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Haunted by the Wolf- Shannon

Page 7

by Margery Ellen

  “Charles McCormack?”

  “Yes, do you know him?”

  “No, but I think I've met his brother, Robert. Is Fletcher a shifter?”

  “Yes, he's a black bear. Captain Morris, I expect you to use discretion. His past is his business and no one else's. He's there to learn everything he can about the operation.”

  “I understand, sir.”

  “How are things with Dr. Stevens. Have you worked that out?”

  “It's work in progress. Sir, there is something else.”

  “I'm listening."

  “The man that attacked her before she came to us, we think he's coming after her.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, sir, and we're pretty sure he's a wolf shifter.”

  “I'd better pull Stevens out of there."

  “No, please don't do that. He'd find her again, no matter where she is. She's happy here and she knows.”

  “She knows!” Levi Lewis was caught off guard. “You told her about shifters?”

  “It was unavoidable.”

  “Alright, I won't ask, for now.” He sounded annoyed. “Keep me in the loop. If things get out of hand, she's out of there.”

  “Yes sir. Anything else.”

  “Not at the moment. Remember, keep me informed.”

  “Yes, sir, I'll do that. Thank you.” The line disconnected.

  Gary sat down and let out a long breath and scrubbed his face with his hands. “Damaged goods, why do I always get the damaged goods?” he mumbled to himself. Each one of his crew members had a history, and not one they cared to remember. He hoped he wasn't about to acquire another basket case.

  “Why me?” He shook off his apprehension and went back downstairs.

  “Is everything alright?” Stan asked when he returned to their project.

  “Our new recruit will be here by the end of the week.”

  “I thought they might have sent him somewhere else. Wasn't he supposed to be here already?”

  “He had to finish his training. He finished at the head of his class.”

  “Cool. He can bring us up to speed on any new procedures.”

  “I hadn't considered that. I was dreading having a smart ass on my hands, but you make a good point.”

  Gary looked at the project ahead of them.

  “We'd better get to work.”

  Luckily, the alarm didn't sound until they were done, then it was business as usual.


  Friday morning, during breakfast, the door entry buzzer sounded. They heard someone call “hello" in the hangar. Gary got up and went out to see who it was.

  “Hello, I'm looking for Gary Morris.”

  Standing at the bay door was a tall, young man. He stood at least six-foot-three and looked extremely physically fit. He had dark hair, and dark eyes to match.

  “I'm Gary Morris. You must be Bradley Fletcher.” He stuck out his hand to shake the young man's hand.

  “My friends call me Fletch,” he remarked with a brilliant smile, and shook his hand.

  “Come in and meet the rest of the crew. We were just sitting down to eat. Have you had breakfast?”

  “No sir.”

  “Set your stuff at the bottom of the stairs. I'll show you around and get you settled after we eat.”

  Fletch put his bags by the stairs and followed Gary into the break room.

  “Everyone, this is Bradley Fletcher, our new trainee.”

  He introduced him to Kenney and Stan, and finally to Shannon; she was fixing breakfast and had to wipe her hands.

  “Hello Bradley.”

  “Please, call me Fletch,” he shook her hand.

  “Fletch, nice to meet you. Would you like some coffee?”

  Shannon shuttered when their hands touched. He was gorgeous and his eyes were so dark, she couldn’t tell what color they were.

  “Yes, thank you.”

  Kenney brought another chair to the table.

  “We were expecting you some time ago.

  “The training center offered me some extra classes. HQ said it was okay.”

  “Really, like what?” Stan asked, he wanted to know if it was something new.

  “How to deal with…” he paused and looked at Shannon. He knew instantly when he shook her hand, she was human. “Different types of people and stressful situations.” He was going to say more but decided he had said enough.

  “How long will you be with us?” Stan asked. He sensed Fletch was a black bear like himself.

  “As long as it takes, I guess.”

  Shannon placed a platter loaded with scrambled eggs, bacon, and ham, in the center of the table, and a second plate stacked with pancakes.

  “Help yourself." She handed him a plate and silverware. “Don't hesitate for long, or you'll go hungry.”

  Gary sat next to him and filled his plate, Fletch followed his example. There was never a chance of anyone going hungry, Shannon always made extra. She learned early on; her teammates ate more than anyone she ever knew. It looked like Bradley Fletcher was going to fit right in.

  “So, Fletch, where are you from?” Kenney asked.

  “Bend, Oregon. I lived in Prineville before that.”

  “Prineville? Where is that?”

  “It’s about an hour’s drive north of Bend.”

  “I think that's enough questions for now, let the kid eat.” Gary cut the conversation short. “When we're done, I’ll show you where you'll be sleeping and where to put your things.

  Chapter 13

  After breakfast, Gary showed Bradley Fletcher around his new home.

  “How do you feel about helicopters?”

  “I'm good. My dad was a chopper pilot, he used to take me up when he was home on leave. I've even had a few lessons. Unfortunately, my dad was killed before I could show him what I had learned.”

  “I’m sorry. You must have been pretty young to be taking helicopter flying instructions.”

  “Twelve. Oh, they weren’t official lessons, the instructor was my grandfather. He taught me everything he knew about helicopters, from the rotors to the ground.”

  “Really, so you know the maintenance as well?”

  “Maintenance, repair, flying. There isn’t much I don’t know.”

  “Does HQ know about this?”

  “That was one of the reasons I was there longer than planned. They wanted to know exactly how much flying training I had had.”

  “So, are you going to be the pilot at this new rescue center they are setting up?”

  “No, they want me to stay on the ground, besides, I'm not certified as a mechanic, or have a pilot license.”

  “That's too bad. You should think about pursuing both.”

  The alarm sounded and everyone was off and running.

  “Sorry, you can’t go up until you’re all checked in,” Gary told him.

  “That’s okay, it will give me a chance to unpack and look around.”

  “Good.” Gary shook his hand again. “Welcome to the crew, we’ll talk more later. Make yourself at home,” he yelled as he ran to get his gear.

  Fletch watched as the well-rehearsed team went into action. The helicopter silently moved on its track to the bay door, while the door opened at the same time. Gary was the first to board, and he went through his check list. As the chopper slowly came to life, the others climbed aboard. Stan gave the thumbs up and the helicopter lifted off the ground and took off. Once they were in the air, the bay door slowly closed automatically.

  “Wow,” Fletch thought to himself, “that’s really efficient, I’ll have to find out who thought that up.”

  Now, with time on his hands, he looked around. With the helicopter out of the hangar, Fletch got a better perspective of what was around him. He saw the new rack and the remains of the old one off to the side. When he gave it closer inspection, he saw right off what had happened.

  “Looks like these guys have some demons of their own,” he remarked to himself, “the rack was definit
ely sabotaged.”

  He continued to explore. He walked around the entire building, inside and out. He saw the old helicopters out back in the storage yard. “I imagine that's where the junk is kept.”

  When he was done unpacking, he went to work removing the remains of the old rack; he carried everything out back. He could have used the forklift, but he liked to stay in shape. When he was done, he checked out the old helicopters and looked around the yard.

  There was no organization to the storage yard. If they needed anything stored there, they'd never be able to find it. He picked a corner of the yard and went to work. He wanted to clear a place to tinker in his off time. When he finally took a break, he'd straighten up half of the yard.

  “Damn, I'm starving.” He checked out the kitchen and break room. The pantry was well stocked. He looked at the meal schedule and it looked like it was Kenney's night to cook. He grabbed a bottle of water and made himself a sandwich. By the time the others returned, Fletch had already prepared dinner.


  “Look at you,” Shannon teased when she walked in, Kenney was right behind her.

  “What is that fabulous smell?” Kenney asked.

  “I think it's dinner,” Shannon replied with a giggle. Fletch was wearing her pink apron. “Am I right?”

  “Yup, it was getting late and I was hungry. Hope you don't mind, I made enough for everyone.”

  Fletch had a large pot of Texas chili simmering on the stove, along with three large loaves of warm French bread.

  “Mind!” Gary walked in. “If it tastes as good as it smells, I won't mind at all.”

  “I guess I'll have to redo the meal schedule,” Stan remarked as he followed Gary. “How long did you say you were going to be here?”

  “I don't think I did," Fletch replied.

  “Well, you're on it for as long as you're here.”

  “No problem,” he replied as he placed bowls of diced onions and shredded cheese on the table. “I don't know about you guys; I like cheese and onions on my chili.”

  The rest of the meal was almost silent except for the sounds of appreciation and compliments.

  “Bradley, I mean Fletch, this is delicious,” Shannon managed to say between mouthfuls.

  “It's my grandfather’s recipe. He never varied from the original, it was always the same. I know it by heart.”

  “Well, I hope you'll share it with us while you're here."

  “I'll think about it.”

  “What do you mean, you'll think about it?” Shannon was offended he'd say something like that.

  “Before I tell you, you would have to promise to never vary from the original recipe,”

  “Oh,” Shannon replied and they all chuckled.

  “I'm serious.” He stated with such conviction; the chuckling stopped. “I loved my grandfather, he raised me. I promised myself I'd never share the recipe if it was going to be changed.”

  “As far as I'm concerned, the recipe is fine just the way it is.” Gary had the final word. “So, what do you think of the place?” he asked Fletch.

  “It's great. What's with the old helicopters out back?”

  “Leftovers from earlier days.”

  “Do they work?”

  “I doubt it. Never gave them much thought. They've probably been used for spare parts.”

  “Do you mind if I try restoring one? Sort of a tribute to my grandfather? They are the same model I learned to fly in. I'm sure between the two, I can salvage enough parts. I gave them both the once-over, they're not that bad off.”

  “I'll give HQ a call tomorrow and inquire what they plan to do with them. You might be able to pick up one of them pretty cheap.”

  “No problem.”

  “Have you reconsidered getting your pilots license.”

  “You know, even though they don't want me to fly as part of the job, nothing says I can't fly on my off time.”

  “You've got a point there. Remind me in the morning.”

  Gary liked Bradley Fletcher, he had a friendly personality and he was a great cook. But there was something else about him he liked that he couldn't quite put his finger on.

  “Who’s turn is it to do the dishes?”

  “It’s mine,” Shannon replied.

  There wasn’t much to wash, Fletch had cleaned as he cooked. The dishes and the one pot were all that needed to be washed. She didn’t have to worry about storing left-overs, there weren’t any.

  “I am stuffed. Thank you, Fletch, that was great.”

  Everyone else added their thanks.

  “You’re very welcome.”

  “Did you get everything squared away upstairs?” Gary asked.

  “Yes sir.”

  “Good. Stan, Kenney, you two need to move that old rack outside before someone trips over it.”

  “I took care of that already.” Everyone turned to look at Fletch. “I took it out to the yard out back. I hope it’s okay.”

  “Thanks, Fletch.” Kenney and Stan replied in unison.

  “Did you use the forklift?” Stan asked. They always left the keys in it.

  “No, I carried them out.”

  “I think I need to take Fletch aside and explain the facts of life around here,” Shannon laughed, “he’s going to spoil us.”

  “Well, you can just keep that little thought to yourself,” Kenney teased with a southern drawl.

  “Alright everyone,” Gary poured himself a cup of coffee, “Fletch, if you have a few moments, we should get your paperwork squared away. Why don’t you grab a coffee and join me in the office?”

  “Yes sir, I’ll be right there. I need to get my file.”

  Gary gave him a nod and left the break room.

  “That was a great meal, Fletch,” Stan complimented, “thanks again.”

  “My pleasure,” he replied as he went out the door.

  “Well, what do you think of the new guy?” Stan asked the other two.

  “He’s nice, I like him,” Shannon replied.

  “I saw you checking out his ass.”

  “I was, I won’t lie, his ass is nice. I checked out your ass a long time ago, it’s nice, too.”

  Kenney almost choked on his coffee following that remark. Shannon started the dishes while Kenney and Stan drank their coffee.

  “What do you think of him?” Stan asked Kenney.

  “He seems likeable enough,” Kenney replied. “You’ll have to give me a few days to get to know him, then I’ll tell you what I think.”

  Chapter 14

  Fletch retrieved his file and joined Gary in his office.

  “Is that your file?” Gary pointed to the folder Fletch had in his hand.

  “Yes sir.” He handed him the folder.

  “Sit down.”

  Fletch sat down while his new boss reviewed his personal file.

  “This is quite impressive. Top of your class in just about everything. According to this, all you have to do is get your certification and you'll have your pilots license, as well as your mechanics certificate. You have passed everything that is required with flying colors. You led me to believe you weren't even close.”

  “I learned, not so long ago, nothing is certain.”

  “I don't see anything here regarding the situation you were in.”

  “I removed it, sir. I didn't want it to fall into the wrong hands.”

  “And you think I would misuse your information?”

  “Not you, sir, but I've experienced some awful things. I don't want anyone's pity or receive any kind of favors.”

  “And you will never receive special treatment while you are here. Since I can't read it, would you mind giving me a synopsis of what happened?”

  Over the next two hours, Fletch told his new boss what happened to him, and fifteen other shifters. Gary asked questions and Fletch answered as best he could. At one point, Gary changed the subject, Fletch had become emotional, recounting the past events.”

  “Jesus, where do these monsters come from?�

  Gary let Fletch regain his composure.

  “I'm going to share something with you, maybe you can help.” He proceeded to tell Fletch about Shannon's situation. “After hearing your story, I think you might understand her situation better than anyone.”

  “Fuck, a wolf. I have close friends that are wolves. They would never do something like that. She doesn't remember anything?”

  “She has flashbacks, but there is more. Her attacker has been here, twice. We know he killed a local farm worker, tore his throat out, and almost killed another woman, but help showed up before he could finish her off.”

  “The storage rack, that was his doing, wasn't it?”

  “Yes, and it just missed her. She saw the wolf, and she saw me shift. We explained to her what we are and offered to show her, but she said she wasn't ready.”

  “Do you think she believes you?”

  “To a point. She can't deny what she saw. She doesn't know anything about you and maybe we should leave it that way for now. Fletcher, when she does remember, it's going to devastate her. I know you just got here and don't know us, but if something seems off, let me know.”

  “I'll do anything I can to help. I can sympathize with her; I still have nightmares. I didn't know what a shifter was until I was kidnapped. Charles McCormack saved all of us, and he and his wife taught us how to shift.”

  “That name, McCormack, keeps popping up; Charles and Robert.”

  “I'm not surprised, they're both SAR Rangers. I spent Thanksgiving with them.”

  “Really, I've met Robert.”

  “He was called to a rescue, so I didn't get a chance to spend much time with him.”

  “Yup, we were called on the same rescue.”

  “It's a small world, sir,” Fletch said with a chuckle.

  “And getting smaller every day. It's late, I think we should call it a night. Thank you for being so candid.”

  Gary placed the folder in his desk and paused when he saw the chain and locket; he had placed it in the desk for safe keeping. He gently closed the drawer and locked it. He looked at the clock, it was after midnight.


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