Grooms with Honor Series, Books 4-6

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Grooms with Honor Series, Books 4-6 Page 11

by Linda K. Hubalek

  “Yes, I would. How does that affect your decision to stay or go?” Pansy countered.

  They’d arrived at the depot platform and Mack pulled Pansy down on the bench beside him.

  “This spot changed my life twice. Even though I was very young, I still remember Ma ushering me and Fergus off the train and meeting Da, Angus and Seth for the first time. Da leaned over, held out his hand and said, ‘welcome home, son’.”

  “You said twice. When was the other time?” Pansy whispered, probably already knowing, or hoping for a positive answer.

  “When I first saw you standing on the platform. I knew that’s the reason I came here years ago, so I could meet you when you arrived in Clear Creek.”

  “Mack, you don’t mean that.”

  “Yes, I do. I told Cullen the minute after I saw you I wanted you for my future wife.”

  “And he answered back about my looking like a moose because of my hat,” Pansy shook her head, apparently remembering that moment too.

  “What! How’d you know that?” Mack felt his face redden with humiliation.

  “I’m tall, so I can see over people. And I can also read lips.”

  “Oh, don’t let Cullen off the hook for that remark.”

  Pansy shrugged. “Cullen was just looking out for his big brother. He’s very loyal to all of you.”

  “Yes, and we’ve always stood up for him. He had a rough life before he became a Reagan.”

  Mack rubbed the top of Pansy’s hand while he chose his words. What he said next would define his future.

  “We’re used to people saying us Reagan boys didn’t look alike, and Ma and Da lovingly taught us it didn’t matter because we were brothers forever.

  “Fergus and I don’t even look alike, and we had the same parents. Fergus is slender compared to my monstrous bulk. I bet I weigh seventy more pounds than him. We don’t have the same jaw line, hair or eye color.”

  Pansy squeezed his hand but didn’t say anything, waiting for him to continue.

  “I don’t know if my father was five feet tall and my mother seven feet tall, or vice versa. I have no idea what my parents or grandparents looked like, and I won’t lie, it’s bothered me over the years.”

  “But seeing you standing on the platform that day gave me a sense of clarity and peace about my future. If I had children with you, they might be tall, serene and beautiful, just like you, no matter my mysterious ancestors’ looks. Or, our children may look like neither of us due to a long-lost relative’s pug nose and black eyes. But together, we could all fit in, even if it was just within our own family, because we’d love and, teach respect for them, each other and others.”

  “Thank you, Mack,” Pansy said, her voice thick with emotion. “I’m glad I met you on this platform too. I always felt too big and clumsy compared to other girls and women, but you’ve helped build my confidence and my self-esteem. I’d told myself I couldn’t have children, because, what if I had a daughter who looked like me?

  “But with your patient help, I finally feel that if I have children, they will be perfect because I can proudly tell them so. They will be part of a family who would love and honor them no matter their appearance. Just like you love and honor me.”

  Touched and encouraged by her words, Mack reached into his vest pocket and pulled out Pansy’s letter he’d snatched off her kitchen table.

  “Time to decide our future, Doc.” Mack held out the letter to Pansy. “It may be hard to read here in the dim light, but what’s your decision? Are you going to stay in Clear Creek or move to Illinois, if you’ve been offered a job?”

  Pansy didn’t reach for the letter but drew close to Mack’s face instead.

  “My first choice would be if my favorite carpenter asked me to be his wife and mother to his children. I’d accept, providing I can still practice medicine in Clear Creek.”

  Mack dropped off the bench and down on one knee so fast he grunted in pain. “Ouch! I might have to have my favorite doctor check out my bum knee after my proposal.”

  Pansy smiled at his remark and let him pick up her hands.

  “Doctor Pansy Flora Walline, I promise to be a loving and supporting husband of your profession, with or without children, since only God knows what’s in our future anyway. Would you do me the great honor of marrying me?”

  Pansy’s beaming face warmed his heart and he knew he’d remember this moment forever.

  “Yes, Mackenzie Reagan, I’d be proud to be your wife. I’m confident we can support each other and work together. How soon can we marry?”

  Mack laughed before giving Pansy a long, happy kiss.

  “How much do you want to bet our marriage ceremony is already half planned by my ma and my sisters-in-law?”

  “Well, I’d like a little say in the details. But…oh my gosh!”

  Pansy’s gaping mouth and wide stare caught Mack off guard.

  “What? What’s wrong?”

  “When I was over to check on Burdette Jenkins the other day, Mary and Burdette were working on a white wedding gown. I asked who it was for, and I thought Burdette said, ‘for you’ but then Mary had a coughing fit and I went to their kitchen for a glass of water for her. Mary had put away the dress by the time I returned with the glass.”

  “Ah ha! The Clear Creek Women’s Society have planned our wedding. Let’s talk to Da and Ma about a date and Ma will tell us when we can have it, or in other words, when all the plans are in place.”

  “And just what does that entail, since I haven’t been to a wedding in Clear Creek yet?”

  “Da does the ceremony at the church, either right after Sunday service if the couple wants the whole congregation in attendance. Or he’ll do it another day if the couple wants it private or with a small attendance.

  “Depending on the time of year, the reception used to be a potluck meal outside the church building. But once the Paulson Hotel was built, most receptions are held in their large party room.”

  “What about cake and flowers? I’d like to have both for our wedding.”

  “Millie Wilerson has baked the cakes for weddings for the past dozen years. Flowers are usually whatever is in bloom around town. In other words, Millie’s roses need time to grow more buds since I cut them all off earlier today.”

  Pansy’s light laugh was enchanting. “What’s left to do?”

  “Nothing but pack up my stuff to move back into your apartment after the ceremony. I’ve already bought your ring.”

  Chapter 16

  Mack tugged on the collar of his dress shirt with his finger, trying to let a little air under his collar. He was sweaty, nervous as heck, and couldn’t wait to start and end this ceremony. He was in a hurry to kiss Pansy and leave the crowded church.

  His five brothers stood beside him knowing his fidgeting would be worth it in the end. Mack had teased Angus and Fergus about being nervous grooms, but they’d been very calm compared to him.

  The church was packed with townspeople and country folk. Apparently, this was a wedding no one wanted to miss. When he and Pansy talked to his folks about a wedding date, they had suggested the ceremony after church service in two weeks’ time. His mother muttered something about giving a rose bush time to rebloom, but he didn’t care. He was ready for his and Pansy’s union.

  Pansy’s attendants didn’t hold any flowers, so they must have saved them all for Pansy’s bouquet. Mack’s sisters-in-law, Daisy and Iris, who had become Pansy’s best friends—and staunch supporters—were first in line on the other side of his father. Holly Clancy and Iva Mae Shepard also stood there, but there wasn’t a fifth woman in line. Maybe that’s all Pansy asked to join her in front of the altar.

  The back door of the church opened, and everyone turned in their seats to see the bride and her escort. Mack started chuckling as soon as he saw who was walking by Pansy. Dear old Dan Clancy was proudly walking down the aisle as Pansy’s escort. But Pansy, standing a foot taller than the older man, was holding on to Dan in a way to keep him fro
m falling over.

  Dan was Pansy’s first patient when she arrived in town, and Dan and Edna doted on Pansy as if she was their granddaughter. Mack was proud how his family and friends had welcomed his doctor bride to Clear Creek.

  His bride wore a white satin gown that flowed around her perfect figure. A white hairpiece and veil nestled in the top of her curled hair. He bet it was the dress Mary and Burdette had been working on the day Pansy stopped to visit, because Burdette carefully walked behind Pansy holding the end of the long veil.

  A lump threatened to dislodge in Mack’s throat as Pansy and Dan stopped in front of him, and Burdette walked up the altar steps to stand beside Iva Mae. If it wasn’t for Pansy’s knowledge and care, the girl wouldn’t be walking on two legs today.

  Pansy was the right woman to share his life with, even if he’d have to share her with others as the town’s doctor. He and Pansy had agreed that their vows to each other would include caring for each other and their community.


  Oh gosh. Pansy was overwhelmed with the crowd in the church pews. Was everyone from the community here? Panic hit her stomach until Mr. Clancy patted her arm.

  “Let’s go, Doctor Walline, soon to be Doctor Reagan. Your groom is waiting, and my left knee’s about to give out.”

  Doctor Reagan? Yes, Pansy likes the sound of her new title, but for today she just wanted to be Mrs. Mackenzie Reagan.

  Mack stood tall ahead of her, grinning at her with such excitement and passion. It eased the butterflies in Pansy’s stomach. She was so blessed to be marrying Mack and to become part of his growing family.

  Pansy wished her father could have walked her down the aisle, but she felt peace along with her sadness. Her father made sure she was strong and independent, and luckily, Pansy had found the right, confident man to support her in her life’s work.

  “Mack, please take Pansy’s hands and repeat after me,” Pastor Reagan instructed while giving each of them a serious look.

  “Mack, will you have this woman to be your wife; to live together with her in the covenant of marriage? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, be faithful unto her as long as you both shall live?”

  “I will,” Mack answered while staring intently in Pansy’ eyes.

  Mack slid a wide gold band on her left ring finger and then squeezed her hand as he said, “Pansy, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love, and with all that I am, and all that I have, I honor you, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

  “Pansy, now it’s your turn to repeat the vows.

  “Pansy, will you have this man to be your husband; to live together with him in the covenant of marriage? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, be faithful unto him as long as you both shall live?”

  Pansy squeezed the hands that could care for her forever, “Yes, I will.”

  “Mack and Pansy, in so much as the two of you have agreed to live together in Matrimony, have promised your love for each other by these vows, the giving of this ring and the joining of your hands, I now declare you to be husband and wife.

  “May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you. May the Lord lift up his countenance unto you and give you peace.”

  “Son, you may kiss your bride,” Pastor Reagan announced with pride.


  Mack wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her tight against his chest. “Since first seeing you at the depot, I’ve waited forty-six days, seven hours and thirty-some minutes to do this,” Mack whispered before firmly kissing her for several seconds, until his brothers started hooting and clapping to pull them apart.

  Pansy grinned at Mack as he walked her down the aisle to leave the church. Indeed, this great man patiently waited on her, and Pansy was so glad he did.

  Mack was a true groom of honor…and Pansy was positive he’d love and care for her forever.


  Cullen’s Love

  Grooms with Honor Series, Book 5

  Copyright © 2018 by Linda K. Hubalek

  Published by Butterfield Books Inc.

  A sweet historical romance set in 1887.

  Although postmaster Cullen Reagan is a strict “go by the rules” man, he secretly wrote letters to a mail-order bride for an area rancher, because the man couldn’t read or write.

  Rose Leander, one of the Flying Leanders, a famous circus tightrope act, is injured in a circus train accident. Wanting to start over in a quiet frontier town, Rose answers a mail-order bride advertisement.

  Cullen is caught between a rock and hard spot when the rancher abandons his handicapped mail-order bride, and Cullen’s father, a pastor, insists Cullen help the woman he deceived—because Cullen wrote the letters.

  Will the couple grow to love each other after they are thrown together by circumstances neither of them planned for?

  This book series, Grooms with Honor, showcases the six sons of Pastor and Kaitlyn Reagan, first featured in the 1873 year-based Brides with Grit series.

  "Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health; and forsaking all others, be faithful unto her as long as you both shall live?"

  The young men have heard Pastor Reagan say these words to many couples over the years, and they vow to treat all women this way as they walk through life.

  Cullen and Rose

  I always picture my characters, either imaginary or from real images, when I write my books. For the Grooms with Honor series I’m using couples I found in my great-grandparent’s photo album, dating back to the early 1880s to early 1900s period. My great-grandparents were born in Sweden, moved to Kansas, and married in 1892.

  There are no names written on the back of these photographs, and I don’t recognize them as any of my relatives. This photo, plus others I will be using for other books in the series, features the wedding portrait of some of their friends. (There was no need to write their names on the photos since my great-grandparents knew them, and I’m sure they didn’t think their great-granddaughter would be trying to identify them more than a hundred years later.)

  These couples don’t look like our modern-day cover models (men with rippling muscles and women with flawless makeup), but they show real couples starting their new life together as husband and wife during the same period as the couples in my Grooms with Honor series.

  While you’re reading Cullen’s Love, you can pretend this wedding portrait is of Cullen Reagan and Rose Leander in 1887. Hopefully, I’ve given them a good start in their married life.


  Clear Creek, Kansas

  February 1887

  Postmaster Cullen Reagan carefully folded the letter to the matrimonial agency and slid it into the envelope. Was this the right thing to do for the lonely rancher? How about the unsuspecting women Cullen would be writing to once the matrimonial agency sent possible candidates to Richard to choose from?

  “Thanks for doing this, Cullen,” Richard Kandt, said with a duck of his head. “I need a wife and I appreciate you reading the mail-order brides advertisements to me and writing a letter on my behalf.”

  Cullen, the postmaster of Clear Creek, Kansas, felt obligated to help the man since Kandt point blank asked Cullen to help him, even though Cullen cringed thinking of a woman arriving to see Kandt's place. Cullen pulled a handkerchief out of his back pocket and wiped sweat and anxiety off his neck, even though it was still late winter.

  Kandt's ranch homestead was nothing more than a tiny, roughly-built wooden shack, a lean-to animal shelter of sod blocks laid on top of tree branches and... Was there an outhouse? Cullen didn't remember one on the bachelor's place. Kandt had lived on the land for over five years and hadn't managed to improve the homestead yet. He brought several dozen calves to town to ship east each fall, but so far, he'd apparently put his money into buil
ding his herd, instead of his living conditions.

  “How soon you hoping to find a wife? Don't you need time to uh...add on to your home first?”

  “I need a helpmate to help me build a decent house for us. That will be the first project after we're married.”

  Cullen couldn't fault the man's idea. Pioneer women came out to the prairie and started from scratch for years before his time. Most ranches in the area had been established for a couple of decades, so you didn't see dugouts and soddies doting the landscape anymore.

  “Alright, but I'm not guaranteeing we'll have luck with the first advertisement. You might want to build an outhouse while we wait for a letter back from the agency. They might send more than one name for you to correspond with.”

  “I want to thank you for reading and writing letters for me Cullen. Maybe my new wife can teach me to read,” Richard wishfully added.

  The German immigrant had lived in America long enough to pick up the language but not to read or write it yet.

  “It's lonely out there by myself, and I look forward to having a wife.”

  “I'll bet it is,” Cullen agreed, but he never felt the urge to court anyone himself. Growing up in a brothel where Cullen's mother worked kept him from believing in having a “happily ever after” with a woman.

  Richard carefully counted out the pennies he needed for the letter's postage on the window's edge and shoved the coins across the counter to Cullen.

  “And now we wait,” Richard knocked the counter with his knuckles. “How soon do you think we'll hear something back from the agency?”

  “Hard to say, Richard. After the letter reaches the Chicago agency, they have to write back with possible bride matches. It could take months if you want to write back and forth with several women to find out who you like the best.”

  “But I want a strong woman by this spring, so she can plant a garden. And we need to dig a cellar to put the harvested food in this fall—”


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