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Soulless Bastards MC No Cal Boxset

Page 28

by Erin Trejo

  “Ash?” She turns to look at me, her hair a mess from laying on the couch. My heart hammers in my chest when the words fall from my lips. “Stay with me tonight.”

  Ashley watches me intently. Her eyes are full of wonder. She doesn’t know what to say, and frankly, neither do I. Do I want her? Fuck yeah, I do but I don’t want to jeopardize our work relationship either. She’s so good with Jameson and I don’t want that to change. I think about that for a second, and just as I’m about to open my mouth and take back what I just asked, her she says, “Ok.”

  Her smile is small as I shove myself up off the couch. Her eyes follow my movements as I take in her clothing.

  “I like the shirt. The shorts? Not so much.” I smile as I say the words.

  Ash blushes again when she looks down at herself. “It’s all I could find, and I was covered in puke.”

  She almost sounds like she regrets putting them on, but in the back of my mind all I can think about is getting them off.

  I step closer to her, wrapping my hands around her hips. “You look sexy as hell in my clothes, Ash but I bet you look better in nothin’,” I whisper against her lips. Ash’s tongue slowly comes out of her mouth, running over her lips to wet them. My dick presses into her stomach, ready to be inside of her. Something in the back of my mind says this is a bad idea, but there is something more between us. I can feel it. I’ve tried to deny the facts. I’ve tried to deny the attraction, but the more I see her in my house, doing normal routine things, the more I find myself liking it. I love watching her with Jameson when she doesn’t think I’m looking. Seeing her in my kitchen, cooking and looking like she belongs here does something to me. The more meals and time we share, the more I feel that connection to her deepening.

  “I don’t want this to change anything. I love being here with Jameson,” she says softly, almost embarrassed.

  “He loves havin’ you here. This changes nothin’, darlin’,” I assure her.

  She nods her head, her hands sliding up my arms to wrap around my neck. She pulls my lips the rest of the way to hers. She kisses me like she’s been waiting for this moment forever. I don’t think I’ve ever had a woman kiss me the way she is. Her tongue dances with mine as I reach for the ties that hold my shorts on her beautiful body. I pull the strings, and as soon as they are loose, they fall from her body, pooling at her feet.

  I lift her in my arms, her legs instinctively wrapping around my waist. I take a few steps and hold her back against the wall. I grind against her as she moans into my mouth. The only thing separating us is my goddamn jeans.

  “I don’t want you to regret this, Ash,” I tell her when I finally pull my lips from hers.

  “I won’t. I want you Tic,” she says breathlessly. I let her slide down to stand in front of me as I undo my jeans. Shoving them to the floor with my boxers, I kick off my boots and send my jeans sailing.

  “We’re not the same kind of people.” I grab her around the back of her neck, pulling her back into me.

  “I don’t care,” she says, heat rising inside of me. Her hands slide under my cut, shoving it down my arms. It hits the floor before she moves to my shirt next. I look down at her lust filled eyes and groan. She’s so fucking beautiful. I reach down and grab my jeans, tearing a condom from the pocket. Ripping it open with my teeth, I quickly slide it on.

  “Get that shirt off. I want to taste those tits,” I growl. Ash’s body trembles as she reaches down, pulling the shirt over her head. I grab it and toss it to the side before lifting her again. When I have her pinned against the wall, I reach between us and grip my dick. I rub it roughly between her thighs coating it in the wetness that is Ash. She moans and tries to get me where she wants me, but I don’t let that happen. Not until I’m damn good and ready.

  “Tic please. Put it in,” she whines as her hips rotate against me.

  “Greedy little girl, aren’t you?” I ask her. I don’t let her respond. I give her what she wants instead. I grab her shoulders, shoving her body down my length, causing her to take all of me inside of her at once. Ash screams before biting into my shoulder. I know it’s so she doesn’t wake Jameson. Either way, I fucking love the feeling.

  “Goddamn, Ashley. I didn’t know you would feel so good.” I raise my hips hitting her deeply. She huffs and moans, taking me like a fucking goddess.

  “Tic! Shit,” she hisses as I work her up even higher.

  “Gotta take you in my room, sweetheart.” My words come out in a rush; I’m out of breath and so fucking horny.

  Chapter 8


  As soon as the condom was on, he was buried so deep inside of me that when he said bedroom I almost cried. I don’t want him to pull out of me.

  “You want me to stay inside of you? That why you’re whinin’?” He grunts as he slams inside of me once more.

  “Yes,” I say shamelessly. Tic chuckles and adjusts his hold on me. He walks down the hallway with his dick still inside of me. Each step he takes makes his movements that much more intense.

  “Fuck, Ash. You keep clampin’ down on me like that I won’t make it to the room,” he groans against my neck. The heat of his breath sends chills down my spine. Tic manages to get us into the room before kicking the door closed. The gloves come off, and he’s no longer slowly fucking me. Tic moves rapidly, dropping us both onto the bed. His hips kick up a notch as he fucks me into the mattress. My body hums with excitement, but the way he feels is too damn perfect. My nails dig into his back, holding him closely.

  “You like it hard, Ash?” he grunts.

  “Yes. With you I do.” Why did I just say that? I’ve never had rough sex, at least not like this. Tic slows down pulling back to look at me.

  “Is this the first time you’ve had it this rough?” he asks clearly catching my mistake. My cheeks heat as I turn my head so that he can’t see the embarrassment on my face. His strong hand comes up and guides it back to meet his.

  “Tell me.”

  “Yes. No one has ever been rough with me,” I admit. My heart feels like it’s about to explode out of my chest.

  “Fuck, Ash. If it’s too much-“

  I cut him off with my mouth. Slanting my lips over his, I kiss him roughly. Everything that Tic has to offer, I want to feel. I want him to take me the way he wants. I want to feel what it is he feels.

  He pulls his head back and gazes down at me with a grin on his face. “You asked for it.”

  My legs are slung over his shoulders, his teeth sinking into my nipple. Explosions of many kinds go off inside of me. I can barely comprehend what’s going on as lights flash behind my eyes. Tic doesn’t ease up, either. He plunges deeper and deeper inside of me, taking every piece of me that he can reach. I dig my nails into his back as I moan his name in a muffled cry. Everything inside of says this is wrong, but with him this deep in me, it all feels so right. Tic must agree as I listen to him groan. It’s the sexiest sound I’ve ever heard a man make in my life. It’s feral and raw and I fucking love every second of it.

  Tic’s hands rest on the mattress next to my head as he gazes into my eyes. “I’m gonna make you come hard, Ash. Probably harder than you ever have before.”

  Is it a warning or a promise? I don’t know, and at the moment, I don’t care. I nod my head slowly watching that sexy smirk cross his face. Tic leans back before thrusting into me harder than he has been. My body responds to him. It screams out in pleasure, but when his finger comes to rest on my clit, slowly circling, I lose all sense of control. I grab the pillow next to me, turning my head and biting into it as a stream of curse words and Tic’s name falls from my lips. Tic swells inside of me before I feel him come. His seed hits deeply as he gasps for breath. When I open my eyes and look up at him, the look of pure pleasure adorns his face. I raise my hand and trail my fingers over the stubble that lines his strong jaw. His eyes snap open, gazing down at me before he smiles.

  “I didn’t know you’d feel that fuckin’ good, Ash,” he says right before hi
s smile fades.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, a little afraid of what he’s about to say.

  “Nothin’. We’re just not right for each other, Ash. I love that you take care of Jameson like your own. I don’t want that to change.”

  Tic pulls out of me slowly taking a small piece of my heart with him. I pull the sheet over my chest. Dropping down next to me, he lets out an irritated groan. My heart tells me to run. My head tells me to stay. I know he doesn’t want anything more than sex and I think I’m okay with that. I’m okay with that, right? I don’t know anymore. I lie still until I hear his breathing even out and I know he’s asleep. I silently thank God that it’s Saturday.

  I slip out of bed, careful not to wake Tic before I beeline for the living room. I know my clothes are covered in puke so I slip back into the clothes I borrowed from Tic. Grabbing my bag and my shoes, I make my way out the front door silently. As soon as I hit the sidewalk, tears fall down my cheeks. I’ve never been that type of girl. The one who would fuck and run. That was never my style. I was always into the relationship. I want that. I’ve always wanted that, but with Tic, that isn’t an option. I need to suck it up and pull on my big girl panties so that I can keep watching Jameson. At this point, if that’s taken away from me, I don’t know what I would do. I love being with him. I love being able to take care of him and I’ve made him promises that I intend to keep.

  Tic on the other hand, I need to avoid him as much as possible. I swipe the tears from my cheeks and climb into the car not looking back. I need to get home and wash away the reminder of how I lost myself from my body. I need to start over fresh tomorrow.

  Chapter 9


  I woke up the other day to an empty bed. It’s not like it surprised me. I knew I’d fucked up as soon as I stripped her out of my clothes, but damn! She was lying there looking so goddamn delicious and innocent. I wanted it. I wanted her. I scrub my hand over my face when Jameson runs into the room.

  “Are you ready?” His big brown eyes beam with happiness. I wouldn’t know what to do without that boy.

  “I’m ready. You’re in a hurry, ain’t you?” I ask as I pull my boots on and stand from the bed. Jameson rocks back and forth on his heels smiling up at me with that little mischievous grin he gets.

  “Spit it out, J,” I tell him with a smile.

  “I hope Ash will be at the clubhouse today. I made her this.” He pulls a piece of paper out from behind his back and passes it to me. He colored her a picture of what I assume is her.

  “This Ash?” I ask nodding to the paper in my hand. J nods his head, proud of what he made. I nod and smile before I say, “You did a good job, little man. I don’t know if she’s there today, but you will see her tomorrow. I think you are goin’ clothes shoppin’.” Jameson nods, grabbing his paper before running down the hallway.

  “Let’s go!” God, I love that kid. I grab my keys and phone before following him down the hall and into the living room.

  “You don’t wanna eat breakfast here?” I ask him. He shakes his head and I know where he wants to go. He loves going to the local diner that a friend of ours, Amy, runs.

  “Ok, then. Let’s go. Daddy’s gotta be at the clubhouse early today.”

  I yawn as I follow my son out the front door. Some days it doesn’t seem fair that I hold all the responsibility of taking care of him. Other days, I don’t give a damn. I love that boy. If it wasn’t for Jameson, I’d be a complete fuck up. I wouldn’t keep my head on as straight as I do now. I know for a fact that I would be lost in this world. It just pisses me off on days like today when he should have his mother here with him.

  I buckle him in the truck and head toward the diner. The whole time, Jameson is bouncing around in the back seat.

  “Why are you so excited today?” I ask him, glancing in the review mirror. His smile brightens even the darkest of days.

  “Is today Sunday?” he asks with a confused little look on his face.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Today is Ash’s birthday. I made her that special picture.”

  My heart beats a little harder when he says her name. She didn’t tell me it was her birthday. Why would she though? I only fucked her. That’s what I keep telling myself that it was one good fuck. And by good, I mean the best fuck I’ve ever had. I shake my head as I pull into the diner. Jameson is out of his seat before I ever get unbuckled.

  “Jameson? You wanna wait on me or what?” I say in a harsh tone. The boy turns around and sticks his tongue out at me before pulling the door and going inside. I shake my head knowing I’m in for a shit ton of hell when that boy gets older. I follow along when I hear him scream. I tear the door open and step inside ready for a fight when I see him in her arms. His little arms are wrapped around her neck, his face nuzzled in her hair. A pain shoots through my chest when I realize why. He looks up to her. He looks at her like his mom. Fuck! What did I do? How the hell am I going to fix this one?

  “Hey Tic!” Amy hollers when I stand there like a goddamn fool. I nod at her but I can’t pull my eyes away from the two of them. They look so natural together. I walk over slowly when her eyes find mine. Her beautiful smile slowly fades. She kisses Jameson’s cheek before setting him back on his feet.

  “He wanted breakfast here.” I tell her. Why the fuck do I need to tell her anything?

  “Yeah, that’s what he said.” Jameson takes off toward Amy leaving me and Ash standing in an awkward silence. My hands stay in my pockets as Ash seems to tense up. Shit, I did this. I caused this.

  “I need to go,” Ashley finally says. She flips her hair over her shoulder and starts to walk past me.

  I don’t think about it. I just act. I reach out and grab her hand as I swallow hard. Gently pulling her closer to me, I can smell her shampoo. That sweet strawberry scent of her. Shit!

  “I wanna take you out for your birthday.” The words tumble out of my mouth. My heart is nearly pounding out of my chest. I don’t know what she’s going to say, how she will react.

  “That’s not a good idea. I will see Jameson tomorrow,” she says softly, her voice betraying her.

  She tries to walk away, but I don’t let her – I hold on tighter. “I know it’s not, Ash. I know this is all kinds of wrong and fucked up. I know this is probably the worst idea I’ve ever had.”

  She doesn’t let me finish. Her hand comes to my cheek, caressing it softly. “I appreciate what you’re trying to do, Tic. I really do. The other night was a mistake. We both wanted it, and now it’s over. I get it.”

  I don’t miss the hitch in her voice. Her fingers skim over the stubble on my chin before she turns on her heel and walks away.

  Chapter 10


  “Are you drunk?” Brooke yells across the room. I lift my head and glance at the weirdo.

  “No. A little.” I raise my glass and shake it at her. Blu said we could have a party for my birthday, so here we are. I knew I had to be with Jameson tomorrow, and after the run in with Tic at the diner this morning, I needed the drink. Or twelve. My heart wants to give in. It wants to say hey, try this thing with him, but we would never work and deep down I know it. I know we are completely different people.

  “He’s a good guy, Ash,” Mayhem says. I look over my shoulder and see the hot long-haired blond that is Mayhem with a grin on his face.

  “I know he is. We just aren’t the same kind of people.” He nods once before kissing my cheek, “Happy birthday.”

  “Thanks.” I watch him walk away before I grab another drink. I must say that for a bunch of bikers, they have good taste in liquor.

  “I told you I wanted to take you out.” That voice sends a chill up my spine. My pussy tingles from the authority in it. Or maybe it’s the amount of alcohol I have in my system. Either way, I feel it.

  “And I told you no.” When I spot Brooke, I make a beeline toward her, putting as much space between me and Tic as I can. Dec raises his eyebrows as he watches me sloppily make my way o

  “You can run, but you can’t hide. That man’s a hunter,” Declan says.

  I purse my lips and widen my eyes. “He can hunt this all night, he won’t get it.”

  “Heard he already got it,” Declan retorts. My mouth hangs open as he laughs. That bastard told them?

  “He didn’t say shit. I can tell by the way he’s lookin’ at you.” I spin around and look at Tic. Declan wasn’t lying. He’s watching me like a fucking hawk. The hair on the back of my neck stands on end, a shiver racing through me at the memories of his mouth being on me the other night.

  “What’s the problem, Ash? I’m your best friend. Talk to me.” Brooke’s arm wraps around my shoulder when I sigh.

  “We did sleep together,” I mumble.


  “And it was amazing, Brooke. We just have no future.”

  Brooke huffs next to me before gripping my arm and dragging me toward the wall. When she finds a spot that’s quiet, she rips my ass for me. “I said the same thing about Declan. Remember? You were the one that said, ‘Oh, Brooke, give it a chance.’ So why are you different?” Just then the little dark-haired boy that stole my heart comes rushing in. His eyes find mine and before I know it, he’s in my arms.

  “This is why, Brooke. I can’t ruin him,” I whisper softly. Her eyes fill with understanding. She nods her head slowly when Tic’s voice slams into me.

  “Then I’ll get someone else to watch him.”

  My heart sinks. He can’t do that. He wouldn’t, would he? I turn to look at him when he takes Jameson from my arms. He whispers something in his ear when Jameson’s eyes light up. He sets him on his feet, and Jameson takes off.

  “Why would you do that? You know how much I love watching him.” I keep my tone calm. I don’t want a fight, but if he wants to make it one, I will too.

  “I know you do, but there’s somethin’ I want to explore.”


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