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His Beauty

Page 15

by Sofia Tate

  He leans in and takes one breast into his mouth, devouring it as if it were his last meal. I run my fingers through his hair, arching my back at first to give him complete access, then returning my gaze to him, basking in the sounds he makes as he gives my body his full attention and worship.

  He gives the other breast equal attention as I moan in delight. A popping sound echoes through the studio when he releases my breast.

  “Ride me, my beauty,” he commands.

  I start to buck on his strong muscled thighs. He grips my hips to both steady me and angle me so his cock brushes my clit each time they come into contact.

  Grayson’s hot breath wafts across my face as he grunts, hoisting me up and down. Our eyes lock on each other, our jaws clenched in determination to reach our climax, connecting as one.

  I tighten my muscles on his shaft and Grayson instantly increases his speed, his grunts now sounding so primal, arousing me even further.

  One more brush of my clit, and my orgasm overtakes me. I buck my hips again and again to milk out every last drop of his cum. His muscles lock under me as he explodes into my pussy.

  I collapse onto his chest. His chiseled arms wrap around me, bringing me with him onto the mattress.

  “I thought I was coming in here just to ask you what you wanted for dinner, and look what happens.”

  He laughs into my neck. “I can’t help it. I’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”

  A question crosses my mind, something that I never thought to ask. “Last week wasn’t your first time, was it?”

  His eyebrows furrow in concern. “Would that be a problem?”

  “Oh, God no,” I reassure him. “Of course not. I’m just asking because you definitely knew what you were doing.”

  “When I was twenty-one, Emilia…erm…hired someone for me.”

  My eyes widen and my jaw drops in utter shock. “She got you a hooker?”

  “No need to be so crass, darling. She was a courtesan.”

  I roll my eyes at him. “A ‘courtesan?’ Honey, I hate to break it to you, but courtesans went out with the nineteenth century. That’s why you need me as a tour guide in this century.”

  He huffs in exasperation. “Fine. I’ll call her an escort.”

  I snort at his correction.

  “Anyway,” he continues, “Emilia did some research, found her on the Internet, and she came over. We had sex, and that was it.”

  I word my next question gently. “So, that was the only time you did it?”

  He nods silently.

  I grip him tighter in my embrace. “Well, you won’t need to use the Internet ever again since you have me now.”

  He kisses my forehead. “I know. Lucky me.”

  “Speaking of that, I think we should talk about my job.”

  He stiffens in my arms. “What about it?”

  “I’m starting to feel awkward taking money from you. I feel like a character in a romance novel. You know, the servant sleeping with the master of the house. I think once the other cleaning woman recovers, I should find another job.”

  “But you won’t leave me, right?”

  The fear in his voice shakes me to my core. I sear my eyes into his, running a hand over his scars. “No, Grayson, I’m not leaving you.”

  He exhales in relief, holding me even closer now as I sigh in his arms, so content.

  A thought jolts my body. “Oh, crap, I totally forgot. I brought you something. I left it in my car.”

  I pry myself from his embrace. “My beauty, it can wait,” he says. “It’s so cold and dark outside.”

  I pull on my coat, leaning down to kiss him swiftly on the lips. “I’ll be quick.”

  I head for the studio door, opening it as a gust of cold wind hits me smack in the face. I pull it shut behind me.

  I take one step and a gloved hand clamps hard over my mouth. Something cold and sharp presses against my throat.

  “Don’t make a fucking sound, you slut.”

  I’d recognize that voice anywhere.


  “Let me go,” I beg him, my voice muffled by his glove.

  “Never,” he rasps in reply.

  He starts to drag me to his car.

  This is not happening. I have to let Grayson know.

  I bite down on his fingers, causing him to yell in pain.

  The door to Grayson’s studio flings open. “Lily!”

  “Grayson, help me!”

  Reed pivots around and starts laughing wickedly at the sight of my wounded beast. “Are you fucking kidding me? You left me for that freak?”

  “Fuck you, Reed!” I yell back at him. “Grayson!”

  And then I remember…he can’t step outside. Not one inch.

  “Don’t you fucking hurt her!” he snarls back at Reed.

  “I’ll be fine,” I shout calmly to him. “Just go call 911. Reed Shepard. He drives a black BM—”

  The sharp metal of the knife now bites into my skin. “Say another word, and I’ll kill you right in front of your freak show lover.”

  My eyes lock with Grayson’s to reassure him I’ll be okay, but before I can stop him, he rushes outside dressed only in his jeans, immediately falling to the ground.

  Reed laughs with menace, holding me in a headlock. “Look at your Quasimodo, Lily. Your freak show trying to protect you. What a fucking loser!”

  “Grayson! Listen to my voice!” I shout to him. “Crawl to the door. Don’t look anywhere else. Just focus on getting to the door.”

  “Enough of this shit!” Reed yells, pulling me harder now, to a wooded area on the side of the house where he’s parked his car.

  He grips my neck while yanking open the door, pushing me in first. He enables the child safety lock so I can’t get out.

  Turning on the engine, he floors the accelerator and we race for the gate, flying through it.

  I look back at the steel gate, still wide open. “How the hell did you open the gate?”

  “That security system is a piece of shit.”

  He drives down the hill, taking every curve at top speed. I hurriedly put on my seat belt.

  I look over at him, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. “Reed, please don’t do this.”

  He laughs derisively. “You and I belong together.”

  Calm. Just stay calm.

  “Listen to me. You’re not thinking straight. Just pull over, let me drive, and we’ll talk this through.”

  “Like hell we will.”

  I reach over to grip his arm. “Please, Reed, you’re better than this. I know how good you can be.”

  “You don’t know me at all,” he growls menacingly.

  I tighten my hold on him.

  Breathe. One deep breath, in and out…

  “Of course I do. You have your good side. I’ve seen it. But you just have to accept that people change. We’ve grown apart and we shouldn’t be together anymore. I just want you to be happy—”

  He takes a curve very fast, and I hold his arm with one hand while the other grabs the edge of the leather seat.

  “Reed, please slow down,” I plead with him.

  “I can’t believe you chose that freak over me,” he spits out.

  “Nothing happened between us until you and I were broken up. Please believe me. It just happened gradually,” I beg for him to believe me.

  He laughs derisively. “Yeah, right. I don’t buy that for a fucking second.”

  The car gains speed.

  “Reed, please slow down.”

  He shakes my hand off his arm. “Get the hell off—”

  Those are the last words I hear before a tree appears straight in our path.

  * * *



  Lily said to crawl to the door.

  Save Lily. Save Lily. Save Lily.

  My entire body is dead weight. Lifting my right arm, I dig my hand into the cold, wet soil. I grab a fistful, the dirt burrowing under my fingernails.

  I re
ach out with my left arm, doing the same.

  I plant my bare feet into the ground. My toes are claws, digging into the grass, giving my useless body leverage so when I—

  ROAR! A thunderous sound of raw emotion booms out of my mouth from the deepest recesses of my body. I slide my body along the grass. I gain another few feet closer to the door.

  I look up into the open doorway. The lights beckon me to the studio, my sanctuary from the rest of the world. It might as well be a mile instead of a few yards.

  Sweat pours into my eyes.

  I see Lily’s face. I hear her calling out for me.

  Save Lily.

  I wipe my face against the cool grass, take a deep breath.

  One more push…just one more.

  I growl as I slide my body once more over the ground. The moisture in the grass helps me along.

  I finally reach the doorway, the cold of the tiled floor under my fingertips and my face as I lay myself down.

  I exhale a breath in relief. I clench my fists and push myself upright to a sitting position. I breathe in, wiping my brow with the back of my hand.

  I reach up for the edge of the table by the door. Using all the strength I have left, I pull myself up.

  I reach for the estate phone, jabbing at the numbers.


  A steady female voice answers. “911. What is your emergency?”

  I swallow to loosen my dry throat. “A girl…kidnapped. Please save her.”

  “Sir, who’s been kidnapped? When did this happen?”

  “It was my…employee. Her ex-fiancé took her from my home at knifepoint.”

  “I need more details so I can help you, sir.”

  I nod silently.

  Help Lily.

  I swallow. “Her name is Lily Moore. She’s twenty-four, blond, about five-foot-six. Her boyfriend’s name is Reed Shepard. He drives a black BMW. I don’t know the license.”

  “She was taken from your home?”

  I hear fingers quickly typing on a keyboard over the phone line. “Yes. I live on Route 19 in Cottage Grove. The Shaw Estate. I’m Grayson Shaw.”

  “Mr. Shaw, I’m going to send a squad car to you and put out an APB on the BMW.”

  “Please find her,” I beg the anonymous woman before I hang up.

  Taking a deep breath, I rush out of the studio into the connecting corridor. I burst through the kitchen door, rushing for Emilia’s office. I yank open the file cabinet, searching for the file marked EMPLOYEES.

  I find Lily’s application, quickly scanning for her emergency contact.

  I pick up the phone on Emilia’s desk, dialing the numbers, waiting for her to pick up.

  The raspy voice of an older woman answers on the other end with audible noise in the background. “This is Joan.”

  “Mrs. Moore? This is Grayson Shaw. Something’s happened to Lily.”

  A pause. “What? Oh my God! Tell me!” she demands.

  “Reed took her. He held a knife to her throat.”

  “Where is she now?” she shouts.

  “I don’t know. He left with her. I called the police.”

  “Oh God…oh God…oh God.” Her voice trembles over the line. “Okay, I’ll see what I can find out. If she’s hurt, they’ll bring her here. Please call me if you hear anything.”

  “I will. I promise. And please…”

  “Yes, I’ll do the same. I have to go.”

  The line goes silent on the other end.

  So help me if he hurts her in any way….

  I dial one last number.

  “Grayson, what’s wrong?” a sleepy Emilia answers.

  “I need you. Lily is in trouble.”

  “Right. I’m on my way,” she replies, now clearly more awake and cognizant.

  I hang up and start to pace the kitchen floor. Images of Lily flash through my mind. Her perfectly formed backside swaying back and forth as she mops the floor, me laughing with her, feeling the lush weight of her breasts in my hands just as I’m about to take one succulent nipple into my mouth, the pride in her face when she shows me her portfolio.

  After what seems like ages—but is actually twenty minutes—I hear the front door slam. Emilia rushes into the kitchen, her long winter coat wrapped over her sweat suit and sneakers. She comes straight to me, enveloping me into a tight embrace. “Grayson, are you all right? What happened?”

  “We were in the studio. Lily walked into the backyard and her ex-fiancé appeared out of nowhere. He held a knife to her throat and I tried…I couldn’t…”

  Suddenly, I start to shake. My legs give way as I fall further into Emilia’s arms. “I couldn’t save her. It’s all my fault.”

  Emilia’s arms push me up with all the strength she can muster, leading me backward into one of the kitchen chairs. She eases me down and starts to wipe away my tears.

  “Grayson, listen to me. It is not your fault. I know what you suffer from, and there was only so much you could do. Don’t blame yourself. Did you call 911?”

  “Yes, and Lily’s mother. She’s a nurse at the hospital.”

  Emilia nods. “Good.” She wipes my hair off my brow. “Right. I’m going to make us some tea. I think we could both use it.”

  Just as she starts to pour water into the kettle, the house phone rings. I rush for the kitchen extension. “Hello?”

  “Mr. Shaw, it’s Joan Moore. They just brought in Lily and Reed,” she says, her voice calm, her breathing rapid.

  “Is she…”

  Please let her be alive. Please don’t tell me….

  “She’s alive.”

  My shoulders drop like boulders with relief. “Thank God. I want to see her, but…”

  “Lily’s told me about your condition. Is there someone with you?”

  “Yes, Emilia. My estate manager.”

  “Good. If there’s any way you can manage it, come to the hospital. Call me before you leave, and I’ll meet you in the back of the building. I’ll take you to her from there. I have to go.”

  Mrs. Moore hangs up before I can thank her. I look over at Emilia, her eyes soft and warm.

  “How can I do this? I need to be with her, but….”

  My eyes look outside the window to the lawn, the trees, the dark…I’m helpless.

  “Damn it to hell! Why can’t I be normal?”

  Without a word, Emilia rushes out of the kitchen to her office. She returns holding a large green hooded jacket.

  “This,” she exclaims, holding the jacket in her hands out to me. “This is how you’ll see Lily.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “It’s like with horses. You put blinders on them so they won’t be distracted with what’s around them when they’re racing around the track. It belongs to one of the gardeners.”

  “Emilia, it won’t work,” I tell her disappointingly.

  “Oh, for goodness’ sakes, just try it on. If you want to see Lily, this is the only option. And I’ll give you some meds I have to keep you calm. But just one pill, so it won’t make you loopy.”

  Lily. Do this for Lily.

  Emilia helps me slip into the jacket, throwing the hood over my head. It’s at least two sizes too small for my frame, but with the hood on, all I can see is what’s in front of me, nothing on the sides.

  “What do you think?”

  I nod my head. I take a deep breath. “I think this just might work. Get me that pill, Emilia.”

  Suddenly, a police siren sounds from outside.

  Emilia grabs my shoulders. “We’ll explain everything to the cops. Then I’ll take you to the hospital. Go get the door and I’ll find you that pill.”

  I nod furiously. “Okay.”

  Lily, I’m coming to you, my beauty.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  A soft hand gently caresses my cheek.


  “No, sweetheart, it’s me.”

  I slowly open my eyes, blinking them a few times to acclimate to the blinding white walls of my
hospital room. My throat is dry and scratchy, like sandpaper. I turn my head to the right and my mother’s form comes into view.


  A single tear falls down her face. “Hi, sweetpea. How do you feel?”

  “Like I ran into a tree.”

  She grimaces in disgust. “Please don’t joke. This isn’t funny. Are you in any pain?”

  I try to sit up, but I can’t because every part of my body protests, forcing an “Ow!” out of me. “Get me the Vicodin, Mom. Just leave the bottle by the bed and a full pitcher of water. In fact, give it to me in an IV drip if you can swing it.”

  “Enough with the jokes. Here.” She holds a cup under my mouth with a plastic straw sticking out of it. I slowly swallow the liquid, moaning with every sip as the cool liquid travels down my throat. I nod to tell her I’ve had enough. Putting the water aside, she shows me how to press a button on some tube that’s hooked up to me. Two clicks and suddenly I’m floating.

  “Morphine,” she offers in explanation.

  “Thank God for pharmaceuticals. How bad am I?”

  She wipes a stray hair from my forehead. “I raised you right because you put on your seat belt, unlike that shit-for-brains Reed. You’re just banged up a bit. The bruises will show up soon. But no internal injuries, thank God.”

  “What happened to Reed?” I ask hesitantly.

  She shakes her head. “He’s alive, but only because the airbag saved his ass. He’s got a concussion and a broken arm. But I’m tempted to go over there and do some more damage after what he did to my kid. The police arrested him in his bed, according to my staff. I wish I could’ve seen it.”

  I start to shiver all over. I glance at the phone on the nightstand. “Mom, can you dial a number for me?”

  “Honey, you need to rest.”

  “I need to hear Grayson’s voice. Please.”

  She nods in understanding. “Okay. What’s the number?”

  I dictate the number for the main house to her, and she hands me the receiver.

  One ring…two rings.

  Where could he be?

  After several more rings I hand the phone back to Mom. I look away, yawning from the medication.

  “It’s okay, sweetie. We’ll try later,” she reassures me.

  The sound of a ringing cell phone fills the room. She takes the phone from her pocket and checks the screen. “I should take this.”


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