA BREAK IN.” She spoke frantically on the phone.

  “Call the cops.” I hung up and she dialed me right back.


  “Please Jai. Wherever you are or going can wait. Please.” I sucked my teeth because I didn’t wanna be bothered with her. But then I thought, what if it really is someone and they tried to kill her?

  I made a U-turn and drove to her house. When I got there, nothing looked outta order. I rang the doorbell and waited for her to answer. I didn’t get one and started to think maybe the person was inside. I used my old key to open it and walked around looking for her. She wasn’t downstairs so I went up the steps and opened the bedroom door; only to find her playing with herself.

  “Mmmm. Jai. Don’t you miss being inside me?” I shook my head.

  “I should’ve known this was a joke.” I turned to leave and felt her grab my hand. I snatched it away and kept walking.

  “Jai wait!” I turned and she jumped in my arms. I tried to put her down, but her legs were tight and so were her arms.

  “I miss you baby. I’m so sorry.” She let the tears fall and that was it.

  “Stop crying.” I walked over to the couch and sat down with her still wrapped around me. Of course, I still loved her. We had three years in but I’d never be with her because the trust is gone.

  “I can’t. I want you back.” She kissed my lips, then my neck and slid her tongue in my mouth. I didn’t fight or make her get up. I was fully aware of my position and since I have no one and my dick is hard, why not?

  “Let me feel you again. Make us one.” She and I were engaged in an aggressive kiss as she unbuttoned my pants, moved my boxers and maneuvered down my shaft.

  “Yea Jai. It still feels good baby. Yesss. I miss this.” In less than twenty seconds, Gina had already released on me.

  “Fuck me Jai. Fuck me hard.” I stood up, flipped her on the couch and gave her exactly what she wanted.

  “Yes baby. I’m about to cum.” She moaned out as I started fucking her from behind.

  “Damn Sade. I missed the shit outta you.” I moaned out by accident. The whole time I was fucking my ex, Sade was the only one on my mind.

lly Jai.” Her opening her mouth brought me back to reality.

  I pulled out, went to the bathroom, jerked myself off and cleaned up. I stared at myself in the mirror. How could I be sleeping with my ex knowing Sade is where I wanna be? I splashed water on my face and headed to the living room to grab my things. I stopped when I heard arguing.

  “Did you fuck him?” I heard my neighbor Frank asking Gina.

  “Be quiet.”

  “Don’t tell me to be quiet. You’re my fucking woman.”

  “Frank, I’m still in love with him.”

  “How is that even possible when you’re laid up in my bed every night? I’m the one fucking you and you damn sure sucking my dick. So explain to me how you’re still in love. I mean, how did it even happen? I just left ten minutes ago.”

  “Word? You’re the one she cheated on me with?” I hit Frank hard as hell and knocked him out. I started stomping on his face, kicking him anywhere my foot wanted to. I wasn’t fighting him so much for fucking Gina but more for being fake.

  He’d speak to me everyday and then question why I was home early on certain days. He’d come over and play cards with us and even offered to keep Gina company if I worked late. This whole time they’ve been fucking.

  “You’re gonna kill him. Stop Jai.” Gina pushed me to the side. I saw her on the phone and didn’t give a fuck. I grabbed my things and just as I stepped on the porch, cops were pulling up. I turned and looked at her.

  “I’m sorry for everything Jai but this is what you get for calling me another bitch name.” She smirked.


  “Officers please arrest this man. He beat up my boyfriend really bad to keep him from raping me.”


  “Look at the bruises in between my legs.” Gina was light and I did fuck the shit outta her. The inside of her legs were red as hell.

  “I tried to fight him off. You can take me down to the hospital and get the DNA from under my nails. Just please get him away from me.” Hell yea she had my skin under her nails because she was scratching the hell outta me.


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