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The Billionaire's Joyous Weekend: Heartwarming And Fun Christmas Romance

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by Tara Brent

  Picking up on my sarcasm she crumbled the paper the sandwich had been in, "I mean it, Steve, touch me this weekend and I'll cut your balls off. We're together for this weekend and this weekend only. Then you can go back to being a man whore."

  My brows creased at that, “A what?”

  “Man whore.” She repeated.

  "Yeah, I heard you, what even is that?"

  “So you’re telling me you don’t know who a whore is?”

  I smacked my mouth shut, I was offended but I understood why she would think that. I like women, I love women and they love me. I had been wild before, yes but that was before I had gotten with Trish and then after our breakup and she had refused my offer of us still hooking up from time to time. I just wasn’t ready for a serious relationship-back then.

  I absentmindedly scratched my jaw as I recalled the most foolish words I had even said to her, which was why she held so much animosity towards me now. I knew first hand that she loved sex, the thrill and euphoria that comes with it as much as I do and had offered for us to be there for each other if needed and she had taken it horribly.

  Last Christmas, after being plagued by Katherine to make a move on Trish to get her back, I gave in and told Trish I wanted us to be friends with benefits. Mind you, everyone was drunk so when Trish lost it, she accidentally smacked me across the head with her champagne glass while cussing. She had literally knocked sense into me that day.

  It was draining dealing with so many women and I was getting older, not younger. I did not want the life my dad was currently living, I realize that now. I want a family, a close family that will stick together no matter what.

  “I’m not that man anymore.” My voice was unrecognizable to even me and Trish glanced at me but said nothing.

  We continued driving in silence, as we left the city behind for a world of snow-covered trees. It was a winter paradise and we both lost ourselves in the calm that washed over us as we drew closer to the cabin.

  It’s been a tradition for years for the Washington family and Nelson’s to gather for Christmas. Over the years many family members during Christmas had other places to be with friends or other family members or not being able to celebrate the holidays for whatever reason but Trish, myself, Katherine and Damon always tried to spend Christmas together; to keep the tradition going.

  A large cabin appeared before us in all its six-room glory, surrounded by trees coated with layers of snow. Smoke was rolling upwards from the two chimneys and I sped up a little, wanting to be inside where it was warm.

  I parked and Trish and I bundled ourselves up before exiting the car, “Here we go.” I said over the top of the car and she nodded and wrapped a scarf around her neck. I wasn’t sure why I was nervous but I was. I begin to realize that faking to be Trish’s boyfriend for the weekend could stir up old feelings. It was going to be harder than I expected and I had to stick to our plan, since Trish wanted nothing more than to get through the next couple of days.

  The front door flew open and a little boy dashed out into the snow, “Aunty Tish!”

  Trish ran to the little boy and scooped him up into her arms, “Nathan! Oh my god, are they sure you’re only three years old? You're sooo big!” She showered his face with kisses and my heart smiled at the sight and from his joyous giggles. “Where is your jacket?”

  Nathan puffed out his cheeks, "I'm not wearing it, aunty."

  “I can see that.” She said as she wrapped her arms tighter around him and headed for the door, “Why aren’t you wearing it?”

  “I wanted to see you before mommy.”

  “So you ran out without it huh?” I asked as I ruffled his curly brown hair.

  “Steve!” He squealed and leaned over for me to take him, “You didn’t bring a girlfriend?.”

  I arched a brow as we stepped into the cabin and closed the door, instantly feeling the warmth on our faces from the massive fireplace in the living room, "Ah, do you know what a girlfriend is?"

  Nathan rubbed at his runny nose, “No but I think it’s a girl. The word has girl in it. Mommy said she hoped you don’t bring one but you came with Aunty Tish.”

  "And Aunty Tish is a girl, right? For the most part." I added and earned a dirty look from Trish.

  “What’s um, for the most part?”

  Shaking my head I placed him on the ground, the kid was seriously heavy, “I’ll tell you later.” I whispered to him as Katherine appeared.

  She paused at the sight of seeing Trish with me, her grey eyes that were a shade darker than Trish’s darted back and forth, “Did you two come together?” She inquired with a raised brow.

  “Aunty Tish is his girlfriend, for the most part!” Nathan exclaimed and Katherine’s eyes widened enquiringly.

  “Is that right?” Katherine voiced under her breath, her eyes suddenly twinkling like the lights wrapped around the Christmas tree.

  “I’m doing great Katherine, thanks for asking. How are you?” Trish gritted out and Katherine laughed and walked over to her, pulling her into a hug.

  “Hey little sis, you look great.”

  Trish returned her hug, “Thanks, so do you. You’re gaining weight I see.”

  “What?” Katherine exclaimed, untangling herself from her sister to look down at herself.

  I shook my head at the sadistic smile curving Trish’s lips and reached out to Katherine, “You look great Kat, beautiful as always.”

  “Stop hitting on my wife Steve, get your own.”

  Katherine’s platinum blonde hair was cut into an angled bob and it danced around her pretty face as she turned around to face her husband and give him a loving smile.

  I threw my hand over Trish’s shoulder and she grew tense, “I’ve got all I need right here Damon.”

  Damon, my best friend since high school squinted his pale blue eyes at me curiously, “That so?” He hugged his wife, a smirk on his lips, “Happy holidays indeed.”

  The little shit knows...

  Chapter Three

  Steve took my bags and I watched him leave with Damon who was whispering rushed words to him. I could still feel Steve’s arm over my shoulders and I puckered my lips in annoyance that his cologne had clung to me so easily.

  I turned around to find my sister already staring at me, a grin on her face wide enough to split it in two.


  She squealed a little and pulled me into another hug, “You guys are back together! Finally!”

  "Yay," I said, my voice lacking excitement. "You got your wish. Consider that your Christmas present so Merry Christmas."

  She released me and we took a seat by the fireplace. I watched the mingled shades of orange, yellow and blue as the flames danced and I reclined in my seat. My mind wandered back to Steve and me in the car and the way he had reacted to me calling him a man whore. I had been joking of course – partly – but he had seemed genuinely hurt.

  Steve was a clown in the sense that he took very little seriously and the few things he took seriously were his work and family. Everything else was a joke to him so his reaction to my statement had been puzzling.

  “So, when did you guys get back together?” Katherine’s voice cut into my mind and I blinked rapidly.

  “Pretty recently.”

  She bobbed her head, a grin still on her face, “That’s good. I just want you to be happy and I know Steve makes you happy, no matter how you try to hide it.”

  I said nothing to that because she was right. He could make me genuinely laugh and he did so with ease. He infuriated me with that same ease, however.

  “So, he told me William is coming. Why?”

  Her perky attitude vanished and her face twisted with exasperation, “Mom invited him. She said they’d be here for Christmas and it would be nice or as she said “considerate” to invite him.”

  “And then they bailed for Paris.”

  She nodded her head and my eyes drifted to the door Damon and Steve had vanished through with Nathan tailing behind them. I exh
aled and pulled my hair into a ponytail.

  “Mom shouldn’t have done that knowing Steve would be here.” I looked over at Katherine, “Steve despises him.”

  "I know," she replied, her eyes filled with regret, "but I couldn't tell William Christmas is canceled so, we just have to get through this weekend. Its Christmas Eve tomorrow and we're all going into town for the Christmas celebrations.”

  “For everyone’s sake, I hope he comes alone.”

  She nodded in agreement and ran her hand down her cream sweater dress, “So, you and Steve...”

  I got up, "Jesus Katherine, seriously what is your obsession with Steve and me?"

  Her face fell, “I-I was just going to tell you Rebecca invited all of us to her Christmas Eve party, after the festival.”

  I pinched the bridge of my nose and sat down, “I’m sorry, Kat. I’ve just been a little stressed.”

  She overlooked the way I had snapped at her instantly, her eyes filling with worry and I was reminded of just how much of a sweetheart she is compared to me- a total bitch, “I get it. What’s going on? If-If you want to talk about it that is. I don’t want to push.”

  I smiled genuinely at her, “Just work stuff. You’ll find it boring.”

  “There’s nothing boring about you, Trish.”

  I frowned a bit, “Really now?”

  “Yeah, I mean, you’re gorgeous and a scientist. Like a real scientist, what you’re working on, trying to find a cure for dementia, that’s amazing stuff.” She looked away, her eyes distant as she stared into the flames and I watched with shock as her shoulders slumped, “You’re definitely doing something good and meaningful.”

  Katherine has always been a perky person so this sad woman before me wasn’t the sister I knew. She sighed heavily, placed her elbow onto her knee and propped her head up with her hand on her cheek.

  "Kat?" Her eyes wandered back to me and she sat up, seeming to have snapped back to reality, "Are you okay?"

  She waved her hand dismissively and laughed while brushing her palms down her dress, “Of course. Why?”

  I stared at her and she stared back at me so I shook my head and said nothing. Maybe people thought I was the secretive one but they were wrong. Katherine hid so much behind her perky smile.

  We heard the front door open and close and then a booming male voice, “I’m here!”

  Katherine and I closed our eyes at the same time and sighed. I watched her get up, a smile now on her lips although clearly forced and left to greet William.

  “Katherine!” I heard him exclaim, “Woman you are breath-taking. Where is your Grinch of a sister?”

  Damon and Steve returned to the living room at that moment, I supposed having heard a male’s voice from the next room and Steve’s face fell the moment his eyes fell on his father.

  "Mr. Washington," Damon spoke first, "it's nice to see you again."

  William crossed the room to shake Damon's hand. He was a greying 55-year-old with a thick beard and a bald head. He didn't look his age however, sporting a lean body that he used to hook his many female companions.

  "Damon, you know I don't like being called Mr. Washington, it makes me feel old."

  Damon laughed uncomfortably, “Right.”

  Steve remained just off to the side, bracing against the wall with his hands buried deep into his pockets with his eyes fixed on his father. I bit down on my lip, my anxiety level rising as I prayed to God their meeting would go smoothly.

  William finally looked at Steve and shoved his own hands into his pockets, “Steve.” He greeted.

  “William.” Steve greeted him in a more chilly tone. He opened his mouth to say more when a woman entered the living room.

  Katherine’s eyes grew wide, Damon stepped back and I pursed my lips

  “Merry Christmas!” She exclaimed while twirling her red hair around her finger, “I’m Diamond.”

  "Oh, God," I said under my breath but apparently not low enough.

  All eyes turned to me and William’s mouth pulled up into a smirk, “There she is, the brains in the family. How are you darling?”

  I winced at the endearment, “I’m great, I see you brought along a friend.”

  I tilted my head towards Diamond and everyone looked over at her. She was busy chewing on her hair with her eyes wandering over to the Christmas tree and the wrapped gifts surrounding it with a little too much interest.

  Steve pushed himself off the wall and I shot to my feet, "Steve, I need help!" His eyes slowly slid to me, "Um, ah, with unpacking, I just need to unpack a few things. Can you help me, babe, please?"

  He walked away, brushing past his dad and Diamond and headed upstairs. He was pissed and it was clear for everyone to see. I looked over at Katherine as I got up who was begging me with her eyes not to leave.

  There was no way in hell I was hanging around with Diamond and at the moment, I needed to get upstairs to Steve and make sure he was okay.

  “Merry Christmas!” I exclaimed as I left.


  I found Steve upstairs, sitting on my bed with his face in his hands. I closed the door and approached him slowly, “Hey.” I said as I sat down beside him.

  He finally looked up staring right through me, his jaw clenched as he fought to control his anger. When Steve was 13 he was in a car crash with his mother and while he made it, she didn't. He had always been closer to his mother than his dad so on that day, to him, the world ended.

  Viviane had one of those personalities that people gravitated towards. She was good-spirited, boisterous and always the life of the party. She was loved by all, especially by her son and husband. One year after her death William completely changed from being a family man to one that ran away from his fatherly duties.

  He began seeing other women, dating a different one each week and bringing them home. Steve had to witness all this on his own since he had no other siblings. He was left alone to grieve his mother and not surprisingly he began to loathe his father.

  His hate for William quickly grew but William didn’t seem to care. I gritted my teeth at the memories of watching Steve destroy his room in fits of rage time and time again and I had to bite down on my lip to stop the tears I could feel burning behind my eyes. His pain had been my own and I had wanted to smash William’s face each time I saw him and I still do, everyone does.

  Back then no one understood why William didn't seem to care that his wife had recently died or about the pain he was clearly causing his son from seeing multiple women. There was no reasoning with him about his toxic habits so in the end, everyone pulled away from him, including Steve.

  I glanced at Steve who was still quiet and staring blankly before him. I wanted to say something, anything but words were failing me until he finally spoke.

  "Diamond? Really?" He laughed but it held no humor and shook his head, "She looks like a fucking child."

  “She looks troubled, that’s all I’m going to say about that.”

  He rubbed his face with his palms and exhaled heavily, “I can’t be here with him or I’m going to kill him.”

  “Okay look,” I turned to face him, “You’re not going to do that. You wanna know why? Because if you go to prison I’m going to find some way to make sure someone beats your ass in there every day for being stupid.”

  He finally looked at me, his brow arched, “That’s not what I was expecting to hear.”

  “Well, it’s what I’d do. Don’t spare a thought on William, okay, he’s not here. Period. You can’t fix stupid and that’s what he is. Being angry at him won’t change anything, everyone had tried that remember?”

  He snorted and ran his hand through his hair, combing it backward and out of his face, "Honestly, I don't think about him, at all. He's dead to me but whenever I see him or hear his name I remember mom and the fact that he's been disrespecting her memory before her body even started decomposing. He makes me sick."

  "Like I said, he's not here. It's just you and me this Christmas, remember? I
want a white Christmas, not a bloody one so please, ignore him. No fighting or yelling. Or I’m going to have to defend you and I don’t want to break my nails fighting William”

  His brows touched his hairline and I nodded, “Yup. You heard me.”

  “Okay, super intense but okay.” A smile graced his lips and I couldn’t help returning it. His smile was something I had always loved about him because it was contagious, “So, it’s just you and me huh?”

  “This Christmas.” I quickly added and turned away, “I said this Christmas.”

  I could see his smile turning into a grin from the corner of my eye and he scooted closer to me to place his head on my shoulder and whispered, “Just you and me, babe.” I swatted at his hand that had been reaching out as if to cup my breast and elbowed him in the rib. He doubled over, coughing yet laughing and slid to the floor dramatically, “God, I love it rough.”

  “Aaand he's back," I muttered to myself and got up.

  “Come on Trish, hit me again,” he moaned, still on the floor as I stepped over him to get to my bags, “but this time while riding my dick.”

  “Okay get out, right now! Get out!”

  He rolled over and got up, his cheeks pink from laughing, “You said you needed my help.”

  “I also said I didn’t want a bloody Christmas but I’m starting to change my mind. Out. Now.”

  He lifted his hands up in surrender and headed for the door. He stepped out but instead of leaving he poked his head back inside, “I’m going to take a shower, I’ll leave my door unlocked.”

  He winked at me before slamming the door shut.

  I couldn’t help the grin beginning to form on my face...


  I was in no mood for a family dinner. I wanted to avoid the awkwardness that would surely be present with William and his redhead girlfriend. I wasn’t too concerned about Steve losing it and starting a fight as Damon was there to keep him in check.

  There was a lake behind the cabin and on its bank, a small house had been built. It was mainly used to entertain guests. It has a large glass window that shows the perfect view of the lake and the tall majestic trees surrounding it. That’s where I’m currently hiding out. I sipped my hot chocolate and curled my feet beneath me as a small fire crackled in front of me.


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