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Wizard's Alley

Page 22

by James Haddock

  “Are you going to do this to all the ships?”

  “I am, but this stays a secret. The more people know about it, the more people will want to get their hands on her. Eventually, word will get out, but let's keep it secret as long as we can. Your lives may depend on it.”

  “Yes, Sir Wizard.”

  I moved to the other two ships, installed the stones, and they reacted the same way.


  At the appointed time, I ported to the Central Plains. There was a gathering of tents where I had left the Master Herder. I landed, waited to be seen, and then approached the tents. The Master Herder greeted me.

  He bowed before me. “Sir Wizard.”

  I bowed in return. “Master Herder, you look much better than the last time we met.”

  He smiled. “It seems you were correct; I did not die.”

  “I’m glad I was right.”

  “Please, come in and be welcome.”

  We went into the large tent; it was larger than the last time I was here. The tent was full of what I assumed was his clan's elders. We took our seats; he clapped his hands, and they brought in food and drink. The food was simple, but good. There was beef, lamb, goat, vegetables, and fruits. He talked of children and grandchildren. When the meal was finished, we moved on to business.

  “Our clan elders have met and discussed your offer. Before we make our final decision, we’d all like to see your lands.”

  I nodded and opened a portal. We all rose and walked through to my lands. The newcomers looked around in awe. I stepped away from the group and let them take the time they needed and talk among themselves.

  “We have decided; the clan will split. Some will remain to roam with the herds, and others will come with you to manage your herds in your lands. However, we have a request.” I nodded for him to continue. “Every other year, we would like to have a clan gathering here to trade stock and see family.”

  “Sounds like a great time for a feast,” I said. “How will you divide your herds, and what will you be bringing?"

  He nodded. “As we are starting a new herd for you, we have brought only the best from all of our herds. Two thousand beasts in all.”

  “What will be the price for the beasts and your wages for managing my herds?” I asked.

  After some discussion, we came to an agreement. When we returned through the portal, the gold for my herds was waiting in their tent. Everyone walked past it like it wasn't there, and I did the same.

  “While on your travels around the lands, if you find exceptional beasts, I'm always looking to improve my nerds. Buy those exceptional beasts, and I will buy them from you.” They all nodded.

  With an agreement made, it was time to get to work. They broke camp and were ready to move within the hour.

  I opened a portal, and they moved the beasts and families through. Once everyone was through, I closed the portal. They moved down to the river and started setting up camp.

  I walked over to the Master Herder. “Take a week, more if you need it, to find a place that suits you for your homes to be built. Once you have found the place, tell me what you want and where. And I will build it.” He nodded, and everyone gathered around us.

  “As we are now in your service, how shall we address you my King?”

  “King Hue,” I said.

  They all bowed deeply. “Yes, King Hue.”

  “If you would check with your business partner, there may be some things we have forgotten, and I can fill those needs before I go,” I said, smiling.

  He smiled in return. “I serve a truly wise King.” We laughed.

  It turned out she had quite the list. Smiling, I took the list and ported to the largest store in Midway.

  “Good afternoon, Sir Wizard, how may we serve?”

  “Good afternoon,” and I handed him the list. “Fill this please, and stack it all in one pile.”

  “At once, Sir Wizard.”

  It took them two hours to fill the order. I paid the bill and ported back to the herder's camp. By the time I got back, they were already set up and going about their daily routine.

  My Master Herder came out with the women. “Nothing keeps a man humble like being sent on an errand by a woman.” His wife bowed her head, but I could see she was smiling from ear to ear.

  I chuckled, “Indeed.”

  They started dividing and moving the supplies to the tents. “Sire, how do you want your beasts branded?”

  I thought a moment. “MH, for Mountain Home, within a circle.” He nodded. “I'll be back in a week.”

  He bowed, “Yes, Sire.”

  I ported back to the Palace. “You smell like horses,” Pam said. “Go bathe.”

  I smiled, “Sent on another errand by a woman.”

  Over supper, we talked of our ships and the improvements I had made. We also talked of the sailors that sailed our ships. We decided it was time to form our navy, and how we should go about it. The next morning Queen Pam and I ported to the navy wharf and onto the deck of Retribution. Before us stood over five hundred sailors, as Tradewinds had come in during the night. They all bowed to the Queen, and I amplified Queen Pam's voice.

  “Good morning, good sailors of Midway. We have called you here this morning to share some grave news. You already know of the pirate menace. Now we have learned that there is someone else, someone very wealthy, paying a bounty for taking Midway ships.” This caused a grumble in the crowd. She held up her hand, and there was silence.

  “I know; it disturbs us too. It is one thing for pirates to take a ship from time to time, and you have shown them the error of their ways.” That got a laugh. “But for someone to pay a bounty to target us specifically, well that seems almost like they have declared a war.”

  “Since it seems a secret war is going on, we feel it prudent to prepare a surprise for them. We have prepared our ships, and now it is time to prepare our navy. Each one of you who joins our navy will receive a gold sovereign for signing on. As you are all experienced sailors, the lowest rank any of you will be is Seaman, as we have no apprentices in this group. As such, you will receive monthly pay.”

  “You will share in the booty of ships you take and will be armed and issued uniforms. As you are the first of our new navy, all of you will wear a gold braid on your right cuff. Every time you salute, everyone will know you for who you are. One of the original Midway Navy Seaman."

  A cheer went up for our Queen: “God save Queen Pam!” And that was the beginning of the Midway Navy.

  To a man, everyone signed The Articles to serve in Her Majesty's Navy. One of the first rules the Queen made was that all officers came up through the ranks, or through a navy officers training program, as a midshipman. No one could buy a captaincy in the Midway Navy.

  We renamed our ships: Her Majesty's Ship Retribution, HMS Judgment, HMS Revenge, and HMS Tradewinds. I sold Tradewinds to the Crown for a nice profit, but I'd build another one later.

  Chapter 23

  When we returned to the castle, the Queen called her seamstress in and told her what she wanted for navy uniforms. Her seamstress made the first one. After we had a style and pattern, the Queen sent out a requisition for uniforms to be made in standard sizes. They sent requisitions to all the tailors in the city, and I made sure the tailor that had been kind to me received his share.

  With everything going on that week, the navy yard was a beehive of activity. Before I realized it, it was time to go see my Master Herder.

  I ported to the clan site, where a young herder greeted me. “Good morning, Sire.” He bowed.

  “Good morning.”

  “If you’ll come with me, we will go to the Master Herder.” I nodded and followed him to where there were horses saddled and waiting. We rode along the river to the lake, and they were waiting for us.

  I dismounted; they bowed and greeted me. “Good morning, Sire.”

  “Good morning, Master Herder. Have you decided where you want your houses built?”

  “We ha
ve, Sire.” He pointed at the ground where they had drawn a map in the dirt. Everyone was gathered around, watching. I waved my hand, and the ground rose up into a model of what they had drawn.

  “Like that?” I asked.

  The women crowded in. “Can you move this?” one asked, pointing.

  “Push the wall to where you want it, like this,” and I showed them.

  That was all it took. The women were moving walls, doors, windows, buildings, wells, everything. The men just stood back smiling, waiting for them to finish. When they were finally done and noticed what we were doing, everyone broke out in laughter.

  “I think we are done, Sire,” the Master Herder's wife said.

  I nodded, smiling, and walked over to look at the model. “Let's walk over and show me where this corner house will set.”

  We all walked over to the chosen site. “Here, Sire,” and I nodded.

  I looked at the model and then the building site, studying the layout.

  “Build it there,” and the stone village rose from the ground just like the model. They were suitably impressed. We walked into the village, and everyone went to their houses to look inside.

  “Sire, can you put cooking ovens in our kitchens?”

  “Show me what you want.”

  I rose up a thin wall for her to model. After a bit, I saw what she wanted. When the first one was finished, the rest went in quickly. Going to each kitchen, I fixed what each wife wanted. When I left, everyone was happy. The Kingdom of Mountain Hold had its first settlement.


  All our ships were repaired, loaded with cargo, and ready to put back to sea. The plan was to travel to South Landing as cargo ships to see if anyone took the bait and tried to overtake any of our ships. We sent them out two at a time, a day apart. Now, we would wait to see what happened.

  The stone road to South Pass Garrison was almost complete. We'd soon need to find our laborers more work. I had a scary thought. What if a cargo ship came into our port with her holds full of soldiers? They could be inside the city before we even knew they were here.

  I ported to the wharf and began planning where to put a wall to separate it from the city. I finally decided to put the wall right behind the warehouses, sealing off the wharf from the city. Everyone would have to go through a port gate that would be held by a company of infantry. The city watch would also be increased in that area. I built the wall, gate, and small fort with lightning bolt ballistas on the battlements.

  Once that was done, I sent a message to Colonel Lewis to man the new wharf gate immediately. I also sent word to the city magistrate to add the wharf manning to his watch. I told them that I was manning the area until relief arrived. It didn’t take long; relief arrived within the hour. I now felt better about the security of the wharf.

  I guess I was becoming paranoid, trying to see every weakness an enemy could exploit and counter it. I ported to Fort Midway to see Colonel Lewis.

  “We will build a North Pass Garrison, just like at South Pass. When can you man it?”

  “Now, I need something for the men to do.”

  “Good, start your men moving that way; it will be ready when they arrive.”

  “Yes, Sir Wizard,” and I ported to our North Pass.


  I was too late. An enemy army had already cleared the pass and set up camp on our side of the North Pass. I ported back to Fort Midway and told Colonel Lewis about the invading army; they numbered roughly ten thousand.

  “Put all forces on alert, including the harbor. I expected an attack from there too. I'll go see what I can do about the North Pass.” I put on Shadow Wraith and ported to the top of North Pass Mountain.

  The invading army had set their pickets and were staying there for the night. I saw their scouts and outriders and flew down behind them.

  “Go back to camp and care for your horses.” They headed back to their camp.

  I waited for full dark, and then moved underground to the army's campsite. “You deserve a rest; sleep, and I'll wake you when it's time.” They all went to sleep.

  Slowly, I grew the cliffs up around them—fifty feet high and ten feet thick. I then sealed the North Pass the same way and warded all the inner walls to repel magic. I ported to the top of the wall; all was quiet.

  I then went to the Harbor Garrison; the battle was already joined. Ten ships had sailed in under darkness, and their wizards had fired on the garrison. The garrison returned fire with its lightning bolt ballistas. Five of their ships were on fire, and the Port Gate Garrison's lightning bolt ballistas were opening fire on them now.

  I amplified my voice: “Cease fire, cease fire.” All firing stopped, and I concentrated on the ten ships.

  “Fire, extinguish. Raise to one thousand feet and hold.” All of the ships rose, and the crews began shouting and screaming.

  I ported back to Fort Midway to see Colonel Lewis. “I will empty the ships one at a time onto the ground. Where can you best handle them?”

  “Right outside the fort—we'll collar them and decide what to do with them after that.”

  “I'll bring the first ship down right after sunrise.”

  “We'll be ready, Sir Wizard.”

  I ported to the palace, told Pam what was happening, and we ate.

  “Who are they?” she asked.

  “I don't know; I'm guessing North Landing. We'll know at first light.” I went underground to rest, as I had used a lot of power.

  At first light, I flew up to the ship that had a big pennant flying. “Who is in command?”

  Two wizards stepped forward and started chanting, working a casting. I pointed at them. “No,” and they both exploded.

  “I'll ask again; who is in command?”

  “I am, and we'd rather die than surrender.”

  “Okay.” I waved my hand and threw him over the side. He screamed all the way to the harbor below. “Now, who's in command?” I continued.

  “I am. Prince Harold of North Landing, and I demand to be taken to your Queen,” he said.

  “You are in no position to demand anything, Prince. I should throw you over the side with that other idiot. The problem with you Royals is you don't fear any repercussions. You think you'll get to sit in the palace until daddy pays your ransom. What if you had to work at hard labor, like your men, until someone decided to sign a peace treaty in a few years? I bet that would make you think twice about invading another Kingdom.”

  “But I'm Prince…” That's as far as I let him get.

  “Dungeon.” He disappeared.

  “Now who's in command?" No one answered. "I'm not here to kill all the ranking officers. I'm looking for one with some common sense to talk terms of surrender. Now, who is in command, if not of the whole force, at least of this ship?”

  “I'm the Captain of this ship,” a man said, stepping forward. “What are your terms for surrender?”

  “If you surrender unconditionally, you will be well treated. We'll see what your King says about paying your ransom.”

  He nodded his head. “I accept.”

  “Everyone will disarm and leave all weapons laying on the deck. Anyone found with a weapon will serve a year of hard labor in our mines. What ship is the next overall commander on?”

  “The one with the blue pennant,” the Captain said.

  “Disarm yourselves. I'll be back.”

  I headed toward the ship with the blue pennant. I opted to go under it and then up the side to give anyone who wished me harm less time to target me. As soon as I cleared the side of the ship, red lightning bolts started at me. I caught them, added to them, and sent them back to the wizard. They all hit him at the same time, killing him and several of those close to him. A charred hole was left in the deck.

  “If we are finished with the light show, I'd like to get on with things. Who's in overall command and can talk terms of surrender?”

  “I suppose I am…Admiral Bruster. What are your terms, Sir Wizard?”

al surrender. You will disarm and disembark from your ships when ordered to. Anyone found with a weapon will serve a year at hard labor in our mines. Leave all your weapons on the deck. You will be treated well, and we'll see what your King says about paying your ransom.”

  He nodded his head: “I accept.”

  “Good, strike your colors, and order your other ships to do the same.” He followed my instructions, and all other ships struck their colors. “Admiral, I will lower your ship first. Let's not have any useless loss of life. Nothing will change; the war is over for you.”

  I lowered his, well now our, ship down to Fort Midway. On the way down, I commanded, “Cooperate.” Five hundred men disembarked quietly and were collared. I viewed inside the ship. No one had stayed on board, so I moved it over to the Navy Wharf and had it tied up.

  The process was repeated nine more times; we had taken ten ships and almost five thousand prisoners. I met with Colonel Lewis.

  “I have another group to deal with, so I'll be back. Then we'll decide what to do with them,” I said. And with that, I ported to North Pass.

  When I arrived, the whole army was still asleep. I don't know if this will work, but… “Wake up and cooperate.” Below me, the army started stirring.

  I amplified my voice: “Your navy was defeated and has surrendered unconditionally. You are defeated and will now surrender unconditionally as well. Strike your camp, and prepare to move to your new bivouac area.”

  Five wizards rose to meet me. “I knew everything was going too smoothly,” I said.

  They all started casting at once. Balls of fire, lightning, ice, and objects came at me. My shields appeared and started circling me, deflecting the objects. I caught everything else, added power and speed, and sent them back to them. I added my crossbow bolts to the mix and launched them at their heads.

  Three fell right away, but the other two came on, pressing their attack. I didn't wait for them to send another strike. I launched my own, sending multiple lightning bolts at them. Another fell away. The last one pulled up and started gathering his energy.

  “No!” I commanded, and he exploded. The army below continued to strike their camp like nothing was happening.


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