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Soulless Bastards MC No Cal Boxset

Page 5

by Erin Trejo

  “You need calm the fuck down. You got about one more time to kick me,” I warn her. Her eyes narrow in on me.

  “Or what? What the fuck are you going to do?” she hisses at me.

  “Don’t test me, darlin’,” I warn her. She grins at me. She actually fucking grins at me.

  “Fuck you, Declan. You better untie me.” She grinds her teeth, looking sexy as fuck. Damn, I wish she was naked and tied to my bed.

  “You better be calm when I come back,” I say, pointing at her. I get off of the bed and I walk toward the door.

  “You can’t leave me in here!” she screams out even louder.

  “Oh, babe. You walked up to my gates throwin’ a little fit. I can do whatever the fuck I want.”

  Chapter 14


  This is great. This is just fucking great. I’m tied to that asshole’s bed. The sad thing is? I like it! It was hot the way he threw me around. What kind of sick fuck does that make me?

  I try to pull at the ropes.

  “Oh, he’s good,” I mumble under my breath. Typically, I would be able to get out this, but he must tie things up a lot. He has skills, I’ll give him that. I hear footsteps and wonder if that’s the asshole coming to untie me, but when the door opens, it’s not him.

  “Jesus Christ! I knew that motherfucker was a freak.” The man standing there is just as big as Declan. He’s hot, too. His long blonde hair hangs around his shoulders, his perfectly straight teeth gleaming as he smiles. Yep, he’s fuckable.

  “Untie me, please,” I say smoothly, trying to play him. His eyes roam over my body, but he doesn’t move.

  “You want me to lose a limb? My VP would kill me for even bein’ in here right now,” he says but doesn’t make a move to leave.

  “What’s your name?” I ask.

  “They call me Mayhem.” He grins like he’s proud of that. He probably is.

  “Could you just untie me, Mayhem? I want to leave.” He walks closer to the bed, my heart kicking up a notch. He reaches down and runs his fingers over my leg.

  “You’re the one Declan had the other night, huh?” he says dragging his fingers up my thigh.

  “Maybe,” I say softly. He reaches my mound and stops. His fingers are so close to me that I can feel the burn.

  “He seemed to enjoy you. Wonder if you taste as good as I think you do.” The way his eyes darken when he looks at me makes me shiver. It’s scary in a way.

  “I don’t. Please, just untie me.” I tug at the ropes again. I notice that every time I fight, the bulge in his jeans gets bigger. Sick fuck.

  “He won’t do that.”

  That voice. It sends my body into overdrive. That deep sexy fucking rumble. Why the hell does a man’s voice hold that much power over a woman?

  “You playin’ nicely with my girl, Mayhem?” Declan asks as he walks around the end of the bed. He looks at me before dragging his eyes to his friends.

  “Yeah, I was wonderin’ what she tastes like. Those lips are utterly fuckable.” Mayhem licks his lips while he looks at me.

  “Don’t let me stop you from gettin’ a taste.”

  My heart tumbles in my chest. I jerk my eyes to meet Declan’s. He has this evil smirk on his face that I want to slap the fuck off him, but at the same time, I want his lips on me, not his friend’s.

  Mayhem growls deep in his throat before leaning down closely. His breath skates over my skin the closer he gets to my lips. He holds his position, staring down at me.

  “I dunno if I should let her taste me, though,” he says against my lips.

  My breathing catches in my throat. Do I want him to kiss me? No, I want Declan to kiss me. I want that feeling that only he can give me. The way my heart stuttered when he took me. The way he bruised my thighs with his hips.

  “Meet me outside,” Declan growls. Mayhem groans but he moves away from me.

  I hear the door click as I look back over at Declan.

  “You calm your ass down now?” he asks, his large arms crossed over his chest.

  “Why would you send someone after me? I didn’t do anything to you,” I say softly. His eyes burn through me. Straight to my fucking soul.

  “I assume that someone did that to your face?” he asks, nodding toward my eye. I turn my head away from him. I feel the bed shift before his large warm hand cups my cheek.

  “I didn’t send anyone after you, Brooke. I dunno what the fuck is goin’ on with you.”

  I turn my head, and I can tell by the look in his eyes that he’s telling me the truth.

  “You didn’t send any guys to the club?” I ask, confused by all of this. Dec shakes his head before reaching up and untying my arms. I sit up and watch as he does the same with my ankles.

  “Who hit you?” he asks as he pulls the last of the rope free. Suddenly feeling vulnerable, I pull my knees up to my chest. I don’t like this feeling.

  “Doesn’t matter. I need to go.” I uncurl myself and shove off the bed, but he’s there before I can take two steps. His hand comes up, wrapping around the back of my neck.

  “You punched one of my prospects. You fuckin’ kicked me, and you think you’re just walkin’ out of here?” he asks.

  My heart slams in my chest. I can fight. I know I can, but Declan is much bigger than I am. The prospect wasn’t that big!

  Fuck. I’m fucked.

  Chapter 15


  She isn’t scared. That’s not the look in her eyes. It’s something else, but I can’t place it.

  “I’m sorry I hit you guys,” she mumbles a fake apology. It’s cute coming from her.

  “Fuck that. You gonna tell me who hit you?” I growl. That’s what’s pissing me off the most. I want to know what idiot had the balls to put his hands on her.

  “No one.” She raises her head in a defiant posture. Look at her! She’s testing my fucking patience and all I can think about is getting her naked beneath me. What is it about this woman?

  “That’s how you want to play this?” I ask her to give her a chance to rethink it. She doesn’t move or say a word.

  I lean down, my lips close to hers. “Last chance.” She still doesn’t move. Fuck, she is stubborn, and it makes my dick hard. I move closer, letting my lips linger on hers. She moans, slipping her tongue into my mouth. Goddamn, this woman is going to kill me.

  I back her up until her legs hit the bed and she sprawls on the bed. Then she’s fair game. I lean over and yank her jeans down her legs with her panties. Her pussy is gleaming, ready to be taken. I grin when I run my fingers through her wetness. She’s fucking soaked.

  “You wanted me that whole time, didn’t you? You like bein’ tied to my bed?” I ask her but not really giving a shit what she says. I can see how fucking wet she is and how hot her body feels. She’s fucking craving my dick right now. I lean down and kiss her stomach. Brooke arches her back pushing her flesh into me. I growl and nibble at her skin.

  “Tell me, baby,” I say as I slide down, positioning myself between her legs. Brooke pushes up on her elbows, watching me. Fucking Christ this girl is wild, and I fucking love it.

  “You wanna watch me eat this pussy?” I ask as I blow gently on her wet body. She arches her back and gasps. I slowly lick one long pass over her. Her eyes widen, but I just grin. I lean back in and lick her like she’s a fucking lollipop. I dip my tongue inside of her and twirl it around, but the whole time our eyes stay locked on each other. Not breaking that connection, I run my fingers over her skin on her thighs. I drag it up slowly, sliding one inside of her. I work her over before slipping a second inside. Curving my fingers, I find her sweet spot before I suck harder on her clit. Brooke’s mouth hangs open; she’s panting, gasping for air.

  “Who hit you, baby? Tell me, and I’ll make you come.” She shakes her head no. I bring her closer and closer, but until she gives me what I want, I’m not giving her what she wants. I slow my pace, leaving her clit to the cool air of the room.

  “Dec!” Brooke cries ou
t my name. It’s such a fuckin’ sweet sound, too.

  “Tell me, Brooke. That’s all you have to do.” I lean down and slowly take another long lick. “Say who it was and I’ll let you come.” My fingers keep moving as she presses her body into me. She wants this; I know she does.

  “I don’t know! I don’t know who they were! They were bikers. They had vests like yours!” she cries out.

  I lean my head back down, sucking and licking. My fingers are fucking her at the same pace my dick would if I were inside of her.

  “Dec! Oh, fuck!” She screams just as her orgasm washes over her. Clenching around my fingers, she holds them hostage.

  Her juices flow, but I lick every last drop from her. She tastes like perfection, and I want every drop of it. I ease my fingers out of her slowly noting the groan that escapes as I do.

  “You taste perfect,” I tell her. Her face is flushed, little beads of sweat dripping down her temples. Fuck! She’s beautiful.

  “You said you don’t know who they were?” I ask her again. She shakes her head, trying to catch her breath.

  “Besides the cut, did you notice any other patches or anything on them?” She turns her head to look at me.

  “Cut?” she asks.

  “The vest he was wearin’. It’s called a cut.” She nods slowly before she sighs.

  “No. I didn’t really see anything else. I was kind of busy,” she says as she points at her eye. I lean in and brush my lips over the swollen flesh.

  “I’ll find out who hurt you,” I whisper against her.

  She jolts and leaps up. Frantically looking for her clothes, she grabs them when she sees them. I watch her tug her jeans back on quickly, stuffing her panties into her pocket in her haste to get away.

  “I don’t need you interfering in my life,” she states.

  My heart hammers in my chest. The way I feel like I need to protect her is overwhelming to say the least. Something about Brooke sets the beast inside of me off and all I want to do is make sure she’s safe. Yet she can’t seem to get that through her head, and it’s infuriating.

  “How many times are you gonna come to my clubhouse and think that I have no say in shit?”

  Chapter 16


  Oh, he is good. This fucker and his way of thinking are damn good.

  “Who in the fuck do you think you are? I came here because I thought you had something to do with it!” I buckle my jeans and readjust my shirt.

  “You came here so I’d fuck you,” he retorts, as he stands there looking smugly at me.

  “You think way too highly of yourself, Declan,” I toss out as I turn on my heel. I head out the door, but I can hear him right behind me. I pick up my pace and slam right into a brick wall, or so I thought. I put my hands up and find a sweaty chest awaiting me. I drag my eyes up and find the same dick who was in the room earlier, Mayhem.

  “If you wanted to touch me all you had to do was ask,” he says with a smirk. I try to pull my hands away, but his larger ones capture my wrists, holding them in place.

  “Believe me, I didn’t want to,” I mumble.

  “You caught my butterfly.” Declan’s voice booms from behind me, a hint of laughter in his voice.

  “She wanted to get her hands on me,” Mayhem says, never pulling his eyes from mine. I roll my eyes and tug again. This time he lets me go.

  “I bet she did,” Declan says with a chuckle.

  “I have never met any men who were so into themselves. You guys really think you’re something special,” I state with my hands on my hips.

  “That’s ‘cause we are special.” I hear another voice. Jesus Christ.

  I look to my left to find another man, shirtless with sweat dripping down his chest. He’s older than these two.

  “Can I just leave?” I ask, looking between the three.

  “Who the hell are you?” the other guy asks.

  “This is Blu, our president. This is Brooke,” Declan says. Blu eyes me up and down. I think I saw him the other night, but I can’t be sure.

  “Nice to meet you again. We met at the party,” he says, being polite.

  I nod once and say, “Yeah, you too. Can I leave?” I ask him.

  His eyes move from mine to Declan’s before slowly slipping back to me again. “I don’t know. Ask my VP. He seems to like you.” Blu chuckles and walks away. I blow out an exasperated breath.

  “Who is the goddamn VP!” I roar. The guys laugh when Declan places a hand on my shoulder.

  “I am. Thought you knew that,” he says, his breath closer to my ear.

  “I’m never getting out of here.” I blow out an exasperated breath. Declan laughs before throwing his arm over my shoulder.

  “Come on, sweetheart. I’ll walk you home,” he says as he leads me through the hallways.

  When we step outside, I take a deep breath and settle the nerves racing through me. I take in the yard that is now littered with cans and beer bottles.

  “You guys are disgusting,” I mumble as we head toward the gate.

  “Yeah, things got a little out of control last night,” Declan says, kicking a can across the yard.

  When we step onto the sidewalk, I stop and look up at him. “You really didn’t send anyone after me?”

  Declan shakes his head before bringing his hand up to my cheek. “You do realize we aren’t the only club around here, Brooke. There are more. If I knew the whole story, I could help you out.” He seems so sincere and honest, but I don’t trust him. Not with this.

  “I don’t need any help,” I say. I turn and walk toward the house, but Declan isn’t far behind me.

  “Why are you so stubborn?” he asks. I glance over my shoulder and raise my eyebrows at him.


  “Yeah, stubborn. Don’t you see I’m just tryin’ to help you out?”

  “Why, Declan? You don’t know me. You don’t know anything about me.” He closes his eyes and stops walking, but I keep walking. It’s true. I’m almost to my house when he speaks again.

  “Maybe I want to.”

  I stop and turn to face him. I watch the way his jaw tics, the vein in his neck throbbing.

  “No, you don’t. You like the idea that I’m different than Cherry. I’m not naive, Declan. It’s the same reason I-” I stop myself from saying what I really want to say. I want to tell him that that is the reason I like him too. That he’s different from all the other guys. That he’s like no one I’ve ever met, but I don’t know him any more than he knows me.

  “The same reason you what?” he asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Nothing. I need to go. I’m sorry I accused you. It was a fuck up on my part.” I turn to head across the street when Declan stops me again. His voice sends a shiver up my spine.

  “You know where I am, Brooke. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to come down.”

  I drop my head slightly. I don’t want to rely on a man. I don’t need his help.

  At least that’s what I keep telling myself.

  Chapter 17


  “What are you doin’ here?” I ask when Brooke is standing at the front door of the clubhouse. Mouse must have let her come up.

  “I was…I don’t know what I’m doing here.” She looks down at her hands, clearly not the girl that I met. She’s closed off, in her own head. I know what she needs. I know what she wants. I reach for her and lift her chin, her eyes coming to lock with mine.

  “You want me?” I ask her calmly. I think she needs it. I think she needs me. She needs that release, and I always give it to her.

  “You are so conceited,” she says, shaking her head. I grin like a fool. I know what I can do for her. I know what I have to offer.

  “Come on,” I tell her. Brooke walks in but doesn’t look at anyone. I don’t care either. I walk her straight into my room, kicking the door shut behind me.

  “You wanna tell me what’s wrong with you?” Brooke shakes her head, reaching for the hem
of her shirt. My eyes follow her movements. Taking her in. She’s fucking gorgeous, and I want every drop of her.

  “In a hurry, butterfly?” I ask as I slip my cut down my arms and quickly yank of my shirt. She watches me, setting my body on fire. The lust races through my veins.

  “I need it, Dec,” she says softly.

  I know she does, and I’m the one to give it to her. Toeing my boots off, I pull my jeans down my legs, kick them and my boxers to the side, and stalk toward her.

  “You want it hard, butterfly?” I ask her.

  She gazes up at me with a fire burning in her eyes. She looks so fucking perfect. Her beautiful round tits with the nipples hardened. I want to suck them into my mouth and never let them go.

  “Fuck me, Declan. That’s what I want,” she nearly growls at me.

  I reach for her, jerking her into my chest. I watch the way her breathing comes faster the closer she is to me. I study her face. I study her eyes. The way they hold my gaze, never breaking away. She’s beyond anything I thought I’d find around here. She is the opposite of what I’d ever wanted, but at the same time, I see more inside of her that I want to get my hands on.

  I slide my hands down her back, gripping her ass roughly. The gasp that falls from her lips makes my dick harden even more.

  “I’m gonna fuck you, Brooke. That wasn’t even up for debate. How I’m gonna fuck you is,” I tell her. Her eyes widen as she sucks in a breath. There it is. I got her where I want her.

  I lean my head down, sucking the flesh of her neck into my mouth. She moans, and that’s about all of that I can handle. Her reactions drive me insane. Lifting Brooke in my arms I walked us to the bed, laying her down gently.

  She watches me the whole time I rip the condom open and slide it on. Her gaze is burning so deeply into me that I can barely calm the feelings racing through my body. I need inside of her. All that consumes my mind is the idea of fucking owning her. I lift her leg, hiking it around my hip.


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