Soulless Bastards MC No Cal Boxset

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Soulless Bastards MC No Cal Boxset Page 3

by Erin Trejo

  I look back over at her. She seems nice enough, although judging by the way she’s dressed in a little short tight jeans skirt and tank top that shows off her skin, she doesn’t belong around here. Her rambling is a little annoying and the fact that she’s out of place usually would intrigue me, but I’m too worn out from my session with Tawny to care today.

  “I don’t really do parties, Cherry. If you want to come in on Saturdays, I’m usually here.” She smiles before she licks her lips.

  “Ok, the truth is this. I was asked by a friend to follow you around. He wants to meet you,” she confesses. My steps quickly halt.

  I narrow my eyes before I ask, “What friend? You’re following me? Do you realize that this is where the local cops come to work out?” As soon as the words leave my mouth, Cherry’s face falls. Her eyes widen. Yeah, didn’t see that one coming, did she!

  “Are you fucking kidding me? I will fucking kill Reggie and Mouse. Those little bastards!” she roars with the fury of a lion while stomping her foot. It’s almost adorable on her little face until the last name she said hits me.

  “Mouse?” I ask.

  “Yeah, Mouse. That fucker. He said he saw you the other night but didn’t get to talk to you,” she rambles.

  “I changed my mind. I’ll go party with you.” If Declan didn’t want me to show up at his clubhouse and Mouse does, why not go? The chance to see Declan again is outweighing the rage he might feel when he sees me walk in those gates.

  Her eyes light up before she asks, “Are you into girls?” I shake my head before she shrugs. “Could have been fun to fuck with them.”

  A small smile pulls across my face. I can like girls for tonight, though. Who the hell am I turn to turn her down? I’m always up for a dare or a good prank.

  “Let’s do that.”

  Chapter 8


  I pull the gun from my jeans and point it at the asshole. “You know how much I can’t stand a liar?” He shakes his head, but he holds a strength in him that reminds me a lot of myself.

  “Fuck you, Declan. I don’t care what you think about me,” he spits back. He should care. He should care deeply what I think of him since he wants to be a prospect for the Soulless Bastards.

  “We don’t let just anyone in here.” I push the gun closer to his head. This is all a game. It’s a scare tactic to see which one is worth our fucking time. If they cower in fear, they don’t step foot anywhere near this clubhouse again.

  “Say it again, boy,” I growl. Nuts. That’s the name I’m giving him if he says it again.

  “Fuck you!” he says, blood dripping down his chin. Yeah, I may have fucked him up a little more than the others, but shit, he was the one testing my patience.

  “Stand up, boy.” I nudge him with the barrel of my gun. The kid hops up and stands in front of me when I wave Blu over.

  “Looks like Nuts here needs a patch, brother,” I say. Blu runs his eyes over the mess I made of the kid’s face before he crosses his arms, glaring at him.

  “You think you have what it takes to handle this life?” Blu asks. He watches the kid for a reaction. This isn’t much different than the shit we used to go through. I may be a little tougher on them now than they were on me. I wasn’t just a prospect, though. I was blood; I was born into this. Of course, I had to prove I was good enough. Maybe more than the others.

  Nuts stands there stoically before he says, “I know I do.” Blu nods his head before giving me that final glance. He gets the nod he wanted from me.

  “Alright then. Nuts it is. Get one of the club girls to sew you a patch on that cut. You’re the fuckin’ runt. Don’t forget it. A patched member tells you to fuckin’ jump, you damn well better ask how high.” The kid stiffens his back and nods when Blu passes him the prospect cut.

  “The rest of you, you ain’t shit. You won’t ever be shit. Get the fuck up and drag your sorry asses outta my clubhouse!” As soon as the words leave Blu’s lips, the boys are on their feet.

  “Way to get ‘em, Blu.” Cherry’s voice echoes through the room. I don’t turn to look at her, but Blu does.

  “Thanks, Cherry Bear. You got a new girlfriend?” Blu asks.

  That catches my attention. I turn and see her. My jaw clenches. What the hell is she doing here? I told her not to come back.

  “Yeah. Mouse and Reggie sent me to find her, but I thought about keeping her for myself,” Cherry says, running her finger along Brooke’s neck. Brooke doesn’t make eye contact, but she smiles nonetheless.

  “She looks like she’s your speed. I’m Blu,” he says, stepping toward her with his hand out. She steps up and takes it. “Brooke.”

  Blu’s eyes linger on her a little longer than they need to.

  “Watch out for these guys. They don’t play by the rules, and I sure as hell won’t make them,” he warns her.

  She nods her head once before stepping back next to Cherry. Where the hell did Cherry pick her up at? What the hell is she doing bringing her back here?

  Blu turns on his heel and walks away when Cherry says, “Hey, Dec. You seen Mouse? I want to show off my toy.” She wraps her arm around Brooke’s body. I don’t know what the fuck to say, so I stand there like a goddamn fool. She’s with Cherry, of all fucking people.

  “Should be cleanin’ shit up and settin’ up for the party. Why don’t you go find him?” I suggest. Cherry starts to move, taking Brooke with her. Oh, like fuck she is!

  “Leave this one.” I put my hand up as Brooke tries to walk past, coming to rest on her stomach, stopping her from going anywhere. Yeah, I’m going to be that kind of asshole.

  “She’s mine, Declan,” Cherry tries to protest. She better watch who the fuck she’s talking to like that.

  “This your clubhouse, Cherry?” I ask her, my anger rising higher and higher.

  She doesn’t look up at me, but I snap, “You better learn your place, Cherry. You been here a long time to act like you don’t know the fuckin’ rules.”

  She nods her head slowly before looking up at me, “Sorry, Declan.” I nod once as her eyes slide to Brooke’s. “Sorry, Brooke. I’ll find the guys and come right back.” Cherry turns on her heel and walks away.

  “What the hell are you being a dick to her for?” Brooke’s dark eyes quickly meet mine. Look at that. She has a whole lot of balls for a little thing.

  I raise my hand and run my fingers over the butterfly that hangs from her neck. “I’m not being a dick. She knows the rules around here, butterfly. What are you doin’ here? I thought I told you never to come back here.” It wasn’t much of a question, more of a statement. She doesn’t belong here. My tone is daring. I’m daring her to respond to me. To tell me why she really came here and I have a feeling it wasn’t for Cherry. No, she wanted to see me.

  “She stopped by to see me and invited me to a party. I came. It was that was simple.” She moves to take a step back, but I don’t let her. I invade her space. My fingers drift around from the necklace to the back of her neck, pulling her face close to mine.

  “You stepped foot into my clubhouse, my world. Do you have any idea what I could do to you?” I ask in a loud whisper. Her breathing has kicked up, and her heart is beating wildly. I can practically feel it.

  “I didn’t come here for you, so I’m going with nothing.”

  “They won’t speak to you if I say the words.” Her eyes burn with a fire that I want. I don’t know if she wants to punch me or fuck me on the spot, but goddamn that tension is there.

  “Will you say the words though, Declan?” Holy fuck! The way she says my name. I want to take her against this wall and show her who the fucking boss is around here but not now.

  No, I’ll save that for later.

  Chapter 9


  His mouth is inches from mine, his breath mingling with mine. The only thought I have is of him fucking me with that gun again. There was something so damn erotic about it. The cold steel sliding inside of me as I clenched around it. It
was hot, sexy, and so fucking thrilling.

  “What’s wrong? Afraid of me?” he asks.

  Fuck no! I’m not afraid of him. Turned on? Hell yes, but not afraid. The one thing I’ve learned growing up was not to be afraid of anything and if for some reason I was afraid, to never show that fear. My father instilled that in me, and it’s always stuck. I raise my hand and rest it on his chest. Mistake number one on my part. The heat is pouring off him.

  “I don’t get scared. There is nothing in this place that I’m afraid of. You may hold some kind of power inside these walls, but that’s as far as it goes.” I see the look in his eyes. I’m pushing his buttons, pushing his whole belief system.

  A growl tears from his throat. “You may want to rethink that. I own this town and everyone in it.

  I smile and say, “Except me.” I lower my hand when I hear Cherry’s voice coming back toward us.

  And here I was thinking this was going to be boring. I’m actually starting to enjoy this party.

  “Found them!” Cherry says walking over to me.

  Declan hasn’t moved. I take a step around him and see the guys from the gate the other night.

  “Hey,” I say cheerily with a smile plastered across my face. I might as well piss Declan off a little more.

  “Hey, sweetheart. Sorry we didn’t get a chance to meet the other night. I’m Mouse.” His hand comes out, but Declan quickly steps in between.

  “She’s off limits, Prospect.” My eyes jump to his. Cherry huffs next to me. Declan looks down at us before he says smugly, “Look at that, butterfly. I accepted that little challenge.” He moves to walk away, but I follow behind him. Who the hell does he think he is?

  “You can’t just do that! They have mouths, you know?” I stomp like a little girl trying to get her own way. It would be amusing if I wasn’t so irritated. Here I was thinking I might just get a good one-night fuck and he’s ruining it for me.

  “They won’t use them if they want to stay Prospects,” he says, never turning to look at me. I don’t stop either. Not when he turns down another hallway, not when he stops to sign off on papers being thrust at him.

  “What the hell is with you? Why do you think you’re the fucking ruler of the world?” I yell. He chuckles but keeps walking. I don’t pay attention to where we’re going. I just stomp along.

  “I am the fucking ruler of the world,” he says as he keeps going, still not looking at me.

  He walks into a room, and I follow behind like the idiot that I am.

  “You’re really conceited, aren’t you? Do you think the world revolves around you? Everything needs to fall at your feet?” I stand here with my hands on my hips when I realize where we are. Well shit!

  We appear to be in his room. Or someone’s room. Declan steps around me, closing the door. Any other girl would freak out right now, but I’m a fighter - I can take him.

  “The only reason you’d fall to your feet is to suck my dick. If that’s your plan, let’s get to it. If not, get out and send Cherry in.” His words are like a slap in the face.

  “You’re a pig,” I say, not moving.

  “You’re still here.” He inches closer to me.

  “You aren’t even on my level.” I glance at him, running my eyes up and down his body. I know it’s a hard body. I’ve seen the way his shirt hugs every muscled inch of him.

  “Is that a bet, butterfly?” he asks, his tone gravely and sexy as hell.

  “Are you making it one?” I retort.

  “I bet that by the end of the night, I have you naked.”

  Jesus, the way he says it makes me want to strip right now.

  “Bet’s on, big boy.” Declan smiles, taking a step back.

  “This is gonna be the best torture,” he says, licking his lips.

  “It is. You’re going to be dropping at my feet before I ever slip my shirt off,” I say before heading back out. I hurriedly make my way back outside to the party.

  Chapter 10


  I should kill Cherry on the spot. How the hell does she, of all fucking people, find Brooke and bring her here? Better yet, how the fuck is she rubbing all up on her and Brooke is letting her?!

  My balls ache after our encounter in my room. I wanted to take her by force right then and there, but she isn’t one of our club whores.

  “Who the hell is that?” Mayhem asks, tossing his arm over my shoulder.

  “That’s my challenge for the night.” He chuckles before walking away. I watch as Cherry and Brooke dance together. The way Cherry grinds against her. Brooke isn’t innocent in the movements either. Her hands run all over Cherry’s body, tugging her in as closely as she can get her. Her hips sway, pressing against Cherry in the most sexual way. Jesus Christ, this is going to get out of hand quickly. I see the way the other guys are eyeing her like she’s a fresh piece of meat. Cherry knows what she’s doing, too. Her lips skate down Brooke’s neck. Brooke’s mouth parts in response.

  And yep, my goddamn dick is making a tent out of my jeans. I readjust it as I watch the scene unfold in front of me. I still can’t believe that she’s here.

  I warned her away, but after the look I saw on her face after I fucked her with my gun, I knew she was trouble. My kind of trouble.

  “Goddamn, leave it to Cherry to find the hottest lesbians around,” Tic says. I glance over and nod my head.

  “She won’t be eatin’ that tonight, though. I will,” I say. Tic chuckles before slapping my shoulder.

  “You may want to get over there then, ‘cause Nick is movin’ in for the kill. You know those girls fall at his feet lookin’ like a pretty boy.”

  I turn my head to catch the brother Tic mentioned moving in. I let Nick take his chance because I know he won’t get far. Brooke will shoot him down in a heartbeat. I watch the scene unfold in front of me. Nick moves up in front of Brooke, pushing Cherry to the side. His hands land on Brooke’s waist.

  “Oh, look at that.” Tic laughs when Brooke shoves him off. Her lips move to Cherry’s neck before locking her gaze with mine across the yard.

  “Fuck me,” Tic growls at the scene. I know that feeling!

  Her eyes stay connected with mine, playing her game. I can do one better. As I saunter over, her eyes never leave me. I move in behind Cherry, grabbing her ass in one hand. She squeals before looking over her shoulder at me. I get that cute little grin of hers before my hand slides around front slipping under the front of her skirt. Pushing her panties to the side, I slide my fingers through her wetness. She moans when Brooke pulls back to see what’s happening. She takes in what I’m doing to Cherry before snapping her eyes back to mine.

  “Tell me to stop and I will,” I say more for the benefit of Brooke than Cherry. Her eyes dance between mine and the now closed ones of Cherry. Cherry moans, clearly enjoying what I’m doing to her. It doesn’t matter that everyone is watching. It doesn’t matter that there is a party going on. I do what I want when I want.

  I work Cherry’s clit a little faster and watch the way Brooke brings her lips between her teeth. She’s trying to control herself right now, but it’s too late. Cherry cums all over my fingers, which is no surprise, but what happens next sure the fuck is.

  I slide my fingers out of Cherry slowly. Brooke’s eyes are heated when she reaches for my hand. She brings my fingers to her mouth, her eyes on fire as she sucks the juice off. Cherry watches the scene unfold with a smile on her face, letting her orgasm slow. Brooke licks my fingers the way she would my dick. I can’t help it; I give the fuck up on the bet. I lost and I don’t give a shit.

  “What is it you want?” I ask her. She slowly releases my fingers and lets her arms fall to her sides. I see Cherry walk away out of the corner of my eye, clearly done with our interaction.

  “One night. One round of hot fucking sex.”

  I stand there with my eyebrows raised. Is she serious? “You’re not shittin’ me?” I ask all the while thinking this has to be a joke. Girls don’t just come around her
e looking for a quick fuck. At least girls like her don’t. She shakes her head before she steps closer to me.

  “I don’t care which one of you guys it’s with either. I just want it.” Her voice holds a demand that my dick likes. She may not care which brother it’s with, but I sure as hell do. No one will be getting that pussy but me.

  I let out a growl when she says, “You lost the bet.”

  “I know, and I’m about to pay the fuck up.” I grab her hand and drag her back toward the clubhouse doors when Mouse comes out.

  “Fuckin’ hell, Dec. Does everything I want have to go to you?” he snaps, looking from me to Brooke. What the fuck did he just say? I release Brooke’s hand long enough to punch the little fuck in the mouth. He falls back against the wall before I grab her hand once more and drag her inside. I won’t stop until I get her in my room.

  Chapter 11


  My body needs this. My mind needs this. I need the fucking release.

  With all the drama at the club, I need a way to get out of my head for a while, and what better way than letting some hot man fuck it out of me. Declan slams the door before kicking his boots off. It’s almost amusing to see how badly he wants this as much as I do.

  “In a hurry?” I ask playfully when his darkened eyes meet mine. The heat building between us is consuming all the air in the room. He stalks toward me slowly, lifting my chin so that I’m looking at him when he reaches me.

  “You sucked my fingers better than a lot of girls have sucked my dick. You teased me for hours out there with Cherry. Now you’re gonna show me what the fuck this sexy little body can do,” he growls the words, making my insides explode with heat.

  I reach over and pull his shirt up and over his head, tossing it to the floor. His eyes follow my every movement as I slowly remove mine. Dec licks his lips as he stares at my chest. The way he’s looking at them as if they are the best treat he’s ever seen in his life. I know they are nice but damn.


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