Soulless Bastards MC No Cal Boxset

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Soulless Bastards MC No Cal Boxset Page 37

by Erin Trejo


  My heart beats a little faster. His eyes hold mine. There’s a depth to them that I’ve never seen before.

  Chapter 41


  I take a long pull from my cigarette and watch as the smoke pours from my mouth as I wait for Mayhem to answer his damn phone.

  “Hey, brother!” he yells into the phone.

  “Took you long enough to answer, asshole. What the fuck are you doin’?” I ask with a smile on my face. Fuck, I miss him.

  “I’m doin’ your mom. What’s up? Everything ok?” His playful tone turns serious, like the man himself.

  “Yeah. It’s all good. Need to talk to you and Dec though. He around?” I ask. I hear him holler to Declan in the background before he says, “Yeah. Headin’ in the office. Got you on speaker.”

  “Hey, Tic. Miss you man,” Declan says over the line.

  “Miss you guys too. Hey, there’s somethin’ I wanna talk to you about. Kenderly said her dad is out. Said he blames the club for him bein’ locked up. She thinks he’s comin’ after the club. He heard she left with me and lost his shit.” I stick the cigarette back between my lips when I hear the back door close. Kenderly walks over with a beer in her hand and a smile on her face. She passes me the beer, and I give her wink.

  “Fuck. We’ll get Mystic on it. Keep our eyes on it,” Declan says.

  I flick the cigarette to the ground and take a long pull from my beer.

  “Appreciate that, but I gotta ask somethin’ else too, brother.” Kenderly watches me intently as every muscle in my body tenses up. It’s been six months. Six long as hell months since we’ve moved here, and I still can’t make myself feel at home.

  “What is it?” Declan asks.

  “You still got a place for me?” I ask but my eyes stay on Kenderly’s. Her eyes sparkle with tears as her mouth hangs open. She didn’t expect that from me, and to be honest, I didn’t either. She’s right though. I need to move on with my life. I need to make a place for Jameson and who the hell better to do that with than his family.

  “Are you shittin’ me? There’s always a place for you here, Tic. That’s not even a question. When you comin’ home, brother?” Declan asks before Mayhem chimes in, “What’s wrong, Tic? You were hell bent on gettin’ the hell away from here. What changed?”

  Leave it to that asshole to bring that up.

  “Everything’s changed, Max. Nothin’s the same. I need my family. I thought this was the best choice for us and honestly I think we needed the break, but now it’s time to come home.” Tears stream down Kenderly’s face as she watches me.

  “You call me by my name like that and I’ll kill you. And who the fuck is we? We as in you and J or what?” I can hear the laughter in that motherfucker’s voice. I wish he was here so I could slap the shit out of him.

  “We as in me, my son, and my old lady. That’s the we I’m talkin’ about asshole.” I hear Declan laugh in the background before his voice changes.

  “I’ll call you later. Got some shit I need to do,” I tell him.

  “Heard that. Get home, brother. This is where you belong,” Mayhem adds.

  I lower the phone and press the end button before I toss the phone to the table. I motion to Kenderly to come to me. She stands up and moves slowly toward me.

  I set my beer on the table and reach for her, pulling her into my arms. Kenderly falls into my lap. I kiss her neck before she says, “We’re going home?” The tears that leak down her cheeks break me.

  “We’re goin’ home, baby. I know this is gonna be hard for us. I know it’s all gonna be strange, but we have each other, right?” I ask, needing the confirmation from her. I need to hear her say that she’s still in this with me.

  “I’m all in, Tic. I’m not going anywhere without you.” I suck the skin of her neck into my mouth listening to her moan. There are very few things that could not turn me on with this woman. She makes me crazy.

  “What do you think Jameson will think? I hate that we keep moving him around.” Kenderly sighs before leaning back and resting her head on my shoulder.

  “I think he’ll be happy with it. He misses his aunts and uncles.”

  “Should we tell him?” she asks sweetly.

  “Should we tell him that you’re gonna be his mom from now on and that he’s gonna have a baby brother too?” I ask in the most serious tone I can muster. Kenderly laughs and it’s like music. My body trembles with love for this woman.

  “It’s a little soon for all that, isn’t it?” she asks shyly.

  “Nope. I’ve known you my whole life, darlin’. There is no one else I’d want to share my life with. I need you, Kenderly.”

  Chapter 42


  He wants me. That’s all I can think about. He wants to be with me forever. He wants kids with me. How did my world go from consisting of nothing to having the man of my dreams and a son? I don’t think I could be any happier. We’ve been packing and getting things in order to go home. The sound of that makes me smile.

  “Kenderly?” Jameson asks. I turn to look over my shoulder at him.


  “Do you think Ashley is an angel?” He looks up at me with those bright eyes and smiles at me. My heart melts a little.

  “Come here,” I tell him before sitting on the kitchen chair. J walks toward me and climbs in my lap. I brush his shaggy brow hair away from his face and cup his little cheek.

  “She was a good person. She cared about you so much. You were lucky to know her, and yes, I think she is an angel watching over you and your daddy. She wants you guys to be happy.” I kiss his cheek when he smiles at me.

  “Will you be my mom?” His words fill my heart but also cause a slight panic in me.

  “Jameson, there are some things me and your dad need to talk to you about,” I tell him when I catch Tic walking into the room. He’s shirtless and covered in sweat. It drips down his chest, sliding over his muscles. My mouth goes dry just watching the way he moves. He grabs a bottle of water before turning and leaning against the counter. I watch him unscrew the cap and take a long drink as small drops trickle down his chin. Jesus Christ, could he get any sexier? I know I’m staring and I don’t care. Not until he clears his throat and catches my attention. The smile on his face is hot as hell.

  “What are you two talkin’ about?” he asks, that smirk staying in place. Shit, I’m in trouble with that man.

  “I wanted Kenderly to be my mom, but she said we had to talk first,” Jameson says sliding off my lap. He walks in little circles as Tic shoves off the counter and walks toward us. He lifts J in his arms, tossing him in the air before sitting in the chair next to me. To sit here and see the two of them together warms my heart.

  “You know we’re goin’ back home, right?” Tic asks him. Jameson nods his head. “Well, Kenderly and me are gonna be together. That means she will be like your mom. You know no one can ever be mom, but she can take care of you. Do you understand?” Tic asks him. Jameson nods and looks at me. What he says sends chills up my spine.

  “Can I call you Mom? Mom didn’t like me, that’s why I want a new one.”

  My heart nearly crumbles in my chest for this sweet kid. “Of course, you can. I would love to be called Mom, Jameson.” Tears fill my eyes as he smiles and leaps into my arms.

  “I love you, Mom,” he says when I wrap my arms around him.

  I never thought about having kids, but everything with Tic seems right. Jameson has always been a part of my life, and I love that I can take on a bigger role in his. “I love you, too.”

  My eyes lock with Tic’s. I can see the smile in his eyes. This is it. This is what I want. I want the family, I want the kids and the house. I want it all and I want it with Tic.

  “Go get the rest of your clothes packed up,” Tic says. Jameson jumps out of my arms and runs down the hallway.

  “You sure about all this? I’m not givin’ you anymore chances to back out on me,” Tic says as he
brings that bottle back to his lips. God, he truly is trying to kill me.

  “Where’s your shirt?” I ask a little breathlessly.

  “Is it botherin’ you to see me half naked? You wanna fuck me right now?” His dirty words send me into overdrive. I want this man.

  “I need to load the car,” I mumble trying to pull my eyes away from his chest.

  “You don’t really wanna do that.” Tic stands from the chair and looks down at me. He grabs my hands and pulls me from the chair. He walks me slowly backward until my back hits the wall.

  “You keep lookin’ at me like that, and I’m fuckin’ you right here,” he says, his lips so close to mine. A shudder rolls through me.

  “J is down the hall.”

  “Packin’. He won’t be back for a while.” His hand slides down waist and locks on my hip. My pussy clenches and tingles needing him to be inside of me. There’s nothing more I can think about when his hands are on me like this.


  His thumbs make small circles before running under my shirt. “Please what? You want me, baby? Tell me,” he demands. I watch his eyes and the lust just dances in front of me.

  “I want you, Tic. All of you.”

  Chapter 43


  I slide her shorts to the floor. I know we need to get going but damn her! I need this. I need inside my woman. I quickly drag my gym shorts down my legs. I grab my dick and position it before lifting her.

  “Hold onto me,” I growl before shoving inside of her. Her head bangs against the wall but she bites her lip to keep from screaming. I pump into her taking all I can get. I know J is down the hall and I know we need to get on the road, but I also need to know that I have all of her. Mind, body, and soul. I need her heart in the palm of my hands. I need her pussy wrapped around me. I just need her.

  “Goddamn!” I grumble before sucking the flesh of her neck into my mouth. I bite into her just as she clenches and comes. I knew it wouldn’t take much to get her off the way she was eye fucking me. I come behind her and she milks me for all I have. I pull out of her and let her legs fall to the floor before dragging her shorts back up her legs.

  “That was quick,” she teases. I laugh a full-on laugh. It feels so easy with her.

  “This time, darlin’. Wait ‘til I get you home. Then you’re really gonna pay.” I wink at her before dragging my own shorts back on.

  “You ready for this?” she asks me.

  I nod my head before pressing a kiss to her lips. “I have you and J. That’s all I need. That’s all I want. You make me feel complete, Kenderly.” Another peck on the lips and I pull away.

  “I’m ready!” Jameson says as he drags his suitcase into the kitchen. I can’t help but smile at him. He’s perfect. My son. That’s all my life was about for a long time. I like to think that I did something right with him.

  “We need to get goin’. I got a surprise for you.” I wink at Kenderly as J laughs. He knows what it is. I asked him ahead of time, but I’ll be damned if he will tell. My boy is too much like his dad for that.

  “What is it?” she asks but I just shake my head and grab another box.

  “Not happenin’, baby. You’ll see when we get home.” I head out of the kitchen with J behind me laughing.

  “Come on! Tell me!” Kenderly follows behind us pouting. It’s sexy as fuck and I can’t wait to get her ass home in our bed.

  “Nope. Not happenin’. You got everything?” I ask her as I load the boxes I brought out earlier into the truck.

  “I think so. There’s a few more boxes in the kitchen, but I think that’s about it,” she says as she watches me. I know she’s checking me out and I love every second of it. Jameson tosses his stuff in before glancing between the two of us.

  “You guys look at each other a lot.” He giggles. I can’t stop the smile that crosses my face. He’s the best thing to happen to me.

  “She’s pretty.” I nod toward Kenderly as J nods his head.

  “You’re pretty too daddy,” he adds. Kenderly sucks her lips into her mouth so that she doesn’t laugh. It’s the most beautiful thing ever.

  “Guys aren’t pretty, J.” I lean down and tickle him. He laughs before running back toward the house.

  “I don’t know. You are kind of pretty,” Kenderly says shyly. I take purposeful steps toward her, wrapping my hand around her waist and tugging her into my chest.

  “I think you’re fuckin’ sexy,” I growl before kissing her sweet lips. She tastes like honey.

  “Are you sure you’re ready to go back?” She smiles up at me. Her eyes hold a sadness but I know this is what we should do.

  “I’m sure. If you’re not, we don’t need to go yet, Kenderly.” I run my fingers down her cheeks loving the softness that I feel when I do. I brush her hair back behind her ear when she sighs.

  “I’m ready. I’m just scared, Tic. It’s all so different now.”

  I pull her head down onto my chest and kiss the top of her head. “I know but we have each other, baby. We’ll get through it together.”

  Chapter 44


  The ride back was faster than I thought it would be. I enjoyed the silence though. Tic said he has a surprise for me, and I’m anxious to see what it is. I have a lump in my chest that won’t go away. Being back there after deciding to leave is going to be a change.

  “You passed the clubhouse,” I tell Tic as he drives the other way. I look over and he grins at me.

  “I know. I told you I have a surprise.” He grins and looks back to the road. I can’t help but smile. I don’t know what kind of surprise he has in mind but I’m excited to find out.

  “Close your eyes,” he says. I drag my gaze back to him and smile before doing what he said. I keep my eyes closed tightly as the truck rumbles down the road.

  I can’t help but smile when J says, “Is that it daddy?” He’s as excited as I am.

  “That’s it.”

  “What is it?” I ask when Jameson giggles more.

  “Open your eyes, darlin’.” I slowly open my eyes to see the sold sign in front of a little house. My heart leaps in my chest. I’ve never had a home. I’ve always lived at the clubhouse.

  “Tic.” I cover my mouth with my hand as tears stream down my face. Tic climbs out of the truck and walks around opening my door. He grabs my hand and pulls me out, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

  “You like it?” he asks. I look up and nod unable to form words.

  “It’s for us, Kenderly. It’s our new start,” he says looking up at the house in front of us.

  “I have my own room!” Jameson yells and runs past us. I can’t help but laugh. He’s so excited. The front door pops open and the guys all come walking out with smiles on their faces.

  “Took you long enough!” Mayhem says before grabbing J up in his arms, hugging him tightly.

  “Had to get shit packed. Good to see you, brother.” Mayhem steps up next to Tic, pulling him in with his free arm. J wiggles to get free, dropping to the ground. Mayhem pulls back and smiles at me before pulling me into his arms.

  “Missed you too, Kenderly. Wasn’t the same with you gone.” I sniffle into his shirt.

  “I missed you too. So much,” I say as I hold on tightly. I never realized just how much I did miss everyone until they are all standing here.

  Mayhem pulls back and the rest move in. I have missed them all so much. Prim stays to the side but when I smile at her, her face breaks out too. She rushes toward me, throwing her arms around my neck. Prim and I have a good relationship. We both grew up in the club and we both loved a man we couldn’t have. She understands me, and I love her for it.

  “You look really good, Kenderly,” she cries into my shoulder.

  “You too. I’ve missed you so much,” I tell her as more tears fall down my cheeks.

  “Welcome home!” Tic roars.

  I pull back and glance at him, his eyes on me. My body shudders under his gaze. He’s very unnerv

  “You ready to go see your new house?” he asks me from across the yard. I look around at all the guys and girls and my heart feels content. I nod my head and walk over to him. With our hands conjoined, we walk into the house. More tears fall as I take it all in. It’s beautiful. It’s what I’ve always wanted but never had. This is the life I was meant to live.

  “I don’t know what to say,” I mumble as I look around.

  “Nothin’. You don’t need to say anything. We have our new start and I thought this was the best way to do that. The clubhouse will always be our place but this is home. This is what we need to make shit right with us.”

  Tic’s right. We need a home. This is our home.

  “I love you, Tic.”

  Chapter 45


  We’ve settled into the house nicely. The guys say that Hawk hasn’t shown his face. It’s inevitable that he will show up one of these days, but for now, we’re happy.

  Jameson was thrilled to be back with all his family. I thought going away was the right decision but it turns out I was wrong. The vacation was much needed but this place is home. It always will be. This is where I was born and who I am. I’ve never been anything but a Soulless Bastard and that’s where I plan to stay and raise my family.

  “I’m still hungry, Tic!” Kenderly whines. I look up from my bike to see her standing there with her hand on her little belly. I love seeing her like that. With my baby inside of her.

  “How much can one baby eat, Kenderly? That was two cheeseburgers,” I tell her. Her mouth drops open, and I know I said the wrong thing. Again. I seem to do that a lot.

  “Are you calling me fat?” Her hands land on her hips as I laugh. She’s barely gained any weight so for her to think that is a little funny to me.

  “Hell no! You’re sexy as fuck, and if you weren’t bein’ such a brat, I’d fuck you and show you,” I tell her. Her mouth closes and I laugh harder. She hasn’t given me shit in months. She claims it’s because of the size of her belly even though I tell her how fucking sexy it is. I swear I’m going to get blue balls by the time this pregnancy is over.


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