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Forged Bonds (Binding Words Book 4)

Page 5

by Daniel Schinhofen

  “I’m ready,” Ryann said.

  “I just need to grab the proof of concept,” Sean said.

  “Here it is, sir,” Andrea said, coming out of the kitchen with the enchanted kettle. “I’ve made over fifty pots with it so far, and it’s still working.”

  “Thanks, Andrea. We’ll be back,” Sean told the others as he headed for the door.

  Ryann looked back and met Fiona’s eyes, silently promising not to fail again.


  Agatha stared at Sean when he and Ryann entered the Crafter’s Guild hall. Heading over to her, Sean was puzzled at her reaction to them. “We need to see Gertihs about another patent.”

  “Of course, sir,” Agatha said, getting to her feet, clearly a little uneasy.

  As they followed her down the hall, Agatha kept glancing back at them. Sean decided to ask, “Agatha, did we do something wrong?”

  “No,” she said, before clearing her throat and starting again, “No, sir. I just heard some rumors this morning…”

  “What kind of rumors?” Sean asked.

  “They were mixed up,” Agatha admitted. “One said you were attacked by twenty men and killed them all barehanded. Another was that you attacked Ida Bronzeshield last night on your way home from the Oaken Glen and crippled her. The last one I heard said that you laid an ambush and attacked Angus Angusson because he insulted you.”

  “None of those are true,” Sean replied. “Though I’m curious how so many different rumors are flying already. Who did you hear them from?”

  Agatha looked abashed, “A couple of crafters were talking about it earlier today, sir. They said you had been dragged off to the magistrate.” Pausing outside of Gertihs’ door, she met his eyes briefly, “I’m sorry for having believed them even a little, sir.”

  “The truth is that we were attacked on our way home last night,” Sean told her. “Eight men, and Ida was crippled before the healer helped her. We did end up before the magistrate to explain what happened and clear our names, but neither I nor my friends were the attackers. That’s the problem with rumors— they are normally wrong.”

  “Of course, I’m sorry, sir,” Agatha said, clearly upset that she had believed them. Knocking on the door, she opened it when a voice bade her enter. “Sir, MacDougal is here for another patent.”

  “MacDougal? Wasn’t he going before the magistrates this morning?”

  “Heard the rumors too, did you, Jackson?” Sean asked when he entered the room.

  “I was very confused by them,” Jackson Gertihs replied, “but yes, I heard a number of them. I’m glad to see they were untrue.”

  “Not entirely untrue. I did see Magistrate Jasper this morning,” Sean said, taking a seat. “Had to explain that we were attacked and defended ourselves on the way home last night.”

  “Twenty men and a hound?” Jackson asked.

  Sean started laughing— a deep honest laugh— that made him wipe tears from his eyes before he could answer. “Sorry, there’s a joke about that... but no, it was just eight men.”

  Jackson looked very confused about why twenty men and a hound would be a joke, but nodded his head. “Was anyone injured?”

  “Ryann, Ida, and myself. A healer has seen to our wounds, though, and we all survived the encounter.”

  “Praise the Queens,” Jackson smiled. “I think my brother would be upset if you died before his big secret was revealed. Goodness knows I’m waiting to see what he’s been working on with you. Especially since it’s caused us to run into more problems with Denmur and his pals.”

  Sean’s eyes twitched at Denmur’s name. “Yes, he does seem to dislike anything involving me.”

  “What can I do for you today?” Jackson asked when he saw he was on a touchy subject.

  “A new kettle design,” Sean said. “We’re selling the old design starting today, but I want this one locked down before someone else figures it out.” Sean set the kettle on Jackson’s desk and waited for him to examine it.

  “It dispenses hot water and doesn’t require a supply of energy?” Jackson was sitting upright in his chair. “How long can it do that before it stops working?”

  “Don’t know. It’s still being tested,” Sean replied. “I still want this enchantment patented.”

  Jackson shook his head as he got up to get the patent book. “My brother looks to have had the right idea of it. This enchantment will likely be worth a fortune, as well as making waves in society. What will you do next?”

  Sean just smiled, “Wait and see. I’m not done yet.”

  “No wonder Denmur is trying to limit you,” Jackson muttered under his breath, though Sean still heard the words clearly. “This will take just a minute,” he said at normal volume and placed the kettle on the book.

  When the patent was registered and paid for, Sean stood to leave. “Your brother is a smart man. I know you had been in Denmur’s camp before I showed up, but by the end of the next cycle, things will have changed drastically.”

  Jackson blinked, “I would have called you a fool if you had said that the first time we met. Now, though... I believe you. Will it be as bad as the east-west conflict?”

  Sean paused, not knowing what he was talking about, and hedged with a noncommittal answer. “I hope not, but Denmur might force things.”

  Jackson sucked his teeth before nodding, “I see. If it does, will you do what Lord Truesight did?”

  “I don’t know. Only time will tell,” Sean hedged again.

  “One can hope it does not come to that,” Jackson sighed. “Good day, MacDougal. One last question: when do you think you’ll be selling these newer kettles?”

  “Not for a few tendays,” Sean replied. “I want to get something out of the first kettles.”

  Jackson chuckled, “Of course. If I might request to be in the first dozen to purchase one?”

  “I’m sure your brother will be asking me the same thing,” Sean said.

  “Of course, but I meant for my own home, not my family home.”

  “I can’t promise that, but I will make sure you get one of the first fifty.”

  “That is acceptable,” Jackson smiled, holding out his hand.

  Shaking it, Sean felt the light weight of a minor Agreement settle over him. “Goodnight, Jackson.”

  “Night,” Jackson said hesitantly, clearly confused because it was not even quite midday yet.


  At the house, Sean went in the door to the shop. A dozen people were waiting for their turns to speak with Chastity. From the cut and material of their clothing, Sean guessed they were in the upper-middle ranks of society.

  “Everything good, Chastity?” Sean asked as he stepped around everyone toward the gate in the counter.

  “Sir,” Chastity smiled, “everything is fine.”

  The customers all gave him long, appraising looks, which Sean ignored. “Glad to hear it. Just wanted to check in with you before I became unreachable for a bit.”

  “I’ll let Fiona know if there are any problems, sir. She made it quite clear how things should happen today.”

  Nodding, Sean gave her a rueful smile as he went through the door beside her. “A good wife thinks of everything.”

  Chastity went red at his words. “I’ll remember that, sir.” Her eyes went to the thick bands on Ryann’s wrists and neck. “Good day to you, Ryann.”

  “Good day, Chastity,” Ryann replied.

  “Sir,” Ven said the moment the door to the front shop closed, “Omin and Onim are here, waiting as you wanted.”

  “Down the hall?”

  “Yes, sir.

  Sean followed Ven to the room where the other Messenger Fairies were waiting. Fiona and the two Messenger Fairies were sipping tea together. “I’m home. Sorry for the delay… the rumors about last night are already flying thick and heavy.”

  “Not surprising. It’s just another attempt to discredit or marginalize you,” Fiona replied. “The hair clips have been selling steadily. It is a good thi
ng we stockpiled as many as we did. We’ll need to get back to working on them again tomorrow.”

  “Selling that good even at the current pricing?”

  “Better than I had anticipated, though it could be people wanting them before you’re driven out,” Fiona smiled. “Which is better for us, since we know you aren’t being driven anywhere.”

  “True,” Sean said, giving her a kiss and taking his seat. “Omin, Onim, it’s good of you both to come. Did you have any questions about the Agreement or Bond?”

  “We’ll get what Ven and Venn have and be subordinates to them, but we will be above the other Messenger Fairies that will be around you?”

  “Sounds about right,” Sean nodded. “Did the Dominguez family no longer want your services?”

  “They did, but we didn’t feel comfortable working for them any longer. They didn’t offer even a tenth of what you are.”

  “Okay, let’s make the Agreement, then,” Sean said. “If you both agree— on your lives— to keep all the secrets you learn about myself and my Bonded, I swear to give you a home and to pay you the same as Ven and Venn. I will never intentionally put either of you in harm’s way, nor harm you myself. You will be Bonded for ten years, with access to Talents and energy equal to my other Bonded. You agree to be subordinate to Ven and Venn, but will rank higher than any other Messenger Fairies in my service.”

  “I, Omin, paired to Onim, agree.”

  “I, Onim, paired to Omin, agree.”

  The weight of the Agreement settled onto the three of them. “Welcome to your new home,” Sean smiled. “Fiona, can you—”

  “I will handle everything from here, husband,” Fiona said, cutting him off.

  “Thanks, dear,” Sean said. “Can I give them some energy now, or should I wait until tomorrow?”

  “The first bit is small enough that you could do it now,” Fiona said.

  “You two ready?” Sean asked the two Messenger Fairies.

  “Yes,” they replied in unison.

  Sending out tiny trickles of power to both of them, he waited a moment before he stopped. “That should do to start you both.”

  “Now off to bed with you,” Fiona smiled. “We’ll wake you before dinner.”

  Sean gave her another kiss before he left the room. Lost in his thoughts, he had not known he was being followed until Ryann spoke up.

  “Sean,” Ryann asked hesitantly, “can I join you?”

  Blinking, he turned to face her, “Ry?”

  “Just for sleep, not for more,” Ryann clarified. “I just—”

  Sean took her hand. “Yes.” Opening the bedroom door, he led her inside. “You’re one of my wives, after all.”

  Ryann’s smile was bright as she shut the door behind them. “Thank you… husband.”


  “It’s time to wake, Sean,” a soft voice called to him from the depths of darkness.

  “Hmm?” Sean mumbled.

  “You really do not wake easy, do you?” Ryann laughed softly. “Myna and Fiona said so, but seeing it for myself, I think they understated it.”

  “Time to get up?” Sean mumbled, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

  “Evening, Sean,” Ryann said, sitting down beside him. “Did you sleep well?”

  “Still feel tired, but not as fuzzy as before,” Sean replied, yawning.

  “You certainly are a snuggler,” Ryann murmured, leaning against him. “It was nice. I expected it to feel confining, but it felt safe.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it,” Sean smiled. “How long until we need to go?”

  “Fiona told me to wake you, but not to let you drag me into bed,” Ryann replied with a smile of her own.

  “I’m not that bad,” Sean muttered.

  “I know,” Ryann said. “The walls of the inns were thin enough for me to know that they initiated most of your time together in that way. I moved my stuff into this room already. Fiona said she’ll expand the room tomorrow, and see about increasing the size of the bed.”

  “I didn’t think you—”

  “I’m not, not really, but for sleeping... I do like the idea of all of us together. I’m sure that Myna or Fiona will be trying to help me with the other part of it. Before having met you, I honestly would have rejected the idea of sleeping with a woman or a Moonbound, much less both in one, but Myna makes me wonder now instead of feeling repulsed.”

  “How long?” Sean asked.

  “The second night I overheard you all,” Ryann admitted. “I tried to deny it, but the sounds of everyone enjoying themselves made me entertain the idea.”

  “Huh...” Sean got out of bed and began to dress. “Guess we should get going.”

  Ryann could not completely suppress a snicker as she watched him. “Seems you’re interested, too.”

  Blushing, Sean struggled to get into his clothing, “Can’t deny it now, can I?”

  “You truly are different, Sean,” Ryann smiled broadly. “I’ll let them know you’re getting ready.”


  Sean made it out to the main room and saw everyone sitting around sipping tea, even Chastity. “Close the shop early?”

  “I had her do it,” Fiona said. “We’ll be leaving in ten minutes, and I wanted you to agree to what I’m planning for tomorrow.”

  Sean took the seat left open for him between her and Myna, then took the cup Myna handed him. “What did you have in mind?”

  “With what we sold today, we have the money required for something that has been requested of us.” Fiona sipped her tea, before turning to look at Chastity, “We have the two golds needed to redeem your mother.”

  Chastity froze, her eyes wide, “But—”

  “Do it,” Sean said, cutting Chastity off. “The only problem we’ll have is figuring out what to do for her after that. It pays off her debt, but doesn’t give her a way forward.”

  “I was forward, husband,” Fiona admitted, looking at her cup. “I got Agreements that her mother could work at the bathhouse to start with. I did suggest we get the materials and let her make the cleaning cloths for the bathhouse. If we can make them, it would be far cheaper than buying what we need.”

  Shaking his head, Sean smiled and put his arm around Fiona. “A good wife thinks of everything. You, my dear wife, are a very good wife.”

  Fiona shook her head, “Husband, you are different, but that is why we all love you.”

  Chastity finally collected her wits enough to speak, shocked at how generous they were being, “I can never repay this, but I swear I will find a way to try.”

  Fiona smiled at her, “I’m sure you will, Chastity. Tomorrow, we will pay the Bond price at the magistrate’s office and bring her here until the bathhouse is ready for her.”

  Chastity sniffled, trying to hold back her emotions. She failed and tears spilled from her eyes. “Thank you, thank you so much.”

  Andrea went to her roommate and hugged her. “We can go to the barracks tonight and tell your brother. We can, right, Fiona?”

  “That’s fine,” Fiona agreed. “Omin, have some of the new additions go with them, and tell us if they have any troubles at all.”

  “I’ll make sure it’s taken care of,” Omin said from the rafters.

  “Ven, you and Venn should accompany us,” Fiona told them. “I would feel better if at least one of you was always with Sean.”

  “We would be honored to go,” Ven said, Venn nodding in agreement.

  “You might not be included at dinner,” Fiona cautioned them.

  “Andrea fed us earlier,” Venn replied.

  “Thank you, Andrea,” Fiona smiled. “Thinking ahead like that speaks well for your future.”

  Andrea flushed a deep red, “I don’t know about that, Fiona, but thank you for the compliment.”

  “We start selling the first iteration of the kettles to the public tomorrow, too,” Sean said. “I want the people who are trying to stop us to know we won’t back down.”

  “We have a dozen
extra Messenger Fairies who will act as escort scouts,” Myna said. “Omin and Ven believe that will double in a couple of days. We won’t be ambushed again. Ryann and I will go to Jefferson’s Leathers tomorrow and see about obtaining leather strips to add into our clothing.”

  “We tried with Myna’s old leathers and discovered they can be Shaped because of your flesh Shaping,” Fiona said. “Ryann’s leather now protects just as well as thin metal.”


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