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Soulless Bastards MC No Cal Boxset

Page 39

by Erin Trejo

  “It happens. Who would you be?” I ask sweetly as the man steps inside my room. I typically don’t like people coming in without me asking them, but I’m not sure who this one is. I don’t want to be rude if he’s with another club.

  “You can call me Buster.” He gives me a sloppy grin. I can see half of his teeth are missing. I swallow hard before he moves toward me.

  “What can I do for you? Are you looking for one of the guys?” I ask trying to make myself busy with the small towel I’d been wiping the TV with. His breath is foul, and the closer he gets, I can smell just how much alcohol he’s consumed.

  “Dec told me where I could find you, and I think you know what I want.” He slides his cut down his arms and drops it onto the bed. I watch him for a second trying to gauge him. He doesn’t seem like much. He isn’t as menacing as some of the guys that come around here are. I smile politely as I slowly drop my towel and pull my shirt over my head. This is my job. It’s how I make money. I let those words filter through me as Buster takes a step closer.

  “I don’t kiss on the mouth and never go bare,” I tell him. His eyes light up a little, but he nods his head in agreement. And just in case, I use birth control as a backup – I don’t want any accidents. That’s something I learned early on. Always use protection and don’t kiss them on the lips; it’s too personal and that’s not what they are here for. They can use my body, but they can’t use my mind. I won’t let them ruin that part of me.

  “You are prettier than most of the club whores,” Buster says as if that was supposed to mean something. He reaches for me, pulling me into him. His lips connect with my neck. As much as he repulses me, it feels good. This is what I’m used to. Buster walks us back toward the bed where he shoves me down roughly. He doesn’t take much time to lose his jeans and boxers, kicking his boots to the side along with them. My heart kicks up a notch when I see him rip the foil of the condom. He slides it on quickly before climbing between my legs. I guess it’s a good thing I was only wearing that oversized t-shirt today.

  Buster parts my legs before teasing me slightly. He shoves in without warning me, and even though his dick isn’t that big, I clench around him just to feel it. I get a groan in response as he thrusts into me. It isn’t anything to write home about, but it’s something I guess. I turn my head to the side as he licks up and down my neck. When I open my eyes, I almost shove him off. Nuts stands in the doorway, his eyes on fire as he looks at me. He isn’t looking at what Buster is doing to my body, no, he’s looking into my eyes. The one place that I don’t want him to look because if anyone can tear me down, it will be him. I can’t allow it. I won’t let him do that to me.

  “Shit, girl!” Buster grunts as he thrust a little harder. I can’t pull my eyes from Nuts though. His gaze is holding me hostage, and there is nothing I can do to stop it. I try to close my eyes, but when I open them again, he’s still there. I can’t place the look either. Hate? Rage? I don’t know but I can’t handle it. A tear slowly slides down my cheek. Nuts shakes his head and turns to walk away leaving me to Buster. My heart feels like it’s been ripped in half although Nuts and I are nothing to each other. We never have been. Sure, he flirts, but so do all the guys. He couldn’t have really meant what he said earlier, could he? He couldn’t want anything from me aside from a good fuck. That much I can give him.

  “Get on top!” Buster groans as he rolls us. I straddle his hips and slowly begin to work my body over the top of him. In this position, I can take more of him. I slide my hands up and tug on my nipples. I roll my hips getting him just where I want him before I speed up. Buster’s hands land on my hips, holding tightly as I ride the look on Nut’s face out of my head.

  “Fuck!” I scream as I feel the climax building inside of me. Buster chuckles thinking this orgasm is for him.

  It’s not.

  It’s for Nuts.

  Chapter 5


  I yawn as I stretch my arms above my head. Cracking my neck from side to side, I head toward the main room in a daze. I’m dead tired after last night’s run. I stumble my way into the kitchen and find Prim with her back to me.

  “Hey, darlin’,” I say as I grab a cup out of the cabinet. She startles when she turns to look at me.

  “What are you doing up so early?” She smiles as she reaches for my cup and pours me some coffee.

  “Late run. Couldn’t sleep but I’m pretty sure I’m about to be headin’ out again,” I tell her as she passes me back my cup. I take a small drink and savor it as it slides down my throat. My mind needs to wake up this morning, but my body is what’s stirring when Cherry flaunts into the room. She’s as gorgeous as ever even when just waking up. Her face is flawless without any makeup. It makes my dick stir and my heart beat.

  She startles when she looks up at me. “I didn’t know anyone was up!” She quickly pulls her face away when I grin at her.

  “I’m just leavin’. You should go natural more often,” I tell her as I take another drink. I walk around and set the glass on the counter.

  “Thanks, Nuts,” Cherry says softly. I look over my shoulder and give her a nod and a wink before heading back to my room. I let my mind wander. I’ve never really asked what would happen if I decided to have an old lady later on. And by that, I mean, Cherry. I get that she’s a club whore, but that means shit to me. It killed me the other night to see her with that guy. I wanted that bastard’s head on a stick. I wanted to cut him into pieces and toss him in the fucking ocean, but I also know that’s what she’s here for. I want to change that. I want to take that part of her life away and give her something more. There are so many things that I want for her, but I don’t think Cherry will give in to me. I change into my jeans and pull my boots on when someone knocks on the door.

  “It’s open!” I yell as I dig through my drawer for a clean shirt.

  “Hey. Declan wanted me to tell you that he needs you.” I turn and stare at her. Why am I so attracted to her? What is it about her that I want? That I need?

  Cherry’s cheeks turn pink when she asks, “Are you okay?”

  I blink rapidly trying to warn my dick that this isn’t the time to get so damn hard but he has a mind of his own. He wants what he wants and Cherry is it. I shake my head before I say, “Yeah. Sorry, Cherry. Come here.”

  She watches me intently, not moving at all. I watch her just the same as she chews on her lip. Once she sees that I’m not joking, she walks slowly over to me. Her bare feet making no noise at all on the hardwood floor as she stops in front of me. Cherry doesn’t look up at me so I reach up and grip her chin gently in my hand. Lifting her face to mine, her eyes meet me.

  “I want to kiss you, Cherry. Do you even know how hard it is for me to not take you whenever I see you?” I ask her.

  Her breath catches in her throat. Her eyes fill with tears, although I don’t know why. “I don’t kiss on the mouth. I’m sorry, Nuts,” she says softly.

  I shake my head with a slight grin. She thinks I just want to fuck her like all the other guys. No, that’s not it. I want more. So, much more than that. I lean my face closer to hers to the point our lips almost touch before I say, “Not today, baby. One day, those lips will be mine. That neck, that soft skin – all of it.”

  “Nuts,” she says my name with a warning.

  “No, Cherry. Tell me you don’t feel anything for me. Say it, and I won’t pursue you the way I’m plannin’ to,” I tell her. I watch her mouth open slowly, but no words come out. I accept that as my answer. I lean closer and barely let our lips touch before moving to her cheek. I press a kiss there before pulling back and pressing another one on her forehead.

  “When you’re mine, you’re only mine. Understand?” I squeeze her chin between my fingers a little harder until she finally answers me.


  I release her with a groan as my dick strains against my jeans. Pulling my shirt over my head, I make my way out into the hall and adjust that bastard in my pants. I can’t believe
she was in my fucking room and I didn’t fuck her senseless. All my years of depriving myself of the things I’ve wanted have finally paid off. I shove into Dec’s office and see him sitting with his head in his hands. He still hurts about his uncle’s death. I can see it in his eyes.

  “You needed me?” I ask. His head pops up and his eyes find mine.

  “I know you just got back, but you’re ridin’ out with Mayhem and Tic. We need to know what the fuck is goin’ on with Viral Dead,” he says. I nod my head and wait to see what else he has to say when he sighs. “I didn’t mean to be a bastard, Nuts. You’re a fuckin’ good guy and I know it. I just need things to be in order here.” He shakes his head.

  I know what he’s trying to say. “Don’t worry about it, Dec. I’m good, brother. I’ve told you that.”

  His eyes find mine when he says, “You’ll get your patch soon, brother.”

  Chapter 6


  I can’t stop thinking about what Nuts said. He wants me like that? I find that hard to believe. No one has ever wanted me for anything but sex before, and that’s what I’m here for. I’m good at it and I like having sex.

  “Do you ever get tired of it?” Brooke asks as I lick my ice cream.

  “Tired of what?” I ask glancing over at her.

  She takes a lick of hers and smiles sadly as if trying to ease into her next words. “Being known as the club whore,” she says with sadness.

  “How did you know I was just thinking about that?” I giggle before I add, “No. It’s what I am, Brooke. It’s okay. I know my place.”

  We walk around the mall which is something Brooke has been making me do with her. Shopping was never my strong point but it’s fun with her.

  “Don’t you ever want more? Like a house and kids?” she asks before tossing her cone into the trash.

  “I was always this. I never knew what it was like to have all that stuff. The only thing I’ve ever had was the guys and the club.” I toss mine in the trash with hers as she drags me toward the stores.

  “What if you could have it? What if you could have the whole family thing?” she asks as she digs through the racks. She holds up a pink dress and I make the “eww, no” face at her. She giggles before hanging it back.

  “I don’t know, Brooke. I wouldn’t know how to handle something I’ve never had.” I hold up a purple dress for her.

  “I don’t do purple. I don’t think I even want to wear a dress to the fundraiser. Are you going? Please say you’re going!” she says as I giggle.

  “I wasn’t invited, so no. What about a cute skirt? Or some new skinny jeans?” I ask her. Her face reddens a little and I know she’s getting mad. Call me crazy but I like to see a pissed off Brooke. She’s sexy as hell like that.

  “Cherry, will you be my date to the fundraiser?” she asks with her hand out to me. I can’t help but laugh at her.

  “I don’t think your man would like that. Besides, I’ll be setting up for the party. If I go, I’ll just be another piece of ass to pass around to the other clubs, and a few of them I’m not so good with.” I shake my head and walk the opposite direction of her. I don’t want to hash out the past of the club drama with her, so I feel it’s best if I steer clear. I grab a pair of jeans and hold them up when Brooke walks over. The guys have a huge community fundraiser set up to help out with the local children’s home. That’s something Declan and Brooke put together.

  “Those are hot! You should get those,” she says, nodding toward the jeans.

  “I was thinking for you.”

  “Twins?” She giggles grabbing a pair.

  “You have the ass for these.” I nudge her with my elbow. Brooke grins before it all fades away. She looks at me with those big beautiful eyes that could stop hearts and makes everyone adore her. It’s easy to see why Dec loves her so much.

  “Promise me to think about it. I love you, Cherry. I want you to be happy and have a good life. You’re still young,” she says with a pleading tone. I know my place in this world. Having a family was never in the cards for me.

  “Brooke.” I start to protest but of course, in true Brooke fashion, she doesn’t allow it.

  “No. Just think about it, Cherry. Whenever you feel like you’re ready, you come to me and we will do it. I will be there to help with everything.”

  How do you say no to that? You can’t possibly say no to Brooke – she’s too damn sweet for that.

  “You will be the first to know, Brooke,” I tell her with a sad smile. I don’t think that day will ever come, but if it makes her happy, that’s what I’ll tell her.

  “Good. Now let’s get these jeans and go shoe shopping. I need some new boots courtesy of Declan. He has been so goddamn moody the last few days that I’ve withheld pussy.”

  I snort laugh before covering my mouth. “That’s why he’s pissy! You can’t withhold pussy and expect him to be nice, Brooke!” I laugh as I throw my arm around her shoulders.

  “He should man up. He has big hands.” She laughs as we head to the register.

  Chapter 7


  I watch Tic as he sets Jameson on the ground at his feet and runs his hand over the little belly Kenderly has. My heart swells with a sense of pride. He’s a good guy that deserves all the happiness that he can get. After the hell he was faced with this is good for him.

  “You ready to ride?” Mayhem slaps a hand on my shoulder. I turn to face him and see Tay wrapped around his waist. I smile down at her before looking up at him and saying, “When have you known me not to be?”

  “Never, man. That’s why I fuckin’ like you, Nuts.” Mayhem beams with what looks like pride. It’s a strange feeling to earn Mayhem’s pride and respect. I know I have though. I’ve worked my ass off for this club. I’d do just about anything for them.

  I walk away from them and head toward my bike when I see Cherry walking toward me. My heart stutters in my chest. Her bright smile makes me feel like I’m whole as a person.

  “Left your cigarettes inside. Figured you might want them later.” She holds the pack out to me as I study her face. From her long golden hair to her striking eyes, she’s perfect. I reach my hand out and take the pack but also her fingers with mine.

  “You thought about me?” I ask her. The slight blush that creeps across her cheeks turns me on more than she knows.

  “I know you might get stressed later and want one.” She winks at me. A soft smile tugs across my face as I look her. I take the pack and release her fingers before stuffing them in my cut.

  “Always thinkin’ about others, Cherry. When are you gonna think about you?” I ask her. I’ve known Cherry for as long as I’ve been here, and I know she has a heart of gold. She takes care of everyone, even when they don’t deserve it. She makes them laugh when they want to feel down, and she makes them smile with just a few words. She’s always taking care of others but never has anyone to take care of her. That’s what the fuck I want to do.

  “I do think about me. That’s why I’m here. This is all for me. This club has always been good to me, Nuts,” she says softly.

  I know the guys are good to her, I’ve seen it. The girls too, but that’s not what I meant and she knows it. I won’t push her though, not now anyway.

  I step closer to her, invading her space while her scent invades my mind. I fight myself to control and not push her to her limits. Fuck, this girl is going to kill me one day. I lean down and press my lips to her cheek before I say, “One day, Cherry. You are gonna be on top of the world. You will have everything you’ve ever wanted and you won’t have to do a damn thing for it but love.” A small gasp escapes her. I pull back and look into her eyes.

  “I don’t know how to love, Nuts. That isn’t who I am. I’ve never known it aside from here,” Cherry says as she reaches up and wipes the tear that fell down her cheek. She takes a step back, and I let her.

  “I know that. God, I fuckin’ know, but I like told you before, I’ll show you. I’ll earn it, Cherry, I’
ll earn you, just like everything else in my life,” I tell her. She watches me for a second before I turn and grab my helmet. I didn’t realize that we had acquired an audience, but when I headed back to my bike, the guys all stand there watching us. I tip my head at them and climb on my bike, adjusting my helmet. They all know how I feel. It’s not like I keep it a huge fucking secret. I don’t care who knows what I feel for her. I don’t care that she doesn’t feel it back at the moment because like the old saying goes, for all the good things in life, you have to wait. And I will wait. She is worth it and so is earning her trust and love. And I will earn her heart.

  I fire up my bike before taking one last glance at her. She still stands in the same place I left her, but this time, Kenderly is by her side. She whispers something in Cherry’s ear making her laugh. That smile could break a man’s heart if you let it. I won’t let it. Pulling out behind the guys, I’m ready for this ride. I might be tired as fuck but this is the thrill for me. It lets you see what you’re really made of, if you can really handle being what this club needs. I think, no I know I have what it takes.

  Chapter 8


  I’ve been clothes shopping and grocery shopping and now it’s time to go see my mother. I made sure most of the guys were gone before I headed out. I don’t like answering the question of where I’m going. Blu knew. He knew what my life was before I came to the club, but he accepted me. Regardless. My mom was a whore. Everyone in the club knew it back then and there is any number of men that could be my father. I never took into consideration just how many there were.

  The drive to my mom’s takes a little over thirty minutes. It’s my free time. It’s my time to turn up the music and unwind. Usually I scream at the top of my lungs just to release all the pent-up energy and anger I feel toward her. She doesn’t want me – never did, and the fact that I still bring her money and groceries every week should make me sick. I don’t know why I do it. I suppose some would call me an enabler. I guess they’d be right. I do give her the means to keep up with her drug habits. She was always a little nicer when she was on them than when she was sober. Is that a sad reality? To me it is.


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