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Soulless Bastards MC No Cal Boxset

Page 13

by Erin Trejo

  “Do you have any idea how pissed she’s gonna be that you fronted the money?” I raise my eyebrows. No way in fuck is that information coming from me!

  Blu chuckles. “Yeah, I figured she’d be pissed, but it’s the only way to get it runnin’. She didn’t have the funds to do it, but I know it means a lot to her. Mystic ran her finances and shit.”

  I nod my head. I know she’d be happy to have it up and running. It may only be a strip club, but it was hers and her uncle’s. I know how hard she worked to keep it going for him.

  “Maybe Tic can bring it up. They seem to be pretty close these days.” I lean back in my chair and blow the smoke from my lungs.

  “Tic what?”

  I look over my shoulder to see Tic standing there with his arms crossed over his chest.

  “You’re close with Brooke these days. You can talk to her about the money Blu put into Leggs.” I hear him huff, but I turn around not needing to see the look on his face.

  “You’re pissin’ me off, motherfucker,” he snaps. I shove out of my chair and glare at him.

  “That so? I ain’t sayin’ shit that ain’t true.” I can see the anger in his eyes. I don’t give a shit either.

  “You two wanna calm down?” Blu says, trying to diffuse the situation. It doesn’t do anything, though. I know where he’s been every fucking day for the last three months.

  “Fuck that, Blu. He’s in with her; he can talk to her. I got shit to do.” I turn and walk away. My heart feels heavy in my chest.

  Nothing feels right around here anymore. My attitude has shifted and I take my anger out on my brothers. I don’t know what the hell I’m doing anymore. I find myself sitting out back on the picnic table.

  “You want some company?” Prim asks. Prim of all people! That girl is as nasty as they come. Her attitude is about as shitty as mine.

  “That depends. Are you on the rag? You know you’re shitty,” I say to her. She gives me a small smile before sitting next to me.

  “Why are you so shitty?” I ask her. Me and her have never really talked. She’s been around since she was little, but we rarely talk.

  “You know what it feels like to love someone you can’t have?” I follow her gaze to Blu. I raise my eyebrows. I never realized she had a thing for him.

  “What makes you think you can’t have him?” She slowly drags her eyes back to me.

  “He’s in love with someone else. No one sees it but me, but it’ll come out eventually,” she says with a hint of sadness in her voice.

  “You know that for sure?” I ask her. She gives me a small smirk before running a hand through her hair.

  “I know that for sure, Declan, or I’d make a move. I may be a club whore, but I’m not a homewrecker. I’d never touch one of the guys who had an old lady or was interested in someone else. I do have some kind of morals,” she huffs. I grab her shoulder and pull her into my side.

  “You know, I’ve always watched you walk around here with an attitude. I wondered what the hell pissed you off so badly,” I say.

  Prim laughs before she says, “Love. This fucked-up heart of mine. Emotions. Hell, what more can I say?” She giggles as she lays her head on my shoulder.

  “You’ll find the one. It’s not your time yet, darlin’,” I tell her.

  Prim nods before looking up at me. “But it’s yours. Don’t let her go, Dec. She’s a good one. We can all see how happy she makes you. Don’t let the little things keep you from the bigger things in life.”

  Chapter 44


  “Ryan!” I yell down the hallway. I’m amazed at the work that Tic and his friends were able to get done in here. Ryan walks in, and I gaze up at him with my puppy dog eyes.

  “What? What do you want now, Brooke?” he asks with a grin on his face.

  “Can you go unload the truck that just pulled up? We need to get the bar restocked.” I wiggle my eye brows at him hoping he will do it. I know he will, but I like messing with him.

  “You know all you had to do was say was ‘hey Ryan, go unload that truck.” He wiggles his eye brows back at me, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “You know I love you, Ryan,” I say as I smile at him. Without Ryan coming back, I wouldn’t be able to get anything done. Tic has been amazing too, but Ryan has stood by my side and done anything I’ve asked of him.

  “I love you too,” he says, turning and leaving the room.

  I stand from the desk and head out into the main room to make sure all the chairs are set up. A few of the girls opted to return, but a few didn’t want to. I can’t say that I blame them either. Tic stepped in there, too. He called in some girls he knows, and they were all amazing. I did turn Thursday night into man’s night, and I think I may have talked Tic into stripping – at least a few times. It was funny to see his face when I asked him. He had this cocky ass grin that said he would outdo everyone else I hired. The girls liked the idea, too. It wasn’t my dream to own a female strip club, but I’m making it work.

  Overall I think the club looks really good. We got all the new permits in place with my name on them. I got the liquor licenses, too. I was surprised by all the work that had to go into starting up the club. My uncle clearly had his hands full.

  “You strippin’ tonight?” That deep, sexy voice booms through the room. I turn on my booted heel and smile when I see him.

  “No, but I have a spot for you on Thursdays.” Mayhem grins at me before stepping closer. He grabs me, pulling me into a hug.

  “Missed you lately,” he says softly.

  My heart does a little flip in my chest. I’ve grown to have a soft spot for this man. “Missed you, too. I’ve been really busy.”

  He pulls back, looking around the club, but never letting me go.

  “I can see that. It looks great in here. Tic’s boys are good,” he says as he checks out the room.

  “They have been amazing. Hey, do you know when Blu will be around? I need to talk to him. I know he put the money in the account.” Mayhem raises his eyebrows like he’s going to deny it, but I know Blu did it.

  “Havin’ a party tonight for Cherry’s birthday. You should come by. It’d be nice to hang out a while.” he says casually. I watch the look in his eyes. I know there’s more.

  “What? What is it, Mayhem? Don’t hold back,” I tell him.

  He lets out a long sigh before he says, “He looks like shit. This shit’s hittin’ him hard, Brooke. He misses you. The motherfucker is just too stubborn to admit it.”

  I give him a soft smile. I miss him too, but that part of my life is over. I need to move forward.

  “He didn’t want me. We both knew it would end at some point. I may come by and talk to Blu later, though. I really need to know what percentage he wants for the club.” I thought at first I’d be pissed when I realized that Blu had added money to the club account, but the more I looked at what I took to run this place, the more I realized I needed the help.

  “I doubt it’ll be much. He just wanted you on your feet.”

  I reach toward the bar and grab the bottle of Jack sitting there. “Come celebrate with me,” I tell him, stepping out of his grasp.

  “You got it! Line it up, darlin’.”

  I pull the glasses out from behind the bar and fill them up. We might as well get wasted. Mayhem and I drink like it will be our last drink ever. We knock back more than we should, but we’re laughing and having a good time.

  “Shit! I gotta back. Want me to drop you off at home?” Mayhem asks, looking at the clock. Shit. I need to go meet Ash, too.

  “Yes! I was supposed to meet Ash at her house an hour ago.” I giggle. Mayhem grabs my hand and leads me toward the back door when I see Ryan.

  “You sure you got tonight?” I ask him. He nods his head.

  “You know it. I’ll call if we need anything.”

  Mayhem passes me his helmet and watches as I slide it on. Once he’s satisfied, he takes off down the road. I throw a wave goodbye to Ryan, safe in knowl
edge that my club is in good hands.

  It’s weird riding with him. I’ve only been on Dec’s bike. The feeling is off with Mayhem in front of me.

  Before I know it, he pulls up in front of Ash’s and lets me off.

  “Thanks for the ride!” I giggle softly, having had a few too many drinks at the club.

  “See you in a bit!” he calls out before taking off. I turn to head toward the door when Ash comes out. She watches me intently before crossing her arms over her chest.

  “What are you doing?” she asks me.

  “Nothing. Mayhem came by the club and brought me home. We had a few drinks.”

  She smiles at me before the words leave her mouth. “Truth or dare, Brooke.”

  I narrow my eyes at her. What the hell is she doing? “Dare,” I tell her.

  She grins at me and says, “I dare you to go get a beer from the bikers.”

  Chapter 45


  “Gimme another one, Cherry Bear,” I say when she leans into the cooler to grab a beer. She smiles and grabs me out another.

  “You ok, Dec?” she asks as I pop the top off and take a long pull.

  “I’m ok. You havin’ a good party?” I ask her. The guys went all for her. This is one hell of a party. They always do for her, though. Cherry may be a club whore, but they respect her for what she does for the club. She keeps it cleaned and in order. She deserves a good night.

  “Yeah. It’s nice. I wish she was here, though. I miss her,” she says, picking at the label of her bottle.

  “I didn’t mean for shit to turn bad between the two of you,” I admit. When Brooke left me, she left us all. Except for Tic, of course.

  “It wasn’t your fault, Declan, and I get why she doesn’t come around. I can’t say that I blame her. It has to be hard on her, too. I just miss her is all. She was always nice to me.” I pull Cherry into my side before I sigh.

  “I know. But you know she just lives down the road. You can always go see her.” Cherry shakes her head before looking up at me.

  “No. It feels like I’m betraying the club somehow. Does that even make sense?” Cherry has always been this way. She never liked feeling like she did something that could piss someone off here. This is different, though. My phone rings in my pocket. I slide it out and see it’s Mouse.

  “What?” I growl into the phone.

  “We got a problem out here at the gate,” he says. I tip my head back and let out a breath.

  “I’m comin’.” I click the end button and look down at Cherry. “Got a problem at the gate. I’ll be back.” I kiss her cheek and jump off the table I’d been sitting on.

  Walking toward the gate, I get a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. Mouse stands there with his arms crossed over his chest, and I lift my chin when he looks back over at me.

  “What the fuck is goin’ on?” I ask him. He shakes his head, stepping to the side. I watch his face as I walk out of the gate and see her standing there.

  “This little girl here is tryin’ to get a beer,” Mouse says. I can sense the smile on his face as I stare at her.

  “That so?” I cross my arms over my chest.

  Brooke stands there looking as gorgeous as ever.

  “Yeah. She said it was some kind of dare,” Mouse chimes in.

  “Go up to the cooler and bring me a beer, Mouse.” I don’t move as he walks away. I stand there, watching her like a hawk.

  “What are you doin’ here?” I ask her. God, how I want to grab her and pull her into me. Kiss her like she’s never been kissed before. I fucking want her pinned up against the wall taking my dick like she’s never taken it before.

  “I was dared to come get a beer from the bikers,” she says shyly.

  “You gonna do that thing with your tongue if I give you one?” I ask her. She gives me a slight smile before taking a step back.

  “I’m sorry, Declan. I really am.” She turns on her heel and starts to walk away. Her ass moving so fucking deliciously in her skin-tight jeans.

  “I didn’t tell you to leave,” I growl.

  Brooke stops walking and lets her head drop forward. I move toward her, my heart thundering inside of me. I feel like I might pass out, like a fucking kid about to get a piece of candy.

  “I didn’t want to fuck your life up any more than I already did, butterfly.” I rest my hand on her shoulder, and God help me, that’s all it takes. I want her. I want inside of her. I want her next to me. It’s always like this with us.

  “How could you? I’m the one that fucked up your life. I brought all my bullshit to your doorstep,” she says. I don’t miss the sob that escapes her, either. I spin her around so she has to look up at me.

  “I wanted your bullshit. I craved it, Brooke. You made me tick. You made me want to fuckin’ breath. Then you were gone. It was like everything I’ve ever felt was ripped away from me.” She wipes at her eyes.

  “I feel the same thing, Dec.”

  “You with Tic now?” I asked needing to know.

  “What?” She looks shocked when I ask her that.

  “You two been spendin’ a lot of time together. He always comes back here lookin’ happy.” Her face looks surprised by my statement.

  “Are you kidding me? She’s been after him behind my back and didn’t say anything? I thought those two were acting a little funny together. It certainly explains a lot,” she says more to herself than me. I’m a little lost here, having no idea who or what she was referencing.

  “Is that a no?”

  “No! Declan, I don’t want Tic. He’s been a good friend, and he’s helped me so much with the club. That’s it! Oh my God, I can’t even believe you’d think that I would fuck Mayhem before I would Tic.” She laughs.

  “I’ll take you up on that!” I glance over my shoulder and see Mayhem standing there with two beers in his hands.

  “The fuck you will!” I roar. The laughter from Brooke stops, but Mayhem has a smile plastered across his face.

  “Mouse said you wanted a beer.” He steps around me and passes one to Brooke. She takes it with a smile. A smile I want to be mine.

  “I can’t do this shit,” I mumble. I can’t watch her being happy with someone else. It’s fucking killing me. She smiles at him and cries with me. It’s too much.

  I turn to walk away when she says, “I love you, Declan. Only you. I like the feel of hard steel between my legs.” Those words. Those are the words she said to me that first night. I slowly turn to look at her. She smiles before passing her beer back to Mayhem. She closes the space between us quickly. Her hands rest on my chest.

  “You’re all I’ve ever wanted, Declan. From the first time you touched me, something felt real in my life. You were real.”

  Chapter 46


  I talked to Blu. He wanted to help with the club, and I more than appreciated it. We worked out all the details, and overall, it’s better for me with the Soulless Bastards being a part of it.

  “Why is the club called Soulless Bastards?” I ask Declan. He looks down at me and shrugs.

  “We’ve always been soulless,” he says.

  “You have a heart though, all of you do,” I tell him.

  He nods before he says, “Hearts, yeah. It doesn't say heartless bastards.” He laughs, and it’s like music to my ears. I’ve missed him. Missed this.

  I watch Cherry dance and have a good time at her party. She deserves it. She’s a good person with a good heart.

  “The guys missed you around here,” Declan says. I lean into his touch. Loving the way he feels against me.

  “I’ve missed them too. Tic is nice and all, but he can be a handful. He bosses everyone around.” I giggle a little. I remember him bossing the damn boss of the construction company.

  “He’s a good guy, though. Mayhem has been bitchin’ and whinin’ about you comin’ back.”

  “He was? He’s the one that came to pick me up at the club.” I look up when I hear that rumble in Declan’s ches
t. I can see the way his eyes jerk around to find Mayhem. The anger of his jealousy amuses me.

  “He did, huh?”

  “That growly caveman thing you do is kind of sexy,” I tease him. Declan laughs before he pulls me into his lap. I stand up and spin around, straddling him.

  “You like when I’m all caveman, huh?” he says, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. His fingers graze my skin, and that’s all it takes. My body shutters every time he touches me.

  “I need you, Declan. I never thought that I would need anyone in my life. I was always left to fend for myself but you, I can’t seem to shake the feelings I have for you.” It’s hard for me to admit that, but it’s the truth.

  “Come on.” He pushes me off his lap before he stands and grabs my hand. He drags me through the crowd of people and out into the road. He doesn’t stop though. He keeps walking.

  My heart races when he stops at the spot.

  “I’ve messed up so many times in my life. I killed. I still do. The world changed that night, Brooke. I looked down into your eyes and saw all the hurt and pain that I fuckin’ caused you. It broke my fuckin’ heart to know that I took that part of your life away from you. Every night I’d lay in bed and see your eyes. Not the eyes of the man I killed. Not the scene before me. It was you. Your eyes have haunted me since that night,” he admits, staring at the exact spot where he killed my dad. My heart wants to break for him. I reach into my pocket and pull the rosary out and hand it to him. I watch as his fingers slowly move over the cross, lost in his own thoughts.

  “Why did you give that to me that night?” I ask. I’ve always wondered about that.

  “My mom gave it to me. She always said it would protect me. I wanted it to protect you. I don’t know why, but when I saw the look in your eyes, I knew. You were broken by my hand. I wanted you to have somethin’ good. She was good, mom was.”


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