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Soulless Bastards MC No Cal Boxset

Page 23

by Erin Trejo

  “He called and let me know that she was out. Didn’t say much else. Before Brooke showed up with her here, I figured he tried to get rid of her again. I think we need to set some guys up and see who exactly we’re dealin’ with so we can go from there. I don’t know who the fuck is messin’ with him.” My dad seems a little off by all that. He doesn’t like not knowing things, especially if it involves the club. Tay is now club property and will be protected as such.

  “Let’s do that. I was wonderin’ the same shit.”

  He nods his head and grabs his phone.

  “I’ll get some calls out. Keep her close for now, though. We don’t want any fuckin’ surprises. Get the girls to go shoppin’, and we’ll cook out later. Give us all a little break.”

  I smile up at my dad. This man has been the one solid thing in my life. Even when my mom split, dad stepped up to the plate to be both parents. He’s done the best he could with us. Hell, he practically raised me, Tic, and Declan after Dec’s dad died. He’s a good man who deserves a good life.

  “What about you, Pop?” I ask. His eyes meet mine, and I can see the confusion in them.

  “Me what?”

  “When are you gonna find you an old lady and calm down?” I ask with a smile on my face. I love my dad. I always have, and I want to see him happy.

  “Worry about you, Son. I got me.” He laughs.

  “Kenderly got anything to do with that smile?” We all suspect it, but I don’t think he’s messing with her. That goes against all our club’s rules.

  His face hardens as he glares at me. “How many club laws does that break?” He grinds his teeth. Shit, I hit a nerve.

  “More than one,” I grumble.

  “Exactly. Take that shit outta my office.” There he is - the ruthless man I know him to be. I knew my Pop was a hardass since I was little, but I also get to see the vulnerable side of him at times.

  “You know I’m only fuckin’ with you, old man.” I shove out of the chair as he chuckles.

  “Old man? I could take you on any day.” He laughs. I bet he could.

  “Not likely,” I say as I pull the door closed behind me.

  “You good?” Dec asks when I walk down the hall.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “You look different. Almost happy. That’s a fuckin’ scary sight to see.” Declan laughs when I slap him in the chest.

  “I’m gettin’ there. Don’t go thinkin’ that changes shit, though. I’ll still kill at the drop of a fuckin’ dime.” Dec shakes his head with a smile.

  “What was shit like down South?” he asks as we walk out the side door and into the hot California sun.

  “Shit’s insane, brother. I don’t know how any of them have old lady’s over there. They just fuck, suck, and dump them whores like they are yesterday’s trash. Heard Ruger was headin’ this way soon.” Dec’s eyes widen a little. He and Ruger have always been at odds. I never understood why, but they never got along all that well.

  “That motherfucker better have a good reason.” He lights up a cigarette and leans against the wall.

  “You ever gonna tell me what the hell happened with you two?” I’m interested to know now.

  “Fuck! Might as well if he’s gonna be hangin’ around here.” Dec flicks the ash from his cigarette before looking back up at me. “Heard he’s my half-brother.” Holy motherfucking shit!

  “How the fuck! Who else knows?” I ask.

  “Blu. That’s it. We didn’t take that shit past the office, man. Didn’t want any drama out of it.” I nod my head understanding that.

  “You know I got your back on whatever you wanna do. Just say the words,” I tell him truthfully.

  “Glad you’re back, motherfucker, glad you’re back.”

  Chapter 30


  I sit in the middle of the bed playing with Minnie. She isn’t sure about her new surroundings, and frankly, neither am I. I get nervous here although everyone has been really welcoming. Mayhem cut me off from working at Leggs as a stripper, but Brooke said I could still work at the bar if I wanted to. I told her I did. I’m just waiting on Cherry to get here to watch Minnie for me. The door opens quickly, and a bloody Mayhem steps into the room. My chest tightens when I see just how much blood is covering his body.

  “What happened?” I ask, but he doesn’t stop to look at me. His eyes are wild and distant as he walks into the bathroom. I debate following him but think better of it when he slams the door closed. I hear him roar in anger before the door opens again.

  “This what you want, Tay? You like seein’ your man come home from his job covered in someone else’s blood?” He roars louder this time.

  I don’t move. I don’t say anything. In fact, I sit here and stare at him until his anger slowly subsides. I’ve learned a lot about Mayhem lately. One thing that has stuck out the most is his shitty-ass attitude. He likes to throw his weight around and try to push me away at every turn, but it doesn’t work.

  “Are you done?” I ask sounding bored with it all. I am bored with it.

  “When will you ever come to your senses, Tay?” His voice calms slightly. His eyes still hold a little anger, but for the most part, he’s calming down.

  “When will you?” I ask him back.

  Mayhem reaches up and scratches at the stubble on his chin before looking at me. “I mean it, Tay. Is this really what you want in life? You want to watch your man come home covered in blood day after day?”

  I hate when he does this, and he likes to do it a lot. I don’t know why he feels like he needs to try to push me away from him. Away from his life. I shove off the bed and walk slowly toward him, making sure I pay close attention to his eyes. That’s where I find all of his emotions. Buried deep inside those eyes. I rest my hands on his chest as he tugs at his hair.

  “You ask me this every time you come back from a run. Do you want me gone, Mayhem? Is that what this is?” I ask, needing to know. If that’s what he wants, I need him to say it.

  “You know I don’t want you to go, Tay,” he says softly, his hands coming to rest on my shoulders. “I just hate this for you. You deserve a big house with a yard for Minnie. You deserve more than I can give you.” His eyes land on mine, and all the feelings that he has shown brightly in his eyes.

  “Do you care about me?”

  “You know I do, Tay.”

  I push up on my toes, my lips barely touching his. “Then that’s all I need.” I let my lips linger until he kisses me back. My world explodes in feelings when kiss. There’s never a dull kiss between us. His hands slide down my shoulders to my waist. He pulls me closer to him, and my heart skips a beat.

  “I need a shower,” he says gruffly.

  “I need you,” I tell him.

  “Both. I need you and a shower. Or you in the shower,” he says biting my bottom lip. In a matter of seconds, he has my clothes ripped from my body and is carrying me into the bathroom. The room is already steamy from him turning the shower on the first time he came in here. Mayhem sets me on my feet before stripping in front of me. He makes my mouth go dry every time I see him like this. His perfect body on display for me.

  “Why are you so perfect, Tay? Why aren’t you runnin’ from me?” he asks while his hands roam over my body.

  I can’t think, let alone talk when he makes my body come alive like this. He knows it, too. His fingers skim over my stomach, coming to rest on my nipples. He plucks and pulls them, making me gasp and moan. He makes me feel so fucking alive.

  “I’ll never run from you,” I say in a hushed whisper. My body is trembling when he leans down, sucking my flesh into his mouth. I arch my back, needing him to get closer to me. I need all of him. The weight of him pressed against me - I crave it.

  “You taste so fuckin’ good.” He sighs against my neck before I feel his teeth skimming over my skin. Bumps form everywhere he touches.

  “Stop torturing me,” I whine.

  Mayhem chuckles against me and the warmth of his breath ska
tes over my skin. “This ain’t torture, darlin’,” he says dropping to his knees in front of me. He slides a finger quickly inside of me, kissing my stomach as he slowly pushes in. “This is.” He pulls his finger out as quickly as he put it in.

  “Mayhem!” I yell when he stands up and climbs in the shower leaving me a wanting mess. I climb in behind him and drop to my knees as the bloody mess of what he did today washes down the drain.

  I reach for his already hardened dick and slowly slide my hand up and down its length. He’s so big and soft in my hand. Touching the tip with my tongue, he inhales sharply. I look up to find him staring down at me with lust dancing in his eyes.

  Slowly, so slowly, I slide him into my mouth and watch his reaction to what I’m doing to him. His lips part the farther I take him. His hands knot in my hair, tugging at just the right time. I bob my head and take him faster, but he quickly pulls my mouth away from him. Of course, I whine at the loss. I wanted it, I wanted him.

  “On your feet. Face the wall,” he commands. I quickly stand and follow his command. I turn to the wall, bracing myself with my hands.

  “This is the sexiest ass.” He slaps my ass roughly before pushing my back so that I bend over slightly. I stick my ass out for him. I have no shame in that. I want him. I need him.

  “Need a condom,” He grumbles as he teases me with the tip.

  “Mayhem! Just fuck me already! I’m on the pill.” His growl could be heard by the whole fucking clubhouse. Yes, it was that loud!

  “And you just now tell me this? Hope you were at the hotel too.” He says loudly before slapping my ass harder this time. I don’t answer. Instead, I push my ass back waiting for him to slide inside of me.

  “You asked for it, love,” he says right before he complies with my request.

  Chapter 31


  I watch her like a goddamn hawk. I didn’t like the news I got from the intel we’ve been looking into about her dad. It was off. Like something always is with that asshole. He seems to have a lot of dealings with the Russians, which doesn’t sit well with me. When the Russians are involved, shit’s usually out of hand.

  “What the fuck you doin’ here?” I ask when I see Ruger stroll into Leggs. I stand from my seat and pull him into a hug.

  “Came to talk to Blu about a transfer,” he says when he pulls back.

  “No shit? Don’t like shit down south?” I ask. Nodding toward the table, I gesture for him to sit.

  “It’s not that. I just need a change in pace is all. Heard you got some shit goin’ with the mayor’s kid,” he says as he stretches his long legs out in front of him.

  “You met her. Taylor.” I nod over to the bar. Ruger follows my gesture and nods.

  “Heard daddy has some shit goin’ on himself.”

  That has my attention. “What do you got?” He knows I’ve been looking for some kind of link that this asshole has. He knows what I want to do, too. I want Masters out of Taylor’s life; I want him to stay away from her and cut ties. That’s the only way she’s going to be safe from his dealings.

  “Russians hate the skinny prick. He had some kind of hand in bringin’ down one of their lead guys. Some shit to do with his campaign,” Ruger says.

  I nod my head. I knew there was something off with him. “You know who it was?”


  My eyes widen when he says that name. I know that name. He used to be connected to the club. He was one of our main suppliers for a long time before he went missing. His guys always thought we had a hand in that shit, but they never had enough proof to take things further. We made sure our asses were covered with them, though.

  “You know that name?” Ruger asks when he notices the look on my face.

  Just as I’m about to answer him, Tay walks over. “You need anything?” I look up, wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her in close to me.

  “No. Just talkin’, love,” I tell her. She leans down, pressing a kiss to my lips. She walks away as I watch her ass sway. Fuck, that’s a nice ass.

  “You got it bad for that one, yeah?”

  I drag my gaze back to Ruger and nod. “She’s somethin’ special, brother. Anyway, that Petrov shit. We ran coke for him. He supplied us well until he went missin’. The other heads looked at us, but they couldn’t get a handle on that shit.” I tell him.

  “Fuck, man. Now we know why. They want his ass, but since he’s on US soil they can’t touch the little fuck. A hit would go noticed.”

  I lean back in the chair and let that sit in my head a second. That’s a logical point, but motherfuckers go missing all the time. We make them go missing. But I guess since he is the mayor, it would have to look like an accident. A deal gone wrong? Maybe. A wrong place at the wrong time type of deal? That sounds more ideal.

  “What the fuck you thinkin’, Mayhem?” Ruger’s chuckle pulls me from my thoughts.

  “What if I get in with Ivanov. Get him the inside shit on Mayor Masters. Set it up. Clear us and take that motherfucker down at the same time.” Ivanov is another of the Russians I’ve had dealings with in the past.

  He nods his head as he thinks that one over. “How are you gonna get the inside shit?” he asks when I grin.

  “My girl can get that,” I say proudly.

  Ruger throws his head back and laughs. “You think she’d do it? Knowin’ that you’re gonna have her daddy killed? You’re truly fucked in the head, brother. Don’t matter what the issue is between them, she won’t go for it.” He reaches for the cigarettes on the table and shakes one out. “Besides, you want her in that kind of danger?”

  I watch him light it up, but I don’t say anything. Technically she wouldn’t be in any danger. I wouldn’t be sending her into her dad; she would just be sharing any information she might know about his dealings and where he goes. I know they weren’t close but she may still have some kind of inclination as to that part of his life. She knows the asshole’s dirty.

  “She wouldn’t be in danger if we play it right,” I tell him. A small smile creeps across my face.

  “We?” he asks. He knows where I’m going with this. Enforcer with enforcer - we can handle that shit.

  “Yeah, we. Welcome to your new home, motherfucker. Fall in line with me. I know you can handle that type of shit. Fuck, you were a Navy SEAL for fuck’s sake.” I laugh. Ruger laughs with me before leaning forward, resting his elbows on the table.

  “Tell me that girl means more to you than Becca did and you got me.” His eyes burn holes through me. He knew what Becca meant to me. He knows what her death did to me. All of them do.

  I look over my shoulder at Tay smiling and passing out drinks at the bar. She’s everything. She’s the light when I need her to be. She’s strong when she has to be, but she’s also gentle when I need that. I can trust her with every secret I have. I turn back and meet eyes with Ruger when I say with the most confidence I have, “That girl means more to me than anyone else ever has.”

  “Then we got this. We don’t let anyone touch her, but we get what we need.” He blows out a puff of smoke before I look back over at her. I just admitted that to someone besides myself. I just admitted that Tay means more to me than anyone.

  A weight has lifted off my chest. I knew I cared about her, but this feeling I have in the pit of my stomach is more than that. It’s a hell of a lot more.

  Chapter 32


  This night has gone on and on. I’m glad that Brooke keeps the club going. She has a good flow coming in here.

  “Are you about done?” Mayhem asks, his voice full of lust and desire. This man is insatiable.

  “Are you always like this? Can’t you go five minutes without getting your dick wet?” I love playing with him. He’s easy to be around and talk to lately.

  “No, not when it comes to you,” he says stepping into my space. He stands there, not touching me. Just watching me. That look that he gets when he wants me sparkles in his eyes.

at?” I ask slightly breathless. He smiles knowing how he makes me feel.

  “How can I make you all breathless and horny when I haven’t touched you yet? You get that fuckin’ wet from just my voice?” he asks with amusement in his voice.

  “You think you are that good, don’t you?” I ask placing my hands on my hips. Mayhem laughs, throwing his head back. It’s so fucking perfect! My heart leaps in my chest. He makes me feel so cared for. It’s a strange concept after being rejected by my own father for so many years.

  “Oh, Christ. What did you do to him?” Brooke says walking up next to us.

  “She thinks that I can’t make her wet with my dirty words,” Mayhem tells her. My cheeks flush. He doesn’t care who he’s talking to!

  “Oh, yeah, he’s good,” Brooke says. I look at her with my mouth open. “Don’t look at me like that! The man has a voice!” Brooke defends herself.

  “See, Brooke knows. All I gotta do is tell you that I want to bend you over and lick you from behind until your body trembles. Then when you’re slick with need, I will slide my tongue through it once more. Grab those ass cheeks I love so much.” He growls before he continues. “I’ll slap that ass leavin’ my mark all over you before I stuff my hard, thick dick inside of you.”

  My heart beats rapidly. My panties are soaked.

  Mayhem leans down closely, running his tongue up my neck before he says, “I can smell your arousal, Tay. You’re fuckin’ soaked right now. I’m gonna make you cum on the back of my bike on the way home. Then I’m gonna make you come three more times before I let you sleep it off.”

  My body shivers. Brooke watches us with her mouth open. I don’t care, either. He has my body so turned on I can barely stand it. I want him inside of me now. I reach up and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling his mouth back to mine. A growl erupts from his chest surprising me.

  “I want you now, Mayhem. Right now,” I tell him softly. His eyes flicker between mine before he kisses me hot and heavy. His lips claim me. His tongue tastes every inch of my mouth. My body convulses needing him.


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