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The Prime Minister's Daughter

Page 18

by William Manchee

  Chapter 18


  Kevin awoke with a start. He looked around the stark cell. It was dark, the only light that made its way into the room came from a small window above the door. He carefully extricated himself from Deviane's embrace, trying not to wake her up.

  Instinctively, he looked down at his wrist to see what time it was. Then, he realized he had left his watch on the beach. Judging from the hunger pains he was feeling, he believed they must have slept four or five hours. That would make it close to noon. He got up, stretched and began examining the room carefully, looking for a clue as to how they might escape.

  The small window above the door was the only one in the room. Although it was glass, a careful inspection revealed it to be reinforced by a thick wire mesh. There would be no way to get through it without some sort of wire cutters. Giving up on the small window, Kevin began to examine the walls. Unfortunately, they were solid concrete and provided no hope of penetration. Kevin turned his attention to the ceiling, which appeared to be made of heavy wooden beams. A hardwood floor had been built above it. Finally, he carefully examined every inch of the floor, only to realize that it, too, was solid concrete.

  While he was trying to think of a strategy for escape to tell Deviane when she awoke, he heard voices coming toward them. He watched the door as it opened. Three men dressed in military attire stood before him. He recognized one of the men as Ray Mohammed. The commotion woke up Deviane and she sat up to see what was happening.

  "Hello, Mr. Wells, I'm Malcolm Mann. I want to welcome you to the National Defense Coalition headquarters."

  "What do you want with us?" Kevin said.

  "I'm sorry that it has to be this way, but the Prime Minister has left us no choice. You see, he insists on pushing this Caribbean Free Trade Agreement, which would jeopardize Trinidad's independence and destroy its economy. It's obvious the only reason the United States is interested in Trinidad is to get control of its oil. Something has to be done to stop Ahmad."

  "I know why you kidnaped me, but how does kidnaping Deviane help you?"

  "The Prime Minister isn't likely to launch an attack on us if his precious little daughter might get killed in the process."

  "I can't believe you'd use an innocent girl as a shield. What kind of a person are you, anyway?"

  "It's not our choice, it's what must be done to rescue Trinidad from the clutches of American imperialism."

  "You're kind of paranoid, aren't you? I haven't noticed the people in Mexico complaining much about NAFTA. The Mexican economy is as strong as ever."

  "The economy may be strong, but the people are in bondage and they don't even realize it. They think they’re free, but really, they’re the slaves of Wall Street, just like the American people. I won't let that happen to Trinidad."

  "No, you'd just trample all over the Trinidad Constitution and destroy forty years of democracy? You're a real savior."

  Ray Mohammed started to lunge toward Kevin, but Mann stuck up his arm to restrain him.

  "I don't think you're in any position to be so sanctimonious," Mann said.

  "Well, when a man is about to die, it's no time to be timid, right? I know you ordered my death and I should be shaking in my boots, but somehow, I doubt that would help keep me alive. Why am I still alive, anyway?"

  "That's an interesting question. You see, the Prime Minister is on very shaky ground and I don't want to do anything to strengthen his position. The thought occurred to me that if I killed you, he might make a martyr out of you. There’s also the possibility that if I killed an American citizen, it might give the United States an excuse to intervene in the current political situation. So, Mr. Wells, I won't kill you today, but just as soon as Ahmad Shah has fallen, I'm going to kick your ass all over this room and break your neck with my bare hands!"

  Malcolm’s threats filled Kevin with fear. At any moment his captors could end his life, but he knew he had to be strong if he and Deviane were to survive. He struggled to maintain his composure.

  "What makes you think the government will fall?"

  "Oh it will fall, Mr. Wells. The Prime Minister is already being perceived as incompetent. He can't even protect a key witness who could solve the assassination attempt on his life. He lets his own children get kidnaped while they're swimming on the beach. Is that the kind of man who should be leading Trinidad? I think not. I suspect his government won't last another week."

  Kevin felt a surge of relief. Maybe they wouldn’t kill them after all. “Well, in the meantime, how about some food, or is it your plan to starve us to death?"

  "No, I told you I was going to break your neck, remember? I'll send down some food in a little while. You'll just have to be patient. This isn't the Hilton, you know?"

  Malcolm and his men left the room. Deviane walked over to Kevin and put her arms around him. Kevin didn't respond, but only stared at the door, replaying Malcolm's words over and over in his mind.

  He had put up a brave facade, but he had been shaking inside all along. Suddenly, he felt sick to his stomach and had to struggle to keep from throwing up.

  "You okay, Kevin?" Deviane asked. "I can't believe how you stood up to him."

  "I can't either. It just came out, like someone else was saying it."

  "It was you, and I loved it. I'm so proud of you."

  "Do you think the United States would really intervene if they killed us?"

  "Yes. If my father asked them to, I’m sure they would. They want that oil and it would be a good way to make sure they got it. "

  "I don’t want to be a martyr.”

  "Me either. There has to be a way to escape."

  “But there isn't. Look around, it's solid concrete everywhere. The only thing that's not concrete is the ceiling. Unless you can fly, that's out of the question."

  "What about the door? Have you checked the lock?"


  Deviane went over to the door and examined the lock.

  "This doesn't look too promising."

  "I guess we'll just have to relax and wait for your father to rescue us."

  "I hate just waiting around and not knowing what's going to happen. I wish I had a book to read or something to keep my mind occupied."

  "Maybe they have a prison library," Kevin laughed.

  "It’s not funny. . . . What if they do kill us? What if this is the last day of our life?"

  Kevin pondered Deviane’s words. Finally, he said, "Well, I guess we should ask for a priest.”

  “Yes, but they would never send us one,” Deviane replied.

  “Well, I guess we could confess our sins to each other. I think God would let us do that under the circumstances.”

  “Since we may die, it would be good for us to get any guilt we've been feeling off our chests.”

  Kevin nodded. “Yes, I suppose so.”

  "So how shall we do it?"

  "Just pretend I'm a priest. Tell me your sins and ask for God’s forgiveness. I’ll do the same with you. We’ll take turns."

  "Oh, I don't know, Kevin. I don't know if I could do that. You’re not really a priest."

  "You don't trust me? I thought you were in love with me."

  "I am, but you’re not in love with me. The last I heard you were going to marry Kiran."

  "Well, it doesn’t look like that is going to happen."

  "Do you promise, if I confess to you all my sins and somehow we get out of here, that you'll never tell anyone what I told you?"


  "Even Kiran, if you marry her?"

  "Even Kiran. I promise, but you've got to make the same promise to me."

  "Of course."

  "Okay, you want me to go first?"


  Kevin took Deviane's hand and pulled her up from the floor. Then they walked over to the mattress and sat down.

  "All right. I've never told anyone this before, but when I was in the second grade, I wasn't too good in math class. One day the teacher pulled a p
op quiz. I knew I was going to flunk it, since I hadn't been doing my homework. The kid that sat next to me was a brain and I knew he would ace the test. So, when the teacher wasn't looking, I copied all of the kid's answers. Later, when the teacher confronted me with the fact that all my answers were identical to the boy next to me, I lied to her and swore that I had studied my homework really hard, and the answers were my own."

  "Kevin, you little devil!"

  "I don’t think in this game we should assess blame or ridicule anyone. We’re priests, remember? You need to be solemn and tell me if God will forgive me."

  "Okay, are you sorry for what you did.”

  “Yes. I still think about it often and wish I hadn’t done it.”

  “Then yes, he will forgive you."


  "Yes, silly, that's nothing. Wait until you hear mine. Let’s see, when I was about thirteen, my mom was still an airline stewardess. She used to take us girls to exotic places. This particular year, we went to Barbados. We loved Barbados, because the beaches are so pretty and the water is so blue. Well, Kiran and I met this boy from Argentina. He was so cute and fun to be with. I was very jealous, because Kiran was older than I was and always ended up winning the boys we met. I wasn't going to let her do it again. So that night, at dinner, when no one was looking, I put dish washing liquid in her enchiladas. Needless to say, she threw up all night and had to stay home. Since she was sick, I had no choice but to go out with the cute Argentine boy."

  "Deviane! I can't–"

  "Hey, I thought–"

  "I'm sorry. Hmm. Are you sorry for what you did?”

  “Yes. It was a terrible thing to do.”

  “Well. I guess God will forgive you then."

  "You guess?"

  "He'll forgive you, relax. Okay it's my turn. Hmmm. Back home, there is this really gorgeous girl that I know. She's a cheerleader and she's very nice, not real smart, but a really sweet girl. Unfortunately, her parents are too busy for her, so she's pretty lonely. Consequently, she doesn't mind going to bed with any guy who's got the time."

  "Kevin! You didn't."

  "Hang on, let me finish my confession. One day I was on my way home and I stopped to pick up some stuff from my locker. I was feeling kind of depressed. As I turned to leave, there was Stacy. She was so excited to see me. I couldn't be rude to her. She invited me home for dinner. I didn't want to go, but I felt sorry for her. She was so lonely."

  Deviane stood up, walked a few steps away and stared at the wall.

  Kevin continued.

  "Anyway she took me home and we drank too much wine."

  Deviane began to cry, "Kevin I can't bear this. Tell me this didn't happen."

  "Will you let me finish! Jesus!"

  "Okay, go on."

  "Anyway, after dinner we started kissing and making out. Pretty soon, my hand was on her breast, things were getting out of control. Then she said something that made me realize I’d been set up. My so-called friends, who were so anxious to corrupt me, had asked Stacy to seduce me. Thank God I had the strength to get up and leave right then, before they had accomplished their objective."

  "You touched her breasts?"

  "Just for an instant. I curse myself for falling into their trap, but I can't deny that I did. Do you think God will forgive me? . . . Do you think Kiran will forgive me?"

  Deviane was silent for a moment. Then she took a deep breath and turned and looked Kevin in the eyes.

  "Yes, God will forgive you, maybe even Kiran will forgive you but you’re on thin ice with me."

  Kevin burst into laughter.

  "Come on! Me on thin ice? After you laid number 11 on me back in the forest. I think you’re the one on thin ice?”

  Deviane turned away. “Do you promise you won’t laugh at me?”

  “Laugh, why would I laugh?”

  “Since we’re about to die, I suppose I should tell you.”

  “Tell me what?”

  “You know how you’ve been looking for the perfect woman to marry?”


  “Well, I’ve been on a similar quest for the perfect man. I’ve been looking for my soul mate just like you. I've never been with a man and now I’ll probably die a virgin.”

  “Don’t give up, Deviane. We’ll be rescued. I’m sure we will. You’ll find your soul mate.”

  “I know, I already have.”

  Kevin frowned. “Huh?”

  Deviane shook her head. “You are such a typical male, blind and stupid. . . . Jesus! Don’t you know I’m your soul mate? You’re the man I’ve been searching for all my life.”

  Kevin raised his eyebrows. “You’re serious?”

  “Yes, and if you marry Kiran I’ll just die. I suppose I’ll have to become a nun and give myself to God. You’re the only man I could ever marry.”

  Kevin gazed into Deviane's beautiful angry eyes in shock. Feelings for her were welling up inside him quickly, but he felt an incredible guilt at the mere thought of betraying Kiran. Confused, he became angry.

  “You haven’t really known me that long. You don’t know anything about me.”

  “That’s not true. I know everything about you. I’ve read every news story, I’ve seen you on TV and now I’ve lived in the same house with you. I’ve known from the very beginning you were the one.”

  “My God, if that is true, why didn’t I know it?”

  “You were so infatuated with Kiran you didn’t give me a second thought. I knew I had to stop your marriage or we would both be miserable for the rest of our lives. That’s why I’ve been trying to seduce you.”

  Kevin walked away to ponder the situation. How can I marry Kiran now when I know how Deviane feels about me? It would haunt me every moment of our marriage. Every time I held Kiran, I would think of Deviane. When we made love, I'd see Deviane's face. And if she became a nun it would be twice as bad. And what if she is my soul mate and I am too blind to recognize it?

  Damn it! I love Kiran, . . . but she doesn’t love me, she’s admitted it. But she’ll grow to love me just like her mother grew to love Ahmad. . . . Deviane loves me but I don’t love her. How ironic? Everything is so complicated and impossible. . . . But, one thing is clear–I promised Kiran I’d marry her and I can’t betray her. . . . But she doesn’t love me. . . . Oh, hell! It doesn’t even matter–I’ll soon be dead anyway, if Malcolm has his way.




  Ambassador Rawlins walked into his office and sat down. Sharad and General Pelton were seated in front of the ambassador's desk. The United States Emissary walked in a minute later carrying a handful of large photographs. He hung one up on an easel and then turned to address the group.

  "These satellite photographs were taken early this morning. The area you're looking at is just northwest of Port of Spain, near the city of Carenage."

  He pointed to a spot on the photograph and continued.

  "This area, right here, is an old abandoned warehouse. Actually, many years ago it was part of a U.S. Naval base. After the base was closed, it was turned into a warehouse. Ten years or so ago, it was abandoned and no one has been using it since. If you look closely though, you will see a strange sight."

  "What?" Sharad asked.

  The Emissary pointed to the west end of the building.

  "Right here. There is actually a helicopter on the ground."

  After everyone had studied the photo, he replaced it with another one.

  "If you look at this blow-up, it's really quite clear."

  He pointed to the helicopter. It was clearly discernible in the second photograph. After a minute, he changed photographs again.

  "Now, if we look at the next photograph, taken fifteen minutes later, the helicopter is gone."

  "So what are you saying?"

  "Well, if you study these photographs closely, you'll also see trucks coming and going from the warehouse. In one of the photographs, there’s a boat at a nearby dock, unloading supplies. I
t looks to me like this could be an NDC installation. It could even be the place the Prime Minister's daughter and Kevin Wells are being held hostage."

  "Thank you. We appreciate this information very much. We’ll check out this facility immediately."

  "Be careful, Sharad. If you storm the place, they may kill them."

  "I know. We’ll plan our assault carefully."

  "Good luck."

  "Thank you."

  Twenty minutes later, Sharad and General Pelton were in a meeting with the Prime Minister and his Cabinet. The mood was somber since everyone knew how perilous this operation would be. One miscalculation could lead to the death of the Prime Minister's daughter and the one witness who could take down the NDC. Military officers were coming and going as the group went over and over every detail of the operation.

  "Ladies and gentlemen," General Pelton said. "let's go over the plan one last time, to make sure everyone has it down cold. At eighteen hundred hours, a half dozen men will enter the facility disguised as NDC recruits. They will gain access with the help of a former NDC soldier who was captured earlier today. He's agreed to help get our men inside in exchange for his life and his freedom. Once inside, the sole function of this advance unit is to secure the prisoners and protect them during the assault on the facility, which will begin at nineteen hundred hours."

  General Pelton went over to a map of the warehouse and began describing how the operation would be handled.

  "Three helicopter assault teams will be dropped in front of the main entrance to the warehouse. Two teams will blow access holes from each side and another will come in from the roof. The entire operation should take less than fifteen minutes, assuming we catch them by surprise. We'll use the helicopter on the roof to transport Kevin and Deviane back to the Prime Minister's residence."

  "What if the advance team doesn't get in?" one of the officers asked.

  "Then we'll have to move fast and get to the hostages before they have a chance to harm them."

  "Do we know where the hostages are being kept?"

  "We're pretty sure they’re in the basement. That would be the logical place to keep them, since it would be the most secure location in the facility. You'll need to instruct your men not to be too trigger happy, since it's possible they could be anywhere. The last thing we want to happen is to have one of the hostages killed by our own men."

  "Before you leave, ladies and gentlemen," the Prime Minister interjected, "I just want to say to you that the future of Trinidad may well rest on the success of this mission. We're facing the greatest constitutional threat to this nation since it was founded in 1962. If we fail, the government may well fall, and the invidious Malcolm Mann could seize power. Go now, ready yourselves for the operation."




  "Okay, it's your turn, Deviane."

  "Hmm. I can't think of anything else."

  "Come on, there must be something else you need to confess. Think back."


   Deviane stopped and looked toward the door. The sound of footsteps could be heard in the distance. The door flew open and Ray Mohammed stood in the doorway with another soldier. Ray was carrying a revolver in his belt and the soldier had a rifle. Ray approached Kevin.

  The sight of Ray Mohammed angered Kevin. The horror of the assassination attempt came roaring back into his mind. He wished he had some kind of a weapon so he could exact a little revenge. He was frustrated and bitter as the man who had nearly ended his life stood before him.

  "I've come back to finish what I started earlier," Ray said.

  "What's that?" Kevin asked.

  "To teach you a little respect."

  "You're wasting your time. I could never respect a cowardly low-life like you."

  "Oh, yeah?" he said as he proceeded to smack Kevin across the face and then hit him in the stomach. Kevin doubled over in pain and gasped for air. Ray punched him in the mouth again, knocking him to the floor. Then Ray turned toward Deviane and started unbuckling his belt.

  "Now I'm going to show this little virgin what it's like to have a man!"

  "No," Kevin screamed as he tried to struggle to his feet. "You can't do that! I'll kill you if you touch her!"

  Ray nodded to the guard. The soldier grabbed Kevin and threw him against the concrete wall. Kevin fell on the floor and began coughing up blood. Deviane tried to run over to him, but Ray intercepted her. They struggled as Ray ripped off her t-shirt and tried to take off her jeans.

  “What will your wife and children think when they find out you raped a helpless captive,” Kevin said.

  Ray hesitated.

  “Your brother thinks the world of you. He risked his life trying to save you from yourself. What will he think when he finds out you raped an innocent girl?”

  Ray let go of Deviane and looked at Kevin thoughtfully. “How would they find out?”

  “They would,” Kevin said looking at small round hole in the wall. “My guess is we’re being watched in here. Ten minutes after you rape Deviane half the people in this compound will know about it. How long do you think it will take for Obatala or your wife to find out?”

  Ray sighed. You’re right. I wouldn’t want to stain my reputation. What’s the point since you’re both going to die anyway.” He looked at his companion. “Let’s go. We’ve got more important things to do.”

  As they left the soldier hit Kevin hard across the face with the butt of his rifle. Kevin reacted by grabbing the rifle and wrestling it out of the soldier’s hands. The soldier backed off and raised his hands. Ray pulled his revolver out to shoot Kevin but Kevin aimed and fired first. Ray slumped to one knee and looked at Kevin, moaning with pain. He started to lift his revolver one more time, so Kevin fired again and again until Ray Mohammed was dead. The guard charged Kevin. Seeing him coming in his peripheral vision, Kevin turned, aimed and pulled the trigger. The bullet hit the man in the stomach. He screamed in pain as he grabbed his wound and fell to his knees.

  By this time, soldiers were rushing down the hallway toward the prison cell. Kevin dropped his gun and put up his hands. Several soldiers entered the room and surrounded him. Malcolm Mann rushed in. He looked at Deviane, who was curled up, half naked, on the mattress sobbing. He looked at Kevin, knelt down next to Ray and shook his head.

  "Ray, you imbecile, look what you've done now! The people will think we're a bunch of pirates. Jesus! I can't believe this! Get them out of here! Send one of the medics down here to take care of these prisoners!"

  The soldiers took Ray and the guard away. Malcolm followed them out of the cell and closed the door. Kevin rushed over to Deviane and helped her get dressed.

  "Kevin, he was going to rape me!”

  “I know. What a pervert.”

  “I’m so glad you killed the bastard!”

  “I’m not. I shouldn’t have wrestled the gun away. It was a stupid move and could have gotten us killed.”

  “No. You did the right thing.”

  “Did I? I doubt Obatala will think so.”

  Kiran didn’t say anything.

  “He should have just left us alone,” Kevin complained as he stood up. “Ahh!” he said as pain shot through his stomach and his head felt like he was in a vice grip. He felt dizzy and started to stumble. Deviane jumped up and steadied him.”

  “You should sit down, but don’t go to sleep. I’m sure you have a concussion.”

  He took her advice and sat on the end of the mattress. She sat next to him holding his hand. The medic came a few minutes later, with food and water. He examined them both but said there wasn't anything he could do and left.

  “So, now what?” Deviane said. “We wait to die?”

  Kevin shrugged. “No, we wait to get rescued.”

  Deviane looked up at him and then put her hands around him. “Thank you Kevin,” she whispered, “for not letting him rape me. I would have rather died than be spoiled by a pig like Ray Mohammed.”






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