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Ghostly Seas: A Harper Harlow and Rowan Gray Mystery

Page 16

by Lily Harper Hart

  “Isn’t it, though?”



  Monica Larkspur took the stage shortly after dinner was finished. She seemed to have a lot of energy, and she engaged the crowd from the get-go. Since they enjoyed watching her exert her “powers,” she started picking people from the crowd to offer readings. By the time she selected Zander, he was practically dancing in his chair.

  Zander didn’t waste time climbing the stage. He waved to the crowd, took a bow, and then blew kisses at Harper.

  Quinn shifted to study Jared, worried his new investigative partner might take offense, but the police detective merely smiled.

  “He seems fine with another guy flirting with his fiancée,” Quinn mused in a low voice as Rowan snuggled in at his side. “I don’t think I would be okay with that.”

  Despite herself, Rowan was amused. “Zander is gay.”

  “Yes, but ... he’s still a dude.”

  “He’s Harper’s best friend. They’ve been joined at the hip since elementary school.”

  “It would still bother me.”

  “I don’t really think it would,” she countered. “On the surface, maybe. Jared fell in love with the whole package.”

  “He did,” Quinn agreed. “He told me that he knew Zander and Harper came as a set. He wanted Harper, so he took on Zander, too.”

  “I don’t think that’s so bad. I’ve never had a friendship as tight as the one Harper and Zander share. I kind of think I’ve been missing out.”

  Quinn slid her a sidelong look. “You can be my best friend.”

  She smiled, warmth washing over her. “That’s sweet, but it’s not the same thing. I love you, there’s no doubt about that, but I can’t tell you everything like I would a best friend.”

  “How come?”

  “Because there will be times, no matter how sweet you are, that I need to complain about you. Something tells me you’re not going to be as open to the process of listening to my rants as a dedicated best friend.”

  “Fair enough.” He slid an arm around her shoulders, kissing her forehead when she rested her cheek against his chest. “Just out of curiosity, does the same go for me? Am I allowed to complain about you?”

  Rowan nodded without hesitation. “Absolutely. I assume that’s what you’re doing whenever you have a drink with Michael.”

  “Oh, no. Those conversations are all about how fantastic you are.”

  Rowan snorted. “Right.”

  “They are.”

  “Uh-huh. I totally believe you.”

  “You should. I’m a truthful guy.”

  “You are,” she agreed, taking a moment to tilt her chin and meet his gaze. “Are you afraid we’re running out of time?” she asked, earnest. Her voice was barely a whisper, but Quinn could make out the basics over the din of the crowd. “Do you think we’re going to figure this out before it’s too late?”

  Quinn wasn’t sure how to respond. He wanted to make her feel better but lying wasn’t an option. “I’m hopeful we’ll figure it out. I don’t know that we will, though. That simply means you have to be careful going forward. I want you to watch your surroundings, wherever you are, and be prepared to run if it becomes necessary. Can you promise me you’ll do that?”

  “I promise to try,” Rowan answered honestly. “I can’t say what I’ll do in the thick of things. You know how that is. I’ll do my very best, though.”

  Quinn held her gaze for an extended beat. “I guess that’s the best I can ask for.”

  “It is,” she agreed, bobbing her head. “I’ll ask you to do the same. I know that you’ll do your best despite the fact that you won’t be able to turn away from people in need when it happens.”

  “If it happens,” he corrected. “We might be able to stop it.”

  “I hope so. Otherwise ... .” She trailed off.

  “It’s going to be okay.” He kept his lips against her forehead and snuggled her as close as possible so they could watch the show. “We’re going to figure this out. I have faith.”

  “Then I have faith, too.”

  Quinn knew that was going to have to be enough, although he was terrified he would lose the one thing he loved most in this world if he didn’t do absolutely everything right.

  ON THE STAGE, ZANDER basked in being the center of attention. Monica was bright and engaging, and she was fun without being smarmy. Obviously she had surpassed whatever teachings Brady lent her.

  “Let’s see what we have here,” Monica said, grabbing Zander’s hand and pressing her eyes shut. “Hmm ... you’re quite the popular fellow, huh?”

  Zander preened at the question. “I am,” he agreed. “I’ve always been popular.”

  From her spot next to Jared, Harper rolled her eyes but remained silent. She knew better than calling out her best friend in front of a bunch of strangers. He wouldn’t take it well.

  “You have a brave heart.” Monica’s smile was wide. “You’re giving ... and selfless ... and always put the needs of others ahead of yourself.”

  “That is so me,” Zander intoned.

  “You’re also a bit much to take,” Monica added, her smile never slipping. “You overwhelm a room and demand your spot in the sunshine. You want to make sure you eclipse all others, but that’s mostly a defense mechanism.”

  Zander stilled, surprised at the serious turn in the reading. “Um ... .”

  “You have two soulmates,” Monica continued, unruffled by Zander’s expression. “One is the friend you’ve held dear since childhood. Together, you two have wreaked a lot of havoc. You work together ... and play together ... and now you’re separating your lives.”

  Suddenly, Zander was feeling exposed. “We’re not separated,” he argued. “She’s here with me.”

  “You feel separated,” Monica pressed. “You think she’s abandoned you.”

  Harper straightened in her chair, although Jared kept an arm around her shoulders so she couldn’t rush the stage.

  “I don’t think she abandoned me,” Zander clarified, his hackles up. “That’s not who she is. She just ... moved to a different house. She didn’t even move very far. It was just across the road. It’s fine. We still see each other all the time.”

  “But your life has changed,” Monica prodded. “It’s not the same as it was a year ago.”

  “Things change.” Zander adopted a pragmatic tone. “Life can’t be the same forever. I get that. If you’re trying to say that I’m being childish, don’t bother. I know I am. I’ll ... get better.” He looked to Harper for confirmation and found a small smile playing at the corners of her lips.

  “You love your friend with everything you have,” Monica supplied. “You love her so much you didn’t think there was room for anyone else. Surprisingly, you found someone to love, though.

  “This person is handsome, warm, interested in listening to whatever you say no matter how crazy he thinks it might be, and patient,” she continued. “It’s the last part that’s most important. He’s patient, which is something you desperately need.”

  “Personally, I think I’m a saint,” Zander argued. “I don’t think it’s a case of having to put up with me. It’s a case of delighting in the fact that you get to put up with me. That’s the distinction most people don’t grasp.”

  “Of course.” Monica’s voice was soothing as her eyes lit with mirth. “Still, you’re a little sad. It’s not for the reason you keep telling the others, though.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Zander challenged. “Why am I sad?”

  “You miss your boyfriend.”

  “I don’t even understand how you knew I was gay,” he argued. “It’s not as if it’s obvious.”

  Twenty feet away, Jared touched his tongue to his top lip but remained silent despite the warning look Zander shot him.

  “I’m psychic,” Monica replied simply. “The spirits told me.”

  “Oh, well, the spirits,” he muttered.

  “Are you telling me you don’t believe i
n spirits?” The question was pointed.

  “No, I believe in spirits. I simply didn’t know they spread gossip.”

  “It’s not gossip.” Monica let loose a light laugh that was so melodic it sounded like music as it spread across the room. “You’re sad because you miss your boyfriend. You don’t want to admit that, though, because you’re afraid you’ll look weak. It doesn’t help that your best friend is here and brought her boyfriend along for the ride. Being a third wheel isn’t a comfortable position for you.”

  Zander rubbed his forehead as he risked a glance at Harper and found her watching him with open curiosity. “I miss my boyfriend,” he confirmed. “I don’t care about looking weak. I do enjoy messing with my best friend and her fiancé, though. If that’s wrong, I don’t want to be right.”

  Monica’s laughter spread across the room. “I could hypnotize you and see if you’re telling the truth. If you’re open to the process, I mean.”

  Zander immediately balked. “No. I’m good. You put on quite the show.”

  “That’s why I’m here.”

  ZANDER OPTED TO REMAIN BEHIND and get a better feel for the psychic after the show. Harper wasn’t thrilled with the notion, but after forcing Rowan to take a photograph of her best friend with her phone — and declaring him omen-free — she acquiesced. She wasn’t Zander’s keeper. She knew that. Asking him to sit alone in his room while she retired with Jared seemed unfair, though, so she let it go.

  “A pickle for your thoughts,” Jared teased, sliding the pickle from his Bloody Mary and waving it in her face as they sat in loungers close to the water and enjoyed the quiet ocean view.

  Harper took the pickle — they were her favorite snack, after all — and chomped into it, her expression thoughtful as she chewed.

  “Are you going to tell me what you’re thinking?” Jared prodded, amused at the determined look on her face. “I’ve already paid the fee.”

  Harper swallowed. “Sorry. I got lost in my own head there for a few seconds.”

  “I know. That’s a regular occurrence for you.”

  “I’m not sure what I was thinking.”

  “I’m sure.” Jared leaned back in his lounger and extended his long legs in front of him. “You’re thinking about Zander, about what the psychic said, and you’re wishing we’d found a way to include Shawn in this trip.”

  “How do you know I was thinking that?” Harper was genuinely curious.

  “Because I’ve been thinking the same thing.” Jared’s smile was rueful. “I feel like a bit of a jerk. This wasn’t fair to him. None of it.”

  Harper shook her head. “I wanted you with me.”

  “Yes, and I wanted to be with you. Tagging along on the cruise seemed like a natural fit, especially when we called and found out it would cost very little to add me to your package. Still, this was something you had planned with Zander. I swooped in and stole his thunder. I’m a total thunder stealer.”

  Harper’s expression was wry. “Jason is a thunder stealer,” she corrected, referring to a friend and restaurant owner who returned to Michigan recently. Zander constantly accused the man of stealing his thunder and it was a running joke. “You didn’t steal anything from Zander.”

  “Didn’t I?” Jared wasn’t convinced. “This trip was supposed to be for you and him. It would’ve been fine if Shawn could come, too. Instead, I came and threw off the entire balance. If I wasn’t here, you would’ve spent all your time with Zander. As it is, he’s spent a lot of time alone.”

  “He’s made new friends.”

  “One of whom died.”

  “Don’t remind me of that.” Harper’s face clouded at the memory. “I already blame myself enough as it is.”

  “That’s not your fault, Heart.” Jared was firm as he forced her chin in his direction, making it so she had no choice but to meet his steady gaze. “You didn’t create that situation. It’s not on you.”

  “And yet you’re willing to blame yourself for joining a vacation I wanted you to be a part of.”

  “I don’t blame myself,” he clarified. “I just see things from Zander’s point of view. This wasn’t fair to him.”

  “Well, Shawn couldn’t get away. It was the exact worst time for him. Are you saying you should’ve stayed home rather than come?”

  Jared nodded without hesitation. “You and I are going to have a lifetime together. You and Zander will, too, although it won’t be the same as it was before I came along. That’s fine. That’s good. That’s the way it’s supposed to be. I should’ve given you two this vacation together, though. Shawn not being able to come changed the dynamics, and it’s not right that Zander feels left out.”

  Harper exhaled heavily, surprised at the weariness resting on her shoulders. “You’re a really good guy,” she said finally. “There aren’t a lot of women who can say they found the perfect man, but I did. You understand me ... and him. He’s often hard to understand.”

  “He’s not so bad.” Jared grinned at her incredulous face. “I’ll apologize to him tomorrow. I’ll make it up to him ... somehow. If he asks for something really obnoxious, though, I’m going to rescind my apology.”

  “He won’t ask for anything obnoxious. I’ll make sure of it.”

  “Good.” Jared scooched back on the chair and patted the spot between his legs. “I don’t want to be out late because we have a lot going on, but it’s a beautiful night and I’m dying to spend a few minutes of it with my beautiful future wife.”

  “Oh, so sweet.” Harper discarded her empty glass on a nearby table and then crawled into the chair, laughing when he wrapped his arms around her and made growling noises as he kissed her neck. “You’re feeling pretty good tonight, huh?”

  “I have my girl and a clear night. I can hear waves all around us. I can smell the salt in the air. What’s not to feel good about?”

  “Good point.” Harper cast a look toward the tiki bar, which was bustling with activity. She could see Zander inside holding court with Monica. They appeared to be fast friends. “Do you think we should collect him before leaving tonight?”

  Jared shook his head. “He’s an adult, Heart. He can do what he pleases.”

  “I know. It’s just ... last time he did what he wanted with no regard for others I ended up puking on him the next morning.”

  Jared smiled at the memory. “I can’t wait to tell Shawn that story.”

  “I think Zander is going to have issues if you do.”

  “Yes, well, life isn’t always easy,” he teased, brushing his hands over her ribs to make her laugh and squirm. “He’s going to be fine. I very much doubt he’s going to drink like he did the other night. He knows better than that.”

  “Right.” Harper thoughtfully watched Zander launch into a story. She couldn’t hear what he said, but he was using broad hand gestures that she recognized from at least fifty of his favorite reenactments. Around him, faces were rapt as the other guests had a good time entertaining themselves.

  Zander cast a lot of sunlight with his personality. Clearly the other patrons enjoyed basking in it.

  “He’ll be okay,” Jared whispered, kissing the ridge of her ear and sending chills down her spine. “I know I said it wasn’t fair of me to come on this vacation, but I’m here now, and I want to spend time alone with you.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Harper’s grin spread. “What did you have in mind? Do you want to play a round of nighttime shuffleboard?”


  “What about swimming laps for exercise?”

  He dug his fingers into her ribs and tickled. “No.”

  She gasped as she tried to refrain from screeching. “Do you want to go back to the room and play a naughty pirate game?”

  “Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner.” He spun her a bit so he could have easier access and planted a smacking kiss against her lips. “Come on. It’s time to leave Zander to his fans. You can entertain me a different way.”

  “I know most of the stories Zander is telli
ng,” Harper teased as Jared helped her to her feet. “I could probably share them with you, if you’re so inclined, I mean.”

  “The only story I want to hear is the one that gets you out of these clothes.”

  “You have a filthy mind.”

  “Is that a complaint?”

  She shook her head. “Not even a little. I happen to love your filthy mind.” She realized her heart was pounding when Jared pressed his hand to the spot above it and grinned. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m seducing you. See. It’s already happening. That’s why your heart is racing.”

  “Maybe it’s racing because of our proximity to the ocean,” she challenged, giggling at his dubious expression. “What? It’s a possibility.”

  “It’s me.” He wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed a kiss to her mouth. “It’s me and I want to go back to our room. Are you going to keep torturing me?”

  “No.” In truth, Harper was ready for some quiet time, too. “I just need to tell Zander we’re leaving and I’ll be right behind you.”

  “No, I’ll handle that. If I leave you to tell Zander, I won’t see you again for hours because he’ll guilt you into staying with him, and that will break my heart.”

  “Talk about guilt trips,” Harper drawled.

  Jared ignored the sarcasm as he linked his fingers with Harper’s and led her toward the tiki bar. He waited until Zander took a breath in the middle of a story and cleared his throat.

  “I don’t want to disturb,” he said. “Harper and I are going to bed, though. You can make it back to your room by yourself, right?”

  The look Zander shot him was withering. “I think I can manage.”

  “Just checking.” Jared offered him a saucy salute. “See you for breakfast.”

  “Have fun,” Harper called out, giggling when Jared started to rush her toward the door that led inside.

  “I always do,” Zander yelled at their backs. His smile was on full display when he turned back to his audience. “Now, where was I?”



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