Soulless Bastards MC No Cal Boxset

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Soulless Bastards MC No Cal Boxset Page 4

by Erin Trejo

  “Fuck,” He grumbles. I laugh when he looks up at smiles, “What? I’m a titty man.”

  I reach behind me and unclasp my bra, letting it slide down my arms. His eyes travel over the mounds on my chest before he leans down and takes my nipple with his lips. I moan at the feeling before he bites down. He quickly pulls back and grins.

  “You like it rough, my little butterfly?”

  I don’t answer him; I’m too fucking turned on by his raspy voice to even try.

  “Turn around,” he growls. I do so slowly when I hear him breathe in sharply. His fingers travel over my skin, lighting it on fire.

  “A whole back piece? I never saw that one comin’,” he says softly as his fingers outline the large butterfly tattoo covering my entire back.

  “Let me see if I can make you fly.”

  That’s it. Those words were my undoing. I spin around, ripping at the buckle on his belt before shoving his jeans and boxers down his legs.

  “Condom?” I snap my fingers at him. He’s happy to give it to me. I rip the packet open and slide it on him quickly. His eyes never leave me. It’s a little unsettling to have a man watching me this intensely. I’ve never been with a man like that before.

  “How do you want me, butterfly?” he asks seductively.

  “Balls deep inside of me.”

  He grabs my chin, holding it in place. Forcing my gaze to remain on his. His eyes practically glow with need.

  “Just remember who asked for it,” he says, leaning down and capturing my mouth with his. His kiss is hungry and not gentle in any way. In fact, I think he is trying to show me who the fucking boss is and in this moment, I’ll gladly let him. He lifts me in his strong arms before breaking the kiss. Throwing me roughly onto the bed, he stalks over and yanks my shorts and panties down my legs before I can even think about anything else. As I lay here turned on by his actions, my shoes are torn off last and discarded to the floor.

  He positions himself between my thighs, lifting my legs onto his shoulders. His eyes meet mine, and for a brief second, I think he’s going to say something, but he doesn’t. Without a word, he leans forward and sinks himself inside of me. I claw at his arms and scream his name. The deeper he gets, the more I realize how much I needed this. The stress of my everyday life, the lack of a sex life – all of it adding up.

  His balls slap my ass with each and every thrust. The power behind him is astonishing. I’ve never had anyone fuck me the way Declan is fucking me right now.

  As if he knew what I was thinking, he tells me, “Stop thinkin’ about it. No one will be able to fuck you like me.”

  His words set me off. My pussy clenches around him, holding as tightly as it can.

  “Goddamn!” he roars, his eyes closed in ecstasy, as I grin to myself.

  “No one will ever fuck you like I can either,” I reply saucily as I pump my hips.

  His eyes pop open and lock on mine. We stare at each other as he plunges in deeper and deeper. My eyes slowly close again as I give into the pull of my orgasm. Just when I feel like I’m about to lose all control, he slows his movements.

  “Open ‘em! You will fuckin’ watch me fill you,” he growls. I snap my eyes back open and watch him. He pumps into me slowly until he realizes that he has my full attention. His hips take on a new speed. He thrusts harder and harder, his rhythm turning sporadic when I feel him swell inside of me.

  “Fuck!” He roars just as he sends us both into a world where only pleasure exists. The high that I was chasing is now a reality, and I can’t fucking get enough of it.

  Chapter 12


  My high has been blown for a week now. A week of club bullshit. A week of Chop’s whining. A week since I fucked Brooke raw. I swear to you that girl’s thighs were bruised and raw when she left here. I fucked her in ways that she will never forget. That was the point, wasn’t it? She wanted a night of hot sex; she got just that and a little more. The problem now? I want her again. I want her on top of me. I want her riding me. I want her sweet pussy against my lips.

  “How you been, Dec?” Griz asks as he struts into the room. He’s a beast of a man I wouldn’t want to mess with. I glance up from where I was picking at my beer label.

  “I’m alright. Shit’s just fucked, brother.” He nods his head knowing exactly what he’s doing here.

  “I can imagine that. Shit’s rough.” Griz sits next to me, passing me a cigarette.

  “I just don’t get why he did it. It pisses me off. We’re shorthanded as it is, man.” I light the cigarette and blow out a ring of smoke.

  “Heard that! I told Blu a few Nomads are lookin’ to settle in somewhere. Might wanna see who’s out there,” he says.

  I nod once. I already know all about that. Nomads are wanderers, though. So many times, I’ve heard of them trying to settle with one chapter or another, and they can’t handle it. Staying in one place just isn’t their thing.

  “Butch still rollin’ Nomad?” I ask, glancing over at Griz and see him nod in response.

  “Past six years, brother. You would think that motherfucker would want a place to call home with his wife and all. Son of a bitch just keeps goin’.” He chuckles.

  “I suppose that works for some, yeah?” I ask.

  Griz nods. Just then, we see Blu come out of his office, Kenderly not far behind him. She has a blush on her cheeks but still has that shy look. She looks up and tosses me a small smile.

  Griz leans over and whispers in my ear, nodding toward Kenderly. “What’s that about?”

  “Fuck if I know, Griz. He’s been watchin’ her like she might run,” I say.

  He huffs. “Maybe she’s tryin’ to run. You know her daddy wouldn’t want her here without him.”

  I nod again. That much I do know. Kenderly doesn’t have any other family.

  “You boys ready to handle the problem?” Blu asks, leaning against the bar in front of us. I look up into the dark eyes of my president, understanding he’s about to do what no one ever wants to do to a brother.

  “Fuck, I guess so,” I grumble. I shove off my stool and round the bar, grabbing another beer.

  “Where’s he at?” I ask, glancing over at Blu. He drops his head before pulling it up and taking a breath.

  “Out back. Let’s get this shit over with, yeah?” Blu says before swallowing big gulps of vodka. I follow his lead and knock back a few myself. This shit is always harder than you think it will be.

  He was family once. He was a brother, and now he’s nothing but a traitor. Griz slaps a hand on Blu’s back before we follow him down the hall and out the back door. The guys who rode down with Griz’s chapter of Soulless Bastards stand amongst ours. It’s a heartbreaking scene when you truly think about it. We’re all family. Now that has to come to an end.

  “Listen up!” Blu roars over the crowd. The yard goes silent, and all eyes fall to us.

  “This club has rules. We follow those rules because it’s what works. We make our own way of life, but we don’t stray from the way things have always been. Times change. People change. The Brotherhood doesn’t, though. So, when a brother decides to take matters into his own hands, it offends not only me but us as a club.”

  I can hear the murmurs go around. The looks. They want to know who it is.

  Blu sucks in a breath before he starts again. “One of our brothers has been stealin’ from us. Skimmin’ money off our books. That’s not tolerated.” Blu’s eyes find Chop’s through the crowd. “Chop. You fucked up.”

  Like the fucking red sea, the guys part and leave him standing alone. He doesn’t look upset or even nervous.

  “You got anything to say?” I ask. Chop shakes his head.

  “Line up!” Blu roars. “You are a coward. Get on your fuckin’ knees,” he growls at Chop.

  He does what he is told; he drops to the ground on his knees facing his brothers.

  The air is thick, but this is the way we handle things. That doesn’t mean it makes it any easier.

  “Ready?” Blu yells as all the men pull their guns, aiming them at Chop. My heart stutters in my chest for the briefest of seconds. Holding my gun aimed at my once-brother is harder than I thought it would be.

  “We’re brothers! We’re family. We ride hard and fuck harder! We don’t betray our family!” Blu roars before the word “Fire!” rings through the air.

  In the matter of seconds, Chop’s body is loaded with at least sixty bullets.

  One of them being mine.

  Chapter 12


  “Why are you telling me this right now?” I rest my head in my hands on the desk in front of me.

  “Because I don’t want to keep working with that shit,” Savannah says. I pull my head up to look at her before I grin. Savannah is one of our dancers here.

  “Let me get this straight. You want to be a stripper, but you don’t want to take all your clothes off? Am I getting this right so far?” I almost laugh when the words come out of my mouth. What the hell did she think being a stripper was?

  “Exactly! I knew you’d understand, Brookey.” She smiles. I shake my head.

  “No, don’t get that fucked up, Savannah. I don’t understand. You’re a fucking stripper. You strip! What part of that is hard for you to understand?” I ask, getting annoyed with the whole situation. She’s clearly a fucking airhead.

  “Taking all my clothes off goes against my religion,” she says. Ok, that’s it. The laughter I tried to hold back has erupted. Her religion? I can’t. I just can’t today.

  “Get out of my office,” I say through the tears that fall down my cheeks. I don’t think I’ve laughed this hard in a long time.

  “So, I can leave my clothes on?” she asks dumbly. I double over, holding my stomach.

  “No! You’re a stripper. You have to strip, Savannah. If you don’t want to, go find another job.” I wave her off, not missing the huff that escapes her. I can’t believe she even asked me that.

  I wipe my eyes before shoving out of the chair and heading toward the back. I need to check inventory and reorder whatever was lacking. I’m happily counting boxes when I hear a noise behind me. If one of those dancers came back here, I swear to god she’s fired.

  “You might want to sneak back out of here before I see you,” I yell through the room, turning back to the boxes in front of me.

  “What if I don’t?” a deep voice vibrates behind me.

  I stand up slowly, straightening my back. I’m in the fighting mood. I’m ready for it. I crave it. I turn slowly and see the dark eyes of an unknown man standing in the back of my goddamn club.

  “Who the hell are you?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

  He grins a dark, sinister smile. It should scare me, but it doesn’t. I trail my eyes over his body, sizing him up. I’ve taken men his size before. He looks to be well built, but that won’t stop me from giving it my all.

  “I’m here to make a deal with your uncle,” he says casually.

  “And that deal would be?”

  “Not involving you, little girl. I make deals with men, not little women.” His smirk makes my hands clench.

  “Well, my uncle isn’t here. I am. I run this shit. What the fuck do you want?” I ask getting more pissed by the second. I look him over once more only to notice the leather vest he’s wearing. Did Declan send him here? He wouldn’t know about me working, here would he? No, he couldn’t.

  “I made Devon an offer a while back on behalf of my club. We want his answer.” The man crosses his arms over his chest before he steps closer to me. I watch him intently, ready to make a move if he tries anything.

  “The answer is no. Whatever the fuck it was, it’s no.” His nostrils flare, his smirk deepening.

  “You’re not in a position to tell me no.” Before I can register what’s happening, his fist collides with my eye. That bastard!

  He throws another punch seeing as I didn’t go down the first time, but I dodge it. My hands are up, ready for a fight. He comes at me again only to be on the receiving end of my fist. Blood sprays from his nose, and he stumbles back. He gives me a sinister smile as he licks the blood from his lip.

  “You just signed your death warrant.” He points at me. The fire in his eyes makes me smile. I don’t know why I’m a sick bitch like that, but when a man thinks he’s won, it gives me a power surge.

  I step up to him, ready to throw down. “Bring it.”

  Someone clapping their hands pulls my attention. The big guy steps back quickly when the other comes into view.

  “Impressive for a girl,” the new man says. I look him over. He’s a little bigger than this guy, but that doesn’t mean shit.

  “What is this, surprise visit day?” I snap.

  He smiles a gorgeous smile. This one is actually pretty damn nice to look at. If he wasn’t trying to steal my uncle’s club, I might fuck him.

  “Let me apologize for my boy here. He has no manners.” He flicks his gaze to his bleeding friends before bringing those golden eyes back to mine. “Your uncle was in negotiations with us. He sort of skipped out on our meetin’s. We just needed to see where his head was at.”

  “I don’t know anything about that. You might want to show up when he’s here,” I tell him, reaching up to see if that other asshole split my eyebrow open.

  The man in front of me brings his hand up. His thumb runs over the bruise that I’m sure is starting to form. He’s gentle at first. It’s strange, but then he presses his thumb into the swollen skin, causing me to cry out in pain.

  “Tell your uncle that Craft is lookin’ for him.”

  Chapter 13


  It’s a somber feeling knowing that you put a bullet in the head of one of your brothers. That shit was almost a week ago. There’s a strange feeling floating around the club. We all knew we had to do it, but that doesn’t mean it hurts any less.

  “You ready for that ride up to the northern chapter?” Blu slams his hand down on the bar in front of me.

  I look up at him and nod. “Been ready. We need to get some new guys in here.” Blu nods before grabbing a beer and popping the top off.

  “Yeah, we got that member drive up there. Griz is pullin’ a shit ton of weight around over there to get shit in order,” Blu says, taking a long pull.

  “Heard that. Rico was checkin’ with the southern chapter. Said he had a few transfers.” Blu nods in agreement.

  We’re all family. Regardless of what chapter you’re in, we’re family. We stick by family, and when one chapter falls short, they all make it a point to pull for the other.

  “Yo, Declan! Got an issue out at the gate,” Mouse yells through the front door. I shake my head with a grin on my face.

  “Handle that shit and meet me in the office. I’m makin’ a few calls,” Blu says as he walks away from the bar.

  I shove off my stool and head out the door when I hear screaming.

  “What the hell?” I mumble under my breath. My boots hit the pavement a little harder when I hear it’s a female voice. Please God, don’t let one of those crazy bitches start shit today. Sometimes you kick a whore out and they just don’t understand. They come back for more. I look over at Mouse, who has a smirk on his face. I want to punch the little fuck right now.

  “Keep smirkin’,” I point at him and say with a pissed off tone. That took care of that smile. Asshole.

  “What the fuck is goin’ on?” I ask Nuts as I step up to the gate.

  “Dec, this crazy bitc-” he starts, but he doesn’t get to finish. A fist flies, landing on his cheek. He stumbles back, slamming into the gate. I want to laugh, but goddamn, you can’t come around here putting your hands on our prospects. I move around the gate ready for a fucking fight when her eyes find mine.

  “Brooke? What the fuck happened to you?” I ask, noting the black eye she’s sporting. A surge of anger rushes its way through me at the sight. My hands clench at my sides, ready to handle whatever she tells me. I don’t know what the conne
ction is I feel to her. Maybe I don’t really feel it, I don’t know.

  “You son of a bitch! How did you know where I work? Huh? Why the fuck would you send your pigs after me?” she snaps, coming straight toward me. Her fist slams into my cheek before I can stop her. I’m stunned for a second, but quickly snap out of it. I wrap my arms around her body, pinning her arms in between her chest and mine. I think I have her under control, but the crazy bitch head butts me!

  “You better calm the fuck down!” I roar, having had just about enough of her attitude. She fights me, but I adjust her and hold her tighter. Turning on my heel, I lift her squirming body held captive against mine and walk toward the clubhouse with a screaming Brooke in my arms.

  “You son of a bitch! You had no right to do that!” she screams, but I have no idea what the fuck she’s talking about. She’s too irate to even talk to sanely right now.

  “Calm down!” I growl.

  “Fuck you. When you let me go, I’m going to fuck you up! All of you!” she roars. I just chuckle.

  All the guys watch me as I carry this fighting little girl through the main room.

  “Holy shit! Now that’s my kind of girl!” Mayhem yells. I chuckle. I know she is his kind of woman. One that will fight him. I get to my room and head in, kicking the door closed behind me.

  “I’m gonna put you down. Don’t fight me,” I warn her. Her body stills until I set her on her feet. Then it’s an all-out war. She comes at me full force.

  “I’ll kill you!” she roars, her fist slamming into my chest. This is bullshit. I grab her around the waist roughly, jerking her against me. I walk toward the bed and toss her on before climbing on with her. Grabbing the rope off the nightstand, I wrap it around her wrists.

  Yeah, I have fucking rope on my nightstands. You never know when you might need that shit. I’m always prepared!

  Securing her to the bed, she screams and hollers, her legs flailing through the air. Fuck, she’s a strong little shit! As I scoot down the bed, I catch a foot to the jaw. No way that’s happening again. I grab her ankle and secure it to the bed too before doing the same to the other one.


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